Bloodlines 1 Alliances

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Bloodlines 1 Alliances Page 5

by Toni L. Meilleur

  Khaelen grew silent for a moment. Allantra tried invading his thoughts but felt as if she kept running into a brick wall. He was deliberately keeping her out of his thoughts, while he just ran rampant in hers at will. Arrogant bastard. Two could play that game. She began thinking about all sorts of walls, brick walls, cement walls anything that could keep him out.

  I get it.

  Excuse me?

  I blocked you so you block me, right?

  You started it.

  We’re getting nowhere with this.

  Then this had better be fifty-fifty.

  Suddenly, he smiled at her. He liked that in her. She was defiant and demanded respect, not that he intended to slight her, but it was good to see someone stand up to him honestly. Not the cowardly way someone was setting him up.

  Deal. I was just trying to work something out.

  What did you come up with?

  Whoever is using you as a pawn, more than likely isn’t aware that you’re probably from pure bloodline.

  Khaelen, we’re not sure about that.

  I am. Even if you’re not, I’ve been around long enough to know a pure shifter when I see one.

  What’s your point?

  They’re not aware of your capabilities.

  I’m not even sure of all of them myself. I’ve merely been fooling around with things.

  Good. I like a girl who fools around.

  Allantra had the nerve to blush after what they had done together. The car came to a smooth stop in front of the Quarter. Khaelen pulled her gently across the seat so that she could exit through his door. He didn’t trust them not to accidentally grope her as she left the car. They were led into the bowels of the building, which hinted they were expected to be there a while, as it was the safest place to harbor a vampire criminal. Khaelen had instructed her not to mind link with him while in the corridors, there were devices discreetly set about to monitor their brainwaves for that possibility. They were led into a room Khaelen himself hadn’t even known existed.

  “When did this get here?” he asked no one in particular.

  The taller of the two uniforms answered. “I hear it was built a year or two after you made executioner.”

  “I see, trust no one…” Khaelen replied impatiently. To think that the entire time he had served the Quarter and the Elders, they had expected him to go rogue. He knew he was powerful and dangerous. His suspicions were now confirmed. Over the years he knew the Elders were beginning to view him and his capabilities as a possible danger should he ever go rogue. He didn’t know until now just how deep their fear went.

  He looked around the room and smelled pure silver; no doubt crosses built inside the room to slowly sap his strength, to deem him more controllable. He was already beginning to feel the effects. The glass was reinforced, twice; he noted in dry amusement. The Elders had definitely been keeping an eye on him. One table and four chairs served as the only furnishing in the room. Khaelen sat in one and pulled Allantra down next to him, trying to appear relaxed, but his strength was seeping through his very pores.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered, eyeing the two guards at the door.

  “Silver,” he said, almost breathlessly. “Silver crosses.”

  “Oh,” she said understanding.

  A second later, one guard opened the door and set a small projector on the table and aimed it at the wall. “Oh, great, a movie.” Allantra rolled her eyes in boredom. Wulf entered the room with Hound. She tried to appear as if she had never seen him before. But it was hard hiding her rage. He was the reason she was here and he had something to do with the fact that Khaelen was here as well.

  “Yes, my dear.” Wulf grinned, baring his canines at her. “And guess who’s the star?”

  “What’s this, Wulf?” Khaelen sent Wulf a piercing gaze. Wulf returned one in sympathy.

  “I’m sorry, old friend. This came into my possession at the Elders Meeting Chambers, they instructed me to play it, and then ask you some questions. I wished this weren’t happening.” Wulf let his shoulders slump, his eyes saying sorry to Khaelen. Khaelen nodded in acknowledgement. “This is classified stuff guys, you have to wait outside. I’ll yell if I need help.”

  The two uniforms looked pissed but slowly left the room. “If I catch you trying to peer through the glass, I’ll dump the both of you down to street cleaners,” he threatened. Then he dimmed the lights and pushed a button on the projector.

  Allantra stared horrified as she saw herself grinding against Khaelen. She looked horny and in desperate need of a good fuck. Her cheeks flamed red when she heard herself tell Khaelen to fuck her. She sounded like a slut. Her eyes dropped to the table unable to watch the screen. She heard Khaelen answered his communicator then Wulf shut the machine off.

  “The Elders would like to know how long you’ve know Allantra?” Wulf questioned.

  “This came from video feed from my house. This was obtained illegally?” Khaelen ignored his question. “Why are the Elders allowing this as legal evidence?”

  “Given the nature of the crime, Khaelen. I know there is no love lost between you and your brother but he was Full Caste, appointed by the Elders. His death cannot go unpunished simply because of evidence obtained illegally or not. The Elders want this dealt with, they don’t want an ‘open field’ on vampires. Allantra and anyone else involved need to be dealt with swiftly. Now, please answer the question.”

  Khaelen did not answer right away. He seemed lost in his thoughts. A thin sheet of sweat appeared over his brow. His strength was weakening fast. “Only since I arrested her,” he finally answered.

  “Have you had relations with her since this video?”

  “Do you have more videos to show us?”


  “Then, no, I have not.” Allantra did not show a reaction to the lie; Khaelen was assessing the situation and was trying to defend them both.

  “Have you bitten her?”

  “It’s illegal.”

  “Have you bitten her?” Wulf repeated the questioned, slightly annoyed.

  “It’s illegal, Wulf. The only illegal thing I’ve done is almost have sex with her, since when did that warrant special cuffs and a special room?”

  “Since the criminal is you, Khaelen. I’m sure even now you can feel yourself weakening. The Elders have been afraid of the power you’ve acquired over the years. I’ve been given this by the Elders to aid me as I question you.” He pulled a small amulet from his jacket pocket. “It wards off the effect of silver for a short time. You could have easily taken us all out, but you didn’t. That’s why I insisted on bringing you in. I knew I could count on you to do the right thing.” Wulf half-smiled pocketing the amulet.

  “Yes, you can.” Khaelen agreed softly.

  A dozen more inane questions followed that basically kept getting around to the same subject. Did he set up his own brother’s murder? It did not escape his notice that Hound stayed in a dark corner, eyeing Allantra with feverish eyes. Khaelen could smell his arousal and wanted to kill the human. Not only for his disrespect but also for his treachery.

  He noted the way the human kept brushing his hands across his cock and licking his lips. There was no way he was leaving Allantra alone with these monsters. Why hadn’t he seen these traits before? He knew why, because like most vamps he looked at humans as slightly more intelligent than monkeys. His arrogance had cost him.

  “I’m afraid we have to put Allantra in a separate cell.”

  “I said no deal.”

  “You said arrested together, you didn’t specify the cell situation.”

  “You’re splitting hairs, Wulf,” Khaelen growled.

  “I’m sorry, but she’s scheduled to be executed in the morning.”

  “What!” Allantra jumped up jerking the cuffs. Khaelen pulled her back down.

  “How has she been found guilty? There has been no trial.”

  “The Elders decided no trial was needed, she is involved. She admitted to injecting him. I
t does not matter what her intentions were, it was the injection that killed him.” Khaelen seemed to mull the point over in his head. Outrage filled Allantra’s being. How dare he even consider what they were doing any type of justice!

  Calm down, hellcat. Khaelen slid into her mind. We need to think clearly.

  You’re going to just let them take me?

  Do you really think I’m that gullible? They won’t wait until morning. They’ll kill you as soon as you’re out of my sight. Allantra paled visibly.

  Wulf eyed her suspiciously. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, just my own murder!” She said out loud.

  This seemed to satisfy Wulf, he turned to Khaelen. “Old friend, I’ve something to ask and tell you.” He pulled the key from his pocket and tossed it to Khaelen. “As a show of good faith, I’ll allow the two of you a moment alone, but not before I talk to you, deal?”

  “Deal.” Khaelen agreed, snapping the cuffs off.

  Allantra immediately began to scratch her wrist.

  Khaelen walked to Wulf at the other end of the room, keeping a wary eye on Hound, who stood in the far corner, his lustful gaze never leaving Allantra.

  “What is it?” He sounded gruffer than he intended, but his strength was waning and he had no patience for the situation. He had to get Allantra out of here.

  “This doesn’t look good for you, friend.” Wulf began before carefully plunging on. “The council has agreed that your record up until now has been spotless, they are willing to hear any recommendations for your replacement.”

  “Replacement? I’m being replaced for kissing a prisoner? I know uniforms who have done much worse with lesser fines and penalties.”

  “Except they weren’t the Executioner, a public figure, and weren’t suspected of being in league with a low-ender to kill a Full Caste Member.” Wulf sighed dramatically, trying to get Khaelen to see how desperate the situation was. “If you don’t name a successor, they’ll make it a public event and anyone can run, that means anyone can win. It was the reason you ran, to keep dishonesty and corruption out of this system.”

  “Though that’s what I’m being accused of.” Khaelen smiled wryly.

  “Yes, but I have reason to believe you’ll be exonerated, but given the publicity and the tarnish job it would do on all your work here, they more than likely won’t reinstate you. Recommend someone you can trust.”

  “Would that someone be you, Wulf?” A light clicked in Khaelen’s head.

  “No, it doesn’t have to be. Just someone you trust.”

  “But you don’t want the position?’

  “Are you kidding? All that responsibility, sleepless days, always on call, not my first choice, buddy.”

  “Give me the form.” Khaelen reached for it as Wulf pulled it out his breast pocket. He scratched a name where it needed a candidate, signed his name and handed it back to Wulf.

  Wulf glanced at it and his eyes grew large. “Me? Are you crazy?”

  “Sounds like the best man for the job is the one with the conscience. Good luck and watch your back. I’ll take that moment with Allantra now.” Khaelen looked imploringly at Wulf, who shook his head slowly in astonishment. He beckoned for Hound to follow.

  “You have two minutes. We’ll be right outside.” Khaelen waited for the door to shut completely before he took Allantra’s hand in his own but refuse to speak out loud.

  I’m weak. I need your help. When they come back, I’ll take down Wulf. You can take down a human, right?

  Of course, Shifters are naturally stronger. What are you planning?

  Can you change my appearance as well?

  Khaelen quickly projected an image in Allantra’s mind of what he wanted to do. She nodded. I will need to touch you physically, or else I can’t do it.

  You will figure it out.

  When the door opened they looked into each other’s eyes. Wulf came into the door first then Hound. As soon as the door clicked shut, Khaelen rushed.

  Chapter Six

  It was a flurry of movement too fast for the human eye to see. Khaelen barreled his hard, muscled body right into Wulf. The result was a resounding surprised ‘oomph’ from his lips. The force was so great that Khaelen felt Wulf’s chest give in with a small cracking sound. Khaelen pushed on impervious to the impact until Wulf’s body was firmly wedged into the hole his body made in the wall. He watched his friend’s head slump, his body going into stasis to repair itself. They had very little time.

  Exhausted from the brief exertion, he put a hand on the wall to hold himself erect; he could feel the power of the crosses warming his hands, searing them. Small wisps of smoke began to emit from his hands, curling slowly, then floating into the air. Khaelen turned his head to see Allantra’s hands extended into claws like the legendary grizzly bear; she slashed mercilessly at Hound’s neck. Blood spurted in arcs out of his neck. Khaelen licked his lips hungrily then lunged for him.

  Clamping his mouth over the vicious wound, he drew upon it desperately, trying to regain whatever strength he could. He didn’t even stop when he heard the heart slow then completely stop. Khaelen drained the body of every, last drop of blood, before it even began to slake his hunger.

  Allantra just watched him silently. He felt no judgment, no horror nor repulsion. She merely held her hand out to him and he took it. “Do not let go of me, I cannot sustain the illusion without contact,” she told him.

  Khaelen nodded in understanding, feeling better, thought the crosses were draining him every moment he stood here. A lesser vampire would have died within five minutes of being encased in this room. “We have to go.” Khaelen let Hound’s body slump in a boneless fashion to the floor.

  She stood next to him lightly grabbing his hand. Khaelen felt no different. He opened the door; she stayed close enough behind him so that the guards outside would not notice the handholding. As soon as he was out of the room, he felt a surge of strength return.

  “We’ll be back to question the prisoners. The Executioner is in a surly mood, I’d advise you both not to enter.”

  “Yes, sir.” Both guards responded to who they believed was their present leader, Wulf, accompanied by that weasel of a human, Hound.

  “What about the girl?” one of them questioned, “can we have a little fun with her, she’s going to die tomorrow anyway.” He snorted.

  “That’s up to you, uniform. Do you chance going in there alone to retrieve her while the Executioner is in there?” Wulf raised his eyebrow at them. The guard quickly cast his yellow eyes down to the floor and mumbled something about it not being worth it. Khaelen felt his hackles subside, he had no idea there was so much corruption in his own department. Just who was the innocent here? He wondered. He felt his heart speed up in anticipation.

  He was almost at full power now and quite a force to be reckoned with. He walked quickly, Allantra did not slow his pace in the least she just took bigger steps. He liked a woman who could hold her own and not complain. They rounded the last corner when the sound of bullets erupted behind them.

  “Time to go, sweetheart,” he clipped, practically dragging her now. He knew the bullets wouldn’t harm him, but she was a different story, that is unless the Elders had them especially made, he thought sarcastically. Two seconds later, his sarcasm was rewarded with truth. A small fire erupted in his right arm as a bullet tore through it. Allantra yelped in surprised.

  “Run,” he growled low, sure she heard him. They began to run full out now. The sound of footsteps echoing in the halls, warned them to go faster. Without even bothering to stop and open the door, Khaelen crashed right through it pulling Allantra behind him. Whatever damage was inflicted would be nothing compared to what would happen if they got a hold of them.

  “Can you run and shift?” he yelled back at her.

  “Lead the way!” Her voice almost sounded as if she were having fun. He nearly grinned.

  “Do not let them get away!” They both could hear Wulf barking at the men behind them.

/>   Khaelen shifted into his wolf form, a beautiful black wolf with amber eyes. He was huge and looked as if he could swallow any man whole. As he ran, corded muscles responded in synchronized beauty. His slightly open muzzle gave a hint of wickedly sharp teeth. Huge paws, almost like saucers, gained purchase as long claws grabbed at the ground. An equally beautiful smaller wolf followed him. She was a gray wolf; her body equally muscled for her size, keeping pace with the larger one quite easily.

  They both ran for the opening to the woods just outside the Quarter, the sound of footsteps beginning to dim. There was a cry from a hawk above, it sounded angry but eventually it too faded from their hearing. Still, the larger wolf made them run, it seemed now more for the pleasure and feeling of freedom than anything else. But the smaller wolf was game and joined in the frolicking. It had been too long since they had both tasted any real freedom. His running tapered off until he was just loping across a small clearing. He turned his huge head to beckon the female to hurry, he didn’t want to be caught in an open area. She raced past him but not before playfully nipping him on his haunches.

  He tore after her swiping her legs from under her with one huge paw. She rolled for a second then found she was pinned by his furry body. Laughing she shifted back into her human form. For a second the black wolf watched her, mesmerized by the beautiful sight she made, before lust took over and he too shifted back into his vampire form.

  With mere desire he made their clothes disappear then reappear beside them. Allantra gasped but did not shy away. Her eyes strayed now to the huge erection that hovered just over the part of her that wanted it inside. Despite shifting, he stilled growled low and deep in his throat, sending chills through her. She was frightened and turned on at the same time. He had both her hands pinned over her head; he dipped his head to nuzzle her neck all the while still growling, as if he was her alpha male. She felt a small nip then a lick. His silky hair, now unbound, flowed over her breast, making her nipples harden.

  “I can smell how much you want me,” he rumbled in her ear.

  “It’s not a secret,” she whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever made it a secret.”


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