Islam Dismantled

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Islam Dismantled Page 52

by Sujit Das

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  If I were a malignant Narcissist myself like the Prophet Muhammad, I would write my acknowledgement something like this,

  These acknowledgements will be very short, because I have nothing much to acknowledge. I did all the work in this book. No one else did much because they were hardly competent. Sometimes they did suggest changes but I did not pay much attention, because I knew that they were always wrong even before they said anything. But I allowed them to speak only when they praised my work. If you do not like the book blame them. But if you like the stuff, then do not forget, it was me, and me only, who authored the book .

  Of course I am kidding.

  I could fill another book of equal size, describing the work of the people who have improved this one. This book would not exist without the help and excellent advising of many people who assisted me throughout the process of writing this one. My special thanks go to Ali Sina who had “shaped” this book from an unformed idea about Muhammad’s narcissism to a full-fledged systematic research you just read. In addition there are many other people whom I owe thanks for various suggestions and constructive criticisms. I am grateful to all of them more than words can tell.

  There are many unsung heroes, who are working, either openly or hiding, for a peaceful collapse of Islam and to liberate the Muslims from the evil grip of their Narcissist Prophet. They give their time and talent to awaken the world but ask nothing in return. To all these soldiers of truth and defenders of civilization against the Islamic barbarism, I would like to say few words – wherever you are, and however you are contributing to this struggle, my gratitude and thanks.





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