Dom (Galactic Cage Fighters Series Book 11)

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Dom (Galactic Cage Fighters Series Book 11) Page 8

by KD Jones

  “Did I tell you how sexy you are in that very tiny bikini?” he asked as he walked her down the steps into the pool.

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks and her nipples hardened, but it wasn’t from the coolness of the water. “No, you didn’t.”

  They were waist-deep when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he pulled back, she was breathless. “You do look incredibly sexy. I was worried that if I waited too much longer, I would come out and find you surrounded by a group of sex-crazed men vying for your attention.”

  She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him again. “There are no crowds of sex-crazed men. I’m yours, Dom. Even if they were here, they would just have to find someone else to vie for.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing his stiffening cock up against her bikini-covered pussy.

  “How long do we have before we leave?” she asked, moving against him.

  “A couple of hours. I thought that we would have dinner before we leave.”

  “Then let’s make the most of it.” She kissed him and ground herself against him harder.

  He growled with need as he squeezed her ass. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to take you right here and now.”

  She nibbled his earlobe. “I don’t mind.” The thought of having sex in such an open area, where at any moment someone could catch them, sent a rush of excitement and arousal through her body. She shivered in reaction.

  Sam suddenly found herself with her back to the wall of the pool and his body pressed tightly to hers. Dom appeared to have been pushed beyond the bounds of his usual persona of a self-restrained and reserved businessman. She grinned. She loved that she could make him lose control. He began pressing his cock against her in a tantalizing rhythm. It wouldn’t take much for them to push aside their clothes, and then he would be inside her. The very thought drove her crazy.

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. You make me forget all my good intentions,” Dom whispered against her ear.

  “Good intentions are boring. I want you to be bad, my dominant Dom.”

  He lifted his head to look around the pool area. She looked, too, and was surprised to see that they were now only the two people out there. He turned back to look in her eyes and she knew she was about to get just what she wanted. She couldn’t wait.

  He took her lips again a little more forcefully and she loved it. She could feel him moving her bikini bottom to the side, exposing her pussy. The next thing she felt was his cock slowly entering her, stretching her inner walls. It was delicious and decadent and so fucking hot!

  Sam laid her head back against the pool wall, the weightless feeling of half-floating making her feel free. She basked in every slide and pull he made inside of her. Dom’s hands on her hips gave just enough friction to the experience to make it truly amazing.

  She had never before thought of herself as an exhibitionist and usually didn’t like to make public displays of affection, but with Dom, all her little rules for herself didn’t apply. She wanted to give him anything he asked for and whenever he needed it. It thrilled her that she was the only one that would give it to him.

  Sam felt the heat inside, building and building until she was about to scream out her release, but he kissed her, taking her vocal release into his mouth as his seed shot out inside of her. She groaned in protest when he pulled out of her and righted their swimsuits.

  “Damn it, Sam, you make me lose control.” There was no real heat in his words.

  She smiled but a thought occurred to her that should really have occurred before now. How should she broach the subject? Honesty and directness were needed here.


  He lifted her in his arms and started to wade out of the pool. “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, but I have a question for you.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “You haven’t used any protection, any of the times that we—got busy.”

  He froze about waist deep in the pool. “You’re not on any birth control?”

  She felt a little flustered and a little angry that his tone sounded accusing. Like she had done all this on purpose to trap him. “I was a virgin. Of course I wasn’t on birth control.”

  He set her on her feet. “We’ll discuss the situation in our suite.”

  Dom moved ahead of her, climbing out of the pool and leaving her feeling much colder than she had before. Was he pissed at her? Well, she was pissed now, too, and hurt. He was the experienced one here, after all. Her hand lightly touched her stomach. Could she be pregnant? It was scary to think that there might be a tiny baby that would depend on her; she’d never had to take care of anyone before. How could she take care of a child? Her own mother had abandoned her, but at least her granddad had done the best he could.

  Looking at Dom’s back as he reached for a towel, her biggest concern actually wasn’t whether she was pregnant. She knew she could figure out single parenthood if she had to. But what if this caused Dom to push her away again? Dom had no one and kept himself at a distance from everyone. She didn’t want to consider a future alone, without him, not anymore.

  As worried as she was for Dom, though, she was overcome by a new wave of frustration. She certainly hadn’t gotten into this position by herself, and it wasn’t right to expect her to handle it by herself, but life was seldom fair.

  Sam continued out of the pool, grabbing a towel and drying off. She put on her cover-up feeling a little dazed. Then she straightened her shoulders. She was smart, strong, and independent. She could deal with whatever happened next. With or without Dom.

  Chapter 11

  Twenty minutes later

  They had no sooner got to the hotel suite and changed before Dom stood up and headed to the door.

  “I’ll be back,” Dom said curtly, not thinking about how it would sound. He just had to get out of there. He needed to think. He didn’t hear what Sam said to him as he left. He went down to the lobby and sat down at the bar. He didn’t remember ordering or drinking, but he must have, because he suddenly found himself having to tell the bartender to charge it to his room.

  He hailed a shuttle taxi and when the driver asked, “Where to?” Dom had no clue what to tell him, so he said, “Just drive until I tell you to stop.”

  He ended up stopping in front of an alley similar to the one he had been dropped off in when he was just a child. When he left all those years ago, he had planned to never return, and to this day, he hadn’t. He remained in the shuttle and just stared out the window.

  This place was so similar, a dirty, run-down alley, home to rats and other unwanted creatures. Nothing would change the alley, but he had changed. He wasn’t the same scared eight-year-old that had been dumped here, or the rough and sarcastic eighteen-year-old that Nigel had first met. He was a grown man who had worked hard to make a better life for himself and become a success.

  Before Nigel and the GCFA, he had always taken precautions when he shared sex with women. He had never even considered having a family, because he wouldn’t have had anything to offer a mate or child, living the rough life he lived. Working as muscle for a loan shark, while better than living on the streets, was not exactly a stable and reliable job. Now, he was one of the highest-ranking people with the GCFA, successful and rich. He could provide a nice home and pay for the finest of schools.

  His heart beat faster at the thought that Sam might be carrying his child. Of course, children needed more than just what money could buy. They needed love and attention, and a father that would be there and give a hundred percent of his time to them. Someone who would protect them always. Was he ready for that? Would he be a good father or a bad one? It scared the hell out of him that some small creature might depend on him for anything. He needed someone to talk to, someone who knew him.

  “Was there somewhere else you would rather go?”

  Dom blinked, realizing they had just been sitting there for a while. “Yes, take me to this address.


  Son of a bitch! They’d come back to the hotel suite and Sam had expected they would sit down to discuss the possibility of her being pregnant and what they would do about it. But that didn’t happen. Dom went to the bathroom and changed into his clothes. And then he just…left. She thought he might have said something about errands, but she had been so shocked, she honestly couldn’t remember.

  Now it was two hours later and he still hadn’t come back yet. They were supposed to have dinner, then go to his friend’s home to pick up the invitations to the party. She was starting to think that he might be going to the party on his own. After she had showered, she’d realized that she hadn’t brought any clothes appropriate for a party like Vargas might have, but now she was conflicted about what to do.

  Just in case, she went down to the hotel shops and found a dress that was both very sexy and elegant. She was on her way back up when she saw the salon. She went in and asked them to style her hair and do her makeup. They also convinced her to get a manicure and pedicure. She went ahead and put on her dress before the laser application of nail polish. When she stood in front of the mirror, she almost didn’t recognize herself.

  Her black strapless sheath dress hugged her slim figure, showing off her legs and molding against her round ass. Her hair had been pulled up and twisted into a French braid with little tendrils curling around her face. Her makeup was much heavier than what she usually went for, with smoky eyes and deep red lipstick. She was startled by the thought that she looked like a model on the cover of a magazine.

  She thanked the ladies at the salon. Just as she was walking out into the main part of the lobby, she caught sight of Dom. He was coming out of the elevator. He must have gone up to the suite and come back down when he didn’t find her there. He had changed into a formal suit and tie.

  It struck her how handsome he was, no matter what he was wearing. His hair was slicked back and his natural tan glowed. All her feelings for him rushed forward and she had to fight to keep herself from breaking out into tears.

  She loved him, but he had already pushed her away so many times before, and it felt like he was doing that once again. She had to toughen up and not let him know how hurt she was. She put on a fake smile and waited. Once he was closer, he glanced her way and froze in his tracks.

  Sam forced herself to approach him with strong, confident steps. At least she could pretend to be confident, even if she didn’t feel it. “You’ve been gone quite a while. Where did you go?”

  “I had some errands to do.”

  “You said that before. What kind of errands?”

  He pulled two envelopes out of his coat pocket. “I went ahead and picked up the invitations.”

  She frowned. “I thought we were going together to your friend’s place to pick them up.”

  “I decided to go early.”

  “I was looking forward to meeting your friend. What’s his name?”

  “Her name. Tamara Richter.”

  A woman. He went to see a woman without her. Did they have sex? Was she the reason Dom kept pushing Sam away? God, she hated being one of those jealous women.

  “Are you ready?”

  She just nodded and followed him out of the hotel, feeling a little dazed and hurt. She got inside the shuttle taxi and stared out the window not really seeing anything. She just wanted to get the night over with, get access to the account and then get as far from Dom as she could. She needed distance if she was going to have any hope of trying to get over him. A part of her worried that she would never get over Dom.

  “Are you not feeling well?” Dom asked.

  Sam turned to look at him. “You said that this Tamara was a friend. Was she ever more than that?”

  He hesitated and she took that as her answer. “Never mind.” She turned away.

  “Once, a long time ago,” he admitted.

  They had been lovers, but were they still lovers? “Did you have sex with her?”

  “What, today? No, of course not. She’s my friend.”

  It wasn’t exactly the declaration she was hoping for. Maybe something like, I want only you and no other woman interests me would have been better.

  “Sam, we need to talk about the situation.”

  “Baby, the situation is a baby. I don’t know that there’s much else to say until we know for sure if there is a baby.” She couldn’t keep the hurt and anger out of her voice. The thought that he might turn his back on her and their potential child was just too much.

  “Let me explain…” But he didn’t get to finish because the shuttle taxi came to a halt.

  “Later, right now we have a job to do.” She didn’t wait for him to open the door for her. She climbed out quickly and made her way up the steps. When the security guard asked for her invitation, she was forced to turn and wait for Dom to come up. He handed over the invitations and the guards moved to allow them to enter.

  As soon as she was over the threshold, her nerves started to kick in. She had never before mingled with crowds of people like this until she started working with the GCFA. She was much more comfortable at home, in her pajamas in front of her computer. Dom came up next to her and put his hand on her back.

  “Let’s find you a quiet place to sit while I search for our host.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief and nodded at him. “That would be best.” She let him lead her through the room. Many eyes turned their way. Men smiled at her while undressing her with their eyes. She shivered in disgust. Maybe the dress had been a mistake. They stopped at a bench seat on the other side of the bar in the corner.

  “This is private enough to allow you to do what you do best without anyone seeing. It’s a good spot that will let you be able to see others if they approach. Let me get you a drink from the bar to make it look like you’re just relaxing.”

  “Good idea.” She watched as he made his way over to the bar. He placed an order and while waiting for it, a woman came up to him and started flirting. Sam rolled her eyes. Of course a sexy, good-looking man like Dom wasn’t going to go unnoticed. She quickly turned away, pretending to be scanning the room for their culprit. She couldn’t watch him flirt with someone else right now, it would hurt and she might start to cry. She had to focus on the mission.

  “Here’s a Galactic bourbon. The lady I just spoke with is going to introduce me to Vargas. Stay here and see if you can hack into his personal computer. Don’t, under any circumstances, try to confront him on your own. He may be an accountant, but he’s a thief and could be highly dangerous.”

  She tried not to let his concern go to her head. He just wanted to catch this guy and get the money back for the GCFA. Nigel was his best friend and Dom was committed to helping him out. That was all there was to it.

  “I’ll stay right here in my little corner.”

  He was going back to the bar where the woman was waiting for him but he stopped to look at her once more. Maybe making sure she did as he told her to do. She shook her head, she needed to get on task.

  Pulling out her handheld computer, she opened up her special program that sought out weaknesses in computer networks for her to exploit.

  Damn, she wasn’t getting a good enough signal. She glanced up but couldn’t see Dom. Maybe he was already meeting with Vargas. Maybe she could walk around the room, staying toward the edges, to see if she could get a better signal. What harm could there be in that?

  Chapter 12

  Dom couldn’t stop looking back toward where he’d left Sam. It didn’t feel right to leave her there, especially looking as sexy and beautiful as she did. His heart had nearly stopped beating when he saw her in the lobby of the hotel. When she locked eyes with him, he could see her mask her expression. His words and actions had hurt her, which was the last thing he wanted to do. It struck him then that didn’t want to lose her, but he really could if he didn’t try to make amends.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t want to talk to him on the ride to the party and he was strugg
ling to find the right words. Saying sorry I was an ass didn’t seem to be enough. He would grovel if he had to, to show her how regretful he was.

  Another epiphany that occurred to him when coming back to the hotel from visiting Tamara was in regards to Sam possible pregnancy. His first reaction had been pure shock, and then he’d gone into denial, because surely it couldn’t happen that fast. He didn’t think he was ready for that kind of responsibility. How could he be a father to anyone? He never had a family growing up. What would he teach his kid? How to find food out of a dumpster and how to beat the shit out of someone who owed him money? That was what he’d learned on the streets.

  Unfortunately, this meant he had panicked and walked out on Sam, who was probably just as shocked and scared as he was. He knew more than anyone what a difference having someone in a child’s life would mean to them, since he’d had no one. Damn if he was going to let his kid feel unwanted and alone in the world.

  Dom wanted to tell Sam how he was more clear-headed and focused, ready to take on any situation that might happen between them, but she wasn’t ready to hear any of that. Even if he tried to apologize to her right now, she wouldn’t accept it. He had to be patient with her. Patience wasn’t something he had a lot of, but in order to have Sam in his life, he would do anything and everything he could.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Reese, but I asked security and Mr. Vargas had to take a business call. When he returns, I’ll be more than happy to introduce you. Maybe we could go somewhere more private—discuss some things just the two of us.” The woman, a little older but still attractive, had blond hair and blue eyes. She was big-chested and had a tiny waist, a type he normally would have gone for, but looking at her now, he felt nothing. When she reached out to touch his chest, he was actually repulsed.

  Smiling a fake smile, he took a step back. “I would greatly appreciate you introducing me later, but I need to get back to my fiancée.”

  She looked disappointed, but tried to paint a smile on her face. “Let me know if you change your mind.” There was a clear insinuation that she wasn’t just talking about a private discussion, that she still wanted more. Dom definitely wasn’t interested, although he knew he could be endangering his chance to be introduced to Vargas.


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