Dom (Galactic Cage Fighters Series Book 11)

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Dom (Galactic Cage Fighters Series Book 11) Page 5

by KD Jones

  What could she say to that? This was Nigel’s call. “Fine.”

  Amelia smiled. “Great! I’ll make the travel arrangements. We dock at the spaceport in one hour.”

  Sam narrowed her eyes at Amelia, who seemed to be way too perky about her and Dom traveling together. “Amelia, can I talk to you for a minute please?”

  “Yes, Nigel, I’ll be right back.” Amelia motioned for Sam to follow her out into the waiting area. She closed the door to the office to give them some privacy.

  “Amelia, what are you up to?”

  “Nothing, seriously. The situation could turn dangerous and you need to be protected.”

  “I could get the local IDJ to help me.”

  “True...but you and Dom need to talk things out. He told me that he and Lydia really didn’t hook up last night or this morning. They were just discussing business.”

  “What kind of business? Sex worker business?”

  Amelia bit her bottom lip like she didn’t know how to answer. “I can’t answer that, but it was business on the GCFA’s behalf. He has no interest in Lydia.”

  It sounded like Amelia believed it, but could she? “It doesn’t matter, he’s made it clear by pushing me away, over and over, that he’s not interested in me. I’m going to move on with my life.” Even if it meant she had to move on with half a heart.

  “Just talk to him while the two of you are traveling together.”

  “I’ll talk, but whether he has anything to say that I want to hear remains to be seen.”


  “What the hell is going on Dom?” Nigel demanded.

  “I screwed things up with Sam. I hurt her carelessly. She won’t even talk to me.”

  “Am I going to have to ask Rachel and Trig for an IDJ agent to accompany her?”

  Dom growled. “No, I’m going with Sam, no one else!”

  “We don’t have the luxury of fucking this up. That money needs to be located and transferred back to the GCFA or it’s my ass on the line.”

  “We’ll get it taken care of.”

  “Fine, go get packed while Amelia and I make the arrangements. And Dom.”


  “Apologize to her and keep apologizing until she forgives you,” Nigel told him. “I wish you the best of luck.”

  “Thanks, I’m going to need all the luck I can get.”

  Dom turned to leave, opening the door leading out into the waiting area. He was disappointed to find that Sam had left already. As he passed Amelia, who was sitting at her desk, she called out to him.

  “Don’t go to Sam right now.”

  “I need to talk to her, explain things.”

  “I would wait until you two are on the plane, then she won’t be able to walk away for a few hours at least. Also, I would start with an apology for taking her on an emotional roller coaster these last few days.”

  “I will.”

  “Just out of curiosity, why did you push her away? It looked like you guys were really hitting it off.”

  “I admit that I screwed up. I haven’t let myself feel anything for anyone in a long time. Nigel was the first person I opened up to enough to be friends and I can barely tolerate him.”

  “I feel the same, asshole!” Nigel yelled from his office.

  They laughed, easing some of the tension. “I’ll make this right, Amelia, I swear it.”

  Amelia nodded. “You better, Sam’s become a good friend of mine and I don’t like it when my friends are hurting. She clearly has feelings for you, otherwise she wouldn’t be so hurt. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Go on and I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Thanks.” Dom left, feeling excited and anxious. He couldn’t wait to get Sam alone. He just hoped that she would listen to him and accept his apology.

  Chapter 6

  Two hours! She had to sit in the transport seat right next to Dom for nearly two hours until they reached Tulo Vey, the exotic water planet that they were going to. Granted their seats were first class and very comfortable, but she couldn’t get comfortable no matter what she did. She might have gone to sleep if she hadn’t been tortured with the awareness of him right next to her, within arm’s reach. His body heat was drawing her to him. She had to fight her every instinct to keep from looking at him.

  “Would you care for a drink, Mr. Reese?” The blond flight attendant asked, bending down low to show off her well-endowed chest.

  “No, thank you,” Dom responded, taking the extra pillow from her that he hadn’t even requested. Sam never got an extra pillow, but then again, she had never traveled first class before now.

  Sam rolled her eyes at the woman’s obvious attempts to flirt. Why couldn’t they have a male attendant? It just wasn’t her day. She shoved the small pillow under her head and turned on her side. Maybe she could ignore him and try to sleep.

  “Sam, I wanted to talk to you about Lydia Waters.”

  She said nothing.


  “I’m trying to sleep over here.”

  She could feel him lean over to speak softly in her ear. “I did not have sex with her. I never intended to and I don’t plan to ever have sex with her. I had to discuss some—business.”

  She turned her head, bringing their faces to just inches from one another. “What kind of business?”

  “I—I’m not sure if I should tell you.”

  “Will it piss me off?”


  “Now you have to tell me. You can’t say something like that and not explain yourself.”

  “I was talking to her on Nigel’s behalf.”

  She snorted. “There is no way Nigel would have sex with another woman, much less pay for it. He is in love with and completely devoted to Amelia.”

  “You’re right, Nigel would never even think about cheating on Amelia. Really it’s more of a GCFA request for Lydia.”

  She leaned a little closer, licking her lips. His eyes tracked the movement. She loved how she had his undivided attention. He may keep pushing her away, but his body wanted her. “Mmm...still vague. What did you ask Lydia to do for the GCFA?”

  “Nigel wants Lydia to find someone for Phoenix.”

  She blinked in surprise. “For Phoenix? Why?”

  Dom didn’t say anything, just stared in her eyes. She wasn’t going to let this go. “It’s because of Amelia isn’t it? Come on, she and Phoenix are just friends.”

  “That’s the reason Phoenix is still on the ship and hasn’t been relocated. Nigel’s not comfortable with an unattached man sniffing around his woman.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Oh my God, he’s such a caveman.”

  “What is a caveman?”

  “It’s a prehistoric humanoid that thinks women are weak and possessions.”

  “That’s not Nigel. He loves Amelia and worships the ground she walks on. He’s just being protective of her. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “He’s being a bit insulting if he thinks Amelia would be swayed by another man. She’s a lot like me, when she gives her love and loyalty to someone, it can’t be easily swayed.”

  “Have you ever given your love or trust to someone who didn’t deserve it?” Dom asked quietly.

  “Too many times to count, but I don’t let that keep me from being hopeful.”

  “Why would you leave yourself open and vulnerable trusting anyone at all?”

  “What’s the alternative? Close myself off to possible happiness?” She shook her head. “My granddad used to tell me, if you close yourself off to the world, then the world will be closed off to you. You can’t expect someone to love you if you’re not willing to love them first. You have to take a chance and be brave if you want to get the best out of the world.”

  “Sounds like a wise man. Is he still living?”

  She smiled. “Yeah. I haven’t seen him in six months, but I plan to go visit him when I’m done with all this GCFA stuff.”

  Dom reached out his hand to caress her ch
eek. She closed her eyes for just a moment, enjoying the soft touch. What she wouldn’t give to have him touch her all over. She shook her head, pulling away. This was an illusion, and she couldn’t risk it this time. He would just hurt her again.

  “Maybe I’ve learned my lesson this time about keeping the world at a distance.” She admitted.

  A pained expression crossed his handsome face. “Sam, I’m so sorry for hurting you. That was never my intention.”

  She stood up. “I need to use the bathroom.” She didn’t really, she just needed some space. She moved down the aisle quickly.

  Opening the door, she entered and turned, only to have a hand reach out, stopping her from closing it. Then Dom pushed the door open and entered in the small washroom after her.

  “Dom, what the hell are you doing in here?”

  He closed the door behind him and locked it. She was shocked. She stared at him, then the door. He was blocking her only exit.

  “I am sorry, Sam, for pushing you away, not once, but twice without explanation. I hurt you. I’m a bastard for that.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at him. “Why did you? Am I not your type? Too skinny? Not pretty enough?”

  He growled as he stepped forward, lifting her up on the counter and pressing his body between her legs. “You are definitely my type in every way.”

  “Then why push me away when you knew I wanted you? Did I—”

  He kissed her to shut her up. “Stop, Sam. You are beautiful and brilliant. Sexy as hell, so much so that I walk around with a constant hard on. Me pushing you away was about me not being good enough for you. It was my own insecurities that got in the way.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You grew up with a grandfather that loved you, he was there for you every day of your life. I had no one. The facility I grew up in threw me away and I had to find a way to survive. I never learned to trust people. It’s extremely hard for me to open up to anyone.”

  She had talked to other halfsie fighters about some of their experiences and always felt horrified for them. For this to have happened to Dom, someone who always seemed so strong and confident, put it into a different light for her. Her heart ached for him and she could feel herself weakening toward him. “I thought it was because I’m a virgin that you didn’t want me?”

  “I want you more than I’ve wanted any woman I’ve ever met. Your lack of experience excites me and at the same time leaves me a little anxious.”

  “Why anxious?”

  “I have to fight my needs.”

  “I want you, too, Dom. Maybe you shouldn’t fight it,” she admitted.

  “I am not as civilized in the bedroom as I am outside of the bedroom. The things I want to do—may scare you off.”

  “That should be my decision to make.”

  “Does that mean you will forgive me for being an ass?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “It means, I’ll give you a chance to make it up to me.”

  He kissed her and all other thoughts fled her mind. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips, pulling him closer to her. She could feel his arousal pressing against her through his pants. He wanted her and wanted her to give him another chance. It was what she wanted, too. Everything in her lit up with need, all for him.

  Dom ground himself into her and it sent little shivers all down her spine. She had to have him inside of her like right...fucking…

  “Hurry up in there! There are others who need to use the washroom!” a woman yelled from the other side of the door.

  They broke apart, breathing hard. She turned to check herself in the mirror and found her hair a mess and her face flushed. Dom had the sexiest look on his face, and simply straightened his shirt before walking over to the door and opening it, just as the woman was about to knock again.

  The woman blinked up at Dom, who gave her a charming smile. “It’s all yours.”

  “Why, thank you,” the woman said breathlessly.

  Sam grumbled as she hopped off the counter and shoved in between the two of them on her way out. She glanced back to watch the woman, who stared at her and then at Dom. Dom gave the woman a wink, turning to follow after Sam. The fucking bastard had more sex appeal than any one man should. God, that was so not fair!

  She sat back down in her seat, feeling both turned on and seriously disappointed that they had been interrupted. A few more minutes and they would have been fucking in the washroom on board the galactic shuttle. As much as she wanted him, though, she didn’t want the washroom to be the place of her first time.

  Dom sat down next to her still wearing that sexy expression. It only made her want to climb into his lap and ride him...hard.


  “Shut up! We’re not talking about what we almost did back there.”


  She turned in her seat to glare at him. “Aren’t you the least bit sorry?”

  “I could never be sorry for touching you.” He leaned forward to whisper, “We’re not done, beautiful. Not by a long shot.” Then he leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

  Oh boy. I’m in trouble—big time.

  Chapter 7

  Two and half hours later

  They didn’t really talk for the rest of the shuttle trip. Dom kept giving her these heated looks that had her blood boiling. Sometimes he would touch her, little touches on the top of her hand, stroking her skin, or holding her elbow to help her out of the shuttle. Small touches that sent currents of electricity through her whole body and kept her in a constant state of arousal.

  Dom carried their bags into the hotel and went to the front desk to check them in. She took the time to look around. It was a very elegant and extravagant hotel. She would never have been able to afford to stay in a place like this on her own. She supposed since they were on GCFA business, they were footing the bill.

  “Sam, are you ready?” Dom called out from behind her.

  She turned around and followed him to the elevator. “Dom, I can carry my own bag. I may be skinny, but I’m not weak.” It was just a big hiking pack. She didn’t have the fancy luggage like Dom. He had three hard cases; a large one, a medium one, and then a small one that was probably his shaving kit. She had never seen a man with so many suitcases before.

  “Why are you staring at my luggage?”

  “I’m curious about what kinds of things you packed. There’s a lot of it, too, it looks like you packed for a month.”

  He chuckled. “I like to be prepared. Actually, I probably overcompensate for having so little growing up.”

  Again her heart ached for him. More and more she understood why he acted the way he did. He had trust issues and had learned to shut off his emotions. How would she have turned out if it hadn’t been for her granddad? She knew that she couldn’t take away his painful past, but she wanted to give him something to ease that hurt in some way.

  The elevator stopped and Dom entered a code on the panel. The doors opened right into the suite, which was a penthouse. Of course he would book the penthouse. They entered and looked around.

  The suite had a large, open floor plan. The dining table and bed were in the same room. There was a closed door, which she assumed went to the washroom, and French doors that opened onto a balcony. Her eyes kept drifting back to the large king-sized bed that seemed to take up most of the room. Dom put the bags, including her backpack, on the floor next to the couch. She reached for her computer and sat down with her legs folded under her.

  “I started a program as soon as we landed on the docking port to try to break into the bank’s system. It will take a few hours to try several pathways.”

  “What do you want to do while we wait?” he asked, sitting down next to her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I’d like to get to know you better.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “You said you overcompensated because of your childhood. Why?”

“I had a rough childhood. The facility that I was born in decided that I was useless. They often called me the runt. One night, they cut me loose in the streets to fend for myself.”

  “How old were you?”



  “Don’t feel sorry for me. I may have gotten beat up quite a few times in the process of learning what to do and where to go, but I learned what I needed to, became strong, and survived. When my Martian genetics kicked in, I was no longer the runt of the litter, like the scientists once called me. I used my strength to its advantage.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “I’m not proud to admit this, but I ended up working for a loan shark as his muscle man.”

  “Really? Wasn’t that dangerous?”

  “It could be, yes. I was sometimes shot at or stabbed. People didn’t like to have to pay their debts.”

  “How did you get out of that line of work?”

  “Nigel. He was working for the GCFA as a recruiter of halfsies to start the teams. His recruitment took him to a little beat-up planet in the middle of nowhere. Nigel evidently heard about me and came out to meet me. He talked me into joining him and somehow we became friends.”

  So much about Dom’s aloofness made sense now. It was hard for him to trust people and he hadn’t really had a childhood at all. Whoever those scientists were, they needed to be shot for doing that to a helpless child. He should have been protected and loved. Her heart opened up to him a little more.

  Dom had proved to everyone that he wasn’t useless; he was truly a remarkable man. She wasn’t sure whether this attraction between them would have a future, but she wanted to find out.

  She put her computer down on the bed and crawled over onto his lap, straddling him. “I think you’re amazing.” She kissed him and attempted to show him just how much she desired him.

  His hands cupped her ass, massaging the cheeks as he quickly took over their kiss. Dom was extremely dominant when he kissed her. It made her wonder what he would be like when they finally made love. Excitement raced through her at the thought.


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