Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)

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Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) Page 16

by Brandy L Rivers

  Trent enveloped her in his arms and she wrapped hers around his waist. He kissed the crown of her head. “Seems he figured out what was important.”

  “I’m worried about him. If it’s Logan, then he knew of my brother.”

  “He’ll be all right. Maybe he has a solution.”

  “I hope so. At least, he finally sent me a message.” She sighed and pulled away from Trent. “I better get dressed and we should go.”

  Taking her hand, he stepped closer. “I could take your mind off all of this before we leave.”

  “No. I still have a call to make and there are so many items on my to-do list.”

  The tremble in her hands and the tension in her shoulders tugged at his instincts. He wanted to squash all doubt and fear and give her anything better. Attempting to sway her, he trailed his fingers down her arms and asked, “What call?”

  Blushing, she turned away. “The therapist. Just because I didn’t freak out last night, doesn’t mean I won’t again. Especially if I’m worrying about my brother now too. Please, get dressed, and maybe later we can use your method of taking my mind off the problems.”

  “Later then.” He took his duffel bag to the bathroom to let her dress in peace, and make the call. As much as he wanted to help all the way around, he already knew he wasn’t qualified. Though he would do everything in his power to make the journey easier, even if staying on the sidelines tore him up.

  * * * *

  Ella took a breath of relief as she grabbed her phone and dialed while she picked out comfortable, work-friendly clothes. The phone rang a few times before a receptionist answered.

  In minutes, she had an appointment for later that day. Finally, some relief. Trent stayed in the bathroom though she hardly heard a sound the entire time.

  She knocked softly. “It’s safe to come out.”

  He opened the door. “Breakfast now?”

  “Yeah. Thank you. For everything.”

  “Hey, I’m happy to help whatever way I can.”

  She grinned. “You do, immensely. Now let’s get going. And if you need to escape, I’ll understand. I’m going to be busy with the shop all day.”

  “Oh, no, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily. I’m helping as long as you don’t beg me to get out of your hair. You’ll find I can take directions well though I may expect some kind of reward.” He winked.

  Laughing, Ella grabbed her purse and headed for the door. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  * * * *

  Mon Armoire was starting to look like a real shop. Trent did as much of the heavy work as Ella would allow, but the woman was stubborn and continuously joined him.

  She had to know what she was doing to him. Smirking as she brushed by, or bending over in those little shorts of hers. He’d planned to work straight through the day, but she kept taunting him. One more tease and he was liable to take her against the wall in the dressing room, over the counter, hell, on the floor. He didn’t care as long as he got inside her soon.

  Then she disappeared into the back of the building. He pushed his fingers through his hair and leaned against the wall. Ella seemed determined to finish everything in a single day. How was he going to convince her to take a break, go home, and make love… before her appointment?

  “Trent, can you come here a sec?” Ella called.

  Trent stepped into her office and she pushed him behind her desk, opening his pants, easing them down his thighs. Then she shoved him into the chair.

  He fell back with a grin. “No more work?”

  “Time for that reward.” She pulled his shirt over his head. Staring up at her, he opened her shorts and dropped them down her legs with her panties.

  “You ready for me?” Ella purred, climbing into his lap.

  “Shit, I’ve been hard for you all day long.” He caressed up her sides, pushing her shirt up as she lifted her arms above her head.

  He caught a nipple between his lips while he tossed her shirt. Her fingers threaded into his hair as she rocked over his hard length. Trent gripped her hips, looking up at her with a wicked smile. “Don’t tease, Ella. You’ve been driving me crazy all day.”

  Her torso raised and he reached down to guide his length into her while she tightened around him. She nipped his bottom lip and he groaned.

  Needing more of her taste, he kissed down her neck as she rode him. She filled the holes in his life, the ones he never realized existed.

  Her hands wrapped around the back of his neck and he looked up, meeting her mesmerizing eyes. “Trent,” she whispered, pressing her forehead against his as she crept inside and claimed his heart.

  Cupping her face, he stared back, the emotion flowing between them. He knew he was never letting go. This was the woman he wanted for the rest of his life.

  He tilted her face and claimed her mouth, kissing her as if he could breathe her air. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony. He came and she followed. His hands roamed around her back, pulling her tight to him.

  She nuzzled his neck, pressing a kiss. “Every time I come in here, I’m going to think about this. I may never get any work done.”

  “Oh, every time I enter the shop, I’ll be thinking of you and this chair. Never thought making love in a chair could be so fucking good.”

  She giggled, her breath fanning over his skin. “You just like my body.”

  “Oh, Ella, I like a whole lot more than your body.”

  She sat back, smiling. “Good, because you’re stealing my heart.”

  “Don’t want to steal it, just hold it and keep it safe,” he murmured.

  Chapter 25

  Trent stood in Mila’s living room after watching Ella drive away for her first appointment with the therapist.

  Kyle bounced Valor next to him. “Why do you want to talk to my wife, and not me?”

  Trent laughed. “You can stay. I just need to ask her something. She knows Ella maybe better than anybody.”

  Amusement danced in Kyle’s eyes. “Got it. Do yourself a favor, though. Don’t be an ass this time.”

  Trent scrubbed a hand over his face and nodded. “I’ve already apologized, a few times, for that. Imagine if our positions were reversed. You would have been snapping too.”

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. Mila and Cherish will be here anytime. In fact, would you mind keeping an eye on the little guy while I take a shower?”

  Grinning, Trent agreed as he took Valor and rested him against his shoulder. “I miss Blaze being this size.”

  Kyle snorted. “Maybe you should think about the next step with Ella.”

  “That won’t be a baby,” Trent answered with a laugh. “We’re just barely a couple. She’s still skittish. I don’t want to push, but she didn’t argue when I introduced her as my girlfriend.”

  “I’m not saying knock her up. I’m saying, make sure she knows this is serious for you. You don’t need to propose or anything.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want her to think I’m trying to take over and make her decisions. I think her brother had too big of a hand in her career. Now she’s asserting her independence.”

  Shaking his head, Kyle laughed. “I didn’t say squash it. You can be with her and support her choices. You already are. Hell, you spent an entire day at her shop, doing everything she asked.”

  Trent smirked. “She needed help. And I like it when she gets bossy.”

  Cherish burst through the door and bounced up in front of Trent. “I want my brother!” Her hands shot out and a grin spread on her face.

  Trent gently squeezed Valor, then handed him over. “Hey, Cherish. How are you?”

  “Happy. Today was fun, and I get to have pizza tonight.”

  “Sounds like you’ll have a good night too.”

  Mila’s brow arched as she entered the kitchen. “Hi, Trent. Where’s Ella?”

  “Counseling. She wanted to do it alone. I’m going to take her to dinner when she gets back, but I wanted your help first.”

  Her head tipped
to the side. “Help with what?”

  Trent shoved his hands in his pockets. “I want to put together a gift basket. What kind of things does she like? Or women in general. But keep in mind, I want it to be special for her.”

  A slow smile spread on Mila’s face. “I can help with that. Avoid roses and lavender. But she loves jasmine or lilacs. I’d steer clear of candles, for sure, but maybe bath stuff. You know, salts, oils, bubbles, that sort of thing. Potpourri is good. She likes a good mystery or romantic suspense novel. You could try finding her some books. Maybe check her shelves first. Chocolate is always a good gift. She loves any with caramel, and her preference is dark chocolate.”

  “You’re a lifesaver, thank you.” He gave her a brief hug and headed for the door.

  She hesitated a second. “Uh, you’re welcome. Good luck.”

  He turned back to Kyle. “And thanks for letting me borrow your amazing wife’s expertise. I truly appreciate it.”

  Kyle laughed and nodded to the door. “Better hurry. Counseling doesn’t usually last more than an hour.”

  He made the quick trip to the chocolate shop. Arianna’s head popped up from her book. One pale brow arched.

  “Afternoon Trent. What are you doing here?” The suspicion in her voice made him pause.

  “Hi. What did I do wrong now?” He retorted.

  “Nothing, yet.”

  Trent rubbed the back of his neck. “I thought we agreed we weren’t good together as anything more than friends.”

  “We did. So you showing up in the middle of the day for no reason makes me wonder why you’re really here.”

  He chuckled. “Will it offend you to know I’m here to get chocolate for my girlfriend?”

  She let out a relieved sigh and sat down on the stool. “Not at all. I guess after the night I had, I assumed the worse.”

  His brow wrinkled with his frown. “Why?”

  “Derrick. Need I say more?”

  “What did that slimeball do this time?”

  A sneer appeared on one side of her mouth. “He wants another chance. I’ve given him too many. I’m done.”

  “I’m not him, but if he gives you any shit, give me a call. I’ll bring some of the guys and we’ll make him understand it’s good and over.”

  She smiled. “Sorry, I snapped at you.”

  “No worries. I get it. Though, when have you ever known me to chase a woman who wasn’t interested?”

  She snorted. “True, and even then you’re sweet, and offer to help. Now, tell me about this girlfriend. Anyone I know?”

  He shook his head, a smirk on his lips. “Nope, but she’s opening a boutique a few doors down.”

  “Mon Armoire? How did you meet her?”

  “Yeah. That’s the place. She moved in across the street from me not that long ago. Mila’s been her best friend since they were kids. She runs marathons, about to be a local business owner, and I want to do something nice for her. Thought I could put together a gift basket. She likes chocolate, especially dark, and loves caramel. Think you can help me out?”

  Arianna grinned. “I can’t wait to meet the woman who tamed you.”

  “Oh, you will sooner or later. I’m trying to figure out how to bring her into the community without making her nervous.”


  He shook his head. “Long story. Hook me up with your fanciest box of chocolates. I don’t care what the price is.”

  Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened. “You really do like this one.”

  “I already said as much. Look, she’s different than anyone who’s come before. I don’t want to mess this up.”

  Arianna went to work putting stuff together. “What else will go in the gift pack?”

  He shrugged. “Figured I’d stop by the hobby store, grab a basket, then the aromatherapy shop for some items.”

  “She’s a lucky woman. I’m still in shock you’re doing this for anyone.”

  He sighed. “I did get you flowers. But we only went out a few times before we realized it wasn’t going anywhere.”

  “I’m not one to force something that’s not there.” Arianna nodded to the door. “Go get the rest of the stuff. I’ll ring you up when you get back. And I’ll make sure to include only the best.” She winked.

  “I shouldn’t be long. Maybe you can help me pack the basket?” He left before she could answer.

  * * * *

  Ella sat, nervously fiddling with her hands, waiting for Dr. Eisman to call her into the office. Talking about everything with a professional seemed like a great idea in the beginning. But sitting in the lobby with only the receptionist behind her desk made her feel like a bug under a microscope.

  Her glasses were in place, a hat pulled low over her eyes, baggy sweater, loose jeans. For some silly reason, though she kept her face down, she kept thinking someone would figure out her other identity. Then again, she planned to tell a complete stranger the secret that terrified her.

  The door opened and Ella looked up. A short man with a solid build walked passed her and tipped his head before leaving the lobby.

  “Ms. Cross, I’m ready for you now,” a pleasant voice called.

  She looked up and found an older woman with a kind smile. Immediately, Ella relaxed. “That’s me.” She stood and walked as calmly as she could manage across the room to the door.

  Dr. Eisman stepped aside. “Please take a seat.”

  Sitting in the chair closest the door, Ella flexed her sweaty hands, then rubbed them over her thighs. “First, I need to know you’ll keep my secrets,” she blurted out.

  “That is part of my job. That and to help you find the strength to battle your demons.”

  “Where do I start?”

  “The beginning is usually the best place.”

  Ella sucked in a breath and started slow. “My legal name is Ella Cross. My mother gave me the name Ella, but my last name was something else. I changed it legally after a man took me against my will and held me for a couple days. I don’t remember much of the ordeal. Though, before I left Hollywood, I was an actress. Raven Star.”

  Dr. Eisman nodded slowly. “That’s why you look familiar. I remember hearing about the accident, the abduction, and your retirement from acting.”

  Ella nodded. “Yeah. A close friend suggested I might be suffering from PTSD. I’m prone to panic attacks with a few triggers. I get anxious for no apparent reason. Part of it is the fact my stalker is still out there. I think I’ve figured out who he is, but I didn’t believe it was possible until the other night, and even then, I can’t be sure.”

  “But you believe you know this man?”

  “The more I think about it, the more it has to be. Do I tell the police? Only a few close friends in town know about my life in Hollywood. I don’t want anything from my past to affect their opinion of me now. Also, I have no desire to ruin this quiet little town with paparazzi hanging around.”

  “Well, Ella. Your secret is safe with me. And it seems you have a grasp on the problem. Why don’t you tell me the story in your own words and we can go from there?”

  That sounded so simple, and Dr. Eisman’s warm expression gave her courage. She told her about Logan, and how he made her skin crawl in high school. Then she explained about all the gifts her stalker left, about the accident, what she’d started to remember about those two days, and about all of her panic attacks during the last few weeks.

  Ella knew she’d talked far past her time, and Dr. Eisman listened, asking questions here and there. By the end of their session, a weight had been lifted from Ella’s shoulders. One larger than she’d even realized was there.

  “You should talk to the police. Even if you don’t tell them your stage name. They can help look for Logan, or whoever the man stalking you now is. There is a chance it’s coincidence, but often our instincts are right.”

  “Trent has been trying to convince me to go to the authorities. Now, I need to figure out what to tell them. I know someone will eventually recogn
ize me.” She smiled. “Someone other than a sweet seven-year-old boy.”

  Dr. Eisman nodded in amusement. “With your fame, I’m surprised no one has said anything yet. This may be a small town, but people know the name Raven Star.”

  She nodded. “I realize that. Maybe it’s selfish, but I want people to know the real me, not the person the media portrays. I’m hoping when my secret does come out, they don’t think of me as a snotty star.”

  “Ella, how many stars are snotty?”

  “Most aren’t. We’re like everyone else. But that’s not what most fans think.” She sighed. “People make assumptions, in this case, they’re rarely true.”

  “Agreed. I think we’ve gotten off to a good start. I want to give you my number in case you have another panic attack, but I expect to see you again in a week unless you need me sooner.”

  “Thank you. Wow. You listened to me for two hours. I don’t mind paying you for the extra time.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m happy you were my last appointment. You needed to talk and were ready. We’re nowhere near done, but it’s a far better start than what I usually see.”

  “I’ll make an appointment in the morning. Thank you.”

  “I’ve already put you down. If you need to reschedule, you can. And if you need me before then, call anytime.” She handed Ella the card.

  “Until then.” Ella left, relieved it had been far easier than she ever expected. Though today had been a good day. Next time might not be so easy.

  Chapter 26

  Trent wasn’t waiting outside her house, and Ella was admittedly disappointed. He didn’t have a key, and they had parted ways after the shop. Then again, she was nearly two hours later than planned.

  A shiver traveled down her spine as she thought about the long conversation with Dr. Eisman. Had she trusted the woman too easily?

  Maybe Trent had come by, but she’d been gone so long. With a sigh, she pulled her phone out and sent a quick text. Hey, I’m home. Sorry, my appointment ran longer than I expected. I miss you.


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