Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1)

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Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1) Page 25

by Skye Callahan

  My knees started to buckle and I locked them to stay on my feet. The beginning of the orgasm shuddered through me and Kirk picked up his pace. He kept up his assault as I rode the orgasm, then he wrapped both hands against my hips and plunged harder and deeper until he shuddered and moaned behind me.

  I used the bar to right myself, but Kirk pulled me against his body, running his hands down my front and pushing my legs apart to rub my still sensitive pussy.

  I twitched and mewled as he washed the area clean before starting on the rest of my body.

  By the time he was done, I was so sated, I couldn’t even bring myself to ask what the call was about, but as we left the bathroom, someone knocked on the door, and I didn’t have to.

  “Look at me, Silver,” Kirk whispered, pulling my face as close to his as possible. “Do everything you’re told, no hesitation.”

  Oh, god. The whole reason behind the quickie was to keep me busy so I wouldn’t worry about whatever I was going to see behind that door. Kirk shooed me to the couch, “Sit.”

  End of the Dream

  I tightened my hands in my lap then released them again. There’d be no more distractions, no more avoiding fate. It had come right to our door to collect whether we were ready or not.

  After all of the days of avoidance, I suddenly wished that I had asked about the plan. If Milo was here, how long would it take forces to move in, and how exactly did they plan on taking a twelve story building and an entire compound. Then again, it was probably better I hadn’t asked, since knowing the truth about Kirk only made me feel more nervous. If I knew about whatever was going to go down next, I probably wouldn’t be able to function, even on a base level.

  Reminding myself to at least try to look relaxed, I took a breath and tried not to cringe when I heard the door open. A cold droplet of water ran down my chest and over my breast, so I wiped it away and closed my eyes.

  “Ross, I didn’t expect you,” Kirk said smoothly.

  If I hadn’t already known it was a lie, I would have believed him. I had always been better at speaking my mind and sticking to my guns, but now I admired his talent, the way he wove every reaction into part of his role. I risked a glance over, at least Kirk had slipped his jeans back on, but my robe was in the bedroom, and I hadn’t had time to question his order.

  Ross stepped into the room, “Milo wanted to have a look around before dinner and he’s particularly interested in meeting your slave.”

  All I wanted to do was disappear from the room. Maybe I wasn’t as strong as I wanted to be, as strong as I needed to be to stand until the end.


  I pictured Alley in my head, her cool, relaxed features; somehow, she navigated the thin line between looking detached and engaged. She always looked interested, especially if Miles was in the room. I couldn’t master that, nor had I really been in situations where I needed to.

  Ross always wanted me on the edge of terror and pain. Much as I hated to admit it, that worked to my advantage. It left me nowhere and nothing to hide. No time to think.

  Under their quiet observation, I was my own enemy. Don’t fidget. Don’t give yourself up.

  Don’t give Kirk up.

  At least two lives depended on what I needed to do. Two lives and the future of dozens, possibly hundreds of women. Where would they all end up?

  “Stand up,” said an unfamiliar voice. It was thick and deep. His words were pointed and precise.

  I kept my head down but rose from my seat.

  A hand shot out and grasped my face. It took every bit of self-control just to keep from flinching, but he didn’t hurt me, he simply angled my face toward him. I lowered my eyes, avoiding his face. He was a stockier build than either Kirk or Ross, shorter, too. He wore a blue button down shirt, tucked into black dress pants and his cologne was spicy and thick.

  “Looks like she’s been a handful.” His accent sounded slightly Russian, but since I was never great at placing accents, I couldn’t be entirely sure.

  “She was attacked, assaulted,” Kirk said.

  “Attacked and assaulted,” Milo mused. “Hmpf. She’s a slave, she served her purpose.”

  Even without looking over, I knew Kirk was tense with anger. I could almost feel the energy pouring off him—riled and ready to fight.

  Milo slid his hand up my back then pulled the tips of my hair down until I had to arch backward. While I was stretched out, his fingers traced down my abdomen, and I waited for their touch to become brutal, or wander between my legs, but he circled my belly button and stopped.

  “You’re only good for a man’s desire, isn’t that right, slave?”

  “Yes, Master.” Too many fucking masters. I hoped I was supposed to call him Master, but he probably preferred Liege or something archaic.

  He turned his attention back to Kirk, while I fought the off-balance position to stay on my feet. “And she was worth killing for?”

  “Gabe betrayed us; he was a danger to the entire organization.”

  “And you decided that you should take care of the problem on your own. You expect me to believe it had nothing to do with this little slut?”

  Don’t grimace. The only chance I had of not jerking away and spitting in his face was to stop listening to anything he said, but then I was afraid I’d miss something I had to hear. I really wished I had played more poker.

  Milo let me straighten then ran his hands over my sides, before cupping my cheeks and pulling my face up to his. “I do need a beautiful slave to take the place of my favorite. Do you think you’re that slave?”

  “If you wish, Master.” Hell no. The cavalry had better damn well be on its way.

  “And I was worried that you wouldn’t have learned your place. So fresh.” He cupped my ass with both hands, drawing me against him. Then, his lofty voice suddenly turned rough. “So problematic.”

  “I’ve learned, Master,” I cooed, fighting my body for enough control to keep my voice from shaking, “If you like, I can show you.” I’ll show you straight to Hell.

  He chuckled and stepped back. “We’ve moved dinner up an hour. We’ll see both of you soon.” He eyed me again, a smirk accentuating his olive face then he and Ross left.

  “Where’d that bravado come from?” Kirk mumbled.

  I shrugged and collapsed on the couch. Between the sex and the confrontation, I wanted a nap. “One of us had to draw his attention, and since you were about to blow your top, I figured it should be me.”

  Kirk leaned against the armrest and lifted my chin. “I was not—”

  “No point in arguing.” I glared back at him. “I thought you wanted me to play the loyal and obedient slave.”

  He rubbed his hand over his face. “I need to shave.”

  I scoffed; score one for the obedient slave. Reaching up, I took his face between my palms. He’d let his appearance go over the last two weeks, but I liked it when he looked rough, loved feeling it across my skin. Something was happening to me on a much deeper level than I had expected.

  He’d captured my mind and body, making me his—giving me his protection. But, the more I saw the controlled bits chip away, the more I wanted to know. The more he captivated me. And scared me.

  He would have been better off without me, without the extra burden I brought him in this place, but I wondered how he survived all of those months before I came along. How he lived with everything he watched and participated in.

  I thought he’d broken me with the whip in the basement, but really, it had shattered him.

  “What’s going to happen tonight?” I whispered, catching his fingers before he could walk away. Instead of stopping, he tugged me to my feet and pulled me into the bathroom with him.

  “Not what Milo expects,” his voice was even, but empty. We were at the end of the façade. Soon, we’d have to face everything we’d done in the real world.

  “So this is it?” I slid onto the counter, looping my fingers through the top of his jeans as he pulled his shaving s
upplies out of the cabinet.

  Kirk nodded, “Whatever happens, stay with the girls.”

  “You say that like you expect—“

  “Silver, I mean it.” I finally heard a crack of emotion in his voice. “I don’t want to have to watch you, there’s going to be a lot going on. Stay with the girls, you all will be safe. And if we end up separated, find Trent.”

  “How are they planning on taking this whole place? We’ll be on the top fucking floor.”

  “That’s not our problem.” He splashed water over his face and started spreading the shaving cream. “We just stay the fuck out of the way.”

  “It’s going to be a bloodbath! What about all of the girls?”

  “Quiet,” he hissed. “Ross has been making arrangements for this. There aren’t even any guests on the grounds. He’s paranoid about something going wrong.”

  “Rightfully so, if we’re honest. But doesn’t that also mean he’s going to have increased security?”

  Kirk shook his head. “Not too much, he doesn’t want Milo to think he’s incompetent. Most of the recent problems have revolved around the security team, mainly Alan fucking with our records and security cams. Ross won’t have too many hanging out, and they certainly won’t be expecting a raid.”

  I swallowed down the bitter taste in my mouth as Kirk and I made what I expected to be our final walk to the Outlook. He’d certainly been right about the lack of guests, and I almost wondered if there was even a point to us all gathering in the swanky den of iniquity if there wasn’t going to be anyone around, but as soon as the doors opened on the twelfth floor, I gasped.

  There may not have been guests, but every resident of the building had gathered in the lounge. A dysfunctional work dinner—at least more dysfunctional than most. And if everyone was here, trying to make sure that Milo was happy, Kirk was right in assuming that the main defenses would be down.

  Seemed like a stupid security policy to me, but that was because I knew what was coming. They had lived in their own untouchable world for so long that they expected any threat to be minor and they definitely didn’t expect it to come from the outside.

  Indulgence had made them short-sighted, or so I hoped.

  The team would still have to get past the guarded perimeter, through the front doors, and up twelve stories to reach us.

  And with all of that on my mind, I had to play the detached and obedient slave.

  Inside the main room of the Outlook, Alley sat on her knees on the table with her back to the entrance. My shoulders tensed, and I struggled for oxygen when we crossed the threshold.

  As soon as Milo saw us, he smiled and reached past Kirk to take my arm and pull me away.

  “You’ll make a nice addition to tonight’s artwork.” He cupped my cheek and slid a hand down the top of my dress. Then, he ushered me to the table. “Back to back.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He held my elbow as he lifted me up to sit on the table.

  “Closer,” Milo yelled, slapping Alley’s leg and we both scrambled to arrange our feet so that we could press our backs together.

  He pulled my left arm back and twisted it over Alley’s right arm, so we were linked at the elbows. Then, he pushed aside the material of my dress to grab my nipple and I grunted. Alley’s back pressed against mine, and I guessed she was getting the same treatment. He pulled and pinched then, concentrating on me, he attached a nipple clamp, pulled the chain around my arm and connected the other side to Alley. The chain pulled straight across my arm so anytime either of us moved—even to breathe, it tugged.

  I glanced up and saw Kirk sitting in his usual seat at the table. His expression was clouded; both of his hands were below the table. Not only did he have to watch, he had to enjoy. I imagined that wasn’t as hard to fake for a man, even if he got to keep his pants on.

  Milo moved to the other side of the table, this time linking Alley’s arm over mine and smacking us both over the breast a few times. My nipple tightened and hardened from the abuse and he attached another clamp. His hand rubbed over my stomach and legs.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Alley and I tightened our arms together and used the leverage, attempting to spread our knees apart without moving our upper bodies. It wasn’t graceful, but it also wasn’t as bad as I anticipated.

  He pushed the hem of my dress up and his hand dipped between my legs.

  Fuck. I knew I was dry, and I silently pleaded for him not to be going there. He pinched my clit then brought up another clamp, and attached it there, tightening until I gasped for air. I pressed against Alley, trying to negate the impact of my heavy breathing on the pull of the chains.

  As he drew the chain up, I noticed that it split into a Y and he dropped one part over each of my shoulders then pulled it tight, but I couldn’t tell what he’d attached it to.

  Hopefully not around Alley’s throat. My heart jumped and he disappeared from my periphery, repeating the process behind me.

  When he appeared again, he slipped what resembled a bit for a horse in my mouth and attached a chain on either side. At least it gave me something to bite down on because every little twitch meant one of us was going to be in even more agony.

  Milo took Ross’ usual spot at the head of the table—right in front of me, and Ross sat down somewhere behind me. I wanted to glare and sneer at all of them, but I dropped my eyes to the table and concentrated on breathing.

  Someone had better buy me a damn good feast when this is over, I thought as three naked women began serving platters of food to the men. Even with the hot dinners surrounding us, it suddenly felt like the air conditioning kicked on, and as the goosebumps took over my body, I struggled not to shiver.

  Fucking bastards.

  My legs tingled as they started going numb, but I couldn’t adjust to get any relief. I counted my breaths, it had gotten me through the butt plug, but it wasn’t as effective against the full body assault Milo had planned.

  At least it forced me to take slow, steady breaths.

  Alley suddenly jerked and I whined as the chains pulled against all of my sensitive parts. My breaths turned into sharp gasps, but that only exacerbated the problem. Just as I got my breathing under control, the man sitting across from Kirk reached up and squeezed my breast. I grunted, trying my best not to move, but as his thumb moved over my tender, pinched nipple my head pressed backward, and the chain traveling down my stomach jerked on my clit.

  I clamped down on the rod in my mouth, breathing through my clenched teeth.

  Kirk sat down his fork and stood, rubbing his hand up my leg and then dipping it and pressing against my opening.

  What the hell? I would have shot daggers with my eyes if I let them rise off the table. I was dry. I was in pain and not the least bit aroused, but he kissed my shoulder, glancing over the chain and nipping at my ear. He didn’t do anything to force me to move—much—but all of his touching meant my breathing increased, yet the pain faded. His hands and lips explored my exposed skin.

  I wanted to thank him and curse him in the same breath. The man across the table started to rise, but I saw Kirk’s head lifted, and the other man thought again.

  Behind me, Alley moaned, and I had to assume she was getting the same treatment from Miles.

  Kirk tugged on the chain attacked to my clit, and this time I felt a pang of arousal mixed with the pain. I couldn’t tell if he was saving me from misery or making it worse.

  He was definitely putting on a show for Milo, though. Playing his dastardly part and showing his claim over my body all at once. He kissed my forehead then returned to his seat and his dinner.

  I felt flushed, and slowly the pain overthrew the pleasure again, but the burst of endorphins helped me get through dinner.

  After dinner, Kirk and Miles flanked me and Alley. They removed the chains from the bits in our mouths first but left the clamp in place. Then, gently Kirk loosened one of the nipple clamps. The second of numbness wore off and I screamed as blood rush
ed back to the offended skin. Alley jerked behind me, but since Miles held the other end of my remaining nipple clamp, we were free from worrying whether our movements would hurt the other.

  But fuck the removal hurt worse than anything that had happened during dinner.

  I drew in a deep breath as Miles prepared to remove my second clamp. The wave of pain pulled at my core. I separated my arms from Alley’s and leaned forward against the table.

  One more to go. Fucking hell.

  My chest jerked with uneven breaths as Kirk sat me back up, and reached for the final clamp between my legs. Behind me, Alley screamed, and within a second, my voice joined hers in a deafening chorus. I wanted to flop back on the table, but as the stinging core-twisting pain faded, Kirk pulled me to the edge of the table and righted my clothes, holding me as I stepped down with numb legs. I nearly collapsed at his feet immediately, but he held me upright as the blood rushed through my legs.

  I felt his phone vibrate against my hip, and he shifted me to pull it out of his pocket long enough to press a single button.

  “Important call?” Ross asked.

  “Just an alarm I forgot to turn off.”

  Alarm. The one on his door, which meant the forces had arrived. I felt my eyes widen, but Kirk pulled my face to his, capturing my lips in a heated kiss. He paused for a minute before letting me go, shaking his head, just a twitch that told me to keep my reactions under control.

  When the worst had passed, he sat down and pulled me into his lap. My head dropped against his shoulder, and I inhaled his scent.

  It was all I could do.

  My body was already exhausted from the strain.

  As I came out of my headspace, Kirk fed me some of the leftover food from his plate, before the girls came to collect the dishes. Around the table, the other men either had slaves between their legs or in their laps. Alley and I seemed to be the only ones not involved in some kind of sexual act, apparently we’d earned our brief reprieve.


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