Dirty Neighbor

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Dirty Neighbor Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®


  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-622-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank all of my amazing readers for their love and support over the years.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Elisha Jackson couldn’t believe what she was seeing right now. She was in her bedroom cleaning the windows, and her dirty neighbor was outside having sex. Didn’t he have any shame? Ever since he had moved in next to her two months ago, he’d done everything to annoy her. Was he trying to get her to leave? He had parties every weekend, for the whole three days, even Sunday. It drove her crazy. He clearly liked loud music that had no words, or anything to it. Loud, horrible, banging music, which didn’t stop her from hearing the sex that went on.

  The neighbor in question was Brant Miller, complete asshole, and the worst neighbor ever.

  Right now, he was with a blonde. Of course it was a blonde, it had to be. They were the only kind of women he actually went with, or the kind of woman she saw leaving his damned house. It was embarrassing. Her window was open, and she could hear them, which made it worse. The blonde was straddling Brant, and screaming at the top of her lungs.

  “Yes, harder, fuck me, Brant.”


  She hated her neighbor. There was no way she could even close the window in case it alerted them. Quickly finishing her cleaning, she shuddered as she walked away. Gross, way gross, super gross, and disgusting, and every other word she could think of. He was a creep.

  Why would anyone want to go out with him? He was a horrible man, not that she was an expert on men. She wasn’t.

  In fact, she’d sworn off men for the rest of her life, and had pushed all of her energy into her cleaning business. She thrived in a clean environment, and her company, which employed five other women, was the best. They cleaned houses, work stations, restaurants— anything that needed a cleaner, they were there.

  Her life without Greg had been amazing so far. The scumbag had cheated on her every chance he got. When she finally discovered him in her bed, screwing his latest piece of office ass, he’d had plenty of words to say about her. She was too clean, too clinical. She didn’t know how to get down and dirty and have some damn fun.

  Getting down and dirty had consequences. Look at her sister, Beth, pregnant out of high school, marrying at a young age to a guy who was nothing more than a jock. Andrew was nice, but she was thankful he was a brother-in-law. Their house was pure chaos. It wasn’t dirty as Beth kept it clean. There were toys everywhere, and kids everywhere.

  No, she didn’t need dirty in her life.

  Elisha tucked some hair behind her ears, and willed her pounding heart and pulsing pussy to calm down. Dirty wasn’t what she needed. Neat, concise, clinical, and above all clean. Yes, she liked clean. It was a nice word, strict, and to the point.

  Moving toward her kitchen, she leaned against the doorframe, staring in. Yes, of course it was clean. For a split second a shock of need struck her hard. Growing up she always imagined she’d be a mother by now. She was twenty-eight years old, and she’d had her life mapped out exactly how she wanted it. After college she wanted to own her business, which she’d achieved. Then from college, once her business was a success, she’d meet a man, and they’d live happy ever after with a couple of kids. Three or maybe four, she wasn’t sure yet.

  Of course, life hadn’t exactly panned out like that. She’d sworn off men as she seemed to attract the cheating kind. Every guy wanted to dirty everything up, and she wasn’t like that.


  She closed the thought down, along with the burning need rushing through her body. Being sworn off men made her life a hell of a lot easier. She didn’t have to worry about what other people thought. She was free to come and go as she pleased, not that she went everywhere. Entering her kitchen, she touched her top of the range kitchen mixer, and sighed. She always imagined herself standing at the counter, making cookies for her kids. She loved kids, and yes, even as she hated the chaos, she envied her sister.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she wiped them away. There was no use in crying. She hated spilling tears as they never solved any problem. Grabbing a fresh cloth, Elisha got to work wiping down her counters in case dust had landed on them. There was no point her spending a day at home unless she cleaned. It was moments like this that reminded her how damn lonely she was. Once she finished cleaning every single counter and kitchen cupboard, she checked her trash can. She hated anything that smelled, so even with a few items in the bottom, she always emptied it.

  Grabbing the bag, she made her way outside toward the trash. Where she kept her trash bins was exactly the same place that Brant, her dirty neighbor, kept his. She had no idea that he’d actually be emptying his own trash, or that he’d be in a chatty mood.

  “Hello, neighbor.”

  For a second she simply stared at him, and wondered what he’d think if she started hitting him with her trash.

  Be calm.

  Don’t give in to temptation.

  It was really hard for her not to, but she did resist.

  “Not in a talkative mood today. Fine, I can handle that. It’s going to be one hell of a week I heard. Sunshine, the perfect weather for a barbeque, a party, some friends.”

  She closed her eyes and counted to ten. Brant just kept on talking.

  “I love this weather. It makes you feel so alive.”

  Elisha hated the sun, the heat, and much preferred the colder climate where her neighbor couldn’t start parties whenever he wanted. She would just love to get him to move, but there was no budging him. He’d bought that house, like she had purchased her own. They were both staying, and she had to live with that.

  “Are you deaf?”

  She turned to him, glaring.

  “What?” He held his hands up in surrender. “I’m talking to you, and you’re being rude.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “What the hell have I done?”

  Her anger was starting to rise as he kept on talking, and she didn’t know how to get him to stop.

  “I’ve been a pretty good neighbor, and you’re just incredibly rude. I mean, seriously, I even clear up the leaves from your yard, but do you say thank you? No.”

  “Will you shut up? You’re an awful neighbor, and I don’t like you.”

  “Awful? The leaves—”

  “You picked up a bunch of leaves a week ago. Big deal. You cause so much mess from all of your parties. Not to mention the constant live porn you have going on. I can’t even clean my windows for fear of what I will see. Can’t you have sex inside your house?” She snapped each word out, glaring at him.

  “Seriously? You’re cleaning on the weekend?”

  “It’s what I like to do. I like everything to be nice and neat.”

  “I invite you to all my parties, and you turn me down. You can’t go through life cleaning.”

  “The least you can do is keep the mess on your own lawn, and stop having sex for everyone to see and hear. It’s disgusting.” Slamming the lid down on t
he trash bin, she stormed off, angry and pissed that he’d drawn her into yelling at him. Maybe now, he’d stop being an ass, and consider his actions.


  “How fucking rude can a woman get?” Brant Miller stormed into his house, and was immediately met by his brother, Sean.

  “What’s up your ass?” Sean asked.

  “My neighbor. She’s so damn rude, and she has the audacity to call me an awful neighbor. So, I have a couple of parties. Who cares? We only live once, and what is wrong with having a party for everyone to have some fun? No one complains.”

  Sean frowned. “What neighbor are we talking about here?”

  “The raven haired one with the blue eyes, big tits, and killer legs you want wrapped around, squeezing your hips as you fuck her tight pussy.” He pulled an orange juice out of the fridge, and slammed the door closed. His neighbor was so damn hot. She wasn’t a slender woman, and possessed soft curves. She had to be easily a size sixteen, and he knew his women’s sizes.

  “Wow, sounds like you want her for more than a neighbor.” Sean was eating his cereal, and now he was saying shit that Brant really didn’t want to hear.

  “When are you finding your own place? You’re cramping my style.” Brant took a sip of his orange juice, glaring at his younger brother.

  “I’m younger than you. You’re the one likely cramping my style.”

  There were eight years between them, and the only reason Sean was staying with him was because it was summer vacation. Their parents would cramp Sean’s style, and Brant hired Sean for the summer doing menial jobs that needed to be done. In short, his brother was really cheap labor.

  “I’m the one throwing the awesome parties.”

  “You’re old,” Sean said.

  “If I’m that old, you can get the fuck out of my house, and go find somewhere else to crash.”

  “I’m good. You’re my big brother.”

  Rolling his eyes, Brant finished the orange juice and rinsed out the small bottle, before placing it in the recycle bin.

  “So, what’s wrong with your neighbor?”

  “She caught me with Kasey outside.” Kasey was the woman he called when he had an itch needing a scratch. She loved to fuck, and Brant was only interested in sex, nothing else.

  “You both were loud.”

  “Whatever. I’m not interested in what my prim and proper neighbor has to say. I’ve got a life to live.”

  “And women to screw, don’t forget that.”

  “Fuck this, I’m going into work. Stay out of trouble.” He left the room, going to grab his keys.

  Brant made sure he didn’t look toward Elisha’s house. The first real conversation with his neighbor, and she angered him. She was such an infuriating woman, and not one he wanted to get to know. How dare she call him awful?

  He was a good man.

  What he did in the privacy of his own home was his fucking business. Infuriating woman. Climbing into his car, he drove away from his house, and made his way into his professional studio in the center of the city. He parked in the underground parking, securing all the gates so no one could enter. His studio was also his shop where he sold some of his work. Brant wondered if his bitchy neighbor knew she was living next to an artist. Quite a damn good one if his bank balance spoke for itself.


  He wasn’t an awful guy.

  The world, people, everything inspired him, and he loved life, living life, and being part of everything. Parties helped him to relax, and he met new, exciting people. It also gave him the opportunity to fuck any woman he wanted, but he didn’t have a problem finding women to suck or ride his dick.

  Flicking on the lights to his studio, he removed his jacket, throwing his keys onto the small table beside the door. Sean would know not to disturb him in this area. No one was allowed past those gates. When he did commissioned paintings he went to the house of the people who wanted him.

  This was his zone, untainted by anything.

  Removing his shirt, he stood in a pair of sweat pants, and took in the first picture he came to. The image was of a wolf howling at the moon. He’d seen a horror movie about vampires and wolves, so he’d taken the theme and created a piece of art for himself. There were some shading and finishing touches to give it the right effect, but he actually liked the piece. It would take a small price in his studio.

  There were times he liked to just paint random things like the sky, or a wolf howling. He’d never been just a simple guy with simple tastes. His art teacher had gotten so angry that he didn’t have much in the way of vision. Even though artists were known for being creative and uncontrollable, his teachers wanted him to learn structure. There was no structure to him, no control, no rules for him to abide by. To him, art was free, it was everywhere, and no one was going to tell him how to work.

  Through his years of high school, then college, into the world of art, he’d defined himself as being free, and that was why he was successful.

  “I’m not awful. How dare she?”

  However, even as he spoke the words aloud, he couldn’t help but be drawn to his latest sketch right at the back of the room. Blowing out a breath, he made his way toward the picture, and removed the cover he’d placed over it the day before.

  His very beautiful, sensual neighbor was on the sketch. Brant had been standing at his bedroom window three weeks ago when Elisha had been outside. The mood had cast an illumination over her, so that for a second he truly believed he was seeing an angel. Of course, he had to draw her, and after doing a quick sketch, he’d been working on this piece for the last three weeks. He’d love the opportunity to draw her properly, but there was no way he was getting close to her to ask.

  Awful neighbor!

  She was the awful neighbor, not him. Throwing the large blanket over the picture, he walked away from it. The good thing about being an artist, there was always something for him to draw.

  Chapter Two

  Elisha squeezed her hands together and stopped herself from reaching out to clean something of Beth’s. It was Sunday, and she was so damn tense, as her neighbor had thrown a party, which hadn’t stopped until two. If only the party had finished then. With everything that had happened on Saturday, confronting her neighbor, she’d forgotten to close her window, so after the party she ended up hearing the orgy he’d started up in his backyard.

  Her nerves were fried, and she was so damn tired.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Beth asked, placing a cup of coffee in front of her.

  Taking a deep breath, Elisha nodded.

  “You look tense. In fact, you don’t look well at all.”

  Biting her lip, Elisha kept her mouth closed. What was the point in complaining? There was nothing she could do about it. She loved her little house, and it was such a huge achievement for her. Her mortgage was all paid up, and now she was saving up for her around the world trip that she’d always wanted to go on.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine. You look like you’ve seen a speck of dust, and it’s driving you crazy,” Andrew said, snorting.

  “Shut it, Andy. She doesn’t need that.” Beth slapped Andrew’s arm and shushed him.

  “There is something. Maybe you could help me?” Beth was older than she was. Surely she’d have some advice.

  “Oh, tell me, is it a man? Are you thinking of going on a date?”

  “I’m not dating. I told you I’ve sworn off dating.”

  Andrew growled. “You know, not all men are complete assholes. So Greg was a fucker, I did warn you.”

  She may not entirely get along with Andrew, but he was very protective of her. He’d warned her the first day she brought Greg around to meet her sister. Andrew had pulled her aside and given her a stern warning. She should have listened.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, you like everything clean and precise, yet your love life is in tatters. It’s ridiculous.” Andrew shook his head, taking a long swig of his coffee. In t
he background Elisha heard the children screaming and arguing about something.

  “Are you going to sort them out?” Beth asked.

  “Fuck no. They’re animals. They can fight to their hearts’ content. I’ll drive them to the hospital when it’s done.” Andrew shuddered. “I’m more interested in seeing what Elisha’s problem is. It’s not often we’re the voice of reason but she’s making it far too easy.”

  Elisha stuck her tongue out, hating her own childish behavior. “It is about a guy but not one that I’m actually dating. I’m not dating anyone. This is about my neighbor.”

  “The hottie?” Beth asked.

  “Hey, I’m the fucking hottie in your life.” Andrew moved up behind Beth, capturing her hip.

  Elisha saw her sister’s cheeks grow pink.

  “I’m just talking girl with my sister.”

  “Well, remember who you belong to.” He captured Beth’s chin and kissed her.

  Staring down at the table, Elisha wished the world would just open up and swallow her. Andrew and Beth did this often, and it was embarrassing. They were grown ass adults with children. Shouldn’t the sex have stopped?

  It would be nice to actually have sex.

  She rubbed at her temple, hating the uncertainty rushing over her body. Elisha hated this feeling that was consuming her.

  I need sleep. That’s all it is, sleep.

  “So your neighbor, what about him?”

  “He’s driving me crazy.”

  “You got the hots for him?” Beth asked.

  “Ew, no. He’s a complete slob, and he’s a pain in the ass. I don’t like him. He parties all the time, makes mess that I have to clean up. Nearly every single night he’s fucking some woman in his backyard, and I can’t sleep. It’s killing me. He goes all night, and it’s not just him either. It’s his damn brother, and I just can’t take it anymore.” She stood up, pointing out of the window as if he lived next door, when of course he didn’t, not next to her sister.


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