Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 3

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Go clean up your mess,” Mitch said through gritted teeth, trying to contain his own temper.

  Danny took a small step away and shrugged. Not happy with his response, Mitch sent him propelling forward towards the aftermath of his culinary missile with an encouragingly harsh swat. He then stood with his arms crossed while his youngest partner clumsily tackled his task. He had a hard time figuring this one out. How could someone appear so sweetly vulnerable one minute and defiantly stubborn the next? He was never quite sure if the boy needed a hug or a smack. It was unsettling; he didn't like second-guessing himself. It also didn't help that Antonio, the soft touch, was pleading his case. "Yes, he had come close to hurting TJ. Remember, he was already punished for that misdeed and served his time."

  Served his time? Maybe. Learned his lesson? Mitch was not convinced. “That may be,” he said out loud, “but he and I have unfinished business.”

  Listening to Mitch and Antonio talk about him as if he wasn't there wasn't helping Danny to contain his ire. He reminded himself how miserable he was in the corner, and how he wished he could undo the events that led him there.

  “ Fuck!” The expletive escaped Danny's lips as he struggled to scrape dry oatmeal acting like glue from the wall.

  “ Watch your mouth, Danny, unless you want it washed out with soap before the morning is over.”

  Danny grumbled something unintelligible at Mitch's threat.

  “ I suggest you get your temper under control and your tongue in check, or this will turn out to be a very long and painful day for you.”

  Danny knew he was expected to answer with a 'yes, sir,' but the words refused to drop from his lips as he attempted to extract them from his mouth. Mitch could see the anger flare from his eyes and decided to move the proceedings along. He pulled Danny away from his scrubbing, picked him up under his arms and plopped him on the granite counter top. Drawing a painful hiss from Danny, Mitch leaned over so they could be eye to eye. He placed each hand firmly against the counter effectively trapping Danny between them. If Danny could have swallowed, this would have been an appropriate time to gulp.

  “ Now that I have your full attention, little boy, tell me what was the last request I made of you before I left the kitchen?”

  Danny could feel his heart beating faster, and a large lump wedged itself in his throat. Mitch watched Danny's eyes grow wider as he leaned in closer so that their noses were almost touching. He prodded along a response with an, “I'm waiting.”

  Danny licked his lips before answering, “To empty my bowl.”

  “ And, did you think that by hurling it at TJ you were fulfilling those expectations?”

  “ No, sir.”

  “ Oh good, so we are in agreement. Now, what did I say would happen if those expectations were not met?”

  Danny took a moment to think. “You really didn't say.”

  “ No? Well, you're a smart boy. What did you think would happen?”

  “ You'd be mad and I'd get punished,” Danny said, with an unintentional whine.

  Not willing to let Danny off that easily, Mitch leaned in close again and asked, “Punished how?”

  Although he had plenty of experience with it on the receiving end, it was still hard to say. It was such a babyish word. However, Mitch's stern and unwavering glare spurred Danny to respond.

  “ A spanking?” he questioned in a small voice, losing his resolve to push any further.

  Mitch smiled with triumph and stood straight to give Danny space. “I'm glad we are both finally understanding each other.”

  He lifted Danny off the counter. Steering him by the arm to the kitchen table, he told him that he intended to keep his promises, stated or implied. Fear ripped through Danny's nerve endings, turning his blood cold. He watched with trepidation as Mitch unfastened his belt buckle and motioned for him to bend over the table.

  Damn it! Danny panicked. Why is he going to use the belt when Antonio just blistered my ass with the spoon? It's not fair! It's just oatmeal for Christ's sake!

  “ No!” Danny yelled. Feeling like a naughty two-year old, he stomped his foot and backed out of Mitch's reach.

  “ Don't make this harder on yourself.”

  “ Yeah, right!”

  Taking three additional steps back, he turned to flee out of the room. Of course, had he been thinking straight, he would have known there was no way out. Antonio swiftly blocked his exit, captured him, and carried him kicking and screaming back to Mitch. This time it was Mitch's turn to shake his head in disbelief.

  “ Let me go!” Danny yelled.

  “ Settle down,” warned Mitch.

  “ No, fuck you! Let me go!”

  Mitch and Antonio were both stunned by Danny's violent reaction. Antonio was also finding it difficult to continue restraining the wiry young man as he squirmed to get away. Danny sank to the floor to worm out of Antonio's hold. As Antonio readjusted his grip to pull him back up, the crook of his right arm slipped up, covering Danny's mouth and nose. In his panicked induced rage, Danny began to hyperventilate. He felt like he was suffocating. Without thinking, he bit down hard on Antonio's arm.

  “ Son of a bitch!” Antonio shouted out in pain as he released Danny but found him still attached.

  Shocked for the second time that day by his own actions, and fearful of retribution, Danny dropped his jaw and ran. It was Mitch's turn to catch him. He spun him forward and slapped him sharply across the face.

  All three men stood in stunned silence.

  Danny stared wide-eyed with tears brimming, but defiantly refusing to fall; he neither cried out nor reached up to sooth his face. Antonio looked stricken, blinking as if he could not believe his eyes. Mitch broke the silence by clearing his throat and lowering his hand.

  In a deadly calm voice he said, “Danny, this is your last chance to show us you can be obedient and use self-control.”

  Danny could hear what he was saying, but was processing it slowly. His stomach wrenched with fear that if he couldn't get it right this time they were going to ask him to leave. Sensing that Danny needed more time to think, Mitch began speaking to him very slowly.

  “ If you are not capable of controlling your temper or keeping yourself safe, let us know, and we will do it for you. Nod if you understand me.”

  Biting down hard on his lip with his fist balled to his sides, Danny nodded his understanding.

  “ Okay, good. Now, I want you to stop biting your lip before you draw blood.” Mitch waited for Danny to comply before adding, “loosen your fists and take a deep breath. That's it.”

  Normally Danny would have resented being spoken to like a small child, but this time he appreciated it. It helped him to feel grounded.

  “ Here comes the hard part, Danny. Are you ready?”

  Danny exhaled a, “Yes, sir.”

  “ Okay, you still have a punishment coming. I need you to pull down your pants and bend over the table.”

  Danny nodded his consent. With shaking hands and trembling fingers he struggled to cooperate. Eventually, he managed to loosen his pants and pull them down over his hips, letting them slip to his ankles.

  Antonio's heart ached for him as he heard Mitch order, “Underwear too.”

  Mitch realized it would be easier for the both of them if he did this part for him, but easy was not what was required. Mitch needed to see that Danny was willing to submit to his authority, and Danny needed to know that he was capable of it. Mitch gave him a nod of encouragement. Danny had never been able to do this on his own. It made him feel weak to give into a spanking without some resistance.

  “ Danny, I need your underpants down so you can feel the full impact of the corrective stings, and so I can see the physical effects it is having
on your body. I understand you already had a spanking this morning, and I don't want to cause any undue harm.”

  Danny turned his head to the side before hastily pushing his underwear down like one might pull off a Band-Aid. Mitch has seen Danny naked numerous times, but he had never seemed as vulnerably exposed as he did then. Despite leaving home at an early age, he was an ironically naive and insecure young man. Danny was self-conscious of his age and smaller stature. He did not see himself as others did. He wasn't just cute, he was absolutely adorable. If he only knew how many second glances and downright leering eyes would ogle him, both men and women, young and old, when he was completely unaware. It was one of the reasons Mitch was so strict about Danny going out alone. He preferred that he be accompanied by at least one of the other men.

  To be honest, all of Mitch’s boys attracted admirers; but there was safety in numbers, and he was particularly protective of this one. If Mitch seemed overly cautious it was only because Danny was so young and his insecurities made him extra vulnerable. He was an easy target. It was not that Mitch wanted Danny insecure; but the fact that he was oblivious to his own appeal was endearing, and his shyness at unexpected times was incredibly charming. Someday, he thought ruefully, when Danny learns to accept himself for who he is, and is able to take advantage of the power he has, Mitch may never let him out of the house again.

  Arousing himself out of his musing, he was proud to see Danny had managed to collect himself and was standing bravely awaiting his punishment. Mitch stole a sideways glance over to the first love of his life and received a nod of approval. Antonio's quiet support gave Mitch the added strength he needed to continue with Danny's punishment.

  “ Danny.”

  Hearing his name spoken with compassion lured Danny's eyes up to meet Mitch's.

  “ I'm proud of you.”

  Mitch didn't give praise freely; it just wasn't in his nature. Nor, did he like to give compliments or any type of affection during a punishment. He felt it gave conflicting messages. Mitch believed strongly, that for discipline to work, the lines between punishment and rewards should never be blurred. But, for some reason, he felt the need to say it; and even more, he thought Danny needed to hear it. Much as he suspected, Danny blushed. He understood Danny's embarrassment at having attention brought to him like that, but he could also see his body start to relax. The tension in Danny's muscles decreased and his face began to soften. He knew his baby better than he thought, and needed to trust his instincts more.

  Besides, what was there not to be proud of? If only Danny could see how irresistible he was. Standing there with his pants around his ankles, trusting Mitch to take charge, he discreetly covered his privates. It wasn't small; it was just the right size for his body. Much to Danny's chagrin, Mitch liked him to keep his body hair shaved smooth, not that he had much to begin with. He didn't insist on it to mark him as a bottom, or to make Mitch feel like a dirty old man. Danny's body was exquisite. He wanted to be able to see it, and feel its silky softness. Danny was not only attractive - he was downright sexy.

  Wanting to get Danny out of his misery as soon as possible, Mitch gently guided him over the table. He placed his hand delicately between Danny's legs, making sure everything was positioned comfortably and out of harm's way. Once placed where Mitch wanted him, Danny strategically moved an arm to the edge of the table for support, and buried his head in the other. Mitch took time to survey the damage Antonio inflicted to his backside, and could see that he made good work of the spoon leaving small bruising and light abrasions on his still very red flesh. Not such a softy after all. Mitch lightly rubbed Danny's bottom in sympathy before sliding out his belt that was left unbuckled. He slowly doubled it over giving Danny time to brace himself. Although Mitch's heart was no longer in it, both he and Danny knew he had it coming.

  The first stinging swing landed between his left thigh and bottom. Danny grunted in pain as the force pushed him forward until he was on the tips of his toes. Mitch waited for him to settle back down to his original position before repeating the process on his other side. Putting a stabilizing hand on the small of Danny's back, he pulled back and administered two more licks to the upper part of each thigh. Although Danny was quiet, Mitch could see he was crying by the way his shoulders began to shiver. Mitch had wanted to make this spanking quick and dirty, and up to this point he had avoided his backside. He swung the belt against his bottom in four rapid sessions before lowering it to once again assess the damage. He didn't mind leaving a few small welts, but he was careful not leave any blisters.

  “ Okay,” Mitch reassured, “only two more to go.”

  Without any more preamble he aimed the last two shots across the middle of his backside, the last one right above the other. As the full impact of it connected with his tender backside, Danny raised his head, and despite himself, cried out in misery.

  When Mitch stepped aside to release him, Danny sunk to the floor, folded his arms under his head, and sobbed, “I'm sorry.”

  “ All right, baby, it's all over.”

  Mitch let him cry it out for a few minutes before lifting him up to his feet from behind, and walking him with his pants still around his ankles back to his corner in the kitchen.

  Chapter Three

  Cornered Again or A Time to Reflect

  Danny was emotionally exhausted. To say he was overwrought by the intensity of his conflicting feelings was an understatement. Normally, he would be hot with anger and humiliation to be sentenced to a corner with his pants down, exposing his recently spanked bottom. His nerves were as raw and as tender as his backside. Completely drained, he had no energy to even fight back tears.

  He didn't want to be in the corner. Not because it was babyish, but because he didn't want to have to think about the behaviors that led up to it. As ashamed as Danny was for throwing the bowl at TJ, he was mortified that he bit Antonio. He felt sick to his stomach at the thought of having to see his teeth marks on Antonio's arm.

  Why did I have to run like that? Am I that much of a coward? Why did I lose my mind and start yelling and kicking and biting? There was no denying it , just like a baby. Danny thought for sure they wouldn't want to put up with him anymore. He was relieved that Mitch was still willing to follow through with discipline. It meant they weren't going to kick him out, saying he was too young after all.

  For some reason, while he was standing shamefaced waiting for his punishment, Mitch told him he was proud of him. Danny was still having a hard time believing it. Initially, he thought Mitch was being sarcastic, but when he scanned his face, he saw only patience. Mitch must be the most patient person in the world. Funny, he never thought of Mitch that way before.

  Danny wished he could figure out what he did to earn such positive appraisal. Mitch was never generous with compliments. He never told Danny he was proud of him before. No one has ever told him that before. At first, it made Danny feel uncomfortable. Then it hit something down deep, a longing he never knew he had. He wished he knew for certain what he did to make Mitch proud so he could do it again, no matter how childish he felt for wanting it.

  Danny could hear both of his dominant partners talking in concerned voices. In his distress, he couldn't make out what they were saying. He assumed it was about him. Instead of feeling insecure about it, he felt strangely comforted. When Danny finally heard their footsteps leaving the kitchen he leaned against the wall for support. He wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand, and slowly slid his thumb into his open mouth. He hesitated for a moment. Then, for the first time in almost a decade, he began to suck his thumb.

  He must have fallen asleep like that. The next thing he knew, TJ had snuck in and was grinning down at him. Opening his sleepy eyes, Danny quickly yanked his thumb out of his mouth.

  “ You okay, kid?”

  Surprised that TJ was standing directly behind him, it took D
anny a minute to remember where he was and why he was there. He then turned beet red, and nodded his head so slightly, TJ had to be watching for it to see it.

  “ Boy, you sure know how to make trouble for yourself.”

  Unable to defend against the statement, Danny shyly nodded his head in agreement.

  “ How long are they going to keep you here like this?”

  Danny shrugged.

  “ Shit, you sure look hot leaning up against the wall with your red ass sticking out.”

  TJ had the knack of making the most inappropriate comments and having it sound like the most natural thing to say. Danny knew in TJ's own strange way he was trying to make up with him.

  “ I really am sorry, TJ,” Danny confessed.

  “ I know,” TJ said, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

  Appraising him up and down, TJ gave a vulpine leer, raised an eyebrow, licked his lips, and then snaked a groping hand down between Danny's legs. Wrapping his other arm around Danny's shoulders and pulling him up against his body, TJ whispered something naughty in his ear. Danny froze as his body flushed with arousal. Encouraged by Danny's physical reaction, TJ grabbed the shaft of his cock and slowly began pumping it. Danny let an involuntary moan escape, enticing TJ to kiss the back of his head, neck, and shoulders. Shivers went down his spine when TJ licked his other ear and said in a husky voice, “Put your thumb back in your mouth.”

  Rattled by the comment, and embarrassed that he was caught sucking his thumb, Danny jerked away from him. “Get off me, Jay!" Danny demanded in a regrettably high-pitched voice. "If Mitch and Antonio come back I'm gonna get it.”

  TJ loved to tempt trouble, and was sure if caught, he'd be the one most likely to 'get it.' He had also seen Mitch and Antonio engrossed in a private conversation and doubted they would be back any time soon. Confident they were safe, and taking enjoyment in seeing Danny so flustered, he decided to tease him a little longer.


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