Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 28

by M. A. Blisher

  Mitch chuckled.

  “ I mean, I gave our discussion a lot of thought. I had a hard time imagining what other people would think about me being in a relationship that involves corporal punishment, especially after so recently leaving an abusive one. Then, I realized, I don't really care what other people think. I trust you, so I'm sure it will be okay. Nobody has ever cared about me the way you three have. In the short time I have been here, I have not only learned to trust others again, I’ve learned to trust myself.”

  Mitch kissed the top of his head and said, “You're going to be okay, kid.”

  Chapter Eight

  Painful Secrets

  Joining into a relationship with Mitch, Antonio, and TJ was the best decision Ricky ever made, and what followed was the most sensual experience of his young life. He never knew sex could be so tender and erotic at the same time. Before the evening was over, Ricky was in tears again. He laid naked in Antonio's arms, but felt completely sheltered in the blanket of love that was shared among the men.

  “ What is it, sunshine?”

  “ I didn't know,” Ricky said, turning his head into the crook of Antonio's arm.

  Antonio wiped away the fat tears dripping from Ricky's face. “Didn't know what?” he asked.

  “ That it could be like that.”

  TJ rolled off Mitch's chest and said, “It was me. Right? It was that thing I do with my love pump and sex pistons, isn't it?”

  Ricky tried to stifle a laugh at the humorous way TJ shook his hips and swung his cock. “Is it always like that?”

  TJ sniggered and was about to make another comment about his prowls in the bed.

  Antonio interrupted him. “No, honey. Tonight was special. We all felt it.”

  “ What my...”

  Mitch spanked TJ's bare backside. “Enough of your sass and cockiness,” he chastised.

  TJ grinned; the puns were set up all too easy.

  Mitch covered TJ's mouth with his hand, stopping him from saying anything else. “Don't even think about it,” he growled.

  TJ giggled as Mitch pulled him into a bear hug. Ricky nestled back into Antonio. He took pleasure in watching how easily TJ could wrap Mitch around his finger with his subtle manipulation and seductive purring. Ricky sighed and closed his eyes. He had never felt so at peace.


  Unfortunately, seventeen-year-old Danny was far from at peace. When he was told that Ricky would be staying on permanently as a partner, all he could do was nod his head to fight back a pain that began with a tightening in his chest, and led to a burning in his ears and throat. They were still speaking to him, but he had no idea what was being said. He managed to get up from the table and walk away. Danny could no longer breathe in the house. Needing air, he got on his bike and rode away.

  Danny stopped peddling after what felt like hours. He slowly got off his bike, letting it drop carelessly to the ground, as he walked towards the Atlantic Ocean. Tired and sore, Danny sat transfixed by the steady hypnotic waves that rocked the pier beneath him. He willed himself not to cry. I'm going to be eighteen soon, why am I acting like a child? So what if they love Ricky? It doesn't change anything. I was crazy to even think they would want me in the first place – not like that, not the way they wanted Ricky. I'm NOT a child. I have no reason to stick around playing house.

  Danny didn't need a father anymore; that time had passed. What he needed, he realized like a slap to the face, was something he would never get from them. Once he turns eighteen he'll only be a guest in their home, and that no longer appealed to him.

  If I want to be considered an adult then I need to stop running away like a child. Danny got back on his bike, sucked up his resolve, and decided he would face the situation like a man.


  “ Where have you been?” Mitch asked, before Danny even had a chance to close the door.

  “ Out.” Danny did not intend to sound insolent, but how could he explain to Mitch what he was really thinking?

  “ I can see that. Did you forget about the rules?” Mitch asked, with a sharp edge in his voice.

  “ No. Sorry.”

  The sincerity in Danny's voice stopped Mitch in his tracks. He softened his tone. “Where did you go in such a hurry?”

  “ Out for a ride. I needed time to think.”

  “ I would have granted you permission if you had asked. But, I don't appreciate being made to wait and worry.”

  “ I know. I'm sorry.”

  “ Consider yourself grounded from your bike for the next two weeks.”

  Danny’s natural inclination was to resist the consequence, claiming it unfair. Instead, he held back the childish comment, biting at his tongue, and replied with a “Yes, sir,” in a move towards maturity.

  “ Look at me.” Mitch waited for his full attention. “The next time you leave this house without permission, expect the paddle.”

  The temperature in Danny’s body rose and he felt his face go flush. His hands tightened into fists that he pressed firmly to his sides. “Yes, sir,” he managed to spit out. Turning on his heels, he stomped out of the room.


  Danny was late registering as an official freshman. Having other things on his mind, he lost all enthusiasm for school. Mitch insisted on coming along with Danny to meet with his college advisor and select courses. He wanted to discuss his program with a professional. Danny was more than willing let him take over the interview.

  “ His grades are solid, and he shows particular aptitude in math and science. Why don't we set him up for a major in science with a concentration in math?” the advisor recommended.

  “ How does that sound to you?” Mitch questioned, forcing Danny into the conversation.

  “ Yeah, sure, whatever. You're paying for it."

  “ Danny, this is your life and your future. You decide.”

  “ Really?” Danny laughed sarcastically. “I didn't think I'd ever hear you say that.”

  The college advisor sat at the computer with his fingers paused at the keys waiting for a decision. “If you need a moment to discuss this with your son, we can hold off before I enter anything.”

  Mitch's growing impatience was evident on his face when he informed the advisor, “He's not my son. I'm just the one flipping the bill.”

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to…"

  Mitch waved off the man's flustered apology. "I'm only here to make sure my money is being spent wisely."

  “ In that case, if you're interested, I could go over financial aid availability with the both of you."

  “ I won't be eligible. My father makes too much money," Danny piped in. "We don't need to discuss anything. I'll take whatever you want,” he said, clearly disinterested.

  Mitch stared over at Danny stunned. It was the first time he had ever mentioned his father. It was a surprise to learn that he was financially equipped to help Danny. It lowered his view of the man even more.

  “ I have to say I never thought I'd hear you sound so agreeable,” Mitch said, returning Danny’s earlier sarcasm. He never knew what to expect from the kid. I'm giving him the opportunity to make an adult decision, and he is throwing it back in my face like a thwarted child.

  Danny rolled his eyes and muttered, “I'm not always a pain in the ass.”

  “ Watch your language, Danny, and try to communicate your academic desires more specifically and respectfully,” Mitch retorted, with an emphasis on the respect.

  Danny sat back with a huff, and crossed his arms. “If you want me in college, and you want to pay for it, then those classes are fine,” he said, with strained politeness.

  The academic advisor was somewhat bemused by their interact
ion, but remained professionally detached. He certainly wasn't going to question the older man with the imposing presence, especially if he was willing to pay for the younger man's tuition.

  “ He can always change his mind next semester if he does not find the program to his liking,” he said, trying to appease them both.

  The advisor shook the large man's hand and wished the boy good luck. After handing Danny his class schedule and booklist, he watched curiously as Mitch ushered him out the door with a firm swat to his backside.


  “ You're not gonna go in there with me are you?” Danny asked, when they stopped in front of the bookstore.

  “ Why not?”

  “ Come on, Mitch, I'll be the only one with my dad following me around and buying my books.”

  “ I thought you needed me to buy your books.”

  “ I don't need you to buy my books, I just thought...”

  Mitch messed his hair, then handed him a stack of large bills. “I'll wait for you in the car.”

  “ Thanks,” Danny said sheepishly.

  All the guilt he felt for taking Mitch's money disappeared the minute he spotted Ethan. He was grateful not to have Mitch hovering over him as he thought of a casual way to get his attention.

  It tickled Ethan to watch the way Danny circled the helpdesk he was working at. “You seem confused. Can I help you find something?”

  “ These textbooks are damn expensive. Where's the used book section?”

  “ You're a little late. Most of the used books are gone."


  Danny scratched his arm nervously until Ethan offered to help.

  "Come with me. We'll see what's left."

  The tall, willowy young man with a handsome face was confident about who he was. Ethan left no doubt about his sexual identity. Danny wanted to talk to him since spring, but he had no idea how to approach him. He wondered if there some sort of secret gay hand signal he was supposed to learn. All Danny knew for certain was that he was no longer interested in dating girls. It was men he was most attracted to. If he was going to fill the hole that was left in his chest, then he needed to find a suitable distraction.

  Pretending to be confused about the filing system, Danny reached up on his toes to search for books. He stood up on the bottom shelf and stretched himself as far as he could. The silly boy lost his balance, knocking the book next to the one he wanted to the floor.

  “ Let me get that for you.” Ethan easily reached over his head. “Here.”

  “ Thanks,” Danny said, with a wry smile. Clutching the textbook to his chest he decided it was now or never. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “ Sure, Danny.”

  “ You know my name?”

  “ You had biology with a friend of mine. I used to get a laugh at watching you run to class with all of your books. You always seemed to be late.”

  “ Are you seeing anyone?” Danny asked impulsively.

  “ Are you asking me out?”

  “ Uummm...” Danny hesitated. He blushed deeply while studying his book.

  “ I'm surprised, that’s all. I didn't know you were into guys.”

  “ I like guys.”

  “ Me too,” Ethan chuckled. “I have a break coming up. Do you want to have lunch with me?”

  Danny started to get cold feet. “I have someone waiting for me.”

  “ What about tomorrow night? Do you want to go somewhere?”

  “ You mean like a date?”

  “ That was the general idea.”

  “ I have to check my work schedule,” Danny hedged.

  He needed time to think it over, and to clear things with Mitch. He was not going on a date if he was to be restricted by an early curfew.

  Ethan took a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote his number in Danny's new used book. “Call me when you figure it out.”


  Ricky couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that he was being watched. The excitement of his first graduate class at Juilliard was soon darkened by the looming presence of his ex-boyfriend. He could have sworn he saw someone who looked a lot like Brendan standing across the street when he was leaving the campus. He thought he saw him again as he rounded the corner of Sixty-fourth Street. His heart began to race. Swallowing hard, he took off to a more public location.

  Get a grip, Ricky, no one is following you. Brendan is long gone, he told himself, once he stopped to catch his breath. He phoned Antonio and then Mitch just so he could hear their voice. Neither one answered. He called TJ.

  “ Hey, Ricky. What's up?” TJ asked, as soon as he saw Ricky's number flash.

  “ Nothing much. I'm going to the Fairway Market. Do you want me to pick you up something?”

  “ I can't think of anything. I'm not far. How about I meet you there?”

  “ Sure, if you don't mind. I could use the company.”

  “ I don't mind. I could help you shop. We can buy some of the junk food Mitch and Antonio never like to have in the house.”

  TJ loved having a fellow bottom he could be in cahoots with. Even if Ricky was too compliant to cause any real mischief, it seemed to even the score on a psychological level.


  The late summer sun was setting by the time the five men sat down to eat dinner. With their busy schedules pulling them in different directions, Antonio insisted that they all eat together at least three times a week, even if it meant sitting down after dark.

  “ Eat your asparagus, Danny,” Antonio gently coaxed.

  Telling Danny to eat had become a familiar refrain at meal times. He was worried that Danny was not taking adequate care of his health by skipping meals and getting to bed late. Danny scowled at Antonio, then at his plate. Antonio smiled patiently at the sulking boy. He was enjoying the domestic routine he was reestablishing. Danny had been unusually flat and distant, and he found his old habits to be oddly comforting. Despite Antonio's light mood and supportive presence, Danny's foul frame of mind wasn't budging. He leaned back in his chair causing it to tip, and defiantly glared at Antonio.

  “ Sit up in your chair properly. I don't want you to fall,” Mitch lectured absentmindedly.

  Danny sat up and moved his food around on his plate. “I'm going out tomorrow tonight,” he finally announced to change the subject, and broach the topic of his first male date.

  “ Oh?” Mitch asked, as he shifted in Danny's direction.

  “ I mean, I'd like permission to go out on a date.” He adjusted his statement to a request, figuring it would be best to placate Mitch's stubborn need for control.

  TJ's ears perked up. “A date?”

  “ Yeah, you know, a date. It's when people go out together before they start sleeping with each other, or at least before they move in together." Danny directed his sarcasm at TJ even though his aim was to reach everyone at the table.

  Deflecting Danny's attempt to incite a negative response, TJ winked and said, “Oh, I think I heard of those. How quaint. So, who's the lucky girl?”

  “ It's not a girl. And butt out, I wasn't asking you.”

  “ Be careful with that tone of yours or you'll be finding yourself going to bed early with a bitter taste in your mouth,” Mitch scolded.

  “ Sorry,” Danny groused. “So can I go?”

  “ That depends on where you're going and who you will be going with.”

  “ Why?” Danny asked rebelliously.

  “ Danny!” Antonio warned sharply. He was discouraged now by his optimistic assumption that things were back to normal.

  “ We could double date,” TJ suggested. Unfazed by Danny
's attitude, he elbowed Ricky to support his idea. Although he was accustomed to Danny's brashness, he was a little threatened by his interest in other men.

  “ NO!” There was no way in hell Danny was going to bring a chaperone on his date. Having TJ and Ricky there as a constant reminder that they're together was also the last thing he needed.

  TJ couldn't joke with Danny anymore, or bring him around like he used to. He felt sick at the loss. He never thought that by taking in Ricky, they would have to sacrifice Danny. I guess it was too much to ask for, TJ thought sardonically to himself. Fate has finally caught up to me and said, 'TJ, you have been entirely too greedy.' He wasn't ready to give up all hope. Danny had meant as much to him as any of the m. It might not always be apparent, but they had a special bond. TJ was carefu l not to show his anguish in front of Ricky, th ough. His new partner h ad a tendency to blame himself for anything that went wrong.

  “ For the last time, lower your voice so we can eat our dinner in peace,” Mitch said, with slow and deliberate precision. Pointing to the untouched meal, he made it clear that he expected Danny to do the same.

  Antonio waited for Mitch to calm down and Danny to comply with eating. “I think a group date is a great idea,” he said, agreeing with TJ.

  “ Why? So you can send spies to see if I eat all of my vegetables?”

  Antonio quickly cut Mitch off from responding to Danny's ill-tempered comment. “Group dates are a perfect and safe way to get to know someone.”

  “ Nooo. I just wanna go by myself, pleeasse .”

  “ We would like to meet the gentleman you will be going out with before we make any final decisions.”

  Danny huffed. He couldn't believe how unreasonable they were being. What am I suppose to say to Ethan, he wondered miserably. Sorry, but I can only go out with people who have had a background check by my overly intrusive bodyguards.

  “ Fine. But I'm not going with them ,” Danny said sourly, nodding his head in TJ's and Ricky's direction.


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