Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 21

by M. A. Blisher

TJ couldn’t get his mind off the curious young man. Later that evening he brought up the encounter with Antonio.

  “ Remember the good-looking kid from the gym? The one who's dating that guy you're training?”

  “ Yes, I remember him. He seemed a little nervous.”

  “ Danny knows him from school. They hangout sometimes, but he hasn't been around much since he broke his hand.”

  “ What do you mean he broke his hand?”

  “ Danny said he had an accident, and it's too bad too because he's apparently a really good musician. According to Danny, he goes to school on a full scholarship for the cello and the sax.”

  “ That is too bad. Did you get a chance to talk to him?”

  “ No, he waved over to me, but he must have forgotten something because he quickly turned around and headed in the other direction. Either that or he was avoiding me.”

  Antonio shared TJ’s suspicions. Something just didn’t seem right. Unable to shake his worries, he decided to contrive a way to meet with him again. The next afternoon, he made an appointment with Brendan.

  “ I'd like to take you out to dinner to discuss sponsorship opportunities. There's a new Thai restaurant I want to try out uptown. Why don't you bring your boyfriend, and I'll bring Mitch. I can write it off as a business expense.”

  Brendan readily agreed. He had been hounding Antonio for a month to hook him up with some of his old connections. He was also eager to bend the ear of Mitch who was well known in the profession as someone who had moved up fast in competitions, and quit while he was on top of his game.

  He went home to smooth things over with Ricky, and to coach him on how to act. None of that was necessary, though. Ricky was not about to argue, and was already well versed in how to behave in public with Brendan. He stressed over picking out clothes Brendan would like that wouldn’t bring any unwanted attention. His stomach was knotted with anxiety during their drive to the restaurant. By the time they got there, Ricky was able to manage a polite smile during the introductions. He walked two steps behind Brendan with his head down on their way to their table.

  “ It's nice to see you again, Ricky. What happen to your hand?” Antonio asked, after they were seated.

  “ It's my fingers actually. I broke a few of them.”

  Oh? I'm sorry to hear that."

  Ricky gave Antonio's concern a dismissive shrug in hopes to redirect the conversation.

  “ He's been disappointed lately because he isn't able to continue with his music until the doctor gives him a full recovery. We discussed that it was for the best anyways with everything going on right now with my Muscle Man tournament coming up. Isn't that right, hon?”

  Ricky forced a smile. “I still think I can do both if I'm careful with my time and practice at night.”

  “ You know your night practicing interferes with my sleep. Anyways, you get over taxed if you have too many things going.”

  “ It's really not too much now that I am only going to school part-time. And, I could practice on the terrace or at the studio.”

  “ I really don't think Antonio and Mitch need to hear this discussion. We will continue it when we get home.”

  “ Of course. I'm sorry,” Ricky blushed.

  “ So how did you break your fingers?” Antonio pressed.

  Ricky hesitated before answering. “I wasn't paying attention, and they got accidentally slammed in the trunk while I was loading my equipment.”

  “ Ouch, that sounds like it must have really hurt.”

  "It's my own fault. I've been a real klutz lately.”

  “ Like I was saying, it's not good when you have too many things going on. You get distracted and easily stressed.”

  “ You're right.”

  Ricky inwardly cringed at Brendan's condescending pat on the knee. He then gave Ricky's thigh a tight squeeze to remind him of who was in charge.


  Antonio was fuming when they left the restaurant. By the time they got home, he could no longer hold his tongue. “Can you believe that jerk? The sweet boy couldn't answer a question without seeking his approval."

  “ I agree. It didn't look good.”

  “ I'd bet anything he's being abused.”

  “ They are both adults," Mitch cautioned. "There is not much we can do if he doesn't want help.”

  “ How do you know he doesn't want help? He might be too afraid to ask.”

  “ We don't know that.”

  “ How are we going to know if we don't try to find out?”

  “ What are you guys talking about?” TJ asked, walking in on their conversation.

  “ I'm afraid for Brendan's boyfriend,” Antonio answered.

  "What do you mean?"

  Antonio was finding it difficult to speak through clenched teeth. Mitch spoke up to explain, “We went out for dinner with the two of them, and Antonio thought it was a little curious how he said he broke his fingers in the trunk of a car.”

  “ He told Danny it was a biking accident. Danny said he had bruises all over his arms and legs.”

  Antonio immediately turned to Mitch with a stricken face.

  “ Antonio, you have to be careful when you interfere with something like this. You can inadvertently make things much worse.”

  “ Mitch, we have to do something .”

  “ What did you have in mind?”

  “ We need to find a way to speak to him in private.”

  “ Danny goes to school with him. Maybe we could speak to him on campus,” TJ suggested.


  When Danny informed the men that he hadn't seen Ricky around campus in days, Antonio knew it was time to step in. He set Brendan up with an intensive two-hour workout plan, then, he checked his file for his address. Rushing to leave the gym, Antonio prayed that he would be able to find Ricky at home. He ran up their apartment stairs, and knocked rapidly on the door.

  Ricky jumped at the pounding, and was scared to answer it. He wondered if Brendan had forgotten something or if he was still mad about the previous night. He was afraid it could also be a test to see what he would do.

  “ Is anyone there? It's me, Antonio.”

  Ricky was confused. Why would Brendan's personal trainer be here?

  “ Ricky, are you in there? I need to talk to you,” he called more urgently.

  Ricky had no choice but to answer the door. Brendan would certainly be angry if Antonio had important news that he failed to get to him in a timely manner. He quickly threw on a long sleeve shirt, even though it was a warm day in May, and opened the door a crack.

  “ Oh, good, you are there,” Antonio said, with a friendly smile.

  “ Can I help you?”

  “ Yes, please. May I come in?”

  Ricky unlocked the chain bolt and cautiously opened the door to let him in.

  “ Ricky, are you okay?” Antonio asked in alarm.

  “ Yes, I'm fine. What do you want?”

  “ How did you get that black eye?”

  “ Oh, that? Just a clumsy accident,” Ricky said, not able to come up with a quick and convincing story.

  “ It looks bad,” Antonio said, as he reached for his face.

  Ricky flinched, and quickly moved away.

  “ Have you put any ice on it?”

  “ Its fine, they always look worse the next day.”

  “ Let me get you some ice. Did a doctor examine your eye?”

  “ Thanks, but I don't need ice or a doctor,” Ricky said, following Antonio into the kitchen.

  Antonio took ice from the freezer, wrappe
d it in a dishtowel, and carefully approached Ricky again.

  “ Come here, honey. Let me help with that.”

  Ricky slowly backed up against the counter as Antonio came near him. “Why are you here?”

  “ To see about you.”

  Ricky's body shuddered. “I don't think that's such a good idea. Where's Brendan?”

  “ Shhh,” Antonio soothed. He gently tilted Ricky's head back, and very delicately placed the ice pack to his eye.

  Ricky hissed at the contact. “Antonio, you shouldn't be here.”

  “ Don't worry. Brendan will be preoccupied for a while. In the meantime, why don't you tell me how he accidently managed to punch you in the eye.”

  Ricky didn't answer.

  “ Are you injured any where else?”

  Ricky slowly nodded his head.

  “ Okay, we're going to get you out of here. I'll help you pack up your bags.”

  “ I can't leave here,” Ricky said in a panic.

  “ Why not?”

  “ I live here. Brendan's my boyfriend.”

  “ Are you in love with him?”

  Ricky didn't answer.

  “ Listen, sweetheart, it's not safe for you here. I've seen Brendan become increasingly agitated. Things will not get better for you, they will only get worse.”

  “ He'll kill me if I leave.” Ricky shocked himself with his admission. He didn't think he could ever tell anyone the truth about his relationship, not even himself. By saying it out loud, Ricky finally realized how unsafe he really was.

  “ He'll kill you if you stay. It's only a matter of time.”

  “ No, you don't understand. It's not like that. Brendan loves me. He's going through a lot of stress right now. It'll get better.”

  Antonio took Ricky's hand to replace his in holding the ice pack. He held it in place a moment before asking, “Do you really believe that?”

  Ricky turned around to avoid the intensity of Antonio's eyes. Unable to respond due to the lump in his throat, he dumped the ice pack down the sink, and let the first tears he had shed in weeks slide down his face.

  Antonio wrapped his arm around Ricky's shoulders and said, “I'm not leaving here without you.”

  “ What if he finds me?”

  “ I will protect you.”

  “ How?”

  “ I know how to take care of bullies, trust me.”

  Ricky couldn't think. He had been terrorized too long to be able to make a decision independently.

  “ Trust me.”

  Ricky was scared, but he placed his trust in the mysterious man who was coming to his rescue. He was the white knight of his dreams. His heart thumped loudly as he rushed to pack his clothes like a thief in the night. With Antonio's patient assistance, he was able to gather the belongings he needed. He left behind all mementoes of Brendan. Before leaving his apartment for the last time, he took off the bracelet he had received for their first anniversary, and left it on the dresser.

  Once he had Ricky secure in his car, Antonio locked the car doors then peeled off. He realized by the first traffic light that Ricky was trembling.

  “ How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “ I don't know. Numb, I guess. Where are you taking me?”

  “ You're coming back to my place. It's the safest place I know. Mitch and I will protect you.”

  “ If Brendan finds out I'm there he's going to cause trouble.”

  “ We'll deal with it when the time comes. First, we will get you settled. Then, we will see about a doctor and a restraining order.”


  Danny was staring at the crack line that intersected the corner of the wall his nose was pressed against. He had noticed it the last time. It reminded him of a skinny vulture diving for a poor, dead mouse. With his stinging backside chafing against his pants, Danny thought back to the first time he was placed in the corner.

  “ Danny, I am done arguing with you. If you can't pull that lip back in and refrain from making sour faces and derisive comments, I am going to place you in a corner until you can calm down. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself in serious trouble.”

  Danny looked at Mitch like he had three heads. “You can't be for real. I'm not three years old.”

  “ Try me.”

  Danny glanced over to Antonio to see if he was hearing what he was. The expression on his face told him he not only heard, but was also in agreement.

  “ You people are crazy! I'm not standing in a stupid corner!”

  Mitch smiled at him. Then he took a giant step forward. Danny dashed off without really considering the consequences. He would have headed for the door, but it was blocked by TJ who appeared to be laughing at him. Instead, he made for the stairs. It wasn't a wise choice, and he tripped in his haste. Mitch scooped him up under his arms, and carried him the short distance to an alcove by the living room located between the stairs and the front entrance.

  “ Consider this your new thinking spot.” Mitch placed Danny to the floor and turned him to face the wall.

  Danny tried to leave, but Mitch swiftly spun him back around and smacked his bottom. “Face the wall,” he ordered.

  “ Oww! Stop!” Danny yelled. He was tired of Mitch's fooling around.

  Mitch spanked him harder. “I said, face the wall!”

  Danny waited to hear Antonio say in his reproachful voice, "Mitch, stop being ridiculous and leave Danny alone." But no such words came. Danny thought he must not be paying attention. He turned around again in hopes to catch Antonio's eyes, and garner a sympathetic response.


  “ Ooowww!” Danny stomped his foot in anger, and to distract from the sting caused by Mitch's hand.


  “ We could do this all day if you like.”

  “ You suck,” Danny moaned, as he crossed his arms in a pout.




  “ Let me explain to you the purpose of being in the corner,” Mitch said piously, causing Danny’s eyes to roll. “The purpose is for you to calm down so you can use this time as an opportunity to think about what you did wrong, and to consider smarter choices for the future.”

  Danny huffed and sucked his teeth.


  “ The other purpose is to give the rest of us a respite from your petulant and instigating behaviors."

  Danny bit his lip.

  "Now for the rules," Mitch continued. "You are to face the wall…” He repositioned Danny so he was once again wedged with his face in the corner.

  Danny jerked his body out of Mitch's grasp and refolded his arms.


  “ ...And, you will stand still with your arms at your side.” Mitch unfolded Danny's arms and yanked them to his side.

  “ Anything else?” Danny asked sarcastically.


  Danny grimaced, regretting his last remark and the sting in his backside.

  “ Yes. While serving your time in the corner you will remain quiet! That way you will not be distracted from your thoughts, and the rest of us will get a break from your mouth.”

  Danny breathed heavy, but remained quiet.

  “ Good, I think you're beginning to catch on. There is one more rule for you to be aware of. Your corner time sentence will begin immediately after you have settled down, and complied with all of the corner time expectations.”

  Danny fought the urge to punch the wall and make a rude comment.

  “ Lastly, if you break a rule then your time starts over from the beginning. If, for whatever reason, corner time becomes completely u
nsuccessful, you will receive a spanking before trying it again.”

  Danny was burning with anger and embarrassment.

  “ Is that clear?”

  “ Yes, sir,” Danny answered hotly.

  “ Wonderful, then your time can begin. I believe they say children should be able to do one minute of time-out for each year they have been alive. Therefore, you owe me sixteen minutes.”

  Danny groaned.



  “ I don't want to hear any more noises coming from you.”

  Danny eventually complied and stood quietly. Hyper alert to all nearby sounds, he felt completely self-conscious standing in the middle of his new home with his back to where there was a lot of house traffic. Even though he knew it was illogical, he imagined that people from outside the window could see him. He strained not to move in order to save himself from having to start over and risk being seen by a passerby. He silently cursed, and resented the smirk he assumed was on TJ's face.

  Today Danny was having similar thoughts when one of his worst fears were realized as he heard the front door open, and Antonio walk in with someone.


  With his big brown eyes wide open in fear, Mitch's first thought was of an injured fawn caught in the headlights. He hurried over to the wounded boy standing beside Antonio.

  “ What happened?”

  Antonio spotted Danny in the corner, and quickly guided Ricky over to the couch.

  “ He had a bit of an accident ,” Antonio said discreetly.

  Ricky was still in shock, but he could have sworn as he passed by that he saw a boy standing in a corner. Mitch quietly went over to Danny and dismissed him to his room before rejoining the others.

  “ That looks like a nasty hit to the eye. Has he been seen by a doctor?”

  “ We were just discussing that. I would like Ricky to be examined by Jason as soon as we can arrange it.”

  “ I'd rather not,” said Ricky. “I don't think it's such a good idea.”

  Mitch didn't respond to Ricky's comment. He directed his questions to Antonio.

  “ Where's the boyfriend?”

  “ I left him in the gym almost two hours ago. He'll be looking for him soon.”


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