Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 32

by Dana Roquet

  “That would be a new twist Captain.” She returned with disbelief.

  “Desiree I have no idea what has come over you but I have shared a bed with you quite often in the last month or more and I do not feel I am asking too much. Please—be my angel once more. Give me a little of that warmth and caring I have come to depend upon.”

  He smiled innocently and Desiree felt her reserve weaken, then crumble completely and she left her doubts upon the floor with her robe. His eyes moved upon her and she saw the sparks of passion that she knew so well. Although dressed in a modest gown, she felt devoured as if naked to his gaze. She blew out the candles she passed on the way to the bed, watching his eyes upon her body and was thankful when the last lamp was doused and the room was illuminated by only soft moonlight which cloaked the scene in gentle hues of silver gray. She crawled in beside him and lying upon her back, looked up into his eyes.

  “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.” He whispered as his lips found hers.

  “You are a blackguard Monsieur—corrupting my mind.” She returned, wrapping an arm about his neck and pulling his hair at his nape none too gently.

  “Ouch! You my sweet are a vixen and you tease me without mercy.” He kissed her and the fire in the kiss told of his obvious intent.

  “Oh no Captain! You wanted only to share my bed remember. I was serious about that.” Desiree said, wriggling away from him and laying upon her side, with her back against his chest.

  “I hope this is not an indication of what I may expect in our future.” He grumbled lightheartedly.

  “And if it were?” she threw over her shoulder.

  “Are you threatening me?” he inquired in amazement.

  “No but I doubt you would worry long over it if I were.” She whispered.

  “I don’t like the tone of this conversation. You are raising my ire, is that what you are attempting?” he turned her to her back, glaring down into her eyes.

  “No. Never mind.” She sighed, trying to turn away but he held her in check.

  “Desiree it is your right if you do not wish to share yourself with me tonight but I warn you—don’t try and use this as some kind of weapon against me. It won’t work.” He warned.

  “Are you threatening me Stephen? Are you saying you shall go elsewhere?”

  “I said nothing of the kind. I simply want you to understand that you shall gain nothing by toying with my affections accept my anger. As much as I enjoy taking you within my arms, I will not live in fear of losing that privilege. If you are upset with me or whatever it is that is bothering you—please let us get it out into the open and resolve it so we may move on. You have never held back what you were thinking or feeling before, so don’t start now and don’t use what we share in bed as a punishment for something I have said or done that has upset you—it’s not fair.” His voice was sharp.

  She wondered if perhaps she had indeed found a weapon she could use against him if need be. He did fear losing that privilege to have mentioned it and she remembered from past experiences that she was able to use her body to seduce him into answering difficult questions.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about Stephen. I am simply tired. That is all but were it something more I doubt you would have any trouble replacing me. Who would warm your bed after me Stephen? Have you some woman waiting for just such an occurrence?”

  “Stop it Desiree! That is not in the least bit amusing. Why are you so determined to fight tonight?” he snapped with true anger evident upon his face.

  “You started this Stephen not I.” She reminded more gently, not realizing his anger would flare so suddenly.

  Although filled with anger matching his and hurt by all she had learned this day, Desiree moved her hand to his chest in a caress inviting a response and he rose to it eagerly as his own anger took flight. His arms came about her and his lips sought hers while he inched her gown slowly upwards and between kisses, she wriggled out of the garment and it dropped silently over the edge of the bed.

  While he made love to her, Desiree took note of one very important fact—she could indeed toy with him and his need overcame even righteous anger. She had an undeniable amount of control over him whether he realized it or not.


  Much later Desiree watched the moonlight falling through the balcony doors. Stephen’s breathing was regular and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest behind her back as she lay cradled against him, with his arm resting across her waist. His presence usually brought comfort and security and she would sleep peacefully but not so tonight.

  She felt a heavy sense of foreboding of things to come. She had no idea what his plans were concerning her—only fear of what those plans might be and in her mind she imagined Stephen and Vanessa sharing all that she now enjoyed. He spending his nights in Vanessa’s arms instead of her own and her receiving only stinted greetings over meals or during casual meetings.

  When would he cast her aside she wondered? How would it come about? Perhaps he would come to her in an honorable fashion and tell her it was finished or he may leave it up to her to guess for herself. Tears slipped silently from her eyes at the thought of losing him. She turned to him, watching his dark handsome face upon the pillow beside her. He stirred and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead in his sleep and she draped an arm over his shoulder, touching a soft curl at the nape of his neck.

  “I love you”, she thought silently, unable to deny the fact but she knew that she was not alone in that emotion concerning him. Vanessa too laid claim to him and she could not deny that fact either.

  If she were to tell him of her love—but again she imagined the outcome of that and she could almost hear his rich laughter in her ears as he would tell her cruelly “Desiree I enjoy you but I do not love you. I am a man of the sea. I cannot be tamed or tarry for long. I am sorry but you are mistaken about me”. He might well leave then, going out to sea or he could return to Vanessa that much sooner.

  Desiree nuzzled close to him wishing she knew what he felt but afraid to know at the same time. Stephen pulled her closer in his sleep, laying his head against her shoulder and she smoothed a curl at his brow and closed her eyes. “He may cast me away,” she thought, “but for now, I will relish the feel of him at my side.” And she drifted off to sleep, holding him close and sheltered within his arms.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  It was just two short days later that Desiree rose early, dressed with Bridgett’s assistance and made her way downstairs only to find the main floor deserted. The clatter of dishes came from the kitchen beyond the dining room but the dining room itself was still empty. She decided to spend a few minutes in the fresh morning air while she waited for the rest of the household to awaken, exiting to the back lawn and strolling around the manor and now she cursed herself for doing so. For she rounded the side of the manor and there before her, on the front lawn, was Stephen and the woman she had come to hate, although she had not yet even been introduced to her—Vanessa.

  Stephen’s back was to Desiree as he spoke in a quiet tone and the words were inaudible but unable to tear herself away, Desiree stood hidden near the house watching the exchange between the two. Until recently, she had not been a person to eavesdrop but now she simply could not pull herself away.

  The jealousy she had felt in the colonies when Stephen and the young trollop had shared a secret came once more to mind and again she felt like an outsider, looking in on his life. This time more so because this woman did know Stephen so well and also because this was not some young whore but rather a beautiful woman who apparently had shared with Stephen, all that she now enjoyed; while she felt unsure of any right to him or his heart.

  Vanessa turned to stroll away to a waiting steed but Stephen grasped her arm, pulling her back to him and Desiree could almost hear the words he had spoken to her on the Windward and so often in the past when they were at odds with one another. She argued with herself that they could be discussing any number
of topics and surely, she was imaging this to be a lover’s spat but then Vanessa drew Stephen’s head down and the kiss was ardent. She did not need to see any more and she turned, fleeing along the house and in through the back door.

  Desiree hurried upstairs unseen and withdrew to her room, closing the door quietly. Pacing back and forth with her fists clenched before her mouth, she allowed her rage to consume her.

  “What a ridiculous fool they must all take me for.” She said aloud, “Believing that Stephen Colter could take me for more than another momentary distraction.” A lusty stag, the girl in the shop had called him and Desiree knew that well enough, as it seemed many women did. How many others had fallen to his smooth words, his charming nature and been left gasping in the ecstasy brought about by his expert lovemaking?

  Now she was being laughed at about the island by the one woman who held, at least, a piece of his heart. The welcome on board ship their first day, the giggling chatter in the clothier, at her expense and now another ardent embrace on the front lawn. How self-satisfied Stephen must be feeling to have two, possibly more, awaiting his ministrations. Well she was not about to share a man with another woman, even if Vanessa was willing to do so. Vanessa could have him and good riddance. She would bring her sordid affair to an end this very day and Vanessa could have him once more to herself.

  Throwing open her wardrobe, Desiree removed a sky blue riding habit with a modest décolletage and a layer of soft white muslin beneath the full skirt, tossing it to her bed. A ride would be the easiest way to avoid him this morning, she decided. Then she hurried out of her room in search of Bridgett.

  Bridgett had not mentioned Stephen, the occurrence at the shop or any topic pertaining to their relationship and Desiree had pointedly avoided those subjects as well. It was as though all Bridgett had predicted was coming to pass in rapid succession and she did not want to admit to Bridgett that she had been right about the charming Captain Colter, so she had avoided speaking of him completely. Knocking lightly upon Bridgett’s door, she entered and found her nurse seated at her dressing table putting the finishing touches on her toilette.

  “Bridgett I have changed my mind about my outfit. Would you help me to dress? I have decided to ride this morning after breakfast.”

  “Well of course dear, come along. Let us see about it.” Bridgett offered brightly, deciding against asking Desiree why she was flushed. Undoubtedly she was seething about something.


  Having donned the garb and arranged her hair in a neat braid down her back, Desiree and Bridgett made their way downstairs to the dining room. Voices were heard as they approached and they entered to find Tim and Stephen seated with—Vanessa. Desiree’s face held no expression although her heart was breaking. She could not fathom the nerve he possessed to be flaunting her so brazenly. Vanessa sat to Stephen’s right and her eyes were brittle and deadly cold as she glared across the room at her.

  “Good morning.” Desiree managed sweetly, sweeping the table lightly with her eyes before accepting a seat offered at Tim’s side. Her eyes met his, which were twinkling with affection and she felt relieved to have at least one ally.

  “Desiree you look ravishing.” Tim remarked as he settled her in her seat and then took his own once more.

  “Merci.” She returned and then looked nervously about the bright sunlit room, avoiding both Stephen and Vanessa’s regard.

  Stephen seated Bridgett on his left opposite Vanessa and on Tim’s right and the room was quiet for what seemed an eternity.

  Vanessa sized up her enemy, noting the uncomfortable behavior of her foe and knew by the sickening sweetness of her face that she would prove to be no match. She turned to Stephen, resting her chin daintily upon her laced fingers and smiled faintly, “Stephen will you introduce me to your guests?” she asked assuming an attitude of importance.

  “Of course—forgive me. Miss Desiree Chandelle and Bridgett Spencer,” he beamed at Desiree with a warm smile, “I would like you to meet an old friend of the family, Vanessa Haines.”

  Vanessa glared at him. The matronly sounding title of family friend he had bestowed upon her tweaked her pride but she recovered quickly, affecting a condescending smile at the younger woman.

  Desiree nodded kindly and then looked to her plate as a servant set it before her. She paid close attention to its contents, wishing to be excluded from any further conversation.

  “Desiree dear?” Vanessa crooned, not ready to leave her to enjoy her meal. She had not yet begun her assault.

  Stephen perked to the honey smoothness of Vanessa’s voice, sensing trouble. He sipped his coffee, watching her over his cup.

  “Just how long can we expect your presence on our little island paradise? Or—shall that depend upon your fancy Stephen?” she smiled slyly into Stephen’s cold glare.

  Stephen opened his mouth to answer but was cut off before he had uttered a word by Desiree as she stared unflinching into the vicious green eyes.

  “That shall depend upon a third party Miss Haines. A very dear friend of mine from whom I am anxiously awaiting word. Neither myself nor Captain Colter have control over that.”

  Stephen’s eyes caught Desiree’s for a brief moment before she allowed hers to drop. He hadn’t been addressed as Captain Colter for some time unless in jest and he noted Vanessa was quick to use this to her advantage. She straightened in her chair, laughing softly and then smiled at him in amusement.

  “Captain Colter is it? My how formal! I was under the impression that you and Stephen were quite close dear. Intimately close in fact.”

  Vanessa’s regard came back to rest upon Desiree once more with a bored perusal as though interrogating merely another of many mistresses she had come to endure over the years. Desiree was devastated. She felt betrayed and dirty, for it seemed Vanessa was well aware of their state, more so than mere suspicion. It made her ill to think Stephen had been disloyal and had discussed their intimacy with Vanessa when he had refused her any information regarding his past entanglements.

  Tim slammed a hand down upon the table and Stephen ground out with authority, “That is enough Vanessa.”

  Desiree placed her hand over Tim’s with a gentle smile and spoke up once more in her own defense bringing Stephen’s forming remarks to a halt.

  “No,” Desiree denied it, “And if not for extenuating circumstances I would not be here this moment I assure you.” She glared at Stephen as his regard turned to her. His expression appeared to be surprised and confused.

  “Timothy?” Desiree asked, laying aside her napkin, “I have lost my appetite, could I trouble you to accompany me to the stable for a few minutes? I wish to ride and would appreciate your help in selecting a suitable mount.”

  “It would be my honor dear lady. Might I join you for your excursion?” Tim offered.

  “That will not be necessary Tim. You have more important things to do I am sure.”

  “Desiree,” Stephen interjected, “The island is large and you are unfamiliar. I would feel more at ease if you would allow one of us to join you.”

  “Would you rather Stephen?” Tim asked, relinquishing his claim.

  “No!” Desiree hurried to interrupt, “Tim please join me. I would enjoy your company ever so much if I must have an escort.”

  “My goodness Stephen—it appears your company is unwelcome! Perhaps I might have a few moments of your time.” Vanessa crooned, while glowering at the younger woman.

  Stephen ignored the remark completely; unable to fathom the chill he was receiving from Desiree. True Vanessa had made some catty remarks which she would answer for but Desiree was angry at him as though he could control what Vanessa decided to spout forth.

  Tim held Desiree’s chair and Stephen rose as she moved fluidly around the table pausing between him and Vanessa, “It has been a pleasure making your acquaintance.” She smiled politely, “Captain—do have a very nice morning. Come along Timothy.” She took his arm and turned to leave.

iree might I please have a word with you?” Stephen called after her.

  “Perhaps later.” She answered sweetly, “Bridgett I shall see you later as well.” and with a wave, she swept from the room on Tim’s arm.

  Bridgett glared at the captain for a moment and then turned to the wicked young woman across from her. She sat smugly, sipping at her tea as though unaware of the hurt she had inflicted upon Desiree with her words. Bridgett rose and rushed from the room and up the stairs. She was appalled at what she had been a witness to and at Captain Colter’s lack of defense on Desiree’s behalf. At least, she thought through her rage, Desiree had been able to hold her own and had set the good captain back a bit at the same time. She had seen the tenseness on Desiree’s face and could guess she was near tears but at least that blonde bitch was unaware of that truth.


  “Well Stephen for being your mistress, she seems very cool toward you. Are you sure you weren’t imaging the entire affair?” Vanessa laughed brightly after the older woman’s exit.

  “I do not consider her my mistress Vanessa and an affair would better describe what you and I shared at one time in the distant past wouldn’t you agree?” Stephen snapped.

  “Well for the closeness you claim to share it is hidden very well. She seems to enjoy Timothy though doesn’t she? But then I would guess they have much in common due to their age. She is rather young isn’t she?” Vanessa adjusted her bodice, drawing Stephen’s attention to her full bust.

  “Not so young Vanessa—simply fresh and unhardened. You might do better for yourself if you could learn to draw in your claws a bit and learn a few manners in the future.” He rose from his seat and tossed his napkin upon the table, “I believe you can see yourself out. I have work to do.”


  For some time Desiree urged her mount along the surf unaware of Timothy in even stride beside her. She was racing to flee the scene over breakfast that ran over and over again within her mind, just as the waves crashed over the beach, time after time, sending up fine droplets as hooves met the sea. The sun upon the water set it to sparkling and the hills about them were shrouded in vapor. The air felt heavy from a light rain that had fallen in the night and slowly Desiree felt her emotions coming under control as she took in the splendor about her. She reined her horse to a walk and Timothy slowed his mount beside her. She smiled warmly at him and then moved from the surf to the water’s edge, where she dismounted.


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