Charmed in Vegas: Bad Potions

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Charmed in Vegas: Bad Potions Page 8

by Michelle Fox

  “Less-than-perfect?” Marion repeated, a hard edge to her voice.

  “Were,” he said, trying to salvage what he could. “Now you’re more than perfect.” He gave a weak smile as he said it, but it was too late. Gods, his mouth was going to get him into trouble yet again.

  “A curse?” She sat up and scooted away from him, drawing the sheet around her body. “You dated me because of a curse?” Tears glimmered in her eyes as she picked up her pillow and smashed it into his face with a growling scream.

  He pulled the pillow off his face and sat up, but she was already gone. The door to her bedroom slammed shut and the lock slid home behind her.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So you put your foot in your mouth again?” McAllister asked, looking at Aidan over a large glass of mead. He wore a slick dark suit with a white shirt and a thin black tie that reminded Aidan of Frank Sinatra. Apparently, the pixie found fashion inspiration in his recent jaunts to Vegas.

  Aidan hung his head. He’d called McAllister as soon as Marion had locked herself in her bedroom and the pixie had manifested as fast as he could. They now sat at a table on the small stone patio behind the cabin. Aidan didn't want Marion to overhear anything he said. He'd already done enough damage.

  “I think it’s the curse. I didn’t have a choice. I had to tell her.”

  McAllister grunted. “Sounds like the Lady made sure you didn’t enjoy yourself too much.”

  “And now Marion’s mad at me.”

  “What do you care? The lass was just someone who fulfilled the terms of the curse. She’s nothing to you, right?”

  Aidan shifted in his seat, aware of McAllister watching him closely. As much as he would like to treat what had happened as a means to an end, he couldn’t. With the taste of Marion on his lips and the scent of her in his nose, he couldn’t say no. A disturbing tenderness for her had lodged itself in his heart, one he hadn’t anticipated. “Well, I can’t save someone who’s mad at me.”

  McAllister gave a wheezing cough as his beer went down the wrong way. “Watch it with the lies, Elf or you’ll be the death of me.” He thumped his chest with a fist and said, “Of course she’s mad. She’s a woman. That’s what they do. Has the Lady not taught you anything? If you’re going to let a fit of temper stop you, your love life is doomed. Go apologize. Explain to her you’re a sod-ass and it’ll be all right.”

  “You think so?”

  “Well, I’m on my third wife, aren’t I? I’ve cleaned up a mess or two in my time.”

  Aidan refrained from pointing out that the history of failed marriages wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement.

  “Now go make it right.” And with that, McAllister popped into the ether, taking his mead with him.

  Aidan sighed and nursed his mead, delaying the inevitable. He’d really messed up. He’d heard her crying and knew she probably hated him now. How McAllister thought explaining he was a sod-ass would help, he didn’t understand, but it wasn’t as if he could think of any other option.

  “Well, there’s no time like the present,” he murmured to himself. Downing the last of his mead in one gulp, he made his way into the house and Marion’s door.

  Knocking softly, he called, “Marion, are you in there?” When there was no answer, he tapped on the door again and said, louder this time, “Look, we need to talk. I need to explain what happened today.”

  A muffled “Go away,” was all he got in response.

  “Look, I’m really sorry. I’m an idiot. A moron. Today was wonderful. You were wonderful. Please come out and let me explain.” As a final appeal he said, “I’m going to make dinner. Salad and grilled cheese. I’m not nearly as good a cook as Raven, but I can hold my own.”

  The door swung open and a puffy-eyed Marion looked at him, brown eyes flashing. “I’m only coming out for the food.”

  She pushed past him and stalked down the hall to the kitchen, leaving Aidan to run after her.

  They ate in silence. Aidan’s attempts to talk to her were met with withering stares and instructions to shut-up. He grew desperate as her plate emptied, fearing she would storm off to her room again once the food was gone.

  “Can I tell you about it? Please?”

  She glared at him, but didn’t say no or bolt, which he took as a yes.

  “I made the Lady angry.”

  “What did you do?” It was the first she’d spoken to him and he gave her a grateful smile, which she did not return.

  “I, well, I said the wrong thing. A lot like today.” He hesitated and then just let it all out. “See, I told her she had an ass like two moons, big and white.”

  Marion blanched. “You said that?”


  “How did you know what her ass looked like?”

  “Surely you know what guards do for the Queen?” At her confused look, he realized she didn’t. Oh, this wasn’t going to end well at all. He took a deep breath. “The Queen ensures our loyalty with sex. All who guard her, sleep with her and either enjoy it or don’t serve.”

  “Oh,” Marion said, staring intently at her plate. “Do you love her?”

  “In a way, yes.” He wouldn’t lie about that and besides things couldn’t get much worse.


  “It’s a love of duty, of fealty. It’s not romantic.”

  “Still, you would go back to her bed.”

  “I can’t go back at all until I fulfill the terms of the curse.”

  “I see. So you made the Queen angry and she cursed you and I am your key back to her bed. You sleep with me, you get to sleep with her.”


  “It’s a yes or no question, Aidan,” she said, her bottom lip quivering. Throwing her napkin down, she shoved her chair back. “Never mind. You don’t have to say it, I already know.” She ran back to her room, the slam of her bedroom door reverberating through the house.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day, Marion woke to the sound of birdsong and bright sunshine streaming through the bedroom window. On tip-toe, she opened her door and peeked into the hallway. Aidan was nowhere in sight. Relieved, she quietly made her way to the bathroom where she took a quick shower. Dressed, but her hair still wet, she padded in bare feet to the kitchen and poured herself some orange juice.

  Draining her glass, she rinsed it in the kitchen sink, and then grabbed her cell phone. She should probably check in with Raven.

  “Hello?” Raven’s familiar husky voice answered.

  “It’s me, Marion.”

  Raven’s voice brightened. “Hey, how are you? How’s Aidan?”

  “Good. Things are good,” she lied. “I just wanted to call and see how things are with you?”

  “Oh, you know, the usual. Dating, dancing, and doing as little homework as possible. Although this economics of magic class I’m taking is killing me.”

  “Are you still staying with Wolf?”

  “Yes, but enough about me, I want to know more about you. I want details, Mar. Down and dirty details. Don’t disappoint me, girl.”

  Marion laughed. “What do you want to know?”

  “Did he ring your bell?”

  “Yes,” Marion said, flushing.

  “I knew he would. Guys like Aidan are very good," Raven cleared her throat, “ringers.”

  Despite her heartbreak, Marion couldn’t hold back a giggle.

  “So, when do you think we can all go home?”

  The question was sobering, reminding Marion why she was tucked in a remote cabin with Aidan. “I don’t know. Aidan’s sleeping right now, but when he wakes up I want to call Dougal and see how he’s doing.”

  Raven snorted. “I can tell you what Dougal’s doing. He’s wearing the lowest cut shirts he can find and the shortest skirts in your closet and prancing around campus like a supermodel. There are at least three guys seriously crushing on you right now.”

  “What?” Marion shrieked, horrified.

  “Dougal is the biggest flirt I know, and for a
guy, he certainly knows how to work your assets.”

  “Oh Goddess save me,” Marion groaned, imagining having to face her classmates after Dougal was done with them. “I hope he’s at least taking good notes.”

  “He’s certainly getting an A in partying.”

  “What am I going to do?”

  “Transfer schools? Drop out and marry Aidan?”

  “Neither are practical solutions.” Aidan didn’t want her anyway. At least not that way.

  “If Eric is looking for you, you won’t be hard to spot.”

  “It’s not an if, he is looking for me. I wonder, though, why he hasn’t made a move yet?”

  “Hopefully he never will.”

  Marion went quiet at that. If they never caught Eric, she would always be looking over her shoulder. There would be no way she could ever take his threats as empty words, not after what he'd done to her.

  “Well, Wolf just walked in, I’ve gotta run. Take care of yourself,” Raven said, not noticing Marion’s silence.

  “Yeah, you too.” She hung up and set her phone back on the counter.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she stood by the glass sliding doors in the breakfast nook and stared out at the forest that made up Aidan’s backyard. It looked so peaceful and idyllic. There were even deer grazing the sparse green grass, although not for long. As if sensing her tension, they bolted, white tails flickering between the trees.

  “Good morning.” Aidan’s husky baritone sounded behind her.

  She jumped and turned to face him. “You scared me.”

  “I didn't mean to. You were daydreaming.”

  She frowned at him. “Are you always so quiet?”

  “Do you always hold grudges?”

  Marion gasped and Aidan grimaced.

  Running a hand through his hair, he said, “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Not meeting her eyes, he went and poured himself a glass of orange juice, which he swallowed in one gulp. Setting the glass down on the counter, he said, “Look Marion, I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Using me or getting caught?”

  “Both, but worse, I’m sorry I like you so much that I even care.” He held up a hand when she started to tell him what he could do with his apology. “Just listen. I thought about you all night. About us.”

  She snorted. “Us? There’s no us, Aidan. Without the curse, I’m nothing to you.”

  He ignored her and pressed on. “I wouldn’t have chosen you, Marion if I hadn’t felt some pull, some attraction to you. Truth be told, I’m not really fulfilling the curse as the Lady intended and I don’t care if I ever do right now. Something in you drew us together and it had nothing to do with the curse. I wish I could go back and meet you all over again, but I can’t. All I can do is tell you the truth and hope you’ll forgive me.” He moved to stand in front of her, capturing her hand in his as he met her gaze.

  She stared into his eyes for a long moment. They were pleading and over-bright. A dimple danced in his cheek as he clenched his jaw, waiting for her to respond.

  “How do I know if I can trust you?” she whispered.

  “By trusting me.”

  “That’s asking a lot.”

  “I know. I want to give you more back though.”

  “Like what?”

  “Your life. I want to get rid of Eric for you. I want to love you until you can’t recall a time when you weren’t adored and cherished, until Eric will seem like a bad dream, one you can barely remember.”

  When she didn’t say anything for a long moment, he sighed. “I guess it’s too late.” He moved to release her hand, but she tightened her grip, holding him in place.

  “I want to trust you Aidan, I do, but...”

  “But what?”

  “I’m afraid.”

  “So am I.”

  “You are?” She leaned back to look up at him.


  “What are you afraid of?” He was so big and strong and so very sure of himself. She couldn’t imagine him feeling anything like the doubt and uncertainty that gnawed in her stomach.

  “That you’ll let this moment pass without saying you’ll give me another chance. That the Lady will leave me cursed forever. Or that she’ll call me back to Fairy.”

  “You might have to leave?”

  He nodded. “Yes. She can recall me and I can’t say no, not unless she releases me from my geas to her.”

  She gripped his hand harder. “What if you don’t want to go?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want, only what the Lady commands. My life is not my own.”

  She gave a bitter laugh and pushed his hand away. “If your life is not your own Aidan Fyrebard, then neither is your heart.”

  “I know. I can’t promise that we’ll have an easy time of it, which is why we should take our pleasure while we can.” Before she could protest, he leaned down and kissed her. At first, she snapped her teeth at him, but he gripped her neck and held her in place. Their tongues twirled around each other, hard then soft, making her shiver. Finally she gave in to his touch and ran her hands across his bare back. He was just so beautiful, she couldn’t get enough of him, even if he was a damn liar.

  She broke their kiss. “No more lies,” she said, breathless. His hard shaft pressed into her stomach, straining against his clothing. She wouldn't admit it to him, but it pleased her to see him respond to her.

  “No more lies,” he said. “And we don’t waste what time we have arguing. Agreed?” Aidan slipped his hand down her pants and then slid a finger under her panties. "We want each other."

  "Wanting isn't the same as having." She shivered as his touch ignited a furnace in her core. If she just gave in, it would be so good.

  "It is for now. I want to promise you everything, but I can't. All I can give you is the here and now."

  "And the future?"

  "I don't know, but I'd rather have you as a memory than not at all." His gaze pressed into her, full of desire and need. "Let's be together while we can."

  She bit her lip as she considered his proposal. There was no denying her attraction to him. If she was honest with herself, she was half in love with the elf already. There was nothing to do but love him and hope for the best.

  No wonder there was a demand for love potions. This love stuff was fickle. First Eric and his abuse and now Aidan with his Queen. Neither relationship came with guarantees. Just blind leaps of faith. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her assent. “Okay.”

  He smiled and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her back to the bedroom where he threw her on the bed. She shrieked in mock outrage as she sailed through the air. Stripping off his clothes, he joined her on the bed and hooked his thumbs under the elastic of her pants and panties, sliding them both down her legs. Kneeling at the end of the bed, he pulled her to him and delved into her core with quick flicks of his tongue.

  Marion gripped the sheets, her body taut as Aidan’s touch forced her body back up the peak. He went hard and fast, then slow and soft, igniting pleasure in her core that threatened to burn her until nothing was left. Nipping her gently with his lips, his tongue danced over her flesh, demanding and cajoling at the same time. Before she knew it, she was freefalling into an orgasm that made her feel as if gravity could no longer hold her.

  Barely giving her time to recover, Aidan pulled her up and guided her onto her hands and knees. She followed his lead, unable to think much past the aftershocks of the orgasm still rippling through her body.

  Marion wiggled her hips, a movement that caused Aidan to chuckle. “You seem eager.”

  She looked over her shoulder, watching as he put on a condom. “I can’t wait.”

  Gripping her hips, he pulled her back to him and thrust into her with one easy movement. The change in position allowed Aidan to penetrate a little deeper. At least that’s how it seemed to Marion, who pushed her hips back to meet his forward movement.

  Aidan reached underneath and teased her nipples into hard points, intensifyi
ng the sensation in her core. Sweet tension mounted and Marion no longer felt her body or the friction on her knees, but only the pleasure of Aidan driving in and out of her. There was no thought, just increasing sensation building into a monster orgasm.

  When it hit, it rushed through her, hard and fast, stealing her breath so that all she could manage was a harsh scream. Behind her, Aidan shouted his own release and they collapsed together on the bed.


  His cell phone woke them both several hours later. Marion jerked upright at the sound. Beside her, Aidan rolled off the bed to his feet, instantly awake and tensed for action, only relaxing when he realized it was just the phone. He picked it up and answered with a terse hello.

  Whatever the person on the other end of the line said drained Aidan’s face of color and he looked at Marion with wide eyes.

  “What?” she asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes, entirely too relaxed to pick up on Aidan’s concern.

  He held out the phone to her. “Raven. She’s in trouble.”

  “But I just talked to her a couple hours ago.” She took the phone with a frown. “Hello?”

  “Mar, you’ve got to help me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Eric. He kidnapped me.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I don’t know. He took me somewhere. I’m locked in a closet. It’s sheer luck I had my cell phone with me. I've been trying to call you for an hour and finally gave up. Thank the Goddess, I had Aidan's number.”

  “Tell me everything you can. Where are you? What's happening?”

  “Wolf is Eric. From what I understand, he dated me to spy on you. I came home from class today and next thing I knew he hit me in the head before I even got the door shut. I woke up in this closet. I think he’s coming after you next.”

  “You mean Dougal.”

  “I don’t know. He might suspect something is up. He overheard bits and pieces of our phone conversation.”

  “Oh Goddess,” Marion looked at Aidan who ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated.

  “I didn’t think Raven would be in any danger,” he said.

  “Me either,” Marion said. Then, to Raven, she said, “We’ll come and get you as soon as we can.”


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