Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2)

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Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2) Page 20

by Brittany Holland

  Sheer fabric cuts into my skin as the sleeve of my dress gets tangled. Scrambling, I pull up to my hands and knees, crawling away from him, rejoicing when my fingers hit the cool marble of the lobby floor. I keep crawling, blood dripping and collapse to the floor, when the security guard runs up and draws his weapon. “Hold it right there!”

  At precisely the same moment, Alan throws his hands in the air and Cohen comes crashing through the lobby doors.

  His eyes find me, where I lay on the ground with a bloodied lip and wide eyes, “Scarlett?”

  “I’m okay.” I manage, the words feeling like lead in my mouth as his gaze turns to Alan, those cool blue eyes burning with rage.

  “You’re dead.” He whispers as he charges Alan, knocking him backwards into the lift.

  “I said don’t move!” The guard yells as the doors slam shut, locking the two men inside the lift.

  I’m paralyzed on the cold marble as the lights climb back up, stopping on the seventh floor. Please be okay.

  I remain frozen as the security guard crouches beside me asking if I'm all right.

  I nod and my body begins to shake.

  “I’ve called it in ma'am, help should be here any minute.” He informs me, as I feel the warmth of his jacket engulf my trembling shoulders.

  The wail of sirens breaks through the buzz ringing in my ears as the numbers slowly start to descend. Seven, six, five, four, three, two…

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Red. All I see is red. My mind is swimming in it, my hands are dripping with. He fights me, claws and reaches for my neck. But his strength is no match for the anger that has taken over. My body trembles with it. Rage pumps though me, like crimson lava. He hurt her. He put his hands on her. He has to be stopped. It all happens to fast, but time is now moving slow, like the taunting click of winding a clock.

  Pain radiates on my hand and up my arm as my fist strikes Alan’s face over and over. Bones crunch, the sound makes my stomach roll, but I don’t stop. I make him pay for what he did, what he tried to do.

  When he finally stops struggling beneath me, my arms fall to my sides as if they had lead weights tied to them. Blood mars my skin and pours from Alan’s nose. Drawing in a few ragged breaths, my blurry vision focuses on the man laying still beneath me. Heavy pounding echoes in my ears and I smell blood, I taste the rustiness in my mouth. What have I done?

  Yelling pulls me from the red haze and my eyes find Scarlett sprawled out on the lobby floor, struggling to get to her feet. Her violet eyes are wide and her scream pierces my heart. For her. I did this for her. And I would do it again, to make sure she is safe.



  With a ding, the doors open to reveal a bloodied Alan lying on the ground motionless with Cohen straddling over him, his fists hanging limply at his sides, and his chin dropped down to his chest.

  Screaming rings out and I realize the sound is coming from me, my throat feels raw and I climb to my feet, running towards the lift, before I’m grabbed around the waist and held back by the guard.

  “Ma’am please stay back.” He warns, keeping me from running into Cohen’s arms.

  Cohen’s face snaps up to mine as his hand shoots out and pulls the lever. His palm slides back down the wall with a squeak, leaving a trail of smeared blood.

  The emergency buzzer echoes throughout the lobby as police come in and pull Cohen off of Alan's lifeless body. Everything happens so fast, it's a blur. Tears fill my eyes and burn as they fall, a never ending river of anguish.

  I’m lowered to the ground and someone hugs my shoulders, “she’s in shock.”

  “What the bloody hell is going on here?” An angry voice demands. Piers?

  “I’m the one who called you, sir. There was a disturbance on the security feed earlier, that’s why I wasn’t in the lobby and missed her coming in, Mr. Nichols. I’m so sorry.”

  “Scarlett? Scarlett, can you hear me? Are you all right?” Pier’s voice breaks through the haze and I realize he’s kneeling beside me.

  “Where's Cohen?” I look past him to a now empty lift. Alan’s gone, Cohen’s gone. The doors are stuck open and a bloody handprint holds my attention.

  My mind flashes with what could have happened in there, that blood could have been mine.

  “Scarlett? Look at me.” He pleads, shaking my arms. “Who is Cohen?”

  “Shhh. Calm down, you’ll frighten her.” Another voice says. A female voice. Willow?

  Blinking, my eyes scan the lobby, desperate to see what’s happening.

  Everything is now moving in slow motion and I can hear, but it’s fuzzy, like I’m trapped in the bottom of a well. The buzzing, the sirens, the shouts, the cries. It’s all a muddled mess in my mind. My senses are overloaded.

  Near the doors, the police are dragging Cohen out. Cohen!

  Standing, I push past everyone and rush towards them, where I’m held back as paramedics load Alan. The sidewalks are full of on lookers, gawking at the scene before them like an episode of Crime TV.

  “We have a pulse.” They yell out instructions and the door slams shut as the vehicle speeds away, sirens wailing.

  “Cohen!” I yell and he gives me a defeated look, as he puts his hands behind his back and shakes his head. “Cohen?”

  Next thing I know, they are patting him down and putting him in handcuffs.

  “We’re taking him in.” One officer informs another, before looking at me. “We need you to stay back. This man is dangerous.”

  “I don't understand, he's not the one—” I argue.

  “The, the man, the man in the ambulance, Alan. He attacked me.” I raise my voice, as oxygen struggles to fill my lungs. “Listen to me! You’re arresting the wrong man!”

  “Alan Anderson?” Piers questions, looking from me to where the ambulance speeds away.

  “Yes!” I take a breath and force the response out with a frustrated yell.

  “Why would he—” Piers starts.

  “Scarlett? Are you all right?” Teddy interrupts, rushing through the barricade and wrapping me in his arms. “Piers. Right after the security company rang him, I was nearby.” He answers my question before I even have a chance to ask.

  “Does someone want to tell me what she is talking about?” Piers yells.

  “Alan Anderson, he uhhhh. He attacked her at the retreat.” Teddy answers him, gripping me tightly before I break away, and he recounts the short version of the events that happened. It seems like a lifetime ago. I step closer to where they are starting to read Cohen the police caution.

  “What?” Piers roars. “Why am I just now hearing about this?” Teddy looks away, then to me, guilt swimming in his eyes. Teddy kept my secret.

  Sorry. I mouth to him, feeling guilty for putting him in the middle.

  “Because you were too busy pushing her away to give a damn.” Cohen’s raspy voice interrupts, carrying to where we are standing.

  “Who the hell are you?” Piers, turns around and stomps over to where Cohen is being detained.

  “I’m the man that was there to protect her.” Cohen’s chest puffs out as he stares down Piers.

  Piers remains silent, as officers hold him back, away from Cohen

  “I'm so sorry, I had no idea.” Piers says quietly, looking at me, then Cohen.

  “Don’t.” I don’t need his pity now.

  “So, this is the guy?” Piers asks, “That saved you tonight?”

  “Yes.” A single tear falls down my face and I step towards Cohen. “And at the retreat.”

  His deep blue eyes never leave mine. But his face looks frightened, and I don’t understand why. He didn’t do anything wrong, they will release him. They have to.

  “Please, just let me say goodbye,” I ask the officer.

  When he nods, I press myself to Cohen and slide my hands around his torso, under his arms, griping his shoulders tightly. Not caring that my friends and possibly a few enemies are watching our exchange.<
br />
  My only thought is the way I feel pressed against Cohen’s rock hard chest. I just wish his strong arms were wrapped around me, instead of restrained behind his back.

  “Shhhh.” He whispers into my hair and I look up at him.

  My shoulders begin to shake, the shock wearing off.

  “I didn't save you, Scarlett, you saved yourself.” He drops his forehead to mine and whispers across my lips, saying it loud enough for everyone to hear, but I know it was meant just for me.

  “You should go now.” His voice sounds defeated.

  “No, I’m not leaving you.” I demand as they start to pull him from me.

  “Ma’am, you’re gonna need to give your statement.” One of the officers informs me.

  “She needs medical attention.” Cohen growls as they separate us.

  “I’m fine.” I whimper.

  Piers and Teddy step up and flank my sides. They encourage me to go inside, away from the growing audience, but I stay firmly rooted in place, watching them officially arrest Cohen while trying to give my statement to one of the female officers. My heart shatters at the injustice and my chest swims with guilt, knowing it’s because of me he’s being put through this.

  “Get her inside!” His voice yells into the night, as he struggles to turn towards me. “She needs medical attention.” They push him against the hood of the police van, tightening the cuffs.

  He hisses in pain and my tears start again. One turns to two. Then three, and four, they fall and fall. Dripping down my face and soaking the sheer clinging to my chilled skin.

  “Stop! You’re hurting him!” I scream.

  “Scarlett!” He calls out. “Baby, go inside! You don’t need to see this.”

  Then as if time stops, I’m silenced by three words, not three words you might expect to hear. Even those three little words couldn’t have compared to the shock of hearing these.

  “Cohen James Black, you're under arrest for the beating of Alan Anderson.” They finish reading him the police caution and move to load him in the back of the police van.

  “Cohen?” I’m not even sure if anyone can hear me, my voice barely audible. I try again. “Cohen!”

  His head hangs forward.

  “No. No. Nooooooo!” I fight my way to him.


  Cohen. James. Black. James Black. It has to be a coincidence.

  Piers is staring at Cohen, as if seeing him for the first time and I look at him the same way… it can't be. The black hair and blue eyes, even the square set stubborn jaw.

  Willow comes to his side, her face white as a sheet, her sharp intake of breath causes me to look at her.

  “CJ?” She whispers. All heads jerk in her direction. CJ? Cohen James? It could be, but… How does she know Cohen?

  “I thought your last name was James?” Piers pulls me back as I throw myself at Cohen as all hell breaks loose. “Who is CJ?”

  “This is the same guy from the Pub? The Ship’s Wheel?” Piers is now questioning Willow and my eyes are locked straight ahead on Cohen’s face as he winces.

  The Ship’s Wheel? Our place. The place we should be having dinner right now. Not standing on the walkway having my world ripped apart.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Piers demands. “What is going on?” I have no clue.

  “Cohen please, look at me!” I scream until my throat could bleed, beating on his chest while he just stands there and takes it. “What is she talking about? Who is CJ? Why did they say your last name is Black?”

  “Ma'am, step back please, let us do our job.” I’m being pulled backwards, my bare feet scrape on the cold pavement.

  “Not until he looks at me!” Sobs rack my body. Look at me!

  “Ma'am, calm down! Somebody please get this woman under control.”

  “Sod off, and quit calling me ma’am! I don't need medical attention. I need answers for fucks sake!”

  “Get her sedated!” I hear them yell, the roar of voices is enough to make my head explode.

  “Don’t you touch her!” Piers is giving orders at the same time Teddy rushes forward.

  “Look at her! If you care about her at all, fucking look at her and answer the question before she gets hurt.” His voice roars out, and I’ve never heard Teddy so angry.

  “Yes.” He lifts his tortured gaze to mine and I blink back tears. “I am Cohen James Black. James Black’s bastard son. I’m so sorry, Scarlett. So fucking sorry. I never meant for you to find out like this.”

  He drops his head and doesn't say another word as they put them in the back of the van, and I nearly collapse, if it wasn't for Teddy holding me up, I probably would.

  “No. NO.” I lean forward, gripping my knees… it’s as if all the air has been sucked from my lungs with a giant vacuum. My stomach wretches, and vomit explodes from my mouth and onto the ground. I heave and heave until my body is finished expelling every emotion along with every ounce of fluid I possess.

  I'm ushered and lifted into the back of a car. I can hear Teddy and Piers arguing.

  “Stop it. Both of you. We need to take her to the hospital.” I hear Willow say.

  “No.” I do want to go to the hospital. I want to know what the hell is going on.

  “Scarlett,” She whispers in my ear, “Did he, did Alan—”

  “No. He didn’t.” I answer the question she was trying to ask and I lay my head against the window and cry. “He didn’t get the chance.”

  “Shhh.” I’m being pulled into her lap. “You’re okay. Lay down, I’ve got you.”

  “Why are you being nice to me?” I croak out.

  “Because I think you need someone in your corner right now.” She replies and I’m shocked into silence.

  My hair is brushed from my face by a soft hand that caresses my brow. Over and over, telling me it’s going to be alright.

  How could this be? How could I not know? Why did he lie? I have nothing but questions and he's not here to give me answers.

  I let my mind shut off and welcome the blackness that surrounds me, as I’m comforted in the arms of the enemy. Wouldn’t be the first time.


  Teddy, Willow and Piers brought me home, now here we sit, but I don't want any of them here. I just want to be alone. Angry. Ashamed. Confused.

  Willow makes tea, and Teddy sits with me on my sofa as Piers paces the room, wearing out my rug.

  We sit in awkward silence, until Piers starts questioning me, “Where did you meet this guy?”

  “I already told you, at the Anderson event.” I huff out, pulling my throw tighter around me.

  “Pretty convenient that he was the one there to rescue you from Anderson? And now you're attacked again and he happens to be there too?” He runs his hands through his hair.

  “What exactly is it you’re asking? Or should I say accusing, Piers?”

  “Now isn’t the time for your games, Scarlett.” He narrows his eyes at me.

  “Get out.” My voice is quiet but full of steel.

  “Come on Scarlett? Some guy shows up in your life? Right around the time James falls ill and the merger is hanging over all our heads. You never thought maybe he had ulterior motive?” I don’t appreciate his tone.

  “What do you want me to say?” I ask, crushed that he would even think that.

  “The bloody for truth for a change!” He roars.

  “Piers, come on. Let’s talk about this in the morning.” Willow, hands me a mug of tea and tries to calm him down.

  “Are you seeing this guy? Are you intimate with him Scarlett?” It feels like a hot poker was just shoved through my heart.

  “What the hell kind of business is that of yours?” I yell.

  “Yes, Piers, what business it of yours!” Willow tries to intervene.

  “It’s my business if she’s dragging my company into it! If he’s using her to get to get to me, to PAN industries or to get to all of us, it’s my bloody business!”

  “So now it’s your company?”
Fire fills my veins and I stand and do some pacing of my own, my body aching, but needing to rid myself of this nervous energy.

  “Ok, your company Piers. First of all, you bloody idiot, I’ve been nothing but ethical and professional at PAN. Throwing my past up in my face is underhanded and just plain tacky. But for your information, I haven’t been closing deals on my back.”

  He stands stock still and Willow sits next to Teddy, with her hands folded in her lap as I unleash.

  “I met him by chance, he rescued me… more than once. So, regardless of what brought him here, I’m bloody glad he was here and if you were my friend you would be too!” I defend Cohen even though I’m angry with him. “Falling for him, was never a plan. He was here, and we- I…” Everything I want to say feels too personal, too raw.

  “He was here for me when I was falling apart. Teddy is busy with work, you and Willow are moving on with your lives. It felt like you abandoned not only me, but the company, so don’t you dare sit there and question my loyalty to the company. This precious company is precisely what put me in Anderson’s path in the first place.” He winces as my arrow hits its mark and I walk to look out the window at the black sky, swirling with grey clouds.

  It was all a lie…I finally found someone, someone who I finally believed I could have something forever with and now it all blows up in my face, classic Scarlett style.

  “It's possible he was using her to get to me, to us and BlackHouse. Not to mention his family’s shipping company, Black Water.” He’s mumbling to the others, trying to get them to see things his way. I wish I could block it out, because what he is saying cuts me to the quick.

  “I hear what you're saying loud and clear, Piers. The only way that he could want me is because he's using me to get to you. I've moved on. And the person I found was not someone I really knew at all it seems. But I don’t need you to sit there and make your accusations.” I’m shaking with rage.

  “He must have been using me, right? That’s the only way anybody could want poor, damage and broken Scarlett, right? Right Piers?” I yell so loudly, my breath fogs up the glass before turning my angry stare on him.


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