Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel) Page 21

by Melanie Walker

  "Oh Ashess got hers trust me..." She shivered. "That was her first job and she did it alone as was part of her deal. She demanded that she work alone and that she receive full responsibility for the deaths and souls she took."

  "Because she wasn’t mated?"

  "Yep, so there you have it in a nutshell. This is as close as I have ever been to the knife and now I am at a dead end."

  "And if it’s gone for good? How much time do we have?" This is where the calm nerves had to work because he had a feeling the answer would pitch him off the ledge he was dangerously hanging from.

  "Eternal servitude to the Dark. I believe that Ezek actually wants that..." Fangs knew damn well that was what he wanted. He had created a life for Bri that would make it impossible for her to ever leave.

  "Well then we make sure we find it." Fangs kept his tone light but inside he was boiling mad and there was no way he wasn’t keeping his lips shut when he saw Ezek, the Arch was going to answer some questions. He shook off the fury and kissed her again, lingering on the softness that was Bri..... and of course it lead to touching which lead to a lot more.

  Let everything wait he thought as she straddled him and moved him inside of her. All that mattered was her and him and a big bed to comfort them.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Bri stopped short when she walked into the kitchen and Fangs stood leaning against the counter, a mug in his hand and a smile on his face. The memory of him above her, pushing in and pulling back, whispering scolding hot words against her flesh slammed into her mind and she didn’t bother hiding the blush that flamed her cheeks.

  He handed her the coffee mug, slapped her ass and kissed her neck, his soft lips caressing the vein he had been in earlier, nuzzling it as if to say thank you.

  “Did you go to the store?” She asked taking in the aroma of the coffee. She knew that smell, this was Tully’s coffee, a Seattle original built to rival Starbucks. “You went to Tully’s?”

  The first sip was heaven and it felt like it had been years since she had a good cup of coffee.

  “No- I had it in the cabinet. You only slept here once and I felt bad that I didn’t have coffee for you so I bought some for the next time.”

  It was only another reminder of how deep his love for her went. The last time she was in the condo was the last time they were together when she read his mind and ran like a scare-dy-cat. Knowing that he bought it for her anyway made her heart melt a little more. She crossed the short distance to where he sat on a bar stool and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the power inside of her.

  “Thank you Fangs.” She hated that the words didn’t feel like enough, that they could never describe what she felt in that moment.

  “It’s just coffee Bri but I’ll take it.”

  “It’s more than that Fangs. You always seem to know what I want or need and I am not used to that. It means a lot.”

  “Get used to it baby because I am all about pleasing you.” He winked and she laughed at the obvious innuendo.

  “We need to get going soon, we are burning the night away sitting here and as much as I would love another night in bed with you we need to work.”

  Like her ears were bleeding, Bri’s cell phone started ringing the tune to Gypsy Road by the band Cinderella letting Bri know it was Ash calling.

  “Nice of you to answer. Where the hell have you been?” Ash all but screamed when Bri got a “hi Ash” out.

  She smiled remembering exactly where she had been. “I was unreachable calm down I’m fine.”

  “How did it go with the Fear Demon?” There was a series of clicks and clacks in the background.

  “It was awful and not something I care to repeat ever again.” More click clack on the other end. “What are you doing what is that noise?”

  A sound of pure annoyance came from Ash. “I am trying to get into Belle’s files and having no luck. Seriously Bri I am so computer illiterate it took me ten minutes to turn it on.”

  “It’s the button with the international symbol for power on it Ash.”

  "How was I supposed to know?"


  "Because Ash it’s the international symbol for power." When she still didn’t get the distinction Bri tried a different approach. "Same symbol as the power button on your cell."

  With an ah ha moment Bri knew she worked herself around the confusion. "Now about the files. Why are you hacking into them?"

  "While you were in Oregon, Belle was doing some deep info digging on the demons who bought the fakes and said she came across some interesting info regarding that fear demon Adam Cane."

  "Yeah he said that The Weaver was given the original knife for safe keeping." She didn’t speculate the news that her father was most likely the one who handed the knife off. Letting Ash in on the bizz would only take up extra time. "Let’s get everyone together and we can go over everything we have. Fangs has left a few messages for Pete to see if we can get any info on the Contaca Soul."

  They spoke briefly about Belle and how they needed her more than ever and then fell into a silence at the emotion that came from realizing that even though their shopping cart of shit was near full, the simply missed their friend. "Look," Ash said interrupting the silence, "can you call Win and tell her to meet us. I would suggest bringing the demon hoard from hell with her as well. Brainy alone may be an awesome reference at this juncture."

  "You haven’t talked to her since we were at Belles have you?" Bri knew the answer but she wanted Ash to admit that perhaps she was a little harsh.

  Ash didn’t answer right away but the deep exhale Bri heard over the phone was an indication that perhaps she knew she needed to sort it out. "No, I haven’t. I think maybe space is key right now. Let’s handle one problem at a time."

  "No." Bri stated, not a lick of give in her tone. "This will separate faster than you can fix it Ash if you guys don’t talk soon."

  "How are you okay with what she did Bri?" Ashess said incredulously. "I mean Jesus Christ, how long was she planning on killing herself and Winter knew the whole time."

  "And this is Winter we are talking about Ash. The same friend who has kept all of our secrets from falling on heavy ears. I would be willing to bet that Belle went to the grave never knowing that I am your life source."

  There was a gasp, followed by a curse before Ash spoke. Her tone was downright frightening."You had better hope your alone Bri." It wasn’t a threat but it was a warning of sorts. If anything, human demon vamp or wolf ever learned that they were connected, bound by blood, a scary ass tradition of blood sisters gone wrong Ashess would become a target. She lived off the blood of human and demon royalty, something a lot of scary things out there would find threatening.

  "Fangs knows about our bond Ash and I might as well tell you that Adam Cane knows as well. He dropped the little tip in thin air when he scrambled my brain and laid it out for Fangs to see." She sighed as well. Then cursed. "There are no secrets between us and Fangs, not anymore."

  As if he sensed her need of reassurance that it didn’t matter Fangs kissed her on the cheek before disappearing down the hall to shower. "I am not concerned about Fangs, him I trust but I wouldn’t give that Fear Demon an inch of anything worthy."

  Bri laughed.

  "What’s so funny about this Bri please enlighten me."

  "Ever see a fear demon almost pee his pants from fear? Fangs had his knees knocking to the point I could feel the vibration. I assure you, Adam Cane doesn’t dare cross Fangs and that means he won’t come near us. Fangs told him that we were under his protection...and a few choice threats. Trust me Ash, Adam Cane is about as protective of us at this point he might kill to keep that secret."

  "God, have I mentioned lately how much I love Fangs?"

  "Me too..." Bri replied, her voice sheepishly sweet and low. On to the girl talk portion of the convo now that Fangs had left the room. She told Ash everything like she always did. Ash was the one person who knew
all of Bri and not just because of their bond. It was a best friend thing only on crack. Ashess had always been Fangs' biggest ally and Bri could hear the happiness in Ashess' voice as they talked about girl stuff.

  "I must say that I love the whole, 'Sleeping Beauty is fucked up thing and how come a Vamp can’t be Prince Charming. Tell him I say kudos for the imagination on that one. Fucker nailed it."

  "Yep, I did." Fangs said standing behind Bri with a smile from ear to ear. He had heard everything. Even Ashess' laughter when Fangs spoke busting her and Bri. "Now tell her to haul ass and get over here."

  Before Bri said it Ash spoke. "I heard him, and btw I want to finish this convo when the nosy vamp with impeccable he Bring is more than a mile away." The three of them laughed and Ash dropped the call and said she would be there soon.

  "Did you hear everything?" Briar asked biting her lower lip and praying he wasn’t angry for her blabber mouth.

  "I think I missed the part where you told her what a Irish God like myself can do in bed...all night of course." He stepped close and pulled her against his growing erection before kissing her, taking that bottom lip of hers between his fangs and tugging gently. "You did tell her that right?" He said playfully, peppering kisses along her jaw.

  "Want it verbatim?"

  "Oh baby I want whatever you can give me but verbatim is a start." She knew he was only teasing but the thought of a little nasty talk sounded fun.

  "I believe," she said narrowing her stare to his, "verbatim of course-"

  "Of course."

  "- his dick was so big I lost my breath and woo wee the man went the distance...all night." When Fangs let out the most erotic growl Bri had ever heard she figured it was time to take him back to bed and show her what a well hung ‘Irish God could do in bed...all night'.


  By the time Ashess arrived she was greeted by a pissed off Fangs and an even madder Briar. "What is wrong now?" She asked and kicked the door closed with the back of her stiletto.

  "Pete called and said he had news on the knife, news that we were not going to be happy about but that he would be here in ten minutes. That was over an hour ago and now he won’t answer his cell." She leaned in to Ash and whispered, "Fangs thinks he has it and ran."

  "Jesus Princess I can hear you, you know." Fangs snarled from his perch on the back of his couch. A tense Vampire was a creepy thing, they were so still, so completely unmoving that it unnerved the hell out of you. Fangs was like a statue as he sat waiting, eyes pinned to the blackberry in his hand.

  "Honeymoons over already?" Ash asked with a lighthearted chuckle hoping to break the tension in the room even if by only a few degrees. Instead she got a low growl from Fangs. "Are you growling at me?" She asked and then looked at Bri in the same breath asked, "did he just growl at me?"

  "He didn’t mean it sweetie." Bri said in the same light tone before turning her glare to Fangs. "Did you?" Not a question but more a demand that he calm down.

  He ran his hand through his hair and looked at Ash. "Sorry just a bit bothered at the moment."

  Ash gave a shrug and walked to the couch leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "I forgive, I forget."

  She took a seat in the kitchen on one of the barstools and pulled out the flash drive that Belle had kept everything down to her shoe size - and theirs - on. "Brought the info with me in case there is something there you guys don’t already know but I couldn’t get the damn thing to work because I looked everywhere for a power button on this thing and there isn’t one." She dangled the flash drive from her finger at Bri and Fangs.

  The look Fangs gave her was priceless. It was complete dumbfounded shock. "Christ how have you survived this long?" And honestly he really wanted to know.

  "What’s that supposed to mean?" She asked immediately taking the offense unaware that she looked like an idiot.

  "Sweetie, a flash drive doesn’t have a power button. It works the minute you put it in the computer." Bri contemplated explaining further, perhaps demonstrating a small tutorial that would give her the basics on computer one-oh-one but decided against it. They had enough stress. "Know what? Don’t worry about it, we can figure it out."

  Another shrug and Ash dropped the thing on the counter right as a knock came on the door. Fangs had it open while Peter was mid tap number three. "Vampire." He said and waited for an invite in. Even though it was Vampires who needed the invite, Peter was nothing if not polite.

  "By all means join us." Fangs snarled as Pete stepped through the threshold. Vampires were protective of their lairs and it was made clear that Pete was a guest but that Fangs wasn’t above tossing him on his ass if he misbehaved. Ash had a passing image of Pete being thrown down the hallway because he sniped some note worthy insult at Fangs. Not wanting a full blown fights of course, but hey she thought it would be interesting to see.

  "Sorry I was late; I had a few calls to make before I headed out." At Fangs', who-gives-a-fuck glare he turned to Bri. "Wanted to have all the facts before I spoke Briar."

  "Thanks Pete." She hugged him close realizing that she saw more of him over the last week than she ever had before and knew that she had missed him. He always put a smile on her face. Even when he was digging his heels into Fangs.

  Peter walked over to Ashess and pulled her into a hug as well. "My god you are a beauty." He kissed her cheek and she winked.

  "Thanks, and might I say so are you."

  "I try darling I really do."

  "It shows."

  "Can we keep the girl talk to a minimum." Fangs said to Ash and Pete. "Bigger issues and all."

  "Honestly Briar the manners on this one." Peter said and pointed to Fangs. "Tell me you'll tame him."

  "No taming a wild beast." Bri said with a shrug and smiled at Fangs. The look on his face had her dropping the smile. "Christ lighten up for Hells sake. It's not like Pete has the knife under his coat."

  "And what a fabulous coat it is." Ash said and ran her fingers across the lapel. "Oscar de la Renta?"

  "No Armani."

  "Enough!" Fangs roared and Ash, Bri and Pete all jumped.

  "Enough you!" Bri snapped. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  "Are you serious?" He asked incredulously. "Tell me you need an answer and I'll bite you."

  She stepped closer to Fangs dropping her voice. "Is that supposed to be a deterrent?" When he smiled a fraction she went on. "I get why you’re stressed but your being an ass. I know you and Pete don’t get along but try to be cordial, hell he just walked in the door."

  "Don’t bother with the Neanderthal Briar, he can hate me I could care less. I'm here only to help keep you safe." Peter leveled his gaze to Fangs. "That is all I care about."

  "Why do you two hate each other?" Ashess asked.

  "It's beside the point. Now if I ask nicely will you please tell me what you have learned?" Fangs spoke through gritted teeth and Bri almost pointed out that please didn’t mean polite when said with malice but thought twice and shut up.

  "Give the guy a break Pete, he only wants to keep his girl safe." Ash said and patted his shoulder.

  He looked over his shoulder at her, his moss green eyes full of hope and fear. "And that was my reasoning as well Ash," he looked at Bri with the same look. "That is all I ever wanted."

  And in that second Fangs knew what Peter knew and launched across the room taking Peter Pan down.


  "What is wrong with you?" Bri yelled and tried to pull Fangs hands free of Peters neck. He was not budging on his death grip. "Fangs stop!" She asserted again as she watched Pete slowly turn blue. "Enough!" She leaned down pushing Fangs, a gentle touch so she thought but Fangs flew back about three feet before landing in a crouch like a cougar ready to pounce on the weakened gasping prey.

  Ashess immediately jumped in front of Pete and took a fighting stance. Unlike Bri Ashess was very good at using her powers and a hell of a match in hand to hand battle. Pete she loved dearly and Fangs was all-but-the-mate to Bri. Sti
ll she wasn’t beneath hitting him a few times even if he could polish the floor with her ass.

  Bri stepped up to Fangs. "I have no idea what is going on with you-"

  "He's the Weaver."

  "-but I suggest that- what?"

  "He is Weaver. Peter Pan is Weaver."

  Bri spun and locked eyes with Pete. "What is he talking about?"

  Peter straitened his tweed Armani before taking a step toward Bri. "Briar... I ... let me explain... I-"

  "No.... no, Peter... no!" Bri had lost her voice and her knees were a little weak. When Fangs slipped an arm around her waist she accepted the support. Anger had never frozen her like it was now. Perhaps it was more than anger. She had a fair share of shock and sadness going on as well.


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