Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 97

by Mina Carter

  He reached for her and she scrambled back against the couch. "What happened? How did I get here?"

  "You fainted so I brought you back here."

  "How did you know where I lived?"

  "I saw your address on your driver’s license."

  Laila placed her hand on her aching head and clenched her eyes shut. "Wait, you mean you went searching in my purse after I fainted. Why didn't you just bring me into the hospital?"

  Somnus stuttered, not knowing exactly what to say. "I...uh...hmm. I don't know. I thought you might be more comfortable here."

  "Well, thanks. You can go now. I'll walk you out." Laila stood trying to focus on her surroundings as vertigo overtook her. She swayed a little and Somnus caught her yet again, saving her from hitting her head on the glass table.

  He gently guided her back onto the couch. "Maybe I should take you back to the hospital. You aren't well."

  "No! No hospitals. I'm sick of fucking hospitals. I didn't even want to go to the birthday party today. If it weren't for my niece I wouldn't have gone."

  "Do you feel like this often?"

  "Not all the time...I...wait...why am I discussing my personal problems with you? Can you please just go?"

  "I don't think I should leave you alone right now."

  Laila felt the dizziness begin to subside and stood again. "Well, you don't have a choice in the matter now do you?" She grabbed him by the arm and walked him towards the door. She opened it and pushed him out. "Thank you for your help Somnus."

  The door slamming echoed in the quiet apartment. She listened against the door to hear if he'd left or not. Instead she saw a beam of light shine underneath the door. The same light she'd seen right before she fainted.

  The only problem was that she didn't remember fainting. She distinctly recalled Somnus holding her in his arms and whispering to her as darkness encompassed her. The pain she'd had right before she passed out was the worse she’d ever experienced. It scared her something like that could possibly happen again. What would happen if she blacked out in the middle of a store or the sidewalk, and someone not as nice as Somnus picked her up and took advantage of her?

  Wait, what if Somnus took advantage of her? How would she have known if she was completely passed out? Laila examined herself. All her clothes were intact. She didn't feel any different. Surely, a man that large would leave some kind of feeling behind. Anyway, sex was painful for her so she would know right away if she was taken advantage of.

  All of a sudden the thought of Somnus touching her sent her body in a frenzy of need. She closed her eyes and imagined his large strong hands caressing her sensitive skin. She wondered what it would feel like to have his long fingers delve into her moist folds over and over until she reached the point of complete ecstasy.

  Never once had she experienced an orgasm. The one time she did have intercourse was too painful to enjoy at all. It was the most horrifying experience of her life.

  Laila tried to shake the thought of Somnus out of her head. She hoped it wouldn't be as hard to forget about him as the last time they'd met. He seemed to leave an imprint in her mind whenever she looked into his mesmerizing eyes. He wasn't only the hottest man she'd ever laid eyes on, but he had a sadness about him as well. She could see right through him. Spotting pain and anguish in others had become a gift she'd fine-tuned over the years.

  He was definitely hiding something, but what she didn't know. There would be no time to find out. She didn't want to see him again. He made her feel things she didn't want to feel. She didn't want to get her hopes up because it would never work out between them. He was gorgeous and undoubtedly very popular with the ladies. They would be able to give him everything he wanted. Great sex, even a child. The only thing she would be able to give him was a blow job. Not that a man would turn one of those down she was sure of, but Somnus looked like the kind of guy who wanted more out of life than just a little oral sex.

  Or she could be wrong. Maybe that's all he got from women. What did she know about men anyway? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

  Laila made her way to the couch and grabbed her cellphone from her purse to call her sister. She knew she would be worried about her.

  The phone rang on the other end only one time before Karen answered. "Laila! Oh my God, are you okay? I was so worried about you. Some huge man had my car keys and said his friend took you home. I was just about to call the police. What happened to you?"

  "I wasn't feeling well and I must have fainted because I don't remember much else. Somnus brought me home."

  "Thank goodness. Wait, who's Somnus?"

  "Oh, he's the friend of the couple who organized the party today. I met him in the NICU when Kristal was born."

  "Oh right. I met him this afternoon. Well, I think you should go back to the doctor. This has never happened to you before. It could be serious."

  "Don't be ridiculous. I don't need to go to the doctors. They never do anything to make me feel better anyway."

  "I still think you should go and have yourself checked out."

  Laila hated when Karen treated her like a child. She wasn't a baby anymore and she could take care of herself. "I have to go now Karen. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

  "Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

  "Bye." There was no way she was going to discuss anything with her sister tomorrow. It wasn't any of her business. It wasn't anyone's business what she did with her life. She wasn't even going to answer her phone. Since she didn't have to work on Saturdays she would spend the whole day lounging around in her pajamas and eating junk food.

  Chapter Four

  Somnus teleported to his home on Mount Olympus. He wanted to talk to Laila more. He had an irresistible urge to be next to her. A feeling he hadn't experienced since Victoria. With all the women he'd slept with over the last century, there was never such an attachment.

  Laila was different. She was beautiful and feisty. She was also very kind hearted. He knew that right away. Why else would she go to her niece's birthday party when she was obviously in excruciating pain?

  A part of him wanted to have her all to himself, but he knew they could never be together. He couldn't take losing someone else he cared about. He would never see her again. She'd made that perfectly clear when she pushed him out the front door of her apartment. Serves him right. He shouldn't have used his powers on her, no matter how much she was suffering.

  Just as Somnus was about to go to sleep he heard a knock on his door. He looked out the window in the grand foyer and saw Hercules standing on his doorstep. Maybe if he ignored him he would go away.

  "Somnus, I know you're in there."

  Somnus pressed his head against the door not wanting to deal with Hercules' shenanigans. Instead of opening the door he spoke from behind it. "Hercules, leave me alone. I'm not in the mood. I just want to go to sleep."

  Hercules appeared behind Somnus. "You do know you don't have to open the door to let me in."

  Somnus rounded his friend and headed to the kitchen to eat the leftover ambrosia in the refrigerator. "Hercules, please leave me alone."

  "Well, is that the thanks I get for helping you in your time of need?"

  Somnus sighed heavily. "You're right, I'm sorry. Thanks buddy."


  "Well what?"

  "What happened with that delectable piece of ass you missed the party for?"

  Somnus was enraged at how Hercules was referring to Laila. A primal instinct to protect her came over him. He fisted Hercules' shirt and pushed him against the wall. "If I ever see or even hear about you going near Laila I will kill you myself."

  "Oh Laila, so that's her name. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

  "Hercules, I'm serious. If you ever touch her I'll kill you."

  "First of all, you can't kill me. Second of all, I don't want your slut, so relax. Now, kindly remove your hands from my person."

  Somnus let go of Hercules and slumped onto a stool next to the marble counterto
p. He placed his head in his hands. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me."

  "You're in love, that's what's wrong with you. You're smitten with that little minx."

  "Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know her."

  Hercules sauntered over to the counter and took the spoon out of Somnus' hand, digging in the bowl of ambrosia. "Yes, you are. I can hear it in your voice. You probably make big googly eyes when you look at her too."

  "You're an asshole. Now, please get out of my house before I throw you out."

  "Fine. I don’t have to take this abuse. I'm leaving." With a flash of light Hercules was gone.

  Somnus shook his head. How had he put up with Hercules all these years? He hadn't changed at all since they were kids and it didn't look like he would change anytime soon.

  Somnus made his way across the black marbled floor to his bedroom. His home wasn't like the other Gods on Olympus. While the other God's homes were bright, white, and airy, Somnus' house was more like a cave. It was dark. Even the furniture and linens were dark colors. He was the God of Dreams and needed a quiet, relaxing place to live. He threw himself against the black silk sheets that adorned his enormous bed. He buried his face in the pillow trying to forget about Laila. It was going to be hard not to think about her when her scent was imprinted on him. His skin still smelled like her hours later. He took in a deep breath and the scent of fresh strawberries entered his nose. He closed his eyes imagining how good she would taste as he licked every inch of her soft skin. If she tasted as delicious as she smelled. He became hard at the thought of her writhing beneath him as he pleasured her in way only a God could.

  There were so many women that had come and gone out of his life over the last century, yet not one of them had this effect on him. He wanted her to be his and only his no matter how wrong he knew it was. The mere thought of another man touching her, even looking at her was driving him insane. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the high cathedral ceiling. The feeling of holding Laila in his arms brought back so many memories of Victoria. How beautiful, young, and fragile she was.

  The day of Victoria’s death played in his head. The memory of her being crushed by that horse and buggy was still as fresh in his mind as if it happened just yesterday. There was nothing he could do to help her. He was utterly useless at the time. If the accident would've happened now, he knew there would be no hesitation about saving her.

  He promised himself that day he would never let anyone back into his heart. He refused to ever be caught in a situation like that again. No, being with Laila would not be a good idea at all. She would only be a memory from now on.


  Laila stood in the kitchen eating a bowl cherry flavored Jell-o. She wasn't feeling hungry at all while her stomach was in knots. She tried lying in bed to relax and fall sleep, but her mind was fixated on a certain tall, strong, sexy man. Somnus to be exact. Reading didn't distract her. Neither did watching television.

  Every time she closed her eyes she thought of him. She longed to be in love with a man like Somnus, gorgeous and sweet. A real gentleman. He could have very easily taken advantage of her while she was passed out, but he didn't. Then again he probably wasn't attracted to her. He was probably just being a nice guy.

  He looked like the kind of guy that liked women with big tits and curves in all the right places. Her body was not like that at all. She was very skinny, had a small amount of curves, and very modest breasts. She looked nothing like the girls on the cover of Playboy magazine. At least that's what her last boyfriend had told her. She pretended it didn't bother her, but it did. She was starting to fall in love with that sorry piece of shit. She was glad that she saw the error of his ways before it was too late.

  The empty plastic bowl was thrown into the sink. She grabbed some juice from the refrigerator and poured some in a glass. She quickly downed the liquid not realizing how thirsty she was. She washed the dirty dishes in the sink, then crawled on the couch with her favorite fleece blanket. Laila turned off the light and allowed the soft sound of the television lull her to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  As Somnus slept a strange feeling came over him. A warm radiating sensation traveled through his body. It was something he couldn't control or wake up from. In a flash he was thrown into Laila's dream. She was laying on her bed, wearing a red cotton tank top and nothing else. She sat up on her elbows and crooked her finger at Somnus to come closer. He slowly walked over to her completely naked, his erection pointing at the object of his affection.

  Somnus desperately tried to wake himself up. Not because he didn't want Laila, but only to prevent them both from the heartache of losing each other after realizing it was only a dream.

  Somnus shook his head no at her, but she got up, forcefully pulling him back towards the bed. He allowed her to guide him on top of her as if he were in some kind of trance. He wanted her. There was no doubt in his mind. He wanted her so bad his cock was aching with need to be inside her. Fill her with every hard inch of him.

  He was shocked she would be dreaming of him since she was the one who threw him out of her apartment. Did she actually want to have sex with him? Somnus knew full well that's exactly what she wanted. Dreams are the mirror to someone's soul, he thought. In a dream you were allowed to give in to your heart's true desires. This thought made him want Laila even more. Knowing she wanted him as badly as he wanted her set his body on fire.

  He stopped fighting the need to control what was happening and let Laila take over. She placed her hands on his face, running her tongue in the seam of his lips. He darted his tongue into her mouth gliding his tongue along hers. He pressed his large hard body against her tiny frame. She slowly opened her legs, allowing him to tease her with the tip of his cock. She moaned with pleasure, sending vibrations through Somnus, leaving him reeling with desire.

  Laila ran her foot up his leg and lifted her hips, urging him to enter her sensitive core. Somnus forcefully entered her, pushing through her tight walls all the way to the hilt. Laila screamed in pain asking him to stop, but he pushed further. His rhythm becoming faster and harder. Laila tried to push him off her, but he was too strong. He wanted her and would stop at nothing until he came inside her.

  Somnus tried to wake up. He tried to gain control of this dream, but nothing he did helped to rouse him. This wasn't him. He would never force a woman to have sex with him. But, he couldn't stop his actions. It was as if something else had taken over his body. A primal need to take what he wanted, what his body needed. He had a desperate need to ravage her and he wasn't going to stop until he fed his appetite.

  Laila continued to try and push him away, but her efforts were to no avail. The more she screamed the more it excited him, as he plunged himself harder and deeper inside of her. He slammed his hard thick cock into her over and over until he filled her with his warm seed.

  Laila lay sobbing beneath him. As he pulled himself out of her he was horrified at what he'd just done. Mortified at the sight of the sheets soaked with her blood. He shook his head in disbelief and slowly backed away from her and off the bed. He reached deep inside the powers of his mind desperately trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

  With all his might he was finally able to withdraw from the dream. Somnus bolted up in bed. He was out of breath and sweating profusely. A bodily function that Gods did not possess. He leaned back against the headboard, pulled the sheet up to his face and neck, and wiped his damp skin. What the fuck had happened? What was going on with his powers and why couldn't he control them? These were all questions he needed to find the answers to. The one thing he did know for sure was he could never see or go near Laila ever again. If dreams were the window to one's soul, then he would have no other choice but to stay away from her. There was no way he would ever be able to forgive himself if he harmed her in any way.

  Somnus swung his feet off the bed, placing them on the cold black marble floor. He made his way to the bathroom and turned the cold water
faucet on. Cupping his hands together he gathered a pool of the refreshing liquid between his fingers. His body temperature had become feverishly high after the dream and he needed to cool off. He drank a sip before throwing water on his face and head. He welcomed the shock of the freezing water hitting his scorching skin.

  The black towel draped over the shower rail was applied to his head as he reluctantly went back to his bedroom. He wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Thankfully Gods didn't need much rest to function from day to day. It would only be a few hours before Cupid and Valentina had to get up to take care of the baby and he needed to talk to his best friend about what had happened to him. Maybe if the two of them put their heads together they would be able to come up with a reasonable explanation. Going through another night of uncontrollable dreaming was definitely out of the question.

  After getting dressed he stopped by the reflecting pool and looked down at the streets of Chicago. There weren't many people roaming about, but it was still very early in the morning. Much too early for most to be up. In a few hours the streets would be filled with working folk, pushing each other, trying to get to their places of employment.

  When Somnus teleported outside Cupid's door he paused for a second before knocking. He put his ear to the door, listening for any signs of movement or Kane playing. When he heard the toddler crying and Cupid trying to comfort his son, he gently knocked on the door.

  Cupid answered the door with his son in tow. The baby's sparkling blue eyes full of tears.

  As soon as Kane saw Somnus he held out his hands so he could take him in his arms. "Somnus!"

  "Hey little man. What's all the fuss about?"

  Cupid ran a hand through his short blond hair, walking towards the kitchen for the strongest cup of coffee he could get his hands on. "He didn't sleep all night. He was screaming and carrying on. Poor Val is exhausted. I told her to sleep in and I would take care of him. He hasn't stopped crying yet."


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