Vader's Fortress

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Vader's Fortress Page 8

by Rebecca Moesta


  She sat on the floor and held her hands out in front of her, palms up.

  The others arranged themselves in a loose circle around the Holocron and

  sat down to watch.

  "Just a minute," Tionne said. The strange object rested lightly on her

  hands, as if floating on water. A hologram blossomed in the air over the


  "Welcome, my children. How may I teach you today? I am Ash Krimsan,"

  said the glowing figure of a tiny plump woman with black hair and eyes the

  color of smoky topaz. She wore a long soft gown as red as wine. "I am a

  Jedi Master whose duty it has always been to teach those young ones who are

  gifted in the Force. Even before they become Jedi, the powerful ones must

  learn why they can sense people's feelings and how not to misuse that

  power. They must learn patience and Jedi relaxation techniques, and many

  other important things."

  The old woman's face shone with patient kindness.

  "Come listen to me, my child, and I will teach you."

  Oh great. Baby lessons, Uldir thought. Just what I need. Well, he told

  himself, at least it looked as if the old lady would cover everything he

  might need to know to become a Jedi. And after all, he was pretty

  intelligent-how long could it take to learn it all?

  "Let us begin with a Jedi relaxation technique. First I will show you

  how it looks on the outside; then I will describe how it feels inside."

  Suddenly the hologram was hidden by a cloud of roiling gray smoke.

  Uldir coughed. At first, he didn't understand what was happening. Then he

  saw a flash of purple cloth and heard a gloating voice say,

  "Why, you didn't really think I would give up my prize so easily, did


  Uldir came to his feet, waving smoke away from his eyes. The Holocron

  was gone.

  "Neither will we, Orloc," he said.

  "Then you'll have to catch me," the Mage countered.

  Anakin looked around to see where Orloc might have gone with the

  Holocron. Ikrit or Tionne must have used the Force to clear the smoke away,

  he guessed, because within a second or two it was almost gone. The two Jedi

  opened the main chamber door and looked up and down the passageway. With a

  whoosh, the doors shut behind them, locking them out.

  "He's in here!" Anakin shouted, pointing to the far end of the chamber

  behind the platform that held Darth Vader's sleeping cylinder. Orloc stood

  beside a control panel that had been hidden by a slab of polished black

  stone. ArtooDetoo trilled a warning and moved to the door control panel by

  the main entrance, just behind Anakin.

  "I'm coming," Tahiri called.

  The Mage pressed a button-and Anakin jumped to safety a split second

  before a trapdoor opened in the floor where he had been standing. Artoo-

  Detoo tweedled frantically but was unable to close the pit in back of

  Anakin. Anakin ran toward the Mage, who growled and pressed another button.

  Somewhere behind Anakin, Tahiri squealed. She must have jumped over a

  trapdoor, too, because the next sound heard was the slap of her bare feet

  on the polished floor as she landed behind him. Artoo-Detoo chittered

  angrily at the magician. Anakin kept running forward, with Tahiri following

  close after him. The Mage merely chuckled and pushed a button to unseal a

  set of double doors behind him that led out of the chamber.

  They swung outward. Then, with one arm clutching the Holocron tightly

  to his chest, he reached out to push a final button on the control panel. A

  new trapdoor angled open between Anakin and the Mage, who stood in the

  doorway he had just unlocked. Anakin stopped running and skidded to a halt

  right at the edge of the hole, with. its steep, steep slide down into the

  secret depths of Bast Castle. Tahiri pulled him back before he could lose

  his balance and fall in. He gulped at the close call and glanced up to see

  a grin on Orloc's neatly bearded face, as if the magician were hoping they

  would fall down the chute. The purple-robed Mage shrugged.

  "Too bad. Maybe some other day, hmmm?"

  He turned to leave. But Artoo-Detoo had managed to reverse the double

  doors from his control panel across the room. They were now swinging back

  toward Orloc. Soon there would be no place for the magician to stand as the

  doors,swept backward toward the hole in the floor. Beside Anakin, Tahiri

  gasped. The Mage tried to push the doors forward, away from the edge of the

  pit. Anakin and Tahiri both stretched out their arms, trying to reach

  Orloc, but it was no use.

  As the doors shut he gave a yelp of alarm and flailed his arms in an

  attempt to keep his balance.

  "Can you close the pit, Artoo?" Anakin called.

  Artoo buzzed twice.

  Orloc threw his arms high into the air and let go of the precious Jedi

  cube, perhaps trying to grab on to something before he fell. The bobbled

  Holocron flew over Anakin's and Tahiri's heads as Orloc tumbled into the

  stone chute. Dashing up behind them, Uldir caught the Holocron.

  "Got it!" he yelled. His voice cracked with triumph. At the door,

  Artoo finally succeeded in opening the main entrance again for Ikrit and

  Tionne. The two Jedi rushed back in. With mixed feelings, Anakin looked

  down into the dark chute. He should have been able to do something more to

  keep Orloc from falling-but if they had managed to save him, wouldn't the

  Mage have tried to steal the Holocron from them again?

  "Do you think he'll be all right?" Tahiri asked, looking down into the

  pit with a horrified expression on her face.

  "Ikrit and I survived our fall," Tionne said softly from the other

  side of the room. "I think Orloc will be all right."

  "Mmmm," Ikrit said. "I believe he is unhurt, that one."

  "In fact," Tionne added with a dry note in her voice, "unless we get

  out of here soon, we probably haven't seen the last of him yet."

  The unusual things they had seen and done since coming to Bast Castle

  amazed Anakin, but in the end there was one more surprise to come. Weary as

  the companions were, they were preparing to make the long climb back down

  to the Lore Seeker when Ikrit made a suggestion.

  "There is another way to get to your ship," he said. Even before

  hearing his plan, Tahiri was enthusiastic. Ikrit took them back to the

  hangar bay and showed them the ancient ships stored there. He had once

  owned just such a ship himself, and the controls could adjust to Ikrit's

  one-meter height. If the ships were kept in as good mechanical repair as

  everything else in Bast Castle seemed to be, it would take only a matter of

  minutes to fly down to the Lore Seeker.

  When a preflight check on their chosen ship showed that it was in

  excellent condition, everyone eagerly agreed to Ikrit's plan. After Artoo-

  Detoo plugged into a control panel to open the hangar bay doors and make

  sure that all intruder defenses were turned off, they put Ikrit's plan into

  effect. Ikrit did an expert job of piloting the old ship, and when they

  reached the Lore Seeker he seemed almost sad.

  Now it was Anakin's turn to make a surprising suggestion.

  "Why don't you keep the ship, Ikrit," h
e said. "It belonged to my

  grandfather, so I don't think there's anyone else who has a claim to it-and

  the controls are so old-fashioned that I'm not sure any other being would

  want it."

  The Jedi Master seemed uncertain and looked hopefully at Tionne. A

  smile of delight spread across her face.

  "Of course-it would be just perfect for you."

  Anakin could have predicted that Tionne would like the idea, since she

  had such a love of history. Then Tionne frowned for a moment and looked

  over at Anakin.

  "But are you sure it's safe for him to fly it all the way back to

  Yavin 4?"

  Anakin nodded. One of his special skills with the Force was knowing

  when machinery was working correctly, and he could sense that this ship was

  perfectly spaceworthy.

  "It's in great shape," Uldir agreed. "I'll even be his copilot if you

  like. I've been a trained pilot for years, you know."

  Tionne looked very pleased at this development. "Well, if it's all

  right with Ikrit, I guess it's all settled."

  "You'll have to find a name for your ship by the time you get back to

  Yavin 4," Tahiri said, grinning. "I'll ask you about it."

  To Anakin it seemed that Ikrit's white fur glowed with pride.

  "Mmmm," the Jedi Master said, nodding. "I will find a name for my


  A sea of green trees rippled below the Lore Seeker as it glided toward

  the landing field and the Jedi academy. For Anakin, the sight of the Great

  Temple standing in its clearing, drenched in bright sunlight, was a very

  welcome one indeed.

  "It feels good to be back," he said with a sigh. Tahiri giggled. "That

  was certainly more of an adventure than I had bargained for."

  Tionne looked at her two students.

  "Are you sorry you came with me?"

  Anakin shook his head.

  "The trip was worth making. I learned some interesting things about

  Darth Vader."

  "I learned to trust the Force and not just my eyes and ears," Tahiri


  "And we did find a lightsaber and a Holocron," Anakin said.

  "And a new ship for Ikrit," Tahiri added. "So I think we're glad we

  came along, but it may be a while before we go looking for adventures


  Tionne brought the Lore Seeker down on the landing field, where Luke

  Skywalker was waiting for them. As soon as she opened the exit hatch,

  Anakin and Tahiri tumbled out of the ship, anxious to greet Luke and share

  their news with him.

  "We've got some surprises for you, Uncle Luke," Anakin said.

  "Just wait until you see what we've found," Tahiri said. "You'll never

  believe it." Her green eyes danced with excitement. "We'll have to let

  Tionne tell you the biggest news, though."

  Tionne came out of the Lore Seeker then, followed by Artoo-Detoo, who

  burbled a happy greeting.

  "It's good to have you back, Artoo," Luke said. "From all the

  excitement, I take it you found the lightsaber."

  "And more," Tionne answered, holding out the Holocron for him to see.

  "Master Ikrit has the lightsaber with him."

  "But where are Uldir and Ikrit?" Luke asked, looking at the new

  Holocron with wonder.

  "There," said Tionne, pointing to a speck above the treetops with a

  proud smile.

  "We found a new ship, and Ikrit's flying it," Anakin explained.

  "A really old ship, actually," Tahiri put in.

  Luke's eyebrows went up. "That certainly is interesting news," he

  said. He watched with fascination while the ancient ship landed a short way

  from the Lore Seeker and Ikrit and Uldir got out.

  "Welcome back," Luke said. "Let's all go inside where you can rest and

  share your news with me."

  "What did you name the ship?" Tahiri asked Ikrit as they walked back

  toward the Great Temple.

  "It's a good name," Uldir said, but he seemed distracted. The teenager

  stopped and looked up at the sky, as if still thinking about their

  adventure and the strange Mage they had met.

  "I have named her the Sunrider," said Ikrit.

  "After Nomi Sunrider?" Tionne asked with a delighted smile.

  "Yes, the Jedi Master who lived long ago," Ikrit said.

  Everyone approved of the name.

  When they reached the base of the Great Temple, Luke started to climb

  the steps that ran up one of its four sides. Tahiri groaned and stood as

  still s if her bare feet were rooted to the ground.

  "Um, Uncle Luke," Anakin said., "would you mind very much if we went

  in through the hangar bay and took the turbolift?"

  Luke raised his eyebrows at the unusual request. Tahiri giggled.

  "I think we've all had enough stairs in the past few days to last us a

  long, long time," she said.




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