Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 22

by Dana Roquet

  Stephen ordered the sails down and the anchor dropped into the clear water, well out from shore so as not to cause undo alarm or rash action by the inhabitants. A sloop was lowered over the side of the Windward and Stephen accompanied by only Ham, set off for the beach.

  Mac stood amid his mates on shore, holding loosely to a pair of matching flintlocks, crossed over his chest, primed and ready, if need be. His face was stony and menacing; as he watched the strangers come closer to his shore.

  The sloop bottomed out and Stephen leapt into the calf deep surf, striding surely toward the red haired man, assuming him to be either Macintosh or Red Legs himself.

  “Who be ye and what business have ye here mate?” Mac demanded with a glint of hatred and mistrust in his eyes.

  “The name is Colter—Stephen Colter and I wish to speak with Captain Greaves.” Stephen replied just as forcefully with hands low on his hips with ease.

  Mac’s curiosity was piqued. He was familiar with the name Colter. Stephen Colter was a merchant of much account and known well throughout the shipping industry. Mac couldn’t help wondering what business he might have with Red Legs.

  “Aye Captain Colter that we can do for ye; Come along this way.”

  Mac turned toward the house as the gathering of men parted and he relieved them back to their duties.


  Desiree had heard the cannon blast while dressing and was quickly finishing her toilette, so that she might search out Red for an explanation of what it meant. With her thick hair pulled back in a ribbon and dressed in one of her less than fashionable gowns of white cotton and leather sandals, she hurried from her room.

  She was scampering down the stairs just as the door burst open below and Mac walked into the front hall, followed closely by Stephen. His eyes moved directly to the stairs and Desiree came to a dead stop, glaring down at him.

  Stephen felt a weakness in his knees, seeing her again. His pulse quickened and he drank in her appearance as if a man dying of thirst, finally given a taste of water. The soft white dress that buttoned close at her throat formed to her body, showing every feminine curve. Her skin was sun-darkened and her hair glistened in ebony splendor. She was more beautiful than he even remembered and unfortunately, she appeared to hate him as much as he did remember. Her eyes were as piercing as daggers. Her ease and calm within her captor’s lair surprised him, as if she herself were mistress here.

  “You!” Desiree shrieked, “Mac what is the meaning of this?” She demanded angrily.

  “Easy Lass, this be Captain Colter, here to see Red.” He sputtered, seeing his first glimpse of anger upon her lovely face.

  Stephen hadn’t expected an overly warm greeting but he honestly had hoped for at least civil. She was enraged as though he were intruding upon her private life.

  Without another word, Desiree turned and stomped back up the stairs, falling into irate French under her breath as she did so.

  “It seems ye know the lass.” Mac observed, as he grinned up at her fleeing back.

  “Aye—that I do.” Stephen nodded, watching the older man as he followed Desiree’s departure with his eyes until losing sight of her at the top of the flight. The man chuckled warmly and Stephen could easily see the look of adoration upon his face, which Desiree seemed to stir within every man who spent any time in her company. The man was totally captivated by her and Stephen silently marveled once more at her uncanny ability to put grown men under her spell.

  “Well, this way Captain.” Mac nodded and led the way through the front room, crossing to the far end, where Red rose from his desk to meet the newcomer.

  “Cap this be Captain Stephen Colter and he would be havin’ a word wit’ ye.” With amusement Mac watched Red’s interest perk at the mention of the name Colter.

  “Colter be ye. Honored to meet ye Captain.” Red reached across and firmly shook Stephen’s hand. Red was amazed by the youth of the merchant and sailor he had been hearing of for years.

  “And I am honored to meet you.” Stephen complimented the well-respected pirate. Red Legs smiled; gesturing to the seat opposite him as he took his place behind the desk.

  Stephen was in awe of the hulking frame of the man before him. The pirate was at least a head taller than himself. He could not recall ever seeing such a giant in all his life.

  Mac departed the room quietly as Red poured a liberal draught of brandy for himself and Stephen from a decanter upon his desk. Stephen nodded his thanks, taking a large taste.

  “Captain Greaves I will come straight to the point of my visit. I’ve been sent here at the request of Desiree’s family to retrieve her and return her to the colonies.” Stephen watched the older man’s eyes for a hint of reaction.

  Red had expected as much. There could be no other reason a man such as Colter would venture to this part of the world. Red drank deeply and with a heavy sigh, looked into the younger man’s eyes.

  “That may prove to be a problem Captain Colter. Ye see, the lass were brought here in an arrangement wit’ an unknown party. Me mate Macintosh were hired to do away wit’ the lass but bein’ a man o’ morals, he found it more to his likin’ to relieve the bloke of ‘is purse and take an alternate course concernin’ the lassie. Bringin’ her here where she be safe—out o’ harms way and ourselves a bit richer to boot.”

  “Aye I was able to gather at least some of the game from the waterfront. Now I need only to know what I might be able to do to persuade you to allow her to leave with me.” Stephen raised an eyebrow, ever so slightly, conveying his insistence.

  “Tis na’ a matter o’ that now Captain. I have grown very fond of the lass. I fear fer her safety. She could well fall into another such situation as this, wit’ the wrong sort, were she to go back—If this man or men could find her once, they be sure to find her again. She might well be in greater danger next time and the sweet lassie be as a daughter to meself. I could na’ let anything happen to her if I can help it. What plans had ye for her, if she be willin’ to go?” Red sat back in his chair to listen soberly.

  “I too have worried on the very same. I might propose this to you Captain Greaves. I would like to take her to my home in the Bermuda’s. It is secluded and secure, where she would be safe. I would collect her possessions and her maid from the colonies, keeping Desiree onboard ship and no one would be the wiser as to her state.”

  “Sounds as if ye have a personal stake in the matter Captain. Ye must know the lass well?”

  “Well? I’m not sure of that but a stake in it—yes. We sailed from France to the colonies with the lady and I doubt there is a man aboard my ship that doesn’t feel more than a bit of fondness for her—but you also know that feeling.” Stephen surmised with a smile.

  Red nodded with a warm chuckle, “Aye Captain Colter and I think yer plan just might be the ticket. At least for the time bein’. The poor lass has been worryin’ and frettin’’ on her family since her arrival.” Red sat forward, leaning over his drink, “I’ll strike ye a bargain Colter—if Desiree does wish to go wit’ ye to yer isle and ye keep her safe there, I will do me best to find who be at the root of her woe. Me men makes the rounds to most every port and ‘tis sure I am that we can come up wit’ somethin’. If by chance she decides to stay here wit’ me, I will again be findin’ the source o’ her misery, while keepin’ a watchful eye on her here.”

  Stephen nodded in agreement.

  “Good then I will take ye up to her now. But twill have to be yer doin’ if she is to be persuaded to go. I’ll na’ be forcin’ the matter on her.”

  Stephen almost feared the idea of that task. She was anything but friendly toward him and he predicted quite a battle ahead to convince her to leave. He walked along beside Red Legs as they started for the front hall and he was amazed once more at the height the man possessed. He himself was measured at over six feet and this man was at least a good four hands above that.


  With the light knock, Desiree called for entry and when Red entered,
she sighed with relief.

  “Oh Red, what did he want? Why was he here?” she gushed uneasily.

  “Easy Lass, this be the one ye speak of?” Red gestured behind him as Stephen entered the room.

  “Captain Colter I demand to know what you are doing here! Why are you on this island?” Desiree fastened him with an icy but confused glare.

  He watched her without expression and Red spoke up quickly, “Lass Captain Colter has come for ye, sent by yer family to bring ye home—back to the colonies.”

  Red wondered about her reaction to the man. Obviously they were not friendly, as Colter would have had him believe.

  Desiree looked warily at Stephen and then back to Red, “And you would allow me to go?” she was totally confused. How on earth had he become involved in this? How on earth had he found her? And he seemed none too happy at being here either. His handsome face was cool and disinterested. He was looking casually about the furnishings of her sitting room, unperturbed by her ire.

  “If that be what ye wish Lass.” Red nodded, “The choice be yers alone to make.” He emphasized. “I will allow the Captain to describe the plan to ye and when ye decides on it, I’ll be downstairs at me desk.” Red took her hand in his, patting it tenderly and turning, left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Desiree stood glaring at the handsome Captain Colter. She had forgotten just how magnificent he was. He was dressed in a light tan shirt and clinging dark breeches, which showed off the lean body beneath. His skin was a healthy golden brown. His mere presence caused her to quake inside, stirring feelings that were frightening but her face held an angry scowl as her eyes followed him.

  He moved to a chair and took a seat, making himself comfortable. He crossed his legs before him at the ankles and leaned back, resting one elbow on the armrest and the knuckles of his hand beneath his chin. His eyes came to rest upon her and then dropped momentarily to the chair opposite him, coming up to meet her glare once more.

  “Please sit.”

  Desiree stood rooted to the spot she had been when Red exited. With arms crossed over her chest, she raised her nose haughtily, refusing to budge. Stephen shrugged and gazed passed her and out the balcony doors, dismissing her. Desiree realized that he intended to wait for her to join him and after a few interminable moments of dueling silences, she finally relented, moving grudgingly to the seat he had indicated and waiting for him to start the conversation.

  Leaning forward, he drew his legs in and rested his arms upon his knees, folding his hands, “Desiree—Bridgett sent me here to retrieve you and return you to the colonies but in discussing that prospect with Captain Greaves, we have both come to the conclusion it would not be in your best interest. You would not be safe there because whoever hired these men would surely try again to be rid of you and next time you may not be abducted by such gallant pirates.”

  “What would you suggest?” she snapped at him, irritated by the patronizing tone of his voice.

  “Captain Greaves has assured me that you may stay here as long as you wish and you will be safe and welcome but I am inclined to believe you might do better to be with Bridgett—more at ease. What I suggest is this—we sail back to the colonies, stopping only long enough to collect your belongings and Bridgett—keeping you onboard my ship and hidden, for you cannot afford to be seen again. Then I shall take the two of you to my home in the Bermuda’s.”

  “And be trapped with you? How convenient.” Desiree sneered.

  “Hardly my dear. My entire family lives and works there, as you well know. It is quite populated I assure you and I have no wish to cause you worry. You shall be perfectly safe.” He finished and could not hold back his sarcasm.

  “Won’t that put you out Captain?” she snapped, her sarcasm matching his own.

  “No more than this little excursion has already and then with luck it will be for only a short time and then you may leave and no longer be required to endure my presence. At the same time you are residing at my home—Captain Greaves has offered to search out and find the identity of the man or men who mean you harm. As soon as that has been determined and handled, you may leave for the colonies or back to France, or wherever you wish.”

  Desiree rose and moved across the room, pausing to stand near the balcony doors as she digested this information. She had enjoyed her time on the island and was very much at ease here and yet she would love to see Bridgett. She could ask instead that Bridgett be brought here. She knew that Red would be more than happy to have her but she also knew Bridgett would never consent. Red and the others, no matter how generous and dear, were still outlaws in the eyes of many. No—she could never see Bridgett consenting to stay with a band of pirates in a million years. After several minutes of weighing the options, she finally decided it would be in her best interest to go, even if it did mean enduring Captain Colter’s presence for some time to come.

  Turning to face Stephen she stated flatly, “I agree Captain, I will leave with you. If you will wait here, I shall collect my things.”

  Stephen nodded curtly and Desiree hurried off to her bedroom and packed her meager wardrobe into a small bundle and lifted the gold and pearl necklace from a silver tray atop her bureau, placing it around her neck. O’Malley had presented this to her just yesterday. To her delight and amazement, the small worthless pearls that they had gathered during their expedition had been replaced by magnificent gem quality Margarita pearls from Red’s private collection.

  Desiree returned minutes later to find Stephen standing at the balcony doors, leaning against the jam, watching out at the cove. He sensed her presence and walked to the door, opening it, “After you.” He swept an arm before him in a stinted bow and Desiree preceded him, without comment.


  The two walked side by side down the winding staircase and to the front room, where Red waited. Desiree moved to stand next to him at the desk and his eyes lowered to her small bundle of belongings. She gently placed a hand upon his shoulder.

  “I have decided I will go with Captain Colter, Red. I miss my maid terribly and wish to be with her. I will wait at Captain Colter’s home, until I hear from you.”

  The merry green eyes framed in light lashes, gazed into hers warmly, “Aye Lass, I think that be for the best. Fear na’ I will find a way to end yer plight.” He patted her hand reassuringly.

  Stephen watched the two and he felt a tug at his heart. He was envious of their closeness—a closeness he had once shared with her and he felt the full weight of his loss.

  “Red I don’t know how I could ever repay you for the kindness you have shown me. I shall never forget you.”

  Desiree’s voice was soft and Stephen sensed she would rather he not hear. He moved across the room, looking once more out to the cove, allowing them privacy.

  “Lass, we shall meet again. I be comin’ to the Bermuda’s afore ye know it to give ye news and ye be welcome ‘ere always, ye know that don’t ye?”

  “Merci Red.” She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek while his arms came about her for a moment, patting her back.

  Stephen turned, seeing the affectionate embrace and could see that look in the pirate’s eyes—the devotion and love. She spun webs about every man’s heart without even an idea it was happening, he thought. But only he knew that beneath that loving exterior lay a woman of fiery passion and yet—for this hidden secret he alone possessed, he had lost all else that this man and so many others still enjoyed of her and his jealousy raged silently. Desiree turned to face him with tears glistening in her eyes and nodded that she was ready to go.

  Just outside the front door, leaning at the railings of the porch, were a gathering of men. On the walk, wide-eyed children gazed at Desiree as she slowly walked out the door with Stephen and she smiled sweetly at them all.

  “Ye be off then?” Mac pouted, looking past her to Stephen.

  “Oui I must.”

  “We’ll be missin’ ye Lass.”

  Desiree rushed into his arms with
an affectionate hug and he smiled brightly when she placed a kiss upon his cheek. She pulled back and then saw O’Malley leaning against the railing as he stood upon the steps, smiling sheepishly. She was in his arms next with a hug and a kiss. She touched the small gold and pearl pendant about her neck.

  “Thank you so much for this O’Malley. I shall treasure it always.”

  “And thank ye Lass, for giving me the wonderful day that went with it.” He winked, his gray eyes merry.

  With a dazzling smile, a hug here, a touch of hands there, she bid farewell to her captors, while Stephen hung back taking it all in. She scampered down the steps and the children approached her. She knelt upon the walk and opened her arms to them and they embraced her with kisses and she hugged each in turn. She stood once more, stroking little heads and looked up at Stephen. He joined her on the walk and with shouts of farewell; the children and the pirates followed along as they walked toward the beach.

  At the beachhead, Ham’s face lit up when he saw Desiree and Stephen in the crowd of sailors. Ham shook his head with a chuckle, “Looks as though the lady has tamed the entire isle.” He whispered aloud in amazement.

  “Bon jour Ham.” Desiree called brightly.

  “Hello Miss.” He beamed.

  Stephen held out his arms at the water's edge and to avoid walking through the surf, Desiree allowed him to scoop her up and set her gently within the sloop. The boat was pushed free by many helpful hands and Stephen along with Ham leapt aboard. Stephen watched Desiree as she continued to wave to the men on shore and he noticed silent tears course down her cheeks and he couldn’t help but bitterly wish that he could have had just one tear shed for him when he had departed her life not so very long ago.

  At the Windward, Stephen proceeded up the rope ladder, alighting on deck and Ham tossed Desiree’s bundle up to him. Then with Ham below and Stephen above, Desiree maneuvered up the side of the ship and Stephen took her about the waist, setting her to the deck.


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