Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 13

by M. A. Blisher

  Danny shook his head. W ho the hell did Mitch think he was? I don't belong to anybody! He can't dismiss me like a little kid . He wanted to be respectful out of appreciation for being given a place to stay. He was thankful for all they had done for him, but he resented being told to obey them. He wasn't going to respect them out of fear of being punished. He wasn't a child despite what they thought. He laid his heavy head on his pillow, and closed his eyes to his conflicting thoughts and feelings. There were benefits to being treated as a child. He wouldn't have to make difficult decisions on his own. Yes, he would be restricted and punished, but he wouldn't be kicked out. If he accepted being grounded, then he wouldn't have to worry for the next two weeks about where he was going or what he was going to do. He decided to stop thinking about it, and went to sleep.

  Being grounded for the first time in his life wasn't completely an unpleasant experience. It wasn't fun; he was bored a lot, but there was security in it – to give up control to someone else. Being around so much, Danny got to know everyone a little better, and the more time he spent with them, the more he liked them. He even began to feel comfortable around Mitch. He was still overbearing at times, but Danny was developing a compelling need to please him. He hoped that he could .

  Chapter Three

  A Decision is Made

  “ The PI called,” Mitch informed Antonio in a private conversation, once he was sure the boys were out of earshot.

  “ Oh?”

  “ He located Danny's mother.”

  Antonio went silent.

  “ He said she was interested in speaking to her son. He gave me her number.”

  “ Have you told Danny?”

  “ No. I thought I'd call her first to get a sense of what she wants. Why risk setting him off if there's no point?”

  “ He's growing on you isn't he?”

  “ I never said I didn't like him. I only said we're not a home for runaways.”

  “ He's really starting to settle in here. He's been opening up more, and he's very helpful around the house.”

  Mitch pinched the bridge of his nose. “What are you trying to say, Antonio? You want us to adopt him?”

  “ No, Mitch. Don't be absurd. He's a little too old for that. I'm just saying if it doesn't work out with his mother, we should consider letting him stay with us for a while.”

  “ Do you know what you're asking?”

  “ I like having him here, and he'll be eighteen soon enough.”

  “ I got used to having him around, too, but that doesn't mean we're what's best for him. Think about the nature of our relationship, Antonio.”

  “ There is nothing wrong with the way we choose to love each other.”

  “ I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply there was. I’m only saying we're not in the ideal situation to be raising a teenager.”

  “ Well, I don't exactly see any ideal offers out there for him. It will be a year and a half until he is an adult in the eyes of the law. He's not ready to be on his own. He's certainly better off here than where he came from.”

  “ We don’t know that for sure. First things first, let's give his mother a call.”

  Mitch went off to the office to make the call to Danny's mother. Although he was not overly optimistic, he was hoping things were not as bleak as Danny made them out to be. Either way, he needed to find out if reconciliation would be an option, or if alternative living arrangements needed to be considered. After speaking with his mother, Mitch wasn't any more certain about what to do with the boy. His mother sounded sincere about getting back in touch with him. On the other hand, she didn't seem to be very concerned about where he has been, or whom he has been spending his time with. Initially, Mitch assumed he would have to defend the fact that Danny was staying with him in another state. When she did not sound alarmed, he had to contain his irritation at her cavalier attitude towards her son.

  However, she accepted his offer to buy her a round trip ticket to New York, and to discuss whether or not Danny would be going back with her. She agreed to call him later with a time and date that she would be available to come. That was the easy part. Now the only thing left to do was to discuss it with Danny.


  “ I don't wanna to see her, and I'm not talking to her,” Danny stated decisively, before folding his arms and sitting back in his chair. He was hot with anger that Mitch contacted his mother and arranged to fly her out to see him without his consent.

  “ Danny, please be reasonable. Your mother has expressed an interest in seeing you. Unless you can give a compelling reason why she shouldn't, it would not be right for us to keep you from her,” Antonio tried to sooth.

  “ I don't care! I don't have any interest in seeing her. It's my life. I left for a reason, and I'm not going back!”

  “ Lower your voice, Danny. You have no cause to yell.”

  Danny glowered back at Mitch. “If you don't want me here that's fine, but I'm NOT going back with her.”

  “ Tell us why, Danny. Help us to understand.”

  Danny turned on Antonio. “It's none of your damn business!” he spat.

  Mitch had enough. “You listen to me, young man. You're staying in our home, so like it or not you are our business. That being said, I believe we had a discussion not too long ago about the expectations for you to act respectfully. Therefore, you had better watch your tone and your language, and apologize to Antonio.”

  Danny opened his mouth to speak and Mitch cut him off. In a slowly measured voice he said, “Because if you speak to either of us in such a rude manner again, there will be consequences.”

  “ Sorry,” Danny mumbled.

  “ I didn’t quite catch that,” Mitch said, in a warning tone.

  “ Sorry,” Danny said a little louder. He was aggravated at Mitch's audacity at contacting his mother, and then scolding him for being angry about it. Somehow he managed to keep his voice level. “But I don't want to talk about it.”

  “ Then we can't help you,” Antonio reasoned.

  “ I didn't ask for your help.” Realizing he was sounding ungrateful, he added a deferential, "Thanks anyways.”

  “ Okay, Danny, I think we're done here.”

  Danny glanced up for assurance that the conversation was over. Mitch nodded his dismissal, and Danny quietly walked out of the room. He noted Antonio's expression as he walked past him, and regretted that he couldn't share more. It was just that he didn't want to have to think about all the painful memories associated with seeing his mother. It was too late; he was wrapped up in it.

  Emotionally overwhelmed, Danny isolated himself for the rest of the day. TJ entered his room after everyone had gone to bed. Although he was curled up with his face to the wall, TJ could tell he was crying. He slowly climbed into bed next to Danny, and folded his arm around the boy's shaking shoulders. Danny buried his face into his pillow and turned further onto his stomach to hide his shame. But when TJ leaned into him, Danny's body responded by subtly leaning back. TJ rested his chin on the top of Danny's head, and protectively enveloped his body with his own. He could feel Danny's silent sobs grow harder. TJ held on tighter until the tears died off, and they both fell asleep.

  Danny was thankful that TJ was there for him during the night. It was the first decent night's sleep he had in a long time. He was also relieved that he left in the morning without saying anything. Danny had to be careful of the feelings he was developing. TJ's bossy and domineering personality put him off at times. Danny still hadn't forgiven him for the spanking he got last month. Yet, despite everything, he knew his strong attraction for TJ went well beyond brotherly. Not that any of that mattered, because if the ache in his chest was an indicator of how much more it hurt to love, then
he needed to catch himself before he fell.

  Danny hadn't completely come to terms with being gay. Although he had a desire to be with men, he certainly never thought he would act on it. It was TJ's confident attitude about his sexuality that was making it easier for Danny to accept his own. He envied the relationship TJ had with Mitch and Antonio. If he was completely honest, he was developing an attraction to them, as well. He stole glances at them whenever he could. There was something about the way they expressed their love in both strength and tenderness that made Danny's heart race with excitement, and his skin shiver with longing. Then there were the moments, when his guard was down, that he was drawn into the power of their kinetic energy. It left him tingly with a sense of warmth and desire.

  None of that made a difference, though. Danny knew that he could never really be a part of what they have with each other, not the way he wanted, anyways. He needed to make a break. He wanted to wait until after he had saved enough money to be on his own. With his mother's impending visit, he was better off leaving sooner than later. The time came even faster than he expected. Mitch sat him down again to let him know that she would be flying in the following Wednesday.

  “ Don't panic, Danny. She just wants to see you and talk some things out. Nobody is making any decisions yet. I think it's only fair to hear her out.”

  Danny couldn't understand why his mother would come all this way to see him. He also knew there was no way he could explain to Mitch why his desire to be away from her was not unreasonable. His mother couldn't hurt him anymore. It was just that his interactions with her never went well, and he wanted all his painful memories behind him. So, he kept his thoughts to himself.

  “ Okay,” he answered. “Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?”

  “ No, other than to let you know that I'm taking the day off of work, and I expect you to do the same. Your mother's flight is arriving at 10:00am. She should be at the house by noon.”

  “ Fine.”

  Mitch gave Danny a suspicious look. Despite his curt answer, it was going entirely too easy. “I hope I don't have to remind you that while you are in my home, you will use your manners. You are to be courteous and polite when your mother is here regardless of how you feel about her visit.”

  “ Fine,” Danny said, with an obvious edge.

  Mitch folded his arms in a warning stance until Danny followed up with a, “sir.”

  Although he got paid on Thursday, Danny left on Tuesday, the day before his mother's arrival. Waiting until Tuesday gave him time to pack and mentally prepare himself. He continued to go to work to not cause suspicion. Then, on Tuesday morning, after TJ left for his scuba diving instructor course, Danny called his buddy, Glen, to ask for a ride to the bus station. When the time finally came to leave, Danny didn't feel as ready as he thought he would. He was torn up with grief. However, he was certain that if it felt this bad now, then it would be unbearable later.

  TJ came home that afternoon excited to share news about his day. As predicted, he was the star student and was eager to convince Danny to take classes with him. Disappointment set in when Danny didn't respond to his calls. Danny didn't have work until later that afternoon, and TJ wanted to spend time with him before he left. Disappointment turned to anger when he couldn't find a note or any indication as to why Danny wasn't there. Danny wasn't supposed to leave the house without permission. TJ didn't want to get him in more trouble, but he was beginning to worry. He called both of his partners, and was further panicked when neither one of them knew where he was.

  “ Sorry, TJ, but there is nothing we can do until he decides to come back.” Mitch had to admit it didn't sound promising that he was out unaccounted for the day before his mother was due to arrive. TJ began to get agitated at the lack of any physical action he could take. Mitch silently cursed the errant boy, but remained calm on the phone telling TJ, “I'll try to wrap things up at work. If you don't hear from him within the hour, I'll come home and help you to find him.”

  TJ didn't have to wait an hour. He called Mitch back twenty minutes later with his heart in his throat. “Danny left!”

  “ Take a breath, TJ.”

  “ I'm serious, Mitch! His friend from work called. He said Danny left his phone in his car after he dropped him off at the Port Authority Bus Terminal.”


  Danny hadn't left his phone in the car on accident. He purposely hid it under the passenger seat. He wanted Glen to find it later and return it to TJ. The phone was one of the first gifts he received while staying with them. TJ had bought him the top of the line phone, and Mitch and Antonio added him to their family plan. They said it was for practicality reasons. When Danny said he could manage without it, they insisted that he have it for safety. To them it was no big deal. It was the nicest gift he ever received. Now that he was leaving, he couldn't justify keeping it, and he didn't want them to be able to contact him. So he turned the phone off and placed it underneath his seat out of sight.

  “ Calm down, TJ. I'll go get him. I'm not too far from the bus station.” Mitch left work in haste. He had a sinking feeling that if he didn't catch up to him soon, they would never see him again.

  A ticket agent at the Port Authority informed Mitch that she saw someone who matched Danny's description. “He was unsure about his destination, and seemed more focused on how far he could go with as little money as possible. He eventually bought a ticket to a small town about three hours north of here. The bus boarded and left a short while ago. If you hurry, you can probably meet up with him at their first stop which is scheduled in about an hour from now.”

  Mitch thanked the lady. Then he mentally cursed the kid for a second time before setting out to retrieve him. By the time Mitch located the bus his worry had moved to aggravation. Most of the passengers had gotten off for a quick rest stop when Mitch finally spotted Danny huddled up in a back seat. Anger, which had turned briefly to relief, rose to fury at seeing the tot settling in for a nap.

  As if he could take care of himself. The kid had no idea of the dangers that lay ahead. What if I had never found him? Mitch didn't want to think about that.

  “ Get your little ass out of that seat NOW!” Mitch's commanding voice reverberated off the bus walls.

  Danny sat up wide-eyed, too shocked to move. His stomach clenched, and his balls tightened inwards as Mitch stormed down the aisle. Fuck! If he could, he would have melted into the bus seat.

  “ Move it, Danny! Or I will boot that wayward butt of yours from the bus myself!”

  Danny began to scramble. “S-sorry,” he managed to sputter, seeing a large hand descend upon him.

  Mitch grabbed the frightened kid by front of his shirt and hoisted him up. Unable to think clearly, Danny shut his eyes. They were snapped back opened by the powerful smack delivered to the seat of his pants. Mitch shook the sting out of the palm of his hand then snatched Danny's bag and herded him up the aisle. He nodded briefly to the driver who gave a disparaging shake of the head to Danny before opening the door to let them out.

  It was all moving too fast for Danny to feel the full weight of embarrassment from once again being spanked like a small child. However, he did manage to feel the full weight of the sting that continued to warm his bottom. He never could have imagined that a single swat could smart so much, or that a hand could be so large that it actually covered his entire backside. Unlike the time TJ spanked him, there was nothing impulsive or frantic about it. Mitch was in charge, and he let Danny know it. He took control like it was his God given right, and Danny was not about to argue with the powers that be.

  Danny quickly became aware of strangers watching him, and wondered if anyone would intervene. Not even the bus driver, Danny thought resentfully, even though he had bought a ticket for the right to sit on that bus, bothered to question Mitch's authority. Anyone w
ith eyes could see he was being taken against his will. With Mitch so big and Danny rather small, he assumed people saw him as a naughty little boy with a big, angry father. Perhaps that wasn't too far from the truth.

  Danny's ego didn't care. He started to balk at being dragged through the parking lot. Mitch didn't so much as miss a step as he propelled him forward with another humiliating smack to his backside. Danny stumbled, but was pulled right by Mitch who continued to bodily escort him along.

  After Danny caught his breath, he then caught hold of his senses. “Stop hitting me!" he yelled. "You can't force me to go with you!”

  Mitch did stop. He tugged him closer, and glared down at him. Danny had to preen his neck all the way up in order to see his infuriated face. He bit his bottom lip, fearful that he might have pushed things too far.

  “ You're coming with me, Danny, one way or another. You can either walk on your own two feet like a man. Or, I can pick you up and carry you to the car. Your choice.”

  Some choice . Danny seriously doubted that he would look like a man either way. He stared up at Mitch with his mouth open, wishing he could form a coherent thought.

  “ Would you like me to carry you?” Mitch asked impatiently.

  Mitch had no right to embarrass him like that. He was not his boyfriend, nor his father. Danny didn't care how big and strong Mitch was; he wasn't willing to be pushed around anymore. He was practically an adult, and he was ready to prove it. Danny was going to go head to head with Mitch – well, head to chest was more accurate. But to his extreme chagrin, when he glanced to his side, he noticed there was a small group of people watching as Mitch awaited his decision.


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