James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing [1]

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James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing [1] Page 29

by G. Norman Lippert

  After dinner, Grandmum Weasley appeared in the fireplace to wish everyone a happy Christmas. “We’re having a perfectly delightful time here with Charlie,” she said from the grate. “And Prague is just lovely. I think you boys need to have a talk with your father, though. He’s gotten rather enamored with the Muggle architecture here and is talking about staying on a few more weeks. He’s become so unpredictable now that he’s retired from the Ministry. Oh, it is so difficult having you kids all over the world like this. How am I supposed to keep track of my grandbabies?”

  “How are Charlie and Claire and the kids, then, Molly?” Hermione asked, gently steering the topic

  to pleasanter subjects. “Quite well, although Charlie insists on taking little Harold and Jules to work with him on occasion. How these poor children can endure the sight of such creatures and not have constant nightmares is simply beyond me.”

  James, who’d met his younger cousins, Harold and Jules, a few times, knew that it was likely that they, in fact, might give nightmares to the dragons rather than the other way around. Late that evening, as most of the household was beginning to drift to bed, James and Ralph found themselves seated near the fire with Luna Lovegood, who was telling them about her latest expedition into the Highland Mountains in search of the Umgubular Slashkilter.

  “Still no positive identification,” she said, “but I discovered a vast network of their tracks and leavings. Their diet seems to consist almost entirely of blusterwermps and figgles, so it’s pretty easy to identify their dung by smell alone. Sort of pepperminty. Not at all unpleasant.”

  “Unglubulous… slashkillers?” Ralph attempted. “Close enough,” Luna said kindly. “They’re a species of flightless raptor, distantly related to hippogriffs and octogators. I took a mold of one of their tracks and a stool sample from one of their leavings. Would you like to smell it?”

  “Luna,” James said, leaning forward in his chair and lowering his voice, “can we ask you a question about something? I’d rather nobody else knew about it.”

  “I specialize in things nobody else knows about,” Luna said mildly.

  “I mean, I want to keep it sort of a secret.”

  “Oh,” Luna said, her face placid. James waited, but Luna merely watched him, smiling politely. Luna, he recalled, occasionally had a rather unique approach to conversation. He decided to plow on. “This isn’t about Slashkilters or Wrackspurts or anything. Really, it’d be a better question for your dad, if he was still around, but I bet you know the answer, too. What can you tell us about… about Austramaddux and Merlinus Ambrosius?”

  Luna was the only completely unshockable person James knew. She merely looked into the fire and said, “Ahh, yes, not exactly my specialty. A lifelong hobby of my father’s, though. Austramaddux was the historian who recorded the last days of Merlinus and his promised return, of course. The subject of much speculation and intrigue for centuries, you know.”

  “Yeah,” James said, “we know. We read about him and the prediction of his return. What we’re wondering is how it could happen? What would it take?” Luna looked thoughtful. “It’s a pity my father isn’t here. He could speak on the subject for days. He did once, in fact, at a gathering of alternative magical publishers and broadcasters in Belfast. Gave a speech on the implications of the Merlinus conspiracies and their hypothetical plausibilities, if I recall. It went on for three and half days, until he fell asleep at the podium. Actually, I think that he was asleep long before anyone realized it. He was a notorious sleep-talker. Gave more than a few of his speeches in a nightgown. Most people thought it was eccentricity, but I think he was just multi-tasking.” She sighed fondly.

  James knew he wouldn’t have much time before someone else, George, or worse, his dad or mum, would come back into the room. “Luna, what did he say about it? Did he think Merlin’s return was possible?”

  “Oh, he certainly did. Had a hundred theories about it. Hoped he’d live to see the day, in fact, although even he wasn’t any too sure that when Merlinus returned, he’d be anything like what we’d call a good wizard. Wrote a whole series of articles for The Quibbler explaining the three relics and offering a hundred Galleon reward for anyone with valid clues to their whereabouts.”

  James tried not to interrupt Luna. “What are the three relics?”

  “Oh,” Luna said, looking at him. “I thought you’d read about it?”

  Ralph spoke up. “We did, but it didn’t say anything about any relics. It just said that Merlin would leave the world of men and return when the time was ripe for him, or something.” “Ah, well, that’s the key, then, isn’t it?” Luna said placidly. “The relics determine when the time is ripe. Merlin’s three required magical elements, his throne, his robe and his staff. He left them in the charge of Austramaddux. According to the prediction, once the three relics are brought together again in a place called the ‘Hall of Elders’ Crossing’, Merlinus will reappear to claim them.”

  James gasped. The Hall of Elder’s Crossing, he thought, remembering the legend inscribed on the gate of the secret island. He felt his heart pounding and was sure Luna would hear it in his voice. He struggled to sound merely curious. “So what became of Merlin’s three relics, then?”

  “No one knows for sure,” Luna replied airily, “but my father had developed some pretty strong theories. According to legend, Merlin’s ceremonial black robe was made of incorruptible fabric, allowing it to survive eternally. It was supposedly used as a caulk over the body of Kreagle, the first king of the wizarding world, in the belief that it would prevent corruption. Alas, no one knows the location of Kreagle’s tomb, its Secret-Keepers having been inhumed within it to secure its secrecy forever.” Ralph shuddered as Luna went on. “Merlin’s throne as advisor to the kingdoms of the Muggles was passed from regime to regime, always kept ready for the wizard’s return, until it was eventually lost in the mists of time. Some believe that it was recovered by a wizarding king in the sixteen hundreds, and that it is stored today in the Ministry of Magic, forgotten in the endless vaults of the Department of Mysteries. Finally,” Luna said, narrowing her eyes as she searched her memory, “the greatest of Merlin’s relics, his staff. Back then, wizards used staffs rather than wands, you know. Long sticks, often as tall as the wizard himself. Merlin’s was carved from the trunk of a rare talking knucklewood tree. It is said that he could still make his staff speak with the voice of the dryad that had given it. Austramaddux kept the staff himself, claiming to be its sole keeper until the day of Merlin’s returning. He hid it, and the secret of its location is said to have died with him.”

  “Wow,” Ralph said in a low voice.

  “But still,” James said, “say someone could get all the relics back together again. Where is this Hall of Elder’s Crossing supposed to be?”

  “Again, no one knows,” Luna replied. “Austramaddux speaks of it as if he expects his readers to know of it, as if it were a well-known place. Perhaps it was then, but it has been completely lost to us now.”

  “But your father believed it would be possible to bring Merlinus back? He thought it could happen?” James prodded. For the first time, Luna’s face became serious. She looked at James. “My father believed in quite a wide variety of things, James, not all of them technically consistent with reality. He did believe in the return of Merlinus. He also believed in the healing power of Nargle warts, the fountain of pleasing breath, and the existence of an entire subterranean civilization of half-human creatures he called Mordmunks. In other words, just because my father believed it, that hardly makes it true.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” James said, but distractedly. Luna went on. “No wizard has ever overcome death. Many have cheated it for a while, using arts ranging from the creative to the questionable to the outright evil. But no single wizard in all of history has tasted death and returned to tell about it. It is the law of mortality. One life, one death.”

  James nodded, but he was barely listening anymore. His mind was reeling. Finally, G
inny peeked in and sent both boys off to bed.

  “So what do you think?” Ralph asked as they passed the curtained portrait of old Mrs. Black and climbed the stairs. “You still think there’s a big Merlin conspiracy?” James nodded. “Definitely. Remember our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class? When Professor Jackson came in to talk to Professor Franklyn about something? They were both standing up front, then the voodoo queen popped in to tell Jackson his class was waiting for him. Remember?”

  “Yeah, sure.” “Well, you know that case that Jackson carries with him pretty much everywhere? I got a look into it. It came open a little and it was only a few feet away from me. There was a big bundle of some kind of black cloth in it. Jackson saw me looking and gave me a look that’d melt lead!”

  James opened the door to his room and Ralph threw himself onto his cot. “So? I don’t get it.” “Remember what I told you about the night I hid under the Invisibility Cloak and followed Dad and Professor Franklyn around? Franklyn told Dad that he should keep an eye on Professor Jackson. He said that Jackson was involved in the whole anti-Auror propaganda movement. Don’t you see?”

  Ralph frowned again, thinking hard. “I don’t know. I can’t believe Professor Jackson would be part of a plot to start a war against the Muggles. He’s hardcore, but he seems cool.” “That’s what I thought, too, but Ralph, you know what I think that thing in his case was? I think it was one of the relics! I think it was Merlin’s robe! He’s keeping it safe until he can get the rest of the relics together.”

  Ralph’s eyes widened. “No!” he said in a low whisper. “Can’t be! I mean, Professor Jackson…!” “That’s not all,” James said, digging into his backpack. “Take a look at this.” He pulled out the folded Daily Prophet that Zane had given him, the one with the cover story about the demonstration against Harry Potter’s visit. “It’s been in the bottom of my bag this whole time. I’d forgotten why I even kept it, but take a look at the article on the back.” James tapped the article about the break-in at the Ministry of Magic and the strangely cursed thieves who had apparently not gotten around to stealing anything. Ralph read it slowly, then looked up at James, his eyes large.

  “It says one of the places they broke into was the Department of Mysteries,” he said. “You think these guys were looking for the Merlin throne?” “Maybe,” James admitted, thinking hard. “But I don’t think so. I think they were hired as a diversion. It says none of them had much of a prior record, right? They couldn’t have broken into the Ministry on their own. I think maybe they were just a distraction, riffling things around and playing a bit of havoc while someone else found the throne and got it out of there.”

  “But it says here nothing was stolen,” Ralph said, glancing back at the article. “Well, they wouldn’t admit that the throne of Merlin had been taken, would they?” James replied. “I mean, that’d be a pretty scary bit of dark magic to admit had gone missing, what with all the stories of evil wizards trying to use the relics to bring back Merlin all these centuries past. Then again,” he thought back to what Luna had told them, “if it had been stored in the vaults of the Department of Mysteries since the sixteen hundreds, maybe they didn’t even know it was there anymore. How would they know if one item had gone missing from the place? Luna called them the ‘endless vaults’, didn’t she?”

  “So,” Ralph said, still scanning the news article, “somebody hires these three goons to break in and make a mess of things, while the real thieves make off with the throne of Merlin. Then the real thieves curse these guys not to be able to talk, and set them up to take the fall. Right? Pretty sneaky. But still, where do you hide something like Merlin’s throne? Don’t powerful magical objects, especially dark ones, make a pretty noticeable imprint? I mean, your dad and his Aurors would’ve picked up on it somehow, wouldn’t they?”

  “Yeah,” James agreed doubtfully, “they’d have to put it someplace either really far away from civilization or hide it under loads of Disillusionment Charms and Secrecy Spells. More than just any old witch or wizard could whip up. They’d need a place totally protected and absolutely secret, like…” He stopped, realization dawning on him. His mouth hung open and his eyes grew wider and wider.

  “What?” Ralph finally asked. James glanced at him, and then grabbed the newspaper from him. He turned it around, examining the front page. “That’s it!” he said in a breathless whisper. “Look! The break-in happened the night before we arrived at school! Remember when we were on the boats crossing the lake for the first time? I saw somebody in a boat over by the lake’s edge!”

  “Yeah,” Ralph said slowly, narrowing his eyes, “I guess. The next day, when the Americans arrived, you saw old Madame Delacroix and thought it’d been her. I thought you were being a bit of a nutter.” James ignored him and went on, “I decided it couldn’t have been her, because the woman I’d seen on the lake had been a lot younger. Still, the resemblance had been pretty scary. You know where I saw that boat, though? It was over by where Zane and I found the island! The Grotto Keep! I think that was Madame Delacroix, after all!”

  “How?” Ralph asked simply. “She didn’t arrive until the next day.” James explained to Ralph what Professor Franklyn had revealed about Madame Delacroix at the dinner in the Alma Aleron’s quarters. “It was her wraith,” he concluded. “She projected herself to the lake, to that place on the island, using the ability Franklyn told us about. No wonder she was so mad when he explained that she could project a younger version of herself anywhere she wanted!”

  Ralph seemed doubtful. “But why? What’d she want to be doing floating around in a boat on the lake?” “Don’t you see?” James exclaimed, trying to keep his voice low. “Whoever stole the Merlin throne would need to hide it in a place so secure and secret that nobody would ever sense it. What better place to hide it than right on the grounds of Hogwarts? Why create an ultra-powerful hiding place when one already exists and you’re going to be there anyway? Madame Delacroix sent her wraith to the island that night to deliver the stolen throne. She’s hiding it right on the Hogwarts grounds, there on the island. The Forbidden Forest is already so full of magic that the throne is probably just lost in the background noise to the wizards at the school. The Grotto Keep must be the hiding place!”

  Ralph stared at James, biting his lips and wide-eyed. Finally he said, “Wow, that’s so creepy it makes sense. So you think she’s working with Jackson, then?” “One way or another, they’re in it together,” James nodded. “That stinks,” Ralph said flatly. “I was really starting to like Professor Jackson. But still, what’s the big deal, really? I mean, Luna said that it’s impossible to bring Merlin back. She pretty much made it sound like anyone who thinks they can do it is right loony. Once dead, always dead. Why not let Delacroix and Jackson have their fantasies?”

  James couldn’t let it go. He shook his head. “I don’t know about Delacroix, but Professor Jackson’s smarter than that. He teaches Technomancy, doesn’t he? He wouldn’t fall for some crackpot scheme if he didn’t think it’d work. Besides, everybody keeps talking about it as if Merlin had died. But Austramaddux doesn’t say he died, does he? He just left the world of men.”

  Ralph shrugged. “Whatever. Seems pretty dodgy to me.” He flopped backwards onto the cot.

  “Come on, Ralph!” James said, tossing the old newspaper onto him. “They’re trying to bring Merlin back so they can start a war with the Muggles! It’s up to us to stop it!” Ralph rolled onto his side and furrowed his brow at James. “What do you mean? Your dad’s Head Auror. If you’re really worried about it, tell him about it. It’s his job to stop things like this, isn’t it? What’re we going to do, anyway?”

  James was exasperated. “We can try to stop them! Nobody will believe us if we tell them now. We can try to capture the relics ourselves. If we do that, then we’ll at least have proof!” Ralph continued to stare at James. After a minute he spoke. “Don’t you think you might be making a bit much of this? I mean, I understand wanting to foll
ow in your dad’s footsteps and all, trying to save the world and be the hero…”

  “Shut up, Ralph,” James said, suddenly angry. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Ralph rolled onto his back. “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.” James knew that, after their earlier fight, Ralph was sensitive not to say anything too argumentative. “All right,” James admitted, “I know why you’re saying that. But this is different. I’m really not just trying to be like Dad, all right? Maybe there isn’t any way to bring back Merlin. But still, these Progressive Element types are up to no good. If we can prove that they’re trying to start a war, we can at least shut them down, can’t we? If we can do that, I think we should. Are you with me?”

  Ralph grinned at James. “Of course. What’s the fun of being a wizard if we aren’t on a quest to save the world?”

  James rolled his eyes. “Shut up and go to sleep, Ralphinator.” But James couldn’t sleep, not for a long time. He thought and thought about everything he’d learned that night, the connections he and Ralph had made. It made too much sense. It had to be true. And as much as he trusted Luna, he couldn’t quite accept that it would be impossible to bring Merlin into the world somehow. He’d been the greatest wizard ever, hadn’t he? He was sure to have been capable of things that even the most powerful wizards since would find impossible. James felt a strong unwillingness to let it go. Still, part of him had been pricked by Ralph’s suggestion that James was simply looking for a way to be a hero, like his dad. Not because he knew it wasn’t true, but because he was afraid it might be. Finally, several hours after the house had fallen silent, feeling confused and exhausted, James drifted to sleep.


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