Evil Genius 3: Becoming the Apex Supervillain

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Evil Genius 3: Becoming the Apex Supervillain Page 12

by Logan Jacobs

  “Great,” I said with a grin since I was pretty pleased with this plan so far. “Once we track down where she’s hiding, we can figure out the specifics further. Let’s go rejoin Beacon before he gets suspicious.”

  “Okay,” Norma agreed. “Thanks, Aileen! Let us know when you find her.”

  “Naturally,” the robotic woman said with a smile that still wasn’t quite there yet. Once we had more time, I’d work on making her facial expressions less eerie. I thought she deserved that much, since she hadn’t gotten to experience any of the action with these lesser supervillains.

  I actually did have a few minor adjustments to Norma’s silicone webbing-blockers that I wanted to make, so I finished those up, and then the two of us returned upstairs. Beacon got up from where he’d been sitting to greet us, and he didn’t seem like he was too suspicious of how long we’d taken. I felt almost guilty that I had to trick him into thinking the Shadow Knight had finally asked for his help, but I knew it would work.

  And most importantly, it would get him out of the way while I seduced Arachne, and I definitely didn’t think he’d approve of that.

  “Looks like Aileen already got a read on her!” Norma gushed as I shut the door to the basement.

  “Creator, it is true that I have sensed her shape,” Aileen’s voice came through the mansion’s speakers. “I have been monitoring an abandoned penthouse apartment that belonged to her last kill, and I have recently sensed a heat signature inside that fits the target’s description.”

  “Predictable,” Beacon said.

  “Makes it easy for us,” I replied. “After all, she’s not exactly known to be a mastermind.”

  No, much like a spider, I assumed she relied mostly on instinct. Instead of finding a new location, she went immediately back to something familiar to her. The only credit I could give her was that she hadn’t returned to her own personal abode. She at least had the foresight to try to pick a location that wasn’t immediately obvious.

  We took my van to the penthouse location, and as we pulled up to it, I saw that the place she’d chosen was in one of the fanciest locations in downtown Grayville. Though it didn’t reach the towering heights of Pinnacle City, downtown Grayville actually looked like a pretty nice place to live in, and the difference between the upscale areas and the slums we had passed through was palpable.

  After I parked the van, I craned my neck back to take in the full height of the apartment building. It was a pretty formidable height, and we would be headed all the way up to the top.

  “Aileen, what does it look like in there?” I asked.

  “I have sent blueprints to Norma’s tablet,” she informed me through the earpiece. “From what I can tell of the security cameras available, there are multiple webs placed strategically around the penthouse. One is directly in front of the door.”

  “So she’ll know when we enter,” Beacon mused.

  “Apparently,” I said.

  The building might have been tall, but there were several outcroppings of levels in a tiered style that reached a point above the penthouse. With some effort by someone athletic enough, it wouldn’t be impossible to make the climb up to the top. A fall might not even be fatal, provided they landed on the level below and didn’t fall all the way to the ground. It wouldn’t seem too far outside the realm of possibility, so it would make for a good basic idea to make Beacon think he was part of the plan.

  “Alright, here’s my plan,” I started. “Beacon, if I outfit you with some rappelling gear, do you think you could scale the side of the building to break through a penthouse window?”

  “With the right kind of gear?” he asked as he glanced at the building. “Yeah, I could do that.”

  “Then while you do that and cause a distraction at the window, Norma and I will cut through the web over the front door and shoot her hands with the silicone gun,” I explained the rest of my cover plan. “That should keep her from being able to use her powers, and then we can subdue her easily.”

  “Okay,” Beacon said. “I got it. I’ll split up from you guys, so--”

  He suddenly stopped talking and touched his earpiece like he was listening in closely to it. I resisted the urge to glance at Norma, since I knew that it was Aileen who was pretending to be the Shadow Knight and requesting backup from Beacon. Instead, I watched him like I was curious about the sort of message he’d received.

  “Beacon?” Norma prompted with concern in her voice. “Is everything alright?”

  “No,” he said and shook his head. “No, that was the Shadow Knight, and he needs my help. Sorry, guys, you’ll have to handle this on your own. I need to go!”

  He turned and darted off through the streets before we could object to his leaving-- not that we were going to. Honestly, the eagerness in his voice really did make me feel a little bad for the guy. I already knew the relationship between Beacon and his mentor was strained, and it must have meant a lot to Beacon that the Shadow Knight had finally asked him for help. Once he found out it was bullshit, it would be goddamn soul-crushing. He might never recover.

  Oh, well, not my problem.

  “Well,” I said once Beacon was out of earshot. “Shall we?”

  “What’s our actual plan?” Norma asked as she pulled up the blueprints of the penthouse apartment again. “There’s a few rooms here that could work, and I could rappel up the wall like Beacon was going to.”

  “She’s probably expecting something more along those lines, anyway,” I said.

  “Of what, someone coming in through the window?” Norma asked.

  “Yup,” I said. “Which is why she covered the door with a web but left a few of the windows open. It’s a trap.”

  “Her webs are too hard to cut through normally, so the only entrances she has to watch are the windows,” Norma said. “It’s a little smart, for a spider.”

  “She doesn’t seem like a total airhead,” I agreed. “She probably would have shoved Beacon immediately out of the window if we were following our first plan, but I’ll easily be able to distract her so you can climb in unnoticed.”

  “Okay, and then after you, um…” she trailed off and blushed.

  “After I fuck her,” I smirked, “then you make yourself known and trap her with the silicone gun.”

  “R-right,” Norma stammered as her ears turned a darker shade of red. “Okay. Sure. Easy enough.”

  “It’ll be fine,” I assured her in case she was still nervous about it. “I have full faith in your abilities.”

  Norma’s whole face flushed as dark red as her ears, and she wordlessly stammered for a moment before she lowered her eyes to stare at the asphalt.

  “I, um, I have faith in your abilities too, Miles,” she mumbled so quietly that I almost didn’t hear her.

  “Then, let’s go,” I said.

  As soon as Norma headed around to the other side of the building to start her climb, I straightened my suit and ran a few fingers through my hair so it looked rakishly tousled, even though I knew I didn’t need to since I was already exactly Arachne’s type: rich, hot, and famous.

  And since I was famous, I was able to waltz through the front door like I owned the building, and even if Arachne watched any of her surveillance screens, she wouldn’t be alarmed by my appearance. After all, I was one of the richest playboy billionaires in the world, and it wasn’t like she knew that I was also secretly murdering the world’s supervillains.

  It wasn’t a very crowded apartment building, and the lobby was almost entirely empty, so I headed over toward the elevator, pushed the call button, and it arrived instantly.

  I pushed the button for the floor just below the penthouse and waited as the elevator rose up through the building. I got out into the small foyer on the fourteenth floor to wait for Norma’s signal, since it would take her a lot longer than me to reach the fourteenth floor penthouse. I didn’t think I would be waiting for a very long time, since it should only take her the average amount of time it would take to rappel u
p a building.

  As expected, it only took a few minutes before Norma alerted me through the comms.

  “I’ve made it up to the ledge on the fourteenth floor,” she informed me.

  “Great,” I replied. “Remember, don’t reveal yourself until absolutely necessary. Are you ready, Norma?”

  “A-as much as I’ll ever be,” she stammered through the earpiece.

  “I’m going up to the next floor,” I alerted her as I started up the stairwell to the penthouse on the fifteenth floor.

  The foyer on the top floor was much smaller, presumably because there was only one apartment for it to lead to. It was simplistic in design other than the ornate oak wood doors that led inside the penthouse itself.

  I debated my plan and whether I should knock. Arachne was obviously expecting someone to try to take her back to prison, but it probably wasn’t me. She also probably wasn’t expecting anyone to try to walk in through the front door, but here I was.

  I rapped on the door with the wooden knocker and waited.

  The door swung open as if pulled from the inside, and I noticed that was because she hadn’t come toward the door to open it herself. She’d hooked a web around the door knob to pull it open, and the front entrance itself was entirely blocked off by a thick spider web.

  Through the webbing, I could see Arachne in all her glory as she watched me with one hand propped up against her juicy, thick hips. Her body was a perfect hourglass shape, like the design on the back of a black widow spider. Her costume was a high-waisted leotard that showed an ample amount of her thighs, which were wrapped in fishnet tights designed to look like spiderwebs. Her leotard was very low cut in the front, and it revealed an ample amount of creamy skin and plenty of cleavage.

  “Can I help you?” she deadpanned at me as her eyes roved up and down my body, and I knew she liked what she saw from the quirk of her eyebrows.

  “You can, in fact,” I said as I put on my best, sly smile. “My name is Miles Nelson, and I noticed this penthouse was for sale. Are you the realtor here?”

  She tensed immediately, as I’d expected she would, but I peered around the apartment as if I was genuinely interested in buying it. My blasters were hidden under the palms of my gloves, so she wouldn’t be able to see them, and I would look perfectly unarmed. In fact, I knew I would look perfect to her in more ways than one.

  “Uh, no, I’m…” she trailed off and bit down on her cherry red lips as she gave me a once-over.

  For someone who hunted rich, powerful men, I was entirely certain she’d heard of me. I saw the moment it clicked in her head as her eyes lowered seductively.

  “Oh, yes, I am,” she purred. “Please, come in.”

  She stalked closer to the web that separated us, and her hips swayed seductively with each step. With a single swipe of her hand, she cleared away the webs like they were normal spiderwebs.

  “I was looking for a new home in Grayville,” I replied as I walked inside once the web was cleared away. “This place looked perfect online, but…”

  “Ah, don’t mind the mess,” Arachne said. “I’m having someone come by to clean the place tomorrow. You caught me in the middle of my inspection, you see.”

  “I do see,” I said as I pretended to examine the rest of the penthouse. “The location is ideal, but I’m still not entirely sure…”

  “Once it’s cleaned out, this penthouse will absolutely suit a man of your… standards,” she purred, and with each punctuated word she took a sashaying step closer to me, until she was close enough to stroke my cheek with her finger.

  “And how do you intend to sweeten this deal?” I replied as I obviously let my gaze linger on her exposed cleavage.

  “I know of a few ways,” she replied in a low, sultry tone. “Perhaps you would like to see the master bedroom?”

  “I think I’d rather test out the living room,” I growled in a low voice as I grabbed her hips and let my hands drop lower to squeeze her firm ass.

  “I’m sure you do,” she purred into my ear as she nibbled against the sensitive flesh there. “Since that’s where your little mouse is climbing up the side of the building, hmm?”

  I shoved myself backward and away from Arachne just as she fired a web toward one of the open windows, where it looped around Norma and yanked her through. She crashed to the ground in a shower of glass, and I staggered back up to my feet and began to charge the blasters hidden in my gloves.

  “Norma!” I shouted.

  My assistant groaned from the floor, but at my shout, she yanked herself free from the web and began to crawl away.

  “Well, that was almost too easy,” Arachne said as she pressed a clawed fingertip to her lips. “Did you really think you’d be able to trick me like that? I can sense even the most subtle of movements, including little rats trying to climb up my walls!”

  “Norma, fire the gun!” I directed.

  My assistant fumbled for her silicone gun from her position on the floor, and she fired off several shots in a row, but Arachne had her full attention on us and was easily able to dodge them.

  As the web-slinging villainess skittered across the ground, I scrambled quickly to the left to get out of her way, but then I realized that I wasn’t her target.

  Norma fired off another round of the silicone gun before Arachne closed in on her and swiped the gun right out of her hands with her sticky fingers. I popped my dagger free from the sleeves of my suit and lunged forward to get my mousy assistant out of her hands, but Arachne swung her arm toward me and fired off a burst of web that pinned my arm back against a wall.

  “Not yet,” she taunted me. “I’ll save you for last. I still want to have a little bit of fun with you!”

  “M- Miles!” Norma cried as the spider-themed villainess turned back to her.

  I fought against the web, but my hand was entirely pinned to the wall, and no matter how hard I pulled against it, it just wouldn’t budge.

  Since she moved with movements that were entirely too fast for any normal human to be capable of, I could only watch in horror as Arachne spun web after web around Norma. Arachne’s web formed a full cocoon around my assistant, and it trapped her neatly inside. I heard as Norma’s screams grew fainter and fainter as the cocoon grew around her until I could hear absolutely nothing from my assistant, but Arachne still continued to spin her web to completely trap Norma inside.

  “I like to save a snack for later,” she said with a sly glance toward me. “So don’t worry, she can breathe. For now.”

  I struggled against the web that had pinned my arm and tried to think. I wasn’t as adept with my left hand, but I still had another dagger hidden away in my suit that I could use to pry my hand off of the wall as a last resort. My glove and blaster were entirely ruined by the web, though. I didn’t want to risk my blaster backfiring if I tried to shoot it through the web since that might make me lose my entire hand, but as I moved my arm around, I realized that I could probably cut aside some of my suit and slip my hand free from my pinned glove.

  I maneuvered my left hand delicately with my spare dagger to cut away parts of my suit, and then I wriggled my hand out from my glove, so I was now free from where Arachne had pinned me to the wall.

  Now I was down one blaster, one dagger, and one omni-average assistant.

  Arachne had noticed my movement and turned to face me as she left the Norma-cocoon alone. I couldn’t hear any screams from inside it anymore, and I couldn’t see any trace of Norma trapped inside, so I just had to hope she wasn’t going to suffocate in there. There was nothing I could do about it yet anyway, since I still had to contend with the spider-villainess herself.

  “Ooh, you really are a clever one,” she purred as we started to circle each other. “I almost believed you for a second there.”

  “More than anyone else you’ve ever fought, I’m sure,” I replied, and I tightened my grip on my dagger in case she lunged at me.

  “Fighting isn’t really what you want from me, is it?�
� she crooned as she licked her plush red lips and revealed her pointed fangs. “Now that your little helper is out of the way, we can return to our original idea.”

  “Oh, so you’re still interested?” I asked as I let my eyes rove over her assets.

  “I’m always interested in a man like yourself,” she said, and the languid way she moved her hips as she circled me was so undeniably attractive that it made my dick stir to life.

  “Well, I’m very interested in feeling your lips on my dick,” I growled as she stalked closer to me.

  I let her get as close to me as she dared, and then she closed the distance between us until my back was to the wall. She reached out to stroke her index finger down my cheek, and I noted a thick silver band around her clawed finger.

  “Then, allow me,” she purred against my mouth, and then I captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

  We kissed for a while, and I let my dagger drop to the floor as I grabbed a handful of her shapely ass. She started to kiss down my neck, and her hand moved toward the belt of my pants. As soon as Arachne unfastened my belt, she unzipped me to free my rock-hard cock from the confines of my boxer briefs, and then she rubbed her hand up and down my length, and I groaned with pleasure.

  “You can do better than that,” I encouraged as I squeezed her ass again.

  She looked up at me from beneath her long eyelashes and dropped to her knees in front of me. Arachne unzipped her leotard down the front to expose her heavy breasts, and I felt my dick twinge again. Her nipples were already hard as she took the length of my penis in between her full lips and started to suck. She ran her tongue against the bottom of my cock, and I groaned again while I wrapped my hand in her long, dark brown hair.

  “Much better,” I growled as she sucked harder, and then she pulled her lips off of my cock with a wet pop.

  “You’re much bigger than I expected,” she gasped as she pushed herself up from her knees so she could kiss me again. “The rumors don’t do it justice.”

  This time, she pressed herself against me and began to rub against my dick with her still-covered slit. I groped her ass again and moved the bottom of her leotard aside. I then tore through the fabric of her spider web tights to reveal her hot, wet opening, since she apparently didn’t wear underwear beneath her costume.


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