Un-Hitched: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Un-Hitched: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 16

by Jillian Neal


  “Don’t what?” She attempted to speak through the barrier.

  She swore his dark half-chuckle reached through her skin and settled between her thighs. “Clearly gonna have to fill your mouth with either my tongue or my cock to hush you up. Don’t pretend with me. Don’t try to be something you’re not. I want you just the way you are. Not New-Kaitlyn, not Old-Kaitlyn, just my sweet Katy Belle the way she is right this moment, and the moment after that, and the one after that, whatever version of you that might be, even if it changes second to second. Stop being ashamed of what you have or haven’t done. I told you, I’m possessive as hell, sugar, it’s a damned turn on that what you’re willing to share with me you haven’t done with some other guy.”

  Suddenly, his finger was replaced with his lips, warm and hungry. This kiss was different. The perfect mix of soft and demanding with a raw edge of pure craving need. His body vibrated again.

  Desperate for more, she pressed her tongue between his lips, wanting his taste to fill her. Unable to resist, her hand skated down his bare chest, feeling every rippled plane of muscle as they bunched and flexed, pulling her closer. The firm pillows of his abs, chiseled from manual labor, tensed as she neared the waist of his Wranglers.

  “Keep going, sugar. Grab me,” he grunted as he trailed kisses down the sensitive skin of her neck.

  She immediately complied, palming the hardened bulge of his cock. He throbbed in her hand. Heat spilled through the denim into her hand. She needed more. She wanted his flesh against hers.

  His greedy growl drew a whimper from her lungs. “See what you do to me, honey? See how fucking bad I want to own you?”

  Frustration lit through her. “Then stop putting me off and take me.” Popping the snap on his jeans, she took what she wanted. Diving behind the waistband of his briefs, her fingers encountered the slick, satin-covered steel of him. She ran her fingertips through the pearly essence of need spilling from the head and circled his crown.

  “Jesus Christ, you trying to kill me?” Another rumbled growl grunted from his beautiful lips. Somehow his decadent voice lowered even more when she had him like this. It took up residence in her veins. Desperate craving flooded her bloodstream. All she wanted was for him to talk and then to rid her of any innocence she might still have.

  “You feel so good. Grant, please.” He said he wanted to hear her beg. She’d beg willingly, as often as he might like.

  “I know my cock feels good, sugar. I’m gon’ make it feel so damn good. It’s gonna feel even better when I claim you. I’m gonna bury it so deep inside your sweet little snatch you never forget you’re all mine.”

  “Now,” she ordered. Impatience had her grabbing him with more vigor.

  “No.” He eased her arm out of his jeans. “You’re already forgetting who’s in charge, peaches. When I say. Where I say. How I say. Remember?”

  Damn him, why did that have to sound so fucking sexy when he said it like that? His voice when he was giving her orders somehow rendered her unable to dispute his demands.

  “I’ll be back quick.” He brushed another tender kiss across her lips and then two more on the seatbelt markings on her neck. “Gonna be kissing those constantly ‘til I’ve made ‘em all better.”

  “Wait just a minute. If you’re going to take your clothes off, I’m going to watch,” she informed him as soon as she managed a breath of air that didn’t contain the pure musky scent of him that was far too intoxicating.

  “I was hoping to cool off a little. Your sweet ways, those little noises you make, you grabbing me like you hadn’t ever quite felt a man before makes me way too quick on the trigger. Plus, all I’ve been thinking about all damn day is how good you’re gonna feel when I’m balls-deep inside of you making your ass jiggle for all that shit you said today about not being able to do stuff.”

  A little tired of the reminders of her perceived innocence and beyond frustrated, she felt like arguing. “Too bad, cowboy. I’m coming with you.”

  “I’m walking.”

  “Good. Lead the way.”

  He flung open his front door. “Get then, and that’s gotta be good for five more strikes.”

  “Little tired of all of your talk, Grant Camden. Let’s see some action.” She whisked by him, marching out onto his expansive front porch. The cold air bit at her bare thighs, distracting her. She still wasn’t wearing pants and somehow she’d forgotten.

  So taken with the cold, she hadn’t really expected the snap that followed his hand smacking her ass any more than she’d expected him to follow the first strike with a second. But the most unexpected thing of all was the rush of wet heat that immediately dripped from her lower lips. She trembled and started to plead for him to give her more. The rush of slight pain made her woozy as it coupled with her desperate desire.

  “You wanna go back in and put some clothes on? I ain’t too keen on my brothers seeing what belongs to me and only me, and I told you it was cold out here. We’ll get to more of that after I’ve bathed.”

  “You are awfully bossy.” She spun back to face him, refusing to admit she was freezing.

  “Guilty as charged.” That stubborn smirk both irritated and enlivened her.

  “Bet if I sat on your face, I could wipe that smirk off of it.”

  This time a voracious growl echoed in the cool air. “Oh, don’t worry, peaches, I’ll get you up there and let you see if it works. Go get some clothes on, and here,” he ushered her back inside and wrapped her up in one of his thick winter coats. When she’d pulled her yoga pants back on, he grabbed a towel, took her hand, and led her out into his fields.

  “I thought you liked my talkin’,” he finally asked as they headed towards an expansive pond.

  “I do, but I also like you doing what you keep promising to do.”

  “Do me a favor and remember you said that.” He slid out of his boots at the water’s edge. The cattle on the other side sipping the cool water distracted her until Grant shucked off his jeans and underwear in one quick move. It struck her that he was completely shameless; not that he had anything to try and hide. Her eyes coasted down the muscles of his back to his firm ass that she longed to touch. When he turned to face her, she immediately honed in on his cock, standing at half-mast after their walk. Only partially aroused, he was still bigger than any man she’d ever seen.

  “Like what you see, darlin’? I can keep standing here if you want.”

  “Shut up and get bathed.”

  “Shit,” he grunted as he stepped into the lake. His muscles rippled faster than the water. She watched his jaw flex as he lowered himself to his waist. The scent of him clung to the coat he’d wrapped her in. She inhaled deeply, wishing she were wrapped up in his arms instead.

  “Cold?” she teased.

  “Than Witch-tit-istan. You’re gonna have to warm me up when I get out.”


  He sank into the water, submerging himself. Her heart thundered so loudly in her chest she could barely hear over it. Anxious to see him, she stalked closer to the muddy bank. The wind whipped over the water making her shiver despite the warmth of his coat.

  Rivulets of water tracked down his face and trailed down his chest when he reappeared. She watched him haphazardly run the bar of soap over his chest and under his arms.

  “Hurry,” she begged.

  He gave her another cocky smirk as he proceeded to stand in the knee deep water, lather his right hand, and run it over his cock. The freezing water had robbed him of its impressive length, but she had no doubt his erection would return in a moment’s notice once he was out.

  When he’d finished washing, he climbed back up on the bank and scrubbed the towel over his wet skin. Wrapping it around his waist, he gathered his clothes and boots and headed back towards his house.

  “You’re walking all the way back like that? You’ll freeze.”

  “I told you it was your job to warm me up when we get back.”

�Well, yeah, but … aren’t you cold?” She hurried to catch up with him.

  “Fucking freezing, baby, but it’s gonna make it feel so damned good when I’m up against your fever hot skin and have my cock inside your warm wet pussy.”

  Geez, Camden, you wanna maybe shut your mouth every now and then? Grant tried to clamp his jaw shut. He never mouthed off like this to a woman, but every time he spoke that greedy little fire he lit in her eyes drove him crazy. And he was ten country miles past any sign of sanity. She was no longer a want. She was way past a need. This wasn’t even a craving. His very existence depended on owning her so thoroughly she forgot any other men even walked the face of the earth.

  His fingers itched to know how wet he’d made her with all of this buildup that was clearly about to drive both of them up a wall and over four hay bales.

  If he didn’t have her pussy juices all over his tongue in the next sixty-seconds, he swore he’d find some way to end it all and put himself out of his misery.

  Dropping the towel somewhere on his porch, he scooped her off of her feet, making her squeal as he rushed them inside.

  “At some point, peaches, I’m gonna take my time with you, but I’m all out of patience. Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this,” her voice was a breathy plea.

  “Tell me you’re gonna be a good girl and do what I say.”

  She paused. “I will.” Hesitance threatened her vow.

  “What? What is it?” He searched his body, the room, the entire house for patience and came up empty. The leash on his lust was frayed beyond repair.

  “Please, just fuck me.”

  “Filthy mouth and ornery to boot.” He stood her on her feet outside his open bedroom door. “Tell me why you hesitated.”

  “I don’t want to tell you that.”

  “Katy, now.”

  “I can’t always hear very well in the middle of having sex. Everything gets overwhelming, and I can’t concentrate enough to hear. And with you it’s going to be even more overwhelming. So, I guess I’d make a pretty terrible submissive, or are submissives not supposed to do what the other person says because the punishments are part of the whole deal? I have no idea how that works.” The heat between them cooled enough for Grant redirect a little blood flow back to the head above his belt buckle.

  “Baby, I like to do things my way and only my way, especially in the bedroom, because I know how to take you places you’ve only ever dreamed of. I know how to make you feel so fucking good all you want is more of me. You don’t have to be able to hear me for this to be incredible. And I’m sure as hell not some surly-assed sex-club Dom any more than you’re going to play my sub. I may not have a degree hangin’ on my wall, but I do know the difference in dominant and domineering.” God, she was so sweet and she was trying so hard to have this experience with him, but now he understood why her family was so protective of her. In one quick moment, he decided he could give her everything she wanted in his bed and still be the man who protected her above all others.

  “But now you’re thinking that I really am weak and you’re not going to do all the things you promised because of my hearing.”

  The fire roared. The heat licked at his back, drying him off as it continued to heat the entire house. She stared up at him with expectation and disappointment pinned in her deep blue eyes. “If you can’t hear me at any point, speak up, sugar. There are a thousand other ways we can communicate.” If she needed him to prove himself, he was all in. “Now, take them clothes off for me. I don’t need a fucking striptease, I just need you as nekkid as I am in the next five seconds.”

  “Are you serious? All the things you said we’d do you’ll do them?”

  “I said get nekkid,” placing a demanding emphasis on his orders wasn’t even difficult. Her hearing had nothing to do with him wanting her and it had nothing to do with what she needed to feel when she was with him. There was a power in giving yourself over to a lover. There was power in submission. He just had to show her that.

  She pulled the t-shirt off, revealing her tits still trapped in that damned black lacey bra, obscuring what he was desperate to see. When she reached for the waistband of her pants, a frustrated grunt spilled from his mouth without his permission. Rampant desire rocketed up his spine. Reminding himself not to back off with her, he went on with precisely what he wanted.

  “Bra next. Show me them titties, baby. I’m gonna spend a long damn time getting my fill of them first.”

  Her bottom lip slipped through her teeth as she popped the back clasp. Her breasts spilled forward, beautiful mounds of flesh that swayed with her frantic breath. Returning his right hand to the hard strain of his cock, he tried to tamp down the hot greed filling his erection. Her nipples were drawn into diamond-hard beads of raw need. Pale, pink, and flawless by his estimations. He followed the arch of her spine down to the swells of her ass, plump and full, feminine perfection.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, darlin’. My God, do you even know how beautiful you are?”

  “But I’m n …” she protested.

  Beside her in a second flat, he ground his teeth, ordering himself to remain in control. “Don’t you dare say what you were about to say.”

  He caught her slight eye roll and smacked her ass again. “Keep it up. I’ll make you count ‘em for me.” Damn, that was addictive as hell. Good thing his innocent little city-girl liked it. Another quick moan escaped her. Letting his impatience run the show, he knelt down and jerked the yoga pants and her panties down her legs. He used the advantage of his position to stroke his thumb over her mound covered in scant amounts of delicate auburn fuzz. She shuddered from the sensation.

  She’d waxed recently. “Something your ex wanted, I’m guessing?” he snarled.

  A quick nod was his answer. Her body trembled at his touch. Standing, he lifted her back into his arms and settled her in his unmade bed. “No more. You’re not hurting yourself for anyone’s jollies, you got that? I want you natural, my perfect little peach. I want to see those sweet red pussy curls. I want to feel ‘em wet all for me. Feel ‘em with my fingers and my cock. Spread your legs for me, sugar. I’m gonna make it all feel better.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Still surprised that he wasn’t backing down after her confession about her hearing and sex, the wet rasp of his tongue up and down her slit stole the breath from her lungs. She wasn’t certain, being a cowboy and all, if he knew that the pain of getting waxed didn’t last much past the appointment, but she decided to mention that later. Much, much later.

  He moved his ministrations to her inner thighs, sucking and nibbling along her tender flesh. Another swirl of his tongue at her crest sent a jolt of pleasure throughout her nervous system. Her entire body shook. She spread her legs wider in a silent plea for more.

  “You showing me where you want my mouth, peaches?” Denying her what she most craved, he crawled up her body like a stalking lion moving in for the kill. “Think you need to remember who’s in charge. I’ll let you fuck my tongue ‘til your juices are running down my throat in a little while. Right now there are other places I want my mouth.” He layered his body to hers. The weight of him against her skin, the connection sizzling between them, it was more than she fully understood. Why was this so different?

  His hands scooped the heft of her breasts. The calluses on his fingers pricked at her skin. He soothed the burn with his mouth, laving the underswells with his tongue.

  “More,” she begged readily.

  “That’s it. Let me hear you beg for it.”


  “Good girl.” His lips latched onto her right nipple, drawing it into the velvet heat of his mouth as he sucked. Her world spun. Winding her fingers through his thick brown hair she arched her back, desperate for him to take more.

  He spun his tongue around her once more and trailed kisses between her breasts. “You’re so damn hungry for it, baby. Clearly nobody’s been taking care of my sweet girl for way too
long. No more. From now on I’ll make certain you know who you belong to, and I’ll give you every single thing you need.”

  As he worked his mouth to her left nipple, his right hand trailed slowly down her body. A tide of desperate need followed in its wake. She tensed her belly, praying he’d continue the path between her legs.

  Suddenly, his mouth was beside her good ear as his fingers danced along her slit. He pressed in slightly, drawing a strangled moan from her mouth. “You’re so wet for me, sugar. It’s a damned turn on.” That low rumbled tenor speared through her, decimating any hesitance she’d ever had. She wanted this. Wanted everything he could give. Her body required the reckless abandon he held in the palms of his capable hands.

  Mercifully, he dipped a single finger deep within her. “My God, you’re so damned tight. I can’t wait to feel your hot little pussy around my cock. I’m gonna open you wide.” His deep drawl took on a tunneled effect as he heightened her pleasure with every stroke of his finger.

  “Then don’t wait.”

  “You’re so wet I could, you know, I could take you hard and fast right now. Make you ache.”

  She detected warning in his tone. His skin glided against hers making her burn.

  “How many times do you need to hear me beg?” She had no sense of how loud she was, but it must’ve worked. He advanced.

  “I swear to God, someday soon I’m gonna run my tongue over every single one of your adorable freckles, here,” he brushed kisses on the patch of light brown dots in the center of her right thigh, “and here,” he swirled his tongue where her leg joined her torso, right beside where she so desperately wanted his mouth, “and right here,” he suckled at her mound covered in tiny freckles, “but I’m flat out of patience tonight. I need this.”

  The calluses on his fingers rasped along her thighs as he spread them further, exposing her.

  “Oh, God,” whimpered from her as his thumbs separated the lips of her pussy. The hot air from the fire taunted her vulnerable skin.


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