Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 13

by Dana Roquet

  After serving each and finding no other excuse to tarry, Ham left the two alone to dine. Closing the cabin door behind him, he shook his head, mumbling to himself as he walked down the passageway, “What could Bridgett be thinking—allowing the girl to be alone with him?” he sighed heavily, letting the situation go. He could do nothing about it, anymore than he could ever control his young captain or his behavior.


  Dinner passed without incident. The conversation was light and casual and after the dishes had been cleared away, the two sat comfortably at the table. Desiree idly ran her index finger around the rim of a fine crystal glass, regarding Stephen over the flame of the candle. She was feeling very fortunate to have this wonderful time alone with him to enjoy his company. Even a tad giddy.

  “Bridgett feared me dining with you tonight. She implored me not to. She felt it would not be proper.” She confessed lifting her drink to her lips with a smile. She was feeling the effects of this second glass of wine. She was relaxed and the truth spilled out easily.

  “Perhaps you should take heed of her warnings Desiree. You could find yourself in a most improper situation.” Stephen stated flatly without humor, tipping his head back and draining his glass of its contents.

  “I don’t understand that Stephen. Explain to me why I should fear you more than I would fear any other man on board. I don’t fear you—not in the least. I feel very secure in your presence, almost as though I have known you my entire life.”

  Her eyes were soft and trusting and he glanced away, unable to look into them with clear conscience. He lightly drummed the table with his fingers, his jaw flexing as his discomfort grew. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, looking about the room as a raging battle tore at him from within.

  He was at the absolute end of his endurance. He had no wish to be adopted as her big brother. He had been teacher, counselor and court jester—and now—now she was asking him to explain away and deny his desire for her and he could not! Damn it he would not! It was time to remind both himself and Desiree of his true nature. His entire being cried out for him to make her his own and in that instant, his lower self squelched every emotion but the raging lust in his loins.

  Passion smoldered behind the dark eyes when they came back to rest upon Desiree as she waited patiently for his reply. The change in mood did not go completely unnoticed by her. She felt the heat in his gaze and when he rose and came to stand before her, holding out his hands, she willingly placed her drink upon the table and slipped her small hands into his large ones.

  Desiree sensed that he might be considering to perhaps woo her as he drew her up to stand before him and indeed as she looked up into his velvety brown eyes, his head lowered and his kiss upon her lips was as she imagined a kiss from a man might be, warm and firm. She was surprised by the thrill his lips caused throughout her entire body. Like nothing else she had ever experienced before. She decided to take advantage of this never before occurrence or opportunity and her hand reached out to touch his chest near the lapel of his suit coat and she lifted on her toes, extending the kiss even longer when he would have drawn back. She was eager to use this trusted acquaintance and safe environment to test her womanly wiles, just a bit.

  When he withdrew from her, Desiree could see the surprise in his expression. She smiled, giving it her best effort at looking sophisticated and unmoved, when in reality, she felt she might swoon. She knew that she would remember Stephen Colter and that first true kiss for a very long time. His hand covered hers which still rested upon his chest and he drew down once more and his kiss this time was more forceful and his hands moved to hold her shoulders pulling her into closer contact with him. His mouth slanted across hers and slightly parted her lips, his tongue lightly invading her mouth. Desiree followed his example and her tongue lightly met his and the excitement of such an intimate contact shot heat through her body. She could feel her own pulse quickening.

  Stephen was not expecting this response or consent. He was, however more than willing to oblige. Her eagerness—touching his chest in a very intimate and familiar fashion—her kiss, were all the invitation he needed. It had been a long voyage and he had never wanted a woman in all of his life, as he wanted Desiree Chandelle. His passion roared into an inferno, blazing through his brain and leaving sanity and reason in ashes left behind.

  Desiree began to realize that her coy game of flirtation was becoming something all together different. She was beginning to feel she had awakened something in Stephen which was far above her level of experience or ability to control. She could feel the power in his hold and that his stance and energy changed in an instant. His next kiss became bolder still and his entire body seemed to tremble. His hands moved to her back and along her waist. Desiree could hardly catch her breath, before another kiss was added to the last. Awkwardly she pulled her lips from his and attempted to step back from his embrace but then with a swift movement he pulled her forward into his arms. Holding her about the waist, he crushed her to his chest and a hand reached behind her neck loosing her hair and sending it cascading down her back. He grasped a handful of the silken mane, pulling her head back until their eyes met and his mouth swooped down upon hers again.

  He then drew back and whispered against her lips as he dropped gentle kisses there, “You shouldn’t fear me Desiree but neither should you considered me some harmless old dolt because I assure you, I am far from it.” He whispered in a husky voice, inhaling the heady fragrance of her hair. “I am a man, very much warmed and ready to accept your attentions.”

  Desiree was in utter shock, realizing what she had ignited in Stephen. What had she been thinking? Enticing a man and alone with him in, what amounted to, his bedroom?

  “Stephen wait.” She said breathlessly.

  “I can’t wait any longer Desiree. Yield to me. I will be gentle with you.”

  “Stephen I am afraid I have given you the wrong impression.”

  “I feel your desire in your kiss. Your passion for me is every bit as strong as mine for you.”

  “No!” she chirped, as he lifted her hair to his face and inhaled.

  “No? Do you think this a simple ruse then? Do you have a notion of me as some sexless eunuch that you might toy with?” he asked in a low voice, his frustration showing slightly in the timber of his voice. He was thinking about all the sleepless night’s he had lay awake, never dreaming he would ever have her within his arms. And she was here now. And she would be his.

  Desiree had no response for this accusation. Her mind was numb with shock.

  Stephen released her hair and then reached for her hand, entwining her fingers with his own and pulling it close to his chest. “I am not a saint or monk, nor have I ever played the part of the foppish suitor. I am in the habit of having what I want and if you think me some young boy who will admire your beauty from afar—you are mistaken.”

  His mouth swooped down upon hers again with fierce urgency. His tongue plunged within, plundering her mouth and she was too stunned to even try to resist him. It was as though he was transforming before her eyes, his darker side coming abruptly to the surface. His mouth was searching, insistent, demanding—completely devouring but somehow she regained some of her wits and placed her hands against his chest, trying to push free with every ounce of strength she possessed but found she was no match for him. He drew back, his eyes probing hers and the steamy dark warmth she saw in his, was searing.

  “Captain, release me this instant! You are making a terrible mistake. You have misconstrued my attentions!” she fumed with as much courage as she could muster. “How dare you!” she shrieked as his hands moved upon her backside possessively, pulling her into closer contact with his body.

  He smiled slightly but Desiree knew he was serious as he contemplated her. His breath was clean and warm as his mouth hovered near hers, “How dare I what my sweet? Be a man? Desire the most beautiful woman I have ever met? How dare you Desiree! You flaunt yourself before me at e
very turn—without a thought as to its effect. You swing your hips and display your breasts and then appear surprised when I but do what you entice me to! You cannot tell me you didn’t realize what sharing your private company and your kisses would do to me?”

  “You are wrong! I don’t want your attentions—at least not this!” she said with as much bravado as she could muster.

  “Oh Desiree!” he rasped softly. “Please tell me what you see before you? Look at me and tell me what you see? Some doting old grandfather who will take you upon his knee and pat your head as if you are a small child? No! I am much too young to be your grandfather and my feelings—anything but paternal! Have you any idea of the torment you have put me through? You are all I think of—you are my first thought each morning, my last before I drift off at night and then—you are there—in my every dream.”

  “I will go. I won’t trouble you again Stephen—ever! I swear it.”

  “You won’t trouble me? As if all that has passed between us—all we have shared could be wiped away! A thousand times I have wanted to hold you, kiss you—possess you. I retire each night missing you. I wake each day with one thought on my mind—wanting only to search you out, to be with you! It’s time to grow up Desiree! Your face and figure proclaim you to be a woman. Your intelligence assures me that you are not stupid. Your warmth and welcoming me, tells me you care for me deeply —just as I care for you. And yet in here—” he lightly touched her brow, “you are a mere child. It’s time to put away your childish ideas, my sweet. Tonight I shall show you how it is meant to be between a man and a woman—between you and I.”

  “In hell perhaps but not until then!” she hissed, again trying desperately to flee.

  His lips possessed hers and he reeled in the dewy freshness of her mouth, while one hand gently coaxed the peak of her full breast through her gown.

  Desiree fought to pin his hands within her own but soon it seemed he had more than just the two and she could not prevent him from invading the valley between her breasts and his hand slipped within. It was at this moment and with great effort she finally pushed free of him and she felt her gown give way as she did so. The gown was rent from bodice to waist and delicate glass beadwork skimmed across the floor in all directions as Desiree stumbled back a pace with her chemise the only article left intact.

  She stared into the dark eyes, seeing nothing of the man she thought she had known so well. This was a stranger before her. His heated gaze moved to the open gown and Desiree pulled the fabric together, shielding her body from his view.

  From the muddled pool of feelings, churning through her came a sudden, singular strand of emotion, overriding all others, it was hatred and she struck out with the open palm of her hand, with all the hatred she felt in her heart. With her eyes blazing, she moved to lay another blow upon his cheek but her wrists were seized in his hands and like manacles, the hold was unbreakable. Her arms were twisted behind her back and she was crushed against his chest.

  His voice rasped and her eyes were riveted to his, “That makes twice I have felt the bite of your hand Desiree. I warn you—strike me no more! You will be mine this night, have no doubt about that.”

  “I hate you Stephen! I shall kill you for this!” she spat, then winced with pain when his grip tightened upon her wrists. He realized what he had unintentionally done and loosened his hold. Without warning, Desiree took this opportunity to lift her knee between his legs but missed her mark when he moved back a pace, avoiding the blow easily.

  He lifted a brow, with a one sided smile then his voice was somber and gentle as he spoke, “You don’t hate me Desiree. You have no wish to see me dead. You are confused and afraid because—I want you. Shocked perhaps that I dare to treat you like a woman for the first time in your life—but you don’t hate me. Just think for one moment please. Use that pretty little head of yours and think! It has been building to this for weeks, my sweet, whether you consciously know it or not. It has all been leading to this!”

  He released her and Desiree stumbled back out of his reach. He was removing his suit coat and waistcoat slowly, tossing them to a chair. Then he began to unbutton his shirt, keeping his eyes on her all the while.

  Desiree glanced toward the door but before she had time to take a step, he was before it, blocking her way. She moved back from him, as her eyes were riveted to the expanse of his chest being exposed and she placed herself behind his desk for protection.

  His shirt was removed now and she quaked at the sight of his unclad torso. The muscle of his arms bulged. His lightly furred chest flexed with power and every muscle of his abdomen was pronounced and well defined. He bent to remove his boots and then approached the desk.

  Desiree came to life once more, realizing that she had to make her move for the door now, if she was going to save her innocence and her eyes scanned the desk. She lunged forward, picking up a heavy book and flinging it at him but he batted it away easily. In quick succession the book was followed by a quill, a chart rolled and bound, a coffee mug, a spyglass and then she grasp an object and looked at it just as she was about to let it fly. It was a small dagger, with blue sapphires embellishing the handle. She knew she could not throw it accurately but with a wicked smile, she held it before her. It glinted in the light and Stephen seemed surprised that she held it with deadly intent. Grasping it firmly, she slowly moved from behind the desk, toward the door.

  “Get out of my way Captain. I am serious. I shall kill you!”

  “Desiree put that down. You are not going to kill anyone.” He assured calmly. He stood casually observing her; then closed the space between her and the portal, leaning against the wall with one shoulder.

  She lunged for his belly, intending to bury the dagger to its hilt but he moved with the prowess of a sleek cat, seizing her wrist and plucking the dagger from her grip with ease. He sailed it across the cabin, where with a thud, it quivered, with the tip imbedded in the wall.

  “That’s enough Desiree!” he whispered. He was amazed that she could actually have wished to do him injury.

  Pulling her before him, with her back to his chest, he separated her dress to the hem, slipping it off her shoulders and it fell to the floor in a heap. Then her chemise followed and his hands slipped about her, pulling her back against him. One hand brushed over her breasts, while the other held her waist firmly and his lips placed searing kisses along her neck and shoulder. Desiree tried desperately to twist away from his hold but she was helpless against his superior strength. He turned her in his arms and she was engulfed in a passionate kiss.

  After weeks of his feeble imaginings, he was in awe of a sight that made his conjuring of her form, pale in comparison. He savored the feel of her satiny skin under his hands and bending, he lifted her off the floor and despite her kicking and squirming; he carried her to his bed, laying her across its expanse.

  Before Desiree could even attempt to rise and do battle, she saw his breeches were opened and he was slowly peeling them off. Her eyes moved involuntarily down his lean frame, taking in the trim, narrow hips but at the first glimpse of a male organ, they snapped back up to his and he watched her reaction without humor, as he tossed the breeches aside.

  Stephen knelt upon the bed and quickly grasped her arms, effortlessly twisting her onto her back beneath him. With infinite care his arms slipped about her, holding her in restraint and his mouth, hot and demanding, scorched her throat, tracing down toward her breasts.

  Tears came to her eyes as she realized it was too late, there would be no escape. She decided on a change of strategy, “Please Stephen.” When his kisses continued, she said pitifully, “I thought you cared for me…”

  “I do.” He whispered absently. “Very much.”

  “How can you be so heartless? I…I’ve never…” She stammered.

  His lips possessed hers gently and she could feel his manhood warm and hard against her thigh. His hand moved to her face and he gently brushed away a tear, “I am aware sweet. I am not heartless De
siree. You know me better than that. I am not punishing you—I want to give you…” he paused, “It’s too late Desiree and it’s come too far. I know your fear but it is unfounded. I won’t hurt you.” He pledged between gentle kisses.

  “But I don’t—I can’t…” her words trailed off when his mouth moved to her breast, his tongue lightly moving over its peak.

  “Oh stop!” she shrieked, as she tried to squirm away from his mouth, “I shall scream!”

  “Scream away. No one will dare to intervene. This is my ship and I am master here.” He stated quietly.

  Desiree halted the scream that threatened. He was right. It would serve no purpose but to make her ravishment public knowledge. She knew full well his crew would not dare interfere and Bridgett would only be horrified and unable to assist.

  “My Lord you are so beautiful.” He whispered.

  “And you are despicable!” she hissed.

  “Just a man Desiree—just a man.”

  Desiree wreathed and squirmed upon the bed as Stephen fought to pin her down. She could not draw a breath under his weight and felt as if suffocating beneath her hair, tumbling about her face. The battle went in his favor rapidly when he clasped both her hands above her head with one of his and one strong leg, pinned hers beneath him.

  Now leisurely, Stephen explored her body, ignoring her biting remarks and seeking out the resources she had to offer. His mouth possessed first one, then the other full heaving breast, teasing the pink hued peaks to response as his fingers lightly caressed them. His hand moved over her body, across her smooth flat stomach, to her hip and thigh. Urging her thighs with a knee and a firm hand, he found the womanly softness of her and his knowledge of women told him she was beginning to respond, although her face still held no hint.

  Desiree was unable to do anything but lay pliant within his arms, while he was bringing her dormant woman’s body to life for the first time. She was in turmoil, unable to understand the quickening of her heart, or the shortness of breath with each caress. The battle was coming quickly to an end, with Stephen the victor. She felt as though she had no will of her own, as he worked his magic upon her body and silenced any further arguments with his kiss.


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