Nailing Studs: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance

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Nailing Studs: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance Page 16

by Virna DePaul

  I wasn’t sure whether it was meant to be a comforting gesture or a come-on, but I instantly warmed up to him. My body had been craving him all this time without me even realizing it. His hand came to rest on the small of my back as our tongues met. I noticed that he had the lightest smattering of stubble on his chin, as though he hadn’t shaved for a couple of days. I wondered if this was because he’d been worrying about me—about us. All of us.

  “Follow me.” He grabbed my hand and drew me up to standing. I followed him up the stairs, a grin playing on the corner of my lips, as he headed to the bedroom.

  As soon as we were through the door, he scooped me up in his arms. I loved the way he made me feel when he did that—as if I were so delicate and dainty. He kissed me and carried me over to the bed, his mouth sweet and lingering against mine.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” he purred in my ear.

  I grinned and squirmed lightly in his grasp. “That makes two of us.”

  He laid me down on the sheets then leaned down and kissed my neck, his mouth warm and sensual against my skin. I closed my eyes and shuddered slightly. I’d had sex with all three of them on this bed so recently, but being alone with Dominic felt new and thrilling. He could do whatever he wanted to me, because I felt like I was his. Owned. Taken. His.

  He ran his hands over me slowly, taking his sweet time, stripping me down like he was unwrapping the best gift he’d ever had. Slowly inching down my jeans, he planted a series of kisses following the path the fabric had uncovered, then took my socks and tossed them aside. He pulled off my shirt and deftly unhooked my bra with one hand.

  His slow moves had me going crazy for him.

  “Mmm, you look so good,” he groaned once he’d stripped me bare. As he reached out to brush a strand of hair away from my face, he leaned in to kiss me once more, pulling me onto his lap and dipping me back in what was close to a swoon, as though he couldn’t resist me any longer. “You smell good, too. Like raspberries.”

  “You’re still a little overdressed.” I giggled, running my nose softly over his neck. There was something about the soft glow of the mid-afternoon light that made this feel so romantic, as though the two of us were being shot in soft focus. And because it was just the two of us, I took my time inhaling the scent of his skin and hair, tasting his lips.

  “I would agree.” He grinned, and I nervously peeled up the bottom of his shirt and exposed him. Defined abs and pecs, strong arms, thick neck, all so damn excellent. I leaned down to kiss the spot right above his jeans and he let out a sigh of pleasure.

  “You look so good, I can’t wait,” I told him, and got to work stripping him. In moments, and with a lot of help from Dom, I had him stripped of his pants, underwear, and socks. I left his shirt on because he was so sexy in it. With him now leaning back on his elbows on the bed, I took his thick cock into my hand. I hadn’t fully seen it until now, since I’d been flipped over the other day, but now having it all to myself, I stroked it while marveling at its size. Big, but not too big. Thick, but not too thick. And oh so stiff and hard.

  I bit my lip and looked up at him. The way he was staring at me right then sent a surge of desire through my body. “Dominic, I need to feel you inside me again,” I groaned, reaching to the bedside table for the condoms. I pulled one out and he took it from me, opening it and quickly sheathing himself.

  “Feeling’s mutual,” he replied as I kneeled above him. He wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing me again. His kisses were sweet but hungry, reminding me of everything that the two of us had shared already. I loved how his mouth felt, his lips soft and pliant contrasting with the slight roughness of his stubble against my face. I reached down to hold him there, fisting one hand in his hair while the other came to rest on his cheek. And then, feeling his cock pressing up against me, I reached down, took him into my hand, and guided him inside of me.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned as I moved down on top of him. How lucky was I that every single one of these guys had the most perfect cocks in the world? I had slept with enough guys in the past to know the difference, and the three of them were perfect. It was as though each of them had been built for me, to satisfy a different mood—Taylor when I wanted a quick romp, Dominic when I wanted to slow things down, and Logan when I wanted to feel dominated.

  Dominic flexed his hips up and pushed into me, burying himself deep. He let his hands come to rest on my waist so he could guide me up and down on top of him. I rolled my hips, looking deep into his dark eyes, forgetting that there was anything else in the world but this moment and how unbelievably good he felt inside of me. He shifted his weight, coming up on one hand so he could get close enough to draw my nipple into his mouth. With soft flicks of his tongue against it lightly, he made my nipple pebble. I squirmed with delight. I moved slowly, holding on to him, eyes closed even though the light was filtering through my lids.

  I wasn’t sure how long we were like that, the two of us grinding against each other, but I felt as though time had dropped away completely. Eventually, he took my hand and pressed a kiss against my open palm, drawing two of my fingers between his lips and running his tongue across them. His eyes were closed. He was too focused on the way we felt together. And then, he drew my fingers from his mouth and moved them down between my legs.

  “Make yourself come,” he whispered into my ear.

  I moved my fingers against my clit, pushing down onto him to match the pace, as he thrust up into me. “Ah,” I gasped, my mouth dropping open. Pleasure grew inside of me, swelling, building, threatening to take me over. When I opened my eyes and looked at him, that’s when it happened—the orgasm swept over me, radiating throughout my body, overcoming me.

  He covered my lips with a kiss before I could make a sound.

  Something about the gentleness of his kiss matched with the roughness of his cock pushed deep into me was more than I could take, and I crumpled against him, holding him tight and close. I wanted to cry and I didn’t know why. As my rapid breaths died down, he moved hard into me once more. My pussy still clenched tightly around his cock, the pleasure flooding out to own me, and soon enough I felt him edging near the end, too. With a grunt, he came, holding himself still within me.

  We were so intently wrapped around each other that it took us a good long moment to unwind when we came apart. I kissed him once more, noticing that the filtered evening light picked him out so beautifully that it almost hurt. Jesus, he was one of the sexiest men I’d ever laid eyes on in my life. And he wanted me. All of me.

  “That was amazing, Kayla.” Dom ran his hands over my bare back, making my skin prickle.

  “It really was,” I sighed. “I didn’t know you could be so…”

  “Yeah, me neither,” he admitted with a grin. He kissed me again, and for a moment I was totally up for round two, but Dom had other ideas.

  Lying alongside me, head back on the pillow, he closed his eyes and caressed my arm with his hand. “You said you have an interview soon, right?”

  “Yes, tomorrow.” I sighed. I’d have to pick out something to wear, and make the long drive to the East Bay. “I’d be writing for a food magazine in the Bay Area.”

  “Is that what you want to do?”

  “Not anymore.” I closed my eyes and focused on his breathing, his words, the warmth of his hand.

  “What would you be doing if you could do anything you wanted?” he asked. “Dream a little.”

  “Man…” I’d never been able to do whatever I wanted. That had never been in the cards. As my mind drifted off and my body relaxed, I felt dreamy as my thoughts wandered. “Open a bakery,” I said. “Maybe even a small bakery, working here in this house making custom orders. Though that would be impossible with the oven downstairs, I suppose. But I could bake all day and see you guys all the time. I can’t think of anything better, really. But maybe that’s silly. I bake for fun—I’m not a trained pastry chef, this house has an abysmal oven, and I’m gonna have to sell it anyway.” I s
hrugged. “But you said to dream a little, so there it is.”

  I felt the shudder of a chuckle go through him. “Nah, you wouldn’t be perfect for that. It’s not like you know how to bake or anything.”


  “One thing I know from being a professional is that training is one thing, but being able to do something with skill is quite another. You have that skill, that finesse. I’m not sure you’d need the training.”

  An interesting point.

  “What else do you dream of?” Dom’s voice was a whisper, and I wasn’t sure if he was falling asleep, the way I was.

  I started to drift off, imagining what else I dreamed of. “Living in this beautiful house,” I murmured, falling away, falling asleep. “Being with you, Taylor…Logan.”

  All was quiet.

  “Being a family,” I added. “Taking care of one another.”

  The last thing I remembered was his kiss in my hair.



  Fielding calls left and right. Faxing documents. Talking to fake people on the phone and acting fake nice in return. It was all part of the show in which I performed every day of my life, but today was different—today I wasn’t into it. All I wanted was to be with Kayla again. To talk to her and see how she was feeling. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her again, this time in the pussy, with or without my friends, but that felt oddly superficial compared to the concern I had for her. I was going on Day Three without Kayla returning my texts or calls, and I was going bat-shit crazy.

  Look, I knew I was lucky enough to have been included in the foursome with her. Lucky to have been given the chance to fulfill Kayla’s fantasies. When Dom and Taylor told me they needed me to help around the house for a week, I sort of knew we’d end up that way after all the signals she’d been sending. What I didn’t expect was for her to go silent on me.

  But then again, a woman like Kayla, wanting a relationship with the three of us? What were the chances? She was gorgeous and sweet and baked cakes like a fucking pro—and gave head like a natural—but there was a wariness mixed in with her innocence. Women like her didn’t trust guys like us. Wary women steered clear of men with too much history.

  But she’d tried us on for size. Tried herself on for size, too. As a result, the sex had been fucking amazing in that bedroom. But when she didn’t return my calls or texts, it was obvious Kayla had been thrown by what happened.

  I had to wonder if Taylor and Dom were still getting to share Kayla, without me. If so, it would be fair—I’d come last into her life. But that didn’t mean I wanted her any less.

  Lucky bastards. With them working on her house, they’d probably been able to talk to her, reassure her, fuck her again and again. Meanwhile I was here, getting my calls to her denied and waiting like an idiot for even one little text from her. Was she laughing with them right now? Baking for them and feeding them and running around half-naked with them?

  Not like all I wanted was to fuck Kayla, but she was such a warm, sweet soul that made me want to relax, put my feet up…how could I not want her all the time?

  And for a work-a-holic like me, that was saying something.

  The nail in the coffin of everything I was feeling today came at closing time when Amanda Haines, a woman I’d been pursuing for over a month, a second real estate agent our client had chosen to work with, walked into my office. She wore a red dress, her hair in a long, sleek blonde braid and heels that would’ve looked good with her completely naked, but I just couldn’t drum up enough attention to care.

  “Logan,” she cooed, bending low to pick up a stack of papers that had accidentally-on-purpose fallen from her file. When she stood, her eyes were blazing with desire. “First you’re after me like a horny rabbit and now it’s like you don’t even see me.” Sitting on my desk, she crossed her legs and leaned forward so I could check out her cleavage.

  Funny how some women turned their attention on you only when you finally give up. Because at that moment, I just didn’t have any interest. I could’ve fucked her right there on my desk, but I only wanted Kayla. And the chance to share with her and explore her and get to know her—just like the other guys.

  I knew how Kayla probably saw me. It was the way everyone sees me: the douche bag, the arrogant asshole, the dick in a suit. I got it. I did.

  But that wasn’t me. Not really. Most of that was just an act to sell houses. But that wasn’t all of who I could be.

  I wanted to show Kayla that I respected her. I needed a way to show her that I didn’t just want to shove my dick into her pussy. I mean, yeah, I did. And more—way more. But I wanted to get to know Kayla. I wanted to listen to her and hear her laugh and spoil her as much as I could. And I wanted her to see that.

  But damn it—how could I when she wouldn’t even call?

  And then suddenly, I knew what I had to do. I’d need another day, but by this time tomorrow…



  Dom had taken off early the morning after he’d spent the night, leaving me a note and a bouquet of flowers he’d picked from Tabitha’s garden. The note had simply said that he’d had a great time and that I was amazing. He’d wished me well on my interview and added that he and Taylor had a project they needed to finish up and would be back in a day or two.

  That day passed fast without them—I’d driven all the way up to the city of Pleasanton in the East Bay to my interview, and was pleased when I nailed it. The interviewer said I’d hear in a day or two whether I got the job, hinting that the call I’d get would be good. That left me conflicted—being employed would be great, but was writing for this magazine what I wanted?

  Honestly, I had no clue anymore what I wanted. Or maybe I did have a clue, and I just didn’t want to look at it.

  So I came back home and baked. And baked. And baked some more—as if kneading bread dough and drizzling icing on cakes and mixing fresh lavender into cookie dough would somehow satisfy the need and want in me.

  I missed my men, plain and simple.

  Now, it was nighttime, none of my guys were here, and I had nothing to do. And I was restless.

  And worried. Even if I got this job, I’d still have to sell Aunt Tabitha’s house. There was a good two to three months of work to do until the place was in order. Again, I felt that sense of unease—the thought of moving to the Bay Area almost hurting me, as if I were being pulled up by my roots. Upsetting myself by the thought, I let out a noise of dissatisfaction and rolled off the couch, getting to my feet and heading to the kitchen where I could at least bake some muffins for the morning. Or maybe eat a couple of the lavender shortbread cookies I’d baked earlier.

  Or maybe I should just get over this hesitation I had and call one of them. Or all of them.

  Suddenly, there were lights in my driveway and soon after, a light knock on the door. I raised my eyebrows and headed to the door, knowing it’d be one of my men, but which one? When I opened the door to see Logan in his suit and tie, my heart fluttered as a smile spread fast across my face.

  “Hey, lady. Headed to a sexy date?”

  “What?” I looked down at what I was wearing—the same navy fitted dress from my interview this morning. I’d been wearing it all day, loving the feeling of being in control that the “professional with a hint of sexy” style dress gave me. Tabitha’s old apron, the gigantic white one that looked like something out of a cooking show, had provided ample protection as I’d baked. “Oh, this is what I wore to an interview this morning.”

  He curled his arm around my waist and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Well, I love it. Shows me a different side of you, a sexy, older side.”

  In some ways, I still felt like I didn’t know him as well as Dom and Taylor. I guess that was the hazard of coming into our group last—I’d always feel like I knew Taylor and Dom more. But there was an innate sense of trust I had with Logan, as if I could see straight through all his over-the-top charm to the core of who he was.

  He sobered, holding my ar
ms with his hands and staring at me intently. “I’m sorry I showed up unexpectedly. You didn’t return my calls and texts, so maybe I should have stayed away.” He dropped my arms and took a step back. “Say the word, and I’m gone.” He took another step back and almost fell off the porch steps.

  I instantly reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt. “Don’t leave. I’m glad you’re here.”

  I wanted to add, I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I needed the space, and I’m grateful you gave it to me, but I was about to…

  About to what, Kayla? I asked myself. I didn’t know, really, but I did know I’d wanted to do something. Or someone.

  And now that Logan was here…

  Given I’d already slept with Taylor and Dom separately, I wanted to even out the score. True, Logan had earned the first blow job, but nothing could tell you more about a man than the way he made love to you. My mouth watered as I remembered how Logan had felt and tasted, and I wanted to drop down on my knees and take him in again.

  He swept me into his arms and stepped over the threshold, then kissed me until I felt like I was falling through Alice’s rabbit hole, with Logan holding me as we tumbled through swirls of colors, lights, and fog.

  When he finally set me down and pulled away, I had to catch my breath. “Logan, what are you doing—”

  “I brought you a gift,” he said excitedly, holding up a manila folder for me to see.

  “Umm… I’m guessing it’s not wine?”

  “Anyone can get you wine.” He tugged at me to follow him into the living room. “Only I could get you this.”

  We sat together on the couch and he smacked the folder onto my legs, grinning proudly at me.


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