In Your Arms

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In Your Arms Page 9

by Shannyn Schroeder

  She rose up on her knees, putting them nose-to-nose. Kissing his jaw, she whispered, “I don’t come from penetration alone. If the guy’s decent, I get mine before him. Sometimes after. But with this . . .” Her breath coasted across his neck, which she continued to kiss. “It’s amazing to come with a guy’s dick inside me hot and hard.”

  His dick pressed into the soft flesh of her belly as she sucked on his earlobe. The faint buzzing of the vibrator continued in his hand. He pushed her back on the mattress and she flopped without any resistance. He dropped the vibrator and rolled on the condom. He fit the ring of the vibrator over his dick and pulled the wire from her hand.

  She cocked an eyebrow. “I like to control my pleasure.”

  He leaned over her, rubbing his dick against her slick folds. “Not tonight. I control it all.”

  She huffed as if annoyed, but her eyes told a different story as his head prodded at her entrance and her thighs widened. Instead of sliding in, he continued to rub, bumping her clit and enjoying the jolt in her hips every time. She started a rhythm without him and had begun breathing heavy again and he couldn’t wait any longer. He thrust into her and flipped the switch on low. He felt the hum of the vibrations sending a strange but pleasant sensation through his cock.

  Sean slid out and pumped back in, following the rhythm Emma created. Within a minute, she started moving faster, chasing the vibration on his dick, so he sank deep and ground against her. He switched to high, and she squealed and clawed the sheet. Yeah, this was gonna be fun. He flipped back to low and pumped a couple more times before pulling out.

  “Flip over.”

  She licked her lips and he thought she might fight him, but she slowly turned over to her stomach. He licked up the line of her spine and pulled her hair off her shoulder. She rolled her head to the side and lifted her hips.

  He kissed her neck and sucked a little.

  “No marks,” she said.


  “You can’t leave a hickey on my neck. I can’t go to school like that.”

  He left her neck because he didn’t know if he could continue without leaving a mark. He spun the vibrator around and the buzz jolted against his balls. At this rate, he might not be able to hold out. He put his fingers between the vibrator and his balls to lessen the sensation as he drove back into her.

  “Faster, Sean. I’m close.” Her fingers curled around the edge of the mattress.

  He switched back to high, the buzzing sound filling the room, and drove deep. He settled in and allowed the vibrations to send shock waves through both of them.

  She scooted forward, tried to move up and away, but he pinned her with his hips. A long moan escaped from Emma. He tilted his hips just enough to allow for a small thrust, but not enough to take the pressure from her. She let loose with a long stream of curse words, her body stiffening and clenching around him. Her fingers dug into the edge of the mattress as her body tightened and held him deep.

  Sweat dripped down his face as he strained to hold his control. Her body relaxed and she shivered under him. He turned the setting back to low and used one arm to haul her hips higher. Now, he did give it to her hard and fast. She whimpered each time he connected with her body because of the low thrum of the vibrator.

  His balls tightened and his whole body shook when he came and collapsed on her. At least he had the ability to turn the vibrator off. The rest of him was pretty useless. He pulled out of her body and rolled to the side. Knowing he would fall asleep like this, he surged up to dispose of the condom. He set her toy on her nightstand and wrapped the used condom in a tissue and tossed it in her trash.

  Flopping back onto the bed, he said, “You okay?”

  “Fuck yeah,” she answered without raising her head. Her body lay crossways on the mattress, which would be really inconvenient for sleeping.

  He laughed. “That’s another one and I wasn’t even trying for it.”

  “I’ll give up every swear word for the week for an orgasm like that.”

  Satisfaction swelled in him, but he knew he couldn’t take all the credit. She managed to turn him on every bit as much.

  His stomach grumbled. Suddenly the birthday cake they’d eaten earlier sounded good.

  “You still have cake?”

  “Uh-huh.” She raised her right arm and waved in the direction of the door. “Fridge.”

  * * *

  Sean scrambled off the bed. Emma knew this only because the mattress bounced with his movement. She wanted to have cake too, but her body was utterly inoperable. Holy crap. When she’d thought spending the weekend with Sean would scratch an itch and she’d be ready for school, she hadn’t imagined it being that good.

  She had to move. First step: Roll over. She struggled to use heavy muscles to turn her body. Once on her back, she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Light poured into the room from the hall. She heard Sean clanking around in the kitchen.

  As she tried some self-talk to get her body to move, Sean came through the door carrying a plate and two glasses of water.

  This night was damn near perfect. Cake in bed delivered by a hot naked dude. No sane woman could resist that.

  “I’ll share if you move your ass over so my legs aren’t dangling off the bed.”

  Using her elbows and feet, she scooted to shift her body until her head hit the pillow. Sean set the glasses on the nightstand and plopped on the bed like he was at home. Then he dove into her cake as if she weren’t there. She nudged him with her toes. “Sharing, remember?”

  “I didn’t think you really wanted some.”

  “You said if I moved, you’d share.”

  “Yeah, but I did all the hard work.”

  She might’ve been offended if she hadn’t seen the smirk on his face while he held a forkful of cake. Instead of a retort, she jumped up and snatched the whole plate from him. She had the first bite in her mouth before he blinked. She licked the fork. “Never tease about cake.”

  “You have serious cake issues.” He inched closer, offering his mouth for a bite.

  “Cake isn’t the issue. It’s the solution.” She stabbed a piece and then slid it into his mouth. Flirting and talking and sharing cake in bed hadn’t been part of her plan, but she was having such a great time with Sean.

  Most guys like him got off and headed for the door. It worked well for all parties, so Emma didn’t know what to do with Sean.

  “What are you doing with the rest of your weekend?”

  She swallowed cake and reached across him for a glass of water. After a gulp, she answered, “Getting ready for school.”

  “You said you teach kindergarten. What’s there to get ready?”

  She sighed. Everyone thought kindergarten was easy. “Tomorrow I’m getting books together for my class. I give every kid a book to start the year. For most of them, it’s the only book they own. On Monday, I’m going into my classroom to finish up my bulletin boards and stuff.”

  “You’re working on the holiday?”

  She shrugged. She often went into her room on the weekends and over the holidays to get stuff done. “I got most of it ready on Thursday and Friday, so it’s just a few things to finish.”

  “Why kindergarten?”


  “I hated school so I don’t get why anyone would want to be a teacher, but why kindergarten? Do they just stick you there?”

  “I chose kindergarten. The kids are cute, and they’re excited about school. It hasn’t been ruined for them yet.”

  Sean swiped his finger across the frosting and licked it. “I can’t remember ever being excited about school. It always felt too hard. Like everyone else knew stuff that made no sense to me.”

  Emma knew the feeling too well. “To tell you the truth, I hated school too. Barely graduated high school. I think most of my teachers took pity on me.”

  “And you decided to be a teacher?”

  “I was out of school for a few years, working and partying, and then I
decided to go to college.” It had been one of the most difficult decisions in her life, but she’d realized she didn’t want to live the same life her mom had, and that was where she’d been heading. She heaved a sigh and handed him the plate. “When I started college, I told my adviser how hard high school had been. Turned out I had a learning disability and no one knew.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means my brain doesn’t process information the same way or at the same speed as other people’s. Once they figured that out, I didn’t feel stupid anymore. School was still hard, but I could succeed. That’s really why I became a teacher. I want to help other kids succeed before they’re twenty-one.”

  She couldn’t read the look on Sean’s face when she finished. She hadn’t told many people the why behind becoming a kindergarten teacher. Most dates she’d had only got as far as her talking about the kids being cute. It was simple get-to-know-you stuff. She hadn’t gotten deeper with a guy in a long time.


  She stared at him, not knowing if wow meant cool or This chick’s crazy for dumping a heavy conversation into bed while we’re naked.

  “I . . . that’s pretty fucking amazing. I bet you’re awesome with kids.”

  She smiled at the compliment even though he was full of shit. He didn’t know enough about her to say that with any authority, but sometimes it didn’t matter how or why the compliment came, just that it did. “Thanks. I’d like to think so.”

  She stretched her arms above her head and yawned.

  “Was that supposed to be a hint?”

  “No hint. I’m tired. You spending the night or are you going to make me get dressed to drive your ass home?”

  “My ass is staying put. You’re tired now, but there’s always tomorrow morning.”

  Emma smiled as she snuggled down under the blanket. She hadn’t had any guy spend the night in forever, and part of her looked forward to wake-up sex. A bigger part of her worried she was sending Sean the wrong signal.

  He switched off the light and curled up next to her, wrapping an arm around her. No special whispers or momentous declarations like you got in the movies. Just two people lying naked in bed, hoping for more hot sex.

  * * *

  Emma managed to sleep in a little on Sunday. Her body was not going to be ready for early mornings come Tuesday. She stretched, and her hip rubbed against Sean’s hard-on. She thought about rolling out of bed to get breakfast, but then remembered Sean’s promise of morning sex. It had been a really long time since she’d indulged in it.

  Before she had a chance to move, Sean groaned and his hands started to roam.

  Without words, they enjoyed languid, easy sex that left them both relaxed and sleepy. They dozed tangled in sheets and each other as the sun peeked through her bedroom curtains.

  “I’m hungry,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “Starving. Cake’s not gonna cut it.”

  “I’ll make us something.” She pushed up away from his body. “Towels are in the cabinet above the toilet if you want a shower.”

  She shoved off the bed and pulled on an oversized T-shirt before going to the kitchen. Her stomach grumbled, making her realize how empty it was. She started a pot of coffee and surveyed her choices for food. A hearty omelet sounded good. “Omelets okay with you?”


  “Anything you don’t like in your omelet?”

  He turned the corner, still totally naked. “You could put dog food on a plate and I’d probably eat it.”

  “No dog food here. Hurry up in the shower. Food will be ready soon.”

  She couldn’t help but watch his muscular ass as he walked to the bathroom. When the door closed behind him, she turned her attention to chopping ham and veggies for the eggs.

  As she worked, she created a plan for her day. She wanted to touch base with Barb, who had been her mentor last year. They’d become friends, and although Barb didn’t have to help her, Emma knew she would. Emma was nervous about starting the school year. She’d done it once and succeeded, but she still felt like she didn’t have a clue what she was doing.

  Emma knew she could count on Barb for a pep talk. Barb had been a teacher for over fifteen years, ten of them at this school. She knew the staff, the kids, the neighborhood. Emma couldn’t have asked for a better mentor. She’d guided Emma with advice about dealing with kids who would come to school hungry or dirty or afraid. Emma had learned quickly that her job entailed much more than teaching the ABCs.

  As she plated the food and her nerves rioted in her stomach, Sean came into the kitchen dressed in the clothes he’d worn after hockey practice. He shot her a grin that made her forget her nervousness.

  “That smells amazing.”

  She couldn’t help but return his smile. “Thanks. You have perfect timing.” She set the plates on the kitchen counter. She’d never bothered buying a table since she mostly ate alone.

  Ignoring the food, he stalked closer and nuzzled her neck. “You smell better.”

  She laughed. “I smell like sweat and sex.”

  “It’s good on you. Reminds me of all the ways I’ve had you, and a reminder it’s still not enough.”

  She melted a little at his words, even though she knew better. This guy had slick charm in abundance. She bumped him with her hip. “Eat. Cold eggs are gross.”

  He stepped back and dug in. She sipped her coffee and waited for his comment. Because she knew he’d have one.

  “This is excellent. Where’d you learn to cook like this?”

  “Self taught.” She put another bite into her mouth. It was damn good. Scrambled eggs had been the first thing she’d ever cooked, but she’d never really liked them. They’d simply been something to fill her belly. After another forkful, she added, “I already told you Brandi was far from a model mom. She never cooked. I didn’t realize pasta wasn’t supposed to come from a can until I was about twelve. If it didn’t come out of a box or a can, we didn’t eat it.”

  Sean made eye contact to show he was listening, but he didn’t slow down his eating enough to talk.

  “When I went back to school, I started to learn how to cook. I’m not brave enough to just do stuff, but I can follow a recipe like nobody’s business.”

  Sean cleaned his plate and drank coffee. “I don’t care if it’s a recipe or not. That was a great breakfast.”

  He leaned close and kissed her cheek. “Thanks for cooking for me. I pegged you as one of those ambitious women, and I was right. Jimmy made lots of boxed dinners for us too, but in his defense, he was only ten when our mom was killed. I’ve never had any urge to learn to cook.”

  Emma was ready with a quick comeback, but then his words settled in. “Wait. Your mom was killed?”

  He nodded. “She was on her way home from working a night shift. A mugging gone bad.”

  When he’d mentioned earlier that she died, Emma had assumed illness or something. She rubbed her hand up his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. It was a long time ago. I have some vague memories of her, but not much. It sounds worse than it is.”

  No, she was pretty sure it was every bit as bad as it sounded. Brandi might not have been the best mom, but she’d been there. She kind of tried. Emma got the feeling Sean didn’t want to continue to talk about his mom, so she responded to his other comments. “I don’t think wanting to eat a decent meal makes me overly ambitious.”

  He pulled her closer. “You taught yourself how to cook while going to college and trying to figure out your learning disability. That’s pretty fucking ambitious. I’m lucky to keep a job for more than two months.”

  He had a point. She’d been driven these last few years, but that had come after many years of nothing. She stepped out of his seductive embrace and handed him her unfinished omelet. “I’m going to take a shower. You do the dishes.”

  He groaned, but ate the food left on her plate.

  “Soap and sponge are on the sink.” She patted
his ass before leaving the room. It was unlike her to tell someone to clean up, but she had a feeling Sean wouldn’t take the task up on his own. And she was no one’s servant.

  When she came back to the kitchen, Sean had all of the dishes cleaned and dried and was in the process of putting them away. It felt so domestic, which was what she’d been wanting. But, although she didn’t have a picture in her head of her future husband, she knew it wasn’t Sean.

  Seeing Sean there was a stark reminder that he was supposed to be a one-night thing. Even though she’d convinced herself he could be a weekend thing, she had to admit the weekend was over. She had to get ready for school and back to her real life—the life where she’d find the guy who wanted this too. A guy whom she wouldn’t have to tell to do the dishes after she’d cooked.

  “Hey, you ready for me to take you home?”

  “Uh, yeah. Unless you want to hang out. I don’t have anything going on today.”

  “I’ve had a blast hanging out with you, but I have stuff to do to get ready for Tuesday.”

  He wiped his hands on the towel he held. “Then I guess I’m good to go.”

  The trip to his house was faster than she’d thought it would be. Time flew as Sean sang along with the radio and they both avoided conversation. She parked in front of his house, behind his motorcycle.

  “Don’t forget your hockey stuff in the trunk.”

  “You busy tomorrow?” he blurted as she was opening her door.

  “Going in to my classroom to finish up.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Well, if you want, we’re doing a barbecue here. Nothing fancy. Just burgers and stuff on the grill. Last party of the summer.”

  “Sounds like fun, but I’ll be busy.”

  He held up his hands. “No pressure. We’ll be here if you want to stop by when you’re done at school.”

  He closed his door and met her at the trunk. She popped it open so he could grab his bag. She kissed his cheek. “Thanks for a great weekend.”

  “Anytime.” He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked up the steps to his house.

  Emma got back behind the wheel, and all of her anxiety flooded back in. She wanted to attribute it to new-school-year nerves, but part of her thought it might be linked to saying good-bye to Sean. And that simply wouldn’t do.


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