Ballers 2: His Final Play

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Ballers 2: His Final Play Page 4

by Blue Saffire

  I blush and try to hide my smile. “Maybe a little of both,” I whisper, heat taking over my face.

  “I’ll make a deal with you, Bella. I will trust you. I will do as you say and when you fix me, I will dance for you,” the humor leaves his face and he looks down sadly. “I miss dancing almost as much as I miss football. I will trust you if you can give me one of those back.”

  I reach to gently place a hand on his shoulder. When he looks me in the eyes, I smile softly. “Deal. I can’t wait to see you dance for me,” I say.

  My heart swells with the smile that returns to his face. Just then, Valentina and Vita enter the rooftop gym. I think my heart bursts when Nico’s smile turns even brighter as Vita toddles towards him with a squeal.




  Since that day I had Reese open up to me and I shared with her, I have wanted to know so much more. It has become sort of a game for me. I ask her to share with me and then she opens up to me. When she is done, I tell her things I have never shared with anyone else.

  I know this is a dangerous game I’m playing. The more I learn, the more I’m falling for a married woman. How could I not? Reese is not only gorgeous; she is the purest person I have ever met. She is just a breath of fresh air. Her heart is so pure and sweet.

  I find myself drawn into her words. Yet, I still have so many questions that I haven’t dared to ask yet. I know we are already skating a thin line with the attraction that I can feel is mutual. I don’t want to tip the scales in the wrong direction by asking her such personal questions, but I see the sadness in her eyes and I just want to know what I have to do to make it go away.

  It is a constant battle not to dig deeper to learn how I can fix it all. I have to keep telling myself that it is not my job to do so. As much as I want her, she is not mine.

  “You’re doing great, Nico,” her soft voice brings me from my thoughts as her small hands knead my shoulder muscles.

  I grunt my response. My skin tingles under her firm touch. It is taking everything in me not to react to her touch. I am not quite capable of speech just yet.

  “Have you been doing yoga in the mornings, meditating and working with the visuals we talked about,” she asks with a smile in her voice.

  “I do all you ask of me, Bella,” I reply this time. “Tell me, Reese. Where did you learn Italian?”

  Her hands pause. “How do you know I speak Italian,” she asks with confusion in her voice.

  I turn to look at her and chuckle. “Is it that natural to you,” I lift a brow. “You have answered me, in English when I have asked you questions in Italian and the first day you arrived with Valentina, you answered me when I spoke to her in Italian.”

  I watch as her little nose wrinkles in thought. “Wow, I guess it is. I didn’t realize I was doing that. My mother’s best friend is Italian. Mrs. Pricilla and her family have lived next door to my parents for as long as I can remember. I spent so much time in their home as a little girl. It was natural that I picked up the language. Her mother-in-law lived with them, she didn’t speak English.

  “Nana would have us kids help her around the house so after a while I just started to understand what she wanted of me. I understand the language better than I speak it, but I can hold a conversation if I need to,” she shrugs.

  I smile at her and nod. “And here I thought you went abroad and had an amazing Italian lover teach you the language, before you left him with a broken heart, forever,” I tease.

  She throws her head back and laughs that laugh I love. “Nope, no Italian lover. My husband was my first,” she trails off as if she has just said too much.

  I feel insane for feeling such jealousy coursing through my veins at the thought of her husband touching her. I shake off the feeling and fill in the awkward silence that has fallen between us. Once again, I am revealing something no one else knows.

  “I was sixteen when I lost my virginity,” I say as I return to laying on my front. Reese returns to her massaging and I get lost in the rhythm of her hands moving on my skin. “She was the sister of my best friend. He would have tried to kill me if he knew,” I chuckle.

  “She was three years older than I was. She’d been hinting around the whole summer. One day, when I went looking for Leo, she cornered me. No one was home, I knew I should have left when I realized that, but I was a horny boy and I was curious. She was hot and older, so I let her show me what to do,” I shake my head at the memory.

  “Did you guys date after that,” Reese asks in a small voice that sounds a bit jealous, if I am not mistaken.

  “No,” I shake my head and chuckle. “She wouldn’t even talk to me after that day. She started to treat me like a little boy, not worthy of her time.”

  “Oh, Nico, I’m sorry,” Reese says sympathetically.

  “Don’t be. She showed up at one of my games once I became a professional footballer, while I was playing in Italy. She threw herself at me and I acted as if I didn’t remember her,” I shrug.

  Reese falls into a fit of laughter once again. “That is so mean and wrong,” she laughs. “But I can’t say I blame you. Serves her right.”

  “What is mean is that she almost gave me a complex. I thought I was no good at sex. I didn’t have my next encounter until I was almost twenty years old,” I snort.

  “Seriously,” Reese breathes.

  “Seriously,” I laugh. “I thought I was in love then. Sophia taught me a few lessons I will never forget. She nearly broke my heart and my bank account until Uri stepped in.”

  “You always speak so fondly of him,” Reese says softly avoiding the topic of my ex.

  “I love all my siblings. We have a strange relationship, but we have become closer over the years. With the shooting and the kidnapping….,” I cut off when I realize I’ve said too much.

  I sit up, turning and swinging my legs off the table. Reese is staring at me with wide eyes and her lips parted. I feel something tug at my heart. I want to tell her the truth. Not the story we fed to the media. I want to tell her it all.

  I part my lips to spill my secrets in hopes that she will in turn give me all of hers, but the moment is interrupted by Valentina and Uri as they stroll into the room. I close my mouth and slip from the table. I stop and stare at Reese for a few beats longer. I feel something pass between us, but like all my other feelings for her, I push it aside and ignore it.



  “Is my brother being a pain in the ass, still,” Uri asks with an amused smile on his face.

  “Not so much,” I laugh.

  “Nic-nic,” Vita squeals from her father’s arms.

  “Pretty girl,” Nico croons.

  I can’t help but smile at the two. I watch as Nico makes for his crutch with an ease he didn’t have two weeks ago. My chest blooms with hope and pride at the sight. I’m going to do this. I am going to get Nico Donati healthy again.

  “I hope you are kicking his arse into shape. I have plans for him,” Uri grins with a twinkle in his eyes as he watches Nico make his way over to Uri to place a kiss on Vita’s head.

  “And I have plans to return to Italy as soon as Reese gets me walking on my own. That’s the only way I’ll have a bit of privacy,” Nico snorts.

  “Privacy from what,” Uri asks amused.

  “From you and your wife,” Nico grumbles. “Did you at least ring the doorbell this time, since you’re with your husband,” Nico asks Valentina as he kisses her cheek.

  “Why would she need to do that? We have a key and by the way, if you go home, you do know nothing will change. We have been thinking of spending a few months there as well, once the babies are born,” Uri teases.

  Nico rolls his eyes and shakes his head. I just watch, taking in these large men and their easy banter. It is easy to see Nico has no real bite to his gripe. As much as he chides Valentina about showing up unannounced, I think he enjoys her visits more than he lets on, and for more than just the cha
nce to spend time with Vita. It is easy to see he loves his family.

  I feel like an intruder once they all begin to trade barbs and good natured complaints about each other. Valentina’s laugh is infectious and it is good to see Nico with a genuine smile on his face, and not a grimace of pain.

  I gather my things to allow this family some time together without prying eyes. As I go to walk pass, with my bag over my shoulder, Nico reaches out to touch my elbow, sending waves of electricity through me and stopping me in my tracks. I take a calming breath and turn to him.

  “Why don’t you stay for lunch? I was your last appointment for the day, no,” Nico says with hope in his eyes.

  “I probably shouldn’t. I don’t want to interrupt your time with your family,” I say softly.

  “Nonsense,” Uri replies. As his sharp gaze flickers between Nico and I. “I have wanted to talk to you about the proposal you gave me. Forgive me for not getting in contact sooner. I had some pressing matters to handle. Please join us for lunch, unless your husband is waiting on you.”

  I see the probing look in Uri’s eyes as he mentions my husband. Heat fuses my face as I think of the way Ty behaved in front of Uri. I don’t want to admit to anyone here that I have only spoken to my husband via text in the last two weeks.

  I keep telling myself that the news we received at the doctor’s, was just as hard for him as it was for me. So hard, that he needed to get away for a bit. If I don’t tell myself that then it is likely I will take Valentina up on her offer to have Uri handle Ty.

  I shake off my thoughts. If Uri is ready to talk business, then I need to stick around for lunch, because if my gut feelings that I have been ignoring ever come to life, I’ll need an exit strategy. I have very little money saved of my own, having used every dime I have to start my business.

  Ignoring the probing tone of Uri’s invitation, I relent. “Sure, I’ll stay for lunch, why not,” I force a smile.

  I’m not sure I’ve made the right decision after the words are out of my mouth. The identical smiles on Uri and Nico’s lips sends a shiver down my spine. I know without a doubt I’m digging a hole for myself.

  The more time I spend with Nico, the more unwanted feelings I have been developing, but like a moth to a flame, I am too drawn in to stop it. Valentina gives me a knowing smile and I swear I almost change my mind and bolt. However, it is Vita that makes my decision to stay.

  She reaches out her arms for me, with a smile on her face. “Weese,” she squeals.

  It is the first time she has acknowledged me. I think it is adorable the way she says my name. Before I realize what I am doing, I have her in my arms and I am cooing as she looks up at me with big blue eyes.

  “I knew I liked you,” Nico leans to whisper in my ear. “Anyone this little beauty clings to gets an approval in my book.”

  When he pulls away and I look up into his eyes, those intense blue eyes have a mischievous glow, that I have only seen in old pictures of him. Once again, I think to myself, I am really going to do this. Nico will be healthy again.


  You’re a Stranger


  A month later…

  I walk into my apartment with a smile on my face. I have been smiling a lot lately. It has been a month since I have been Nico’s therapist. He is making such great progress, no matter what he thinks.

  With each day I am seeing the bitter man from that first day fade away. In his place has been a funny and loving man. I know that Nico can be loving because I watch him with his family and Vita. Vita adores Nico and he adores her right back. She has the man wrapped around her little finger.

  Valentina sweeps into Nico’s place unannounced each day, much to his annoyance, but I know why she does it. Nico may smile and tease me here and there, but he lights up when Vita is around. It is as if she eases all his worries and he can’t remain grumpy around her even if he tries.

  I see the determination in his eyes when he looks at Vita. It is like she has become his new motivation. Where Nico had about twenty-five percent range in motion of his left arm and shoulder, he is now at about seventy-five percent. For some time now, I haven’t seen him wince as much as when we first started.

  He is doing so well, I decided to add a few laps, in the pool to the end of his sessions. The first day he was so frustrated with not being able to stroke his way through the water the way he used to. Once Vita and Valentina started to cheer him on from the side of the pool he sucked it up and got to it.

  I would be telling the biggest fib if I said his determination and will to push forward didn’t turn me on. I find myself forcing my attraction to him down on a daily basis. It’s not just his sexy looks, it is the man himself.

  It is not out of the norm for Nico to invite me to stay for lunch. Not after that first day, when Uri talked me into joining them. I have been able to do so every other day since. I actually look forward to watching Nico with Vita, and catching up with Valentina. All has been forgiven since my little outburst with Valentina. Although, Valentina seems more cautious when it comes to talking about the babies.

  My thoughts wonder to lunch at Nico’s today. I don’t know what it is about our little talks that make me smile so much. I smile wider, as my thoughts grow deeper.

  Feeling a lot stronger today, Nico returned to the pool after our session. Vita had her little bathing suit on. Once in the water, Nico was able to support his weight and help Vita peddle around in small circles. Tony wasn’t far away, in case Nico needed him and I had taken my shoes off to place my feet in the water and be there in case of an emergency.

  Nico’s rooftop pool is exquisite. One edge flows out towards the city and looks like it drops off the edge of the roof. On the right, the edge of the pool looks like it lines up with the edge of the roof as well, but is actually set up against glass that has a running waterfall. It is probably gorgeous at night.

  After a while, Valentina pulled Vita out to feed her. Nico strolled over to me in the water, pulling me from my thoughts. His wet arm brushed against my leg, causing a shiver to run through me.

  “Why is it you wear this,” he asked pointing to my polo shirt and khaki slacks. “When you know we work in the water now. Do you not own a bathing suit,” Nico asks with his accent slipping in.

  “Why is it you try to hide your accent,” I counter, avoiding his question.

  He tilted his head to the side studying me. I didn’t break the eye contact, although I know I should. A smile curled his beautiful full lips.

  “My brother has this cool accent. We did not grow up together, but when we reunited I wanted nothing more than to be like him. Uri didn’t want me to follow in his footstep. I had football. His world is far from football, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to be like my cool older brother,” Nico shrugged and his little smile grew. “I have never told this to anyone, but I have tried for years to mimic Uri’s accent, but instead I have come up with this.”

  Nico shrugged and I burst into laughter. Uri’s accent is unique to him and Nico is doing a piss poor job of mimicking it. I laughed so hard tears sprung to the corners of my eyes.

  “Don’t laugh at me, Bella. I was young, I needed my brother back then. My life was not always this fortunate. I am trusting you with my secrets, Mrs. Roman,” Nico said with a laugh in his voice.

  “I thought we agreed on Reese,” I replied reaching for his hair and then thinking better of it.

  It was wet and had fallen into his eyes, but I had no right to touch him. As if reading my mind Nico reached for my hand and squeezes my fingers. He then pulls away and pushed his hair from his face.

  It is then that I realized I’ve started a real friendship with Nico and he trusts me. I’d even go as far as saying he knows me. I’ve shared some things with Nico I’ve never bothered to tell a soul.

  Nico has been able to draw small pieces of information from me over the course of time. He just has this way of getting me to talk through easy banter and laughter. In a wa
y, it helps me to push through his stubbornness.

  As I step into my apartment, my smile fades instantly. I haven’t seen Ty in as long as I have been working with Nico. It is off season. He should be here with me in our apartment, here in New York. Instead, he has barely maintained text messages in the last few weeks.

  To be trying for a baby, I don’t know how he thought we were going to go about it with him gone all the time. Again, I question my marriage seriously. My mind goes back to Nico’s words that second day in his living room.

  ‘If you were mine, you would never close your eyes without knowing I adore you.’

  I have closed my eyes more times than I can count without even knowing if my husband is alive, less on, knowing if he still even cares for me. When we do talk it is always about him, what he needs and what is going on in his life. Sometimes, I wonder if Ty even remembers what I do or what my dreams are.

  After all, he did miss my undergrad graduation. I didn’t fault or blame him. He had a game, there was nothing he could do, doesn’t mean it didn’t sting. I thought of moving to Florida with him and trying to start my business there.

  Surely I could count on my husband’s support and a recommendation with his teammates, right? Not so much, it was the one time Ty went to my father for help. He had Daddy talk me into staying here. Daddy threw his weight around to get me a few clients at first. After that, my skills started to speak for themselves along with favors my father pulled.

  “Hey, Baby,” Ty says as he looks up from that damn phone of his.

  “Hey,” I say through a forced smile.

  “Is that all the love I get. Haven’t you missed me? I missed you,” he says and flashes his brilliant white smile.

  I fuss at myself, in my head for comparing his smile to Nico’s. Ty has a fuller bottom lip and his front teeth are straight enough. Nico on the other hand, has perfectly proportioned, full pink lips with the straightest white teeth I’ve ever seen. Nico’s smile is almost wolfish when he is in a teasing mood, but clearly harmless. Ty’s smile is sly, like he is hiding something and proud of the fact that no one knows his secrets. It isn’t the shy smile I used to love so much.


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