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Kneel Or Die (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 7)

Page 27

by Michael Anderle

  We Will Build - Book 8 is what I understand to be called an ‘entry point’ for a reader. A book that allows readers to get into the story without missing too much. If you would like to know the titles for the next few books, check out the very, very end of book 5. I did that whole ‘Marvel ending’ where I added stuff past the credits and the reviews.

  Guess what? That isn’t happening!

  Based on reader feedback (again started on FB & the Amazon Forums), it was pretty unanimous that new readers needed to start back in the front of the line (so to speak) and go from there.

  I’ve got some housekeeping I need to do before starting hard again on Book 8. However, I’m going to put out a short story called: Frank Kurns -Tales of the Unknown World 01 (John Grimes Takes Action). I’ll have it out by the end of the month, I believe.

  I’m probably going to keep doing these smaller stories to get into some side stories that aren’t ‘part’ of the main series. I’ve requests for Ashur, Tabitha and one or two others already. Want to suggest anything? Hit me up on the FB page (you can message me directly there). I’d do email, but due to marketing ’shtuff’ I miss some of the emails for days or just miss it sometimes.

  Purchased vs. Kindle Unlimited update. As we go into book Seven, the Kindle Unlimited side has slid behind in gross sales vs. The Kindle purchased group. Income is now 55% Purchased vs. 45% Unlimited (after Amazon’s cut). Not sure about going wide right now. Have to wait to see what Amazon does with the KENP per page payout. With so many books being pushed, plus my own company efforts I’m just happy my family is ‘older’ and I’m not trying to do this with newborns, but have the time to juggle both. That would be hella-tough otherwise.

  At the very end of this book I have cut and pasted reviews from book 1 (to date) - I respond and I’m f’ing fun! WE HIT 50! Actually, we are at 83 as of this morning. One of the latest reviews is a ‘1’ * Star that claims all of you gave me fake 5 star reviews. I’m like, ‘What the hell?’ Then, I’m realizing it isn’t bothering me too much. It bugs me that he is besmirching my fans, but I noticed a fan came back and HAD ALREADY RESPONDED to his review.

  Damn, I was so grateful! It was difficult not to go all ‘angry author’ on the reader. I don’t mind (ok, much) that he didn’t like the book, but to claim your reviews weren’t legit? I call bullshit on that.

  Every single review is a badge of honor I own proudly and thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing them. Occasionally, you drop a note to let me know you put a review on ALL of the books, thank you for that as well.

  I’ve mentioned before, my writing is more escapist. I love a good action story, but more than that I want to engage with the characters. I want to feel what they are going through if possible. I want situations that make me get excited, worried, laugh and say ‘take that, sucka!’ out loud. The challenges faced by the protagonists don’t have to be life threatening, it could be a challenge to ask that special someone out for a date that keeps the story flowing. I’m not really into books that keep you constantly afraid for the characters. If I care about a character, I’ll turn the page, and buy the next book, just to see them reach a personal milestone that is challenging to that character. However; having said all of that action is what drives the story forward.

  Please, if you enjoyed this book give it a good rating on Amazon? Your kind words and encouragement help any author. I will continue to the next story whether you provide an OUTSTANDING review or not. However; it might get done a wee bit faster with the encouragement (wink).

  ** Note: If you would like the $0.99 pre-official-full-price-release message, please sign up on the email list - I’m going to keep doing this for each new release moving forward, so when released early, the price is $0.99 for a minimum of 24 hours **

  You can find book links on my Amazon Author Page here:

  Want to comment on the best (scene, comment, event, shoes or gun for Bethany Anne, weapon Nathan would prefer…you name it) join us on Facebook and hang out with the other pitchfork and matches fans.

  Want to know when the next book or major update is ready? Join the email list - Receive that $0.99 24-hour bonus knowledge in time to SCORE.

  Software used to write this book is Scrivener (Windows and Mac):

  Book Cover Images purchased at &

  (Sometimes better selection on - TKG07)

  Image software to make the cover (Mac): (1.6 ratio @ 300dpi)

  Image software to make the 3d book Covers:

  3d Template Script:

  Thank you,

  Michael Anderle, March 2016

  *All credit for me having ANY shoe knowledge goes to my wife, who still works to provide me with even a finger’s amount of fashion sense. Why she asks me to comment on her outfits in the morning still confuses me to this day. Second note, the suggestion to include special canines also came from my wife.

  From the scene in China (end of the book)

  ** 你好,我的名字是亚当。 停止您的计算机攻击的努力或我将采取惩治行为。您被警告了。

  Translated: Hello, my name is Adam. Stop your cyber attack effort or I will adopt the corrective action. You were warned.

  I’m a REBEL. Not listening to ‘The Man’ when I do this… Because I can… Because I can…

  Review Comments

  This is my ‘Middle Finger Salute’ to being told to not say ‘thank you’ to reviewers on reviews. Even if your review isn’t … nice (sniff, sniff).

  But then, if you have made it to book SEVEN and are reading this far, I doubt that you wrote a one or two star review (back on Death Becomes Her) and continued reading… So I guess this will be for Reviews with three stars and above. If you did put a 1 or 2 star review and are reading the end of this book, what the h#ll?

  This is the last book that I will be including the reviews… HOWEVER… If you want me to do something like this, I can always put them into their own ‘book’. Wouldn’t that be hilarious as hell? Put out a book of review comments that the fans push to #1 on some chart in Amazon???

  Imagine the PR (debacle) that might be. My heart goes ‘giddy’ thinking about that ;-)

  I took a count of how many of these I have to write…

  I’m f#cked! The fans BLEW through fifty. I have a metric f#ck-ton to write right now!

  Nothing to do but get started ;-)

  Michael Anderle


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  Too much cussing, but a great story!

  ByJ. Hendrickson February 5, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Typical of a male author writing a female lead, our Bethany Anne has a mouth even a sailor would cringe at! Lol but, the story is very unique and entertaining! He does a good job at combining the supernatural with sci-if, my two favorite genres!

  Vamps, weres, humans, oh my! You get a great combination of different supernatural creatures with a touch of alien as well! Don't want to ruin it, but I can't wait to see what happens, and where exactly our characters go! Do they stay here on earth? Or do they leave earth at some point? Do aliens show up? Intergalactic war? It is looking very interesting and seems that the author is planning about a dozen books in this series? I am going to enjoy this world he has created!

  But a word of caution, the beginning is a little tough to follow, seems he left out some back story but as you read it you will pick up on what's going on, and it worth figuring out! Maybe a prequel would be helpful? A short story to explain this new world and its creatures a bit more!


  Michael - Thank You J. Hendrickson! Not sure y
ou and I have been around some of the same females. My grandmother (whom I cherish) could cuss a person out in English or German. She had no issues telling a person to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine :-).

  Having said that, I’ve been around some ladies who would blush horribly having HEARD the word, much less say anything. With Bethany Anne having an Army dad, I felt she might have a less … obedient… tongue. I grew up in Texas (which might explain a little) and it only took until junior high for me to learn that girls could be just as mean and ‘ugly’ as guys when they were together, they just normally were more polite in public.

  Thank you for loving the story! believe it or not, these seven books were supposed to BE the backstory! The fans have been crazy supportive and I’m pretty sure if I don’t screw up, I’ll have something to write about that you will love for a while. If I knew my history better, I would probably be willing to do Michael’s story. I’m going to write some shorts from ‘Frank Kurns’ that should touch on some of this in the future.

  Catch you on book 8!


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  Not your usual vamp story but still good read

  ByTrina Moerson February 5, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  Even though this turned more into a Sci-Fi book than Vampire book, I enjoyed it. I am planning on buying & reading the next installment immediately.

  Michael - Thank you, Trina! I hope your still with us and love the characters no matter if the reason for their vampirism was more sci-fi than folklore :-) I appreciate your review and love having you as a reader.


  Byazon February 6, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  If someone can count typos and commas while reading this book, they are truly elite. I was so sucked in from page one all I could do is try to read faster. I loved this story and the author is great. One of the best paranormal I've read. This girl kicks behinds. Not for the faint in heart and if you want a simpering, whimpering heroine, look elsewhere...she's beautiful, sexy and did I say kicks behind? Gives a whole new outlook to the words, "She knocks their heads off"! READ THIS BOOK. You'll lose sleep over this one. Promise.


  Michael - Thank you Byazon! I completely understand those that get kicked out of the story and still work to fix those. I think this book is absolutely the best I’ve put out. PERIOD.F’ING.DOT.

  I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for your review.



  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Great introduction to what promises to be an awesome series

  ByJAMESon February 6, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  Great introduction to what promises to be an awesome series. The pacing is wonderful, the dialogue is witty, the plot is perhaps a bit predictable. I love the blend of urban fantasy with military/spy thriller, alien invasion and the promise of space opera. The characters are just damn fun. I love the sarcasm and the humor, especially the pop culture references. The story is engaging despite some glaring errors, even in the apparently 'edited' version. Although the author dances with Ana Coluthon quite a bit, the meaning is always clear. As a history/ geography teacher I found the use of 'Baltic' for 'Balkan' jarring, but understandable.


  Michael - James, I was so freaking embarrassed when I read this to learn how I screwed up the Balkan locations :-o.

  Believe it or not, editing isn’t so easy as I would have thought. Even after multiple passes. I had to look up Ana Coluthon (anacoluthon) - Yup, your absolutely right! I hope I got better as the books progressed ;-)


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Great Series

  ByKimberlyhazeon February 7, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  I love this series! The main character is a kick ass female who spends her time saving the day, and not whining all the time or being rescued by a man. I love the mix of paranormal with sci-fi. Also if you are like me you will be happy to know this series is not a hidden erotica novel. There is a lot of swearing but I just go with it, everyone has their own way of dealing with tough situations and this is here, also it is some of the most creative swearing I have ever read. This is over a very fun read and just the type of book I look for.


  Michael - Thank you Kimberly Haze! ‘Hidden erotica novel’ (HEN) I love that the story isn’t, as well. I’m not prudish, but erotica is in a LOT of my favorite paranormal books (and even sci-fi now). The reason, frankly, is it SELLS like crazy. That and romance.

  I’m pretty sure that is a statement to how horrible men are doing in our relationships in general, but that is a completely other subject matter I won’t touch on as I might just be shooting myself in the foot, and then forced to eat it.


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  One of the best!!

  ByDesiree' Ron February 8, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I found this series while scrolling through Facebook one day and let's just say I (not so patiently) wait for each one to come out. This series has become one of my favorites. The author is very involved with the readers (I'm on the Facebook page and part of the mailing list) which I think is a great thing. Bethany Anne is one bada** chick and a great main character. Love the stories and can't wait for the next one!!


  Michael - Not only ‘on’ the Facebook page, but jumps in on the discussions as well :-). Thank you SO MUCH for your continued support and all around awesomeness, Desiree’! Here’s hoping that you enjoyed the hell out of KNEEL OR DIE.


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Five Stars

  ByAmazon Customeron February 9, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Awesome series


  Michael - ‘Nuff said? :-) Thank you for your review and I’m not really sure where to go from here ;-)


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  Great new series

  ByKindle Customeron February 9, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Great start to a series. Interesting take on this myth/syfy topic I seem to love. Good characters and plot line that can take us through a great series.


  Michael - Thank you Kindle Customer - I love the topic as well. With a whole universe to play around in (plus here on earth and the past) as long as the fans are happy… Why not keep it going?


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  I love this series

  ByDeborah S. Reaveson February 9, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I love this series. When reading the first book and it went into alien territory I was like WHAT!!!.but I kept reading because BA is freaking awesome. She is one kickass woman. Takes names and then shows them who is the boss. Love it. Reading 3 and moving to the next. looking forward to the ride.


  Michael - Thank you Deborah S. Reaves! That one scene (the alien) is a PIVITOL point in the book. Sci-Fi readers start liking it right there, and true paranormal fans are probably WTF?? (Just like you mention above). That you continued is a testament to Bethany Anne, a character much bigger than the author! I’m just blessed she has resonated so well with so many.


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  I haven't read a series this good in a long time!

  ByAmazon Customeron February 10, 2016


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