Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)

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Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) Page 20

by Brandy L Rivers

  “Better than I was a little while ago. Can I come to your office? I had a pretty bad attack.”

  “I saw the news. How long before you can be here?”

  Ella looked to Trent. “Ten minutes?”

  Dr. Eisman answered, “I’ll be there before you. Please have someone drive you, if possible.”

  “My boyfriend will be with me.

  “Good. I’ll see you shortly.”

  Chapter 30

  By the time Trent pulled his truck into the parking garage, Ella had relaxed. Well, maybe relaxed wasn’t the best description. She was crashing from the aftermath of the stress. Trent had wished they could drive down one of the logging roads and find a nice quiet spot. Maybe lay out a quilt in the back of the truck and stretch out with her under the stars until she stopped trembling. Getting her clinical help was more important.

  Ella’s eyes drooped again and stayed shut this time. He knew she needed to talk to Dr. Eisman, but damn it if he wasn’t tempted to take her home and tuck her into bed. Only after the day she had, she’d probably have a repeat of the night she nearly left his place in a haze.

  He parked outside the clinic and climbed out of his truck. She had let out a big yawn and looked around. Before she could open the door, he did and helped her out.

  “If you’re hungry later, I’ll stop somewhere and pick up food to take home. You can stay hidden in the truck.”

  Her head tipped to the side, studying him.

  “And I’m not running tonight,” he warned.

  “Trent, if you don’t want to run this marathon, it’s okay. There will be more.”

  “We’ll deal with all of that after you’re out of the spotlight. None of it is important compared to your safety.”

  “I don’t want this asshole to stop me from living my life.”

  “We’ll find a way to stop him. But let’s plan to do the marathon with the option of pulling out if need be. We can go back to running when things settle down.”


  He reached for her hand. “Are you ready?”

  She took a breath and started for the entrance. The only time he wanted to see her shaking like this was after he made her come so hard all worries evaporated, not from asshole reporters who couldn’t leave her alone. A lump caught in his throat as he watched the fear on her beautiful face.

  Dr. Eisman smiled as she opened the door. “Ella, I’m sorry about your evening. Come inside.” She nodded to Trent. “Would you like Trent to come with us? Or wait out here?”

  “No. I want you with us.” She turned to Trent. “I don’t want to tell the story twice. Hell, I don’t even want to think about it now, but I need to get it out.”

  Trent turned her gently. “If it’s easier without me, I don’t mind.”

  Her eyes shimmered in the light. “I need the support. Unless you don’t think you can handle hearing about what I think happened.”

  “I’m here every step of the way… as long as you want me.”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  His heart squeezed tight. He knew some of what to expect from helping Metcalf when he went through the worst of his problems. This would be a hell of a lot harder, more personal, but he wanted to be whatever she needed, even if it killed him.

  Dr. Eisman gave him a long look. He nodded in response and she led them through the reception area and to her office without a word.

  Trent sat at the end of the couch and let Ella choose a comfortable location. She surprised him by sitting right next to him, still clinging to his hand. Only her gaze was locked on the wall furthest from anyone in the room.

  “I was fine when the media first pulled up in front of the shop. It was okay until I heard someone talking outside the door, speculating about what they’d ask once they managed to get inside. It got worse as the hours ticked by. The memories started and I went back to my office. That’s when I started to fall apart. I think Mila sent Trent a message. The sirens threw me off the edge, into a tailspin.”

  Dr. Eisman asked, “What were these memories?”

  “I’m not sure if I’m remembering or if my imagination is filling in the blanks. Besides feeling his scarred hands on my stomach, my arms, my thighs, I remember his voice in my ear. Sounds just like Logan did in school. Some of it flashed through my head before tonight, but I got more after the media showed up.”

  “Memories can be tricky. Think about your escape. Do you remember the feel of his hands in the struggle?”

  “I don’t recall everything with so much going on. I remember my heart pounding in my head, and his weight when he tried to hold me down. He was too heavy to shove off me. His strength was more than I could handle when he pulled me back down the stairs.”

  Trent flinched, imagining some of the ordeal.

  Ella turned her head and met his eyes. No hope. Only fear.

  He inched closer and wrapped his arm around her. “I’m right here, no matter what,” he promised, even as his heart twisted into knots.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and told Dr. Eisman everything she could remember. Scattered images turned into full memories of words the asshole had spoken to her.

  The only thing keeping Trent’s rage in check was Ella’s need to cling to him for support. If Logan, or whoever the sick, demented fuck ever showed up, he was likely to land himself in jail when he beat the ever loving shit out of him.

  More than an hour had passed before Ella stopped relaying her memories. The more she talked, the more that poured forth.

  Dr. Eisman assured her the breakthrough was normal. She’d bottled it up so long, repressing most of it, that it was bubbling to the surface. Although the doctor knew it wasn’t comfortable for the patient, it was a sign the mending process had started.

  After discussing ways to break out of the panic, Dr. Eisman sent the couple home. Once safely inside the truck, Ella didn’t make it out of the parking lot before she fell asleep.

  Trent wanted to take her home but her house seemed the better choice. He hoped she wouldn’t mind when he stayed. He’d insist if necessary, but he didn’t want to leave her alone, in case she woke up panicked.

  He carried her to her room and removed her shoes before tucking her in, not wanting to trigger panic from the change of clothes.

  Emotions churned through him like a hurricane. Seeing her terrified had torn him apart. She was so strong, and would come back stronger. Ella was driven to get past the torment, and he planned to be there with her every step of the way. His heart swelled, thinking of her in his arms.

  Hungry, Trent made his way downstairs. In the kitchen, he found what he needed for a ham sandwich. While he was there, he called Mila.

  “Trent, how is she?”

  “Exhausted. She needs her sleep, and I won’t wake her. I’m hoping she sleeps through the night.”

  “Agreed. In the morning, tell her to call when she’s ready.”

  “I will. I wanted to make her eat something, but she couldn’t stay awake long enough.”

  “So fix her breakfast instead,” Mila teased. “Come on, you can cook some eggs or something, right?”

  He snorted. “I can cook. I will.”

  “Take care of her.”

  “You know it. Good night.”

  “You too.”

  Trent hung up and shoved the rest of the sandwich in his mouth as he hurried up the stairs and back to Ella. He stripped down to his boxer-briefs and climbed in bed beside her, pulling her against his chest.

  Details of her ordeal played through his head. Memory or imagination, either way, he wanted to protect her.

  “Trent,” Ella whispered.

  “Sleep, Darling. I’m right here. I’ll hold you all night.”

  Her eyes found his. “Do you think I did something to make him take me?”

  “No. You didn’t do anything. He didn’t even really know you. He got a crazy idea in his head and tried to force you into that mold. It’s not your fault.”

  She shifte
d in the bed and frowned. “You didn’t even take my jeans off.”

  “I worried you would wake up and think that asshole was changing your clothes.”

  She managed to wiggle out of her pants and pulled off the shirt before curling closer.

  “Better?” he asked softly.

  She pressed a kiss to his lips and snuggled closer. “Very.”

  He stroked his hand over her back. “Sleep now.”

  “Don’t let me go.”

  “I won’t.” He kissed her eyelids and held her to his side.

  Chapter 31

  By the next morning, Ella was starved. Trent still held her tight, and staying cocooned under the blankets with him was tempting, but she needed food.

  She tried to slip from his embrace, but he pulled her closer. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you,” he rumbled against her ear.

  A shiver traveled down her spine as she melted against him. “I think you did that all night, and I appreciate it, but let me do something for you. Please.”

  “You needed someone to lean on. And now your stomach is growling because I didn’t have the heart to wake you up long enough to feed you. Let me make breakfast.”

  “I needed the sleep and didn’t have much of an appetite. If you insist, why don’t we make breakfast together?”

  He pulled her leg over his thighs and rocked his length against her. “Better go now or I may not let you leave the bed.”

  A smile pulled at her lips. “You have a while before your shift, right?”

  “I could take the day off, stay with you. The guys would understand.”

  She shook her head. “Go. I’ll be okay. I’m going to hide out here. Maybe at Mila’s if the coast is clear for me to sneak over there through the backyard.”

  “Tomorrow, when I’m off, I’ll help at the shop. Whatever you need. We’ll figure out how to get you there if the press trucks are hanging around.”

  She leaned in and pressed a kiss on his lips before rolling away. He let her go, smiling as she pulled on his sweatshirt from the day before.

  “Really expect me to keep my hands to myself when you’re wearing my hoodie with a flimsy pair of panties underneath?”

  “I’m hoping you won’t.” She hurried out the door and down the stairs. Before she made it to the fridge, he caught her hips and dragged her back to him.

  “Little temptress,” he purred. “You run and I want to chase, then bend you over anything so I can make you beg for more.”

  Smirking, she turned her head and nipped his lip. “I should make you beg.”

  “I can hardly wait.” He stepped back. “Shit, I’m about to now, but you need to eat first.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she turned toward the fridge.

  * * * *

  Trent didn’t want to leave Ella. She seemed fine, but he worried about her when he wasn’t with her. Since that damned social media post, his need to protect her had only become stronger, especially after finding her last night.

  She’d been so happy this morning, but he couldn’t help wondering if it was an act. The woman had a real Oscar, and she wanted to be self-sufficient. She was strong, but she admitted honest weaknesses to the doctor. How much of her happiness and strength was a mask? Did she even realize when she was bottling up her emotions and putting on a front?

  “Sure you don’t want me to call in?” he asked as he pulled her into his arms. Her body molded against his as she smiled up at him. “Go. I’ll be fine. Mila and I are going to hang out.”

  That idea didn’t give him much confidence either since she had spiraled down so fast at the shop, even with Mila there. Biting his tongue, he tipped her face up. “I’d rather stay with you.”

  “But you have work, and I don’t want to keep you locked up in a house with me when I’d rather we went running.”

  “We could. I know places they’d never find us.”

  “Trent, please. I need to know I can stand on my own two feet. You’ve been great, and I appreciate everything you’ve done, but I have to do some of this on my own. If you aren’t too tired when you get off, I hope you’ll spend the night with me again.”

  “All right. Then I’ll see you tonight.”

  She brought his head down and took a kiss before pushing him toward the door. Someone knocked before he could think of a good argument, so he checked the peephole and found Mila standing there.

  He managed a smile back at Ella. “Guess my time is up. Whatever you do today, please be careful.”

  “I will. I plan to make you beg tonight.”

  He groaned and opened the door. “You know that’s going to make today’s shift seem even longer, right? What a tease.” He turned to Mila and opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. Ella wanted to be brave, not be pampered. So he smiled. “You two have a good day.” He turned back to see Ella’s radiant smile.

  “See you later.”

  He nodded before heading across the street. Kyle stood in his driveway, leaning against Trent’s truck. “How is Ella today?”

  “Seems fine. I don’t know. She may be now. But I have a feeling she’s faking it. And maybe she’s so used to hiding her real emotions that she believes it.”

  “Mila will call if anything happens.”

  “Let’s leave. Otherwise, I might talk myself out of going.”

  Kyle snorted. “Yeah, let’s get you out of here before you turn into her next stalker.”

  “Don’t. You don’t have a clue what she’s been through. I don’t want anything like that to ever happen again. So yeah, don’t even kid about that. I’m going to be a protective asshole at times.”

  “Yeah, but sometimes, you need to think about what she needs, not your peace of mind.”

  Trent scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “That’s why I didn’t argue when she told me to go to work. I would have rather stayed with her, but she asked me to go, so I did.”

  * * * *

  Once Trent’s truck drove away, Ella slumped onto the couch. “He doesn’t get it.”

  “Get what?” Mila asked.

  She frowned and turned to her oldest friend. “Where’s Valor and Cherish?”

  Mila smiled. “Cherish is at Cadence’s house for a few hours. Dee wanted baby time, so until about lunchtime, we’re hanging here.”

  Ella sighed. “Look, you don’t have to cancel everything to take care of me. Really.”

  “I’m not. Cherish will be home for lunch. Dee has a date. We’re going back to my place then. That is… unless you want to be alone, but I assume you don’t.”

  “Not really.” Ella laid her head back.

  “So, what doesn’t Trent get?”

  “That I don’t need someone babysitting me, and I’m not going to fall apart without a reason. And yeah, maybe it seems stupid to freak out over media, and fire truck sirens. But shit, all of that is what sent me over the edge to begin with. Now, I need to prove to myself. I’m okay, and I’m stronger than that asshole left me.”

  “Yeah, well Trent is falling for you, and he heard things that shook him up. He wants to protect you. Can’t blame him for that. And if he didn’t get what you were saying, he would have blown off work to stay here with you regardless. He’s trying, but his first instinct is to be here and fix everything.”

  “But he can’t. No one can but me.”

  “I think he gets that, but it doesn’t change how he feels.”

  “Which is why I’m only making him stick with his commitments, like work. Or if his family needed something, I’d send him to them.”

  “He’d try to convince you to go with.”

  “Maybe, but it’s not like I’ve met his parents. That would be awkward.”

  “Boy better fix that.” Mila laughed. “Though I’m sure they’ve had their hands full with Blaze and Tina staying with them.”

  “I don’t need to rush anything. I like where we are. It’s not like I’ve known him a long time.”

  “Yeah, but Kyle says this is serious for Trent. He
may not say it yet to you, but he feels it.”

  “Don’t put words in Trent’s mouth.”

  “I’m not. Just pointing out he feels something for you.”

  Ella got up and walked away. “Yeah. So, what do you want to do today? I don’t think I can go anywhere without risking being found, but I don’t really want to sit here either.”

  “So what do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. Leaving town for a few hours seems like a bad idea. Running, that’s out. Going into town, not a good idea either. I’m stuck, just like I was in Hollywood when the media came snooping around.”

  “Still do yoga?” Mila asked. They’d started doing DVDs back in high school.

  Nodding, she said, “I’m out of practice, but I’m willing to try.”

  “Then grab some clothes and come over. I have a nice variety.”

  Chapter 32

  Bruno plopped down next to Trent shortly after he got to the firehouse. He was part of the other team that worked the same shift. “I saw that photo on Rene’s Instablast. That chick you’re banging, is she a celebrity?”

  Trent shot him a glare. “Not in the mood to deal with your bullshit.”

  “We all want to know.” He motioned at Mitch and a couple other guys. “Why hide that fine piece of ass.”

  “Ella’s a woman who deserves respect. So back the fuck off.” Trent spun and marched out of the kitchen and down the hall.

  Tina stormed through the front entrance and he had to wonder what brought her for a random visit. Her eyes narrowed as she caught his arm and dragged him back outside with her.

  He pulled away from his sister with a glare. “What the hell is your problem? And why are you here?”

  “I knew you were working today. That’s beside the point. Why didn’t you tell me who she was?” Tina demanded.

  Trent’s jaw clenched. “Who?”

  “Ella is Raven Star.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t have a damned clue what you’re talking about.”

  “You just want everyone to leave her alone because of that dickhead who hurt her.”


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