The Vertigo Years

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The Vertigo Years Page 59

by Philipp Blom

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  Seigel, Jerrold. The Private Worlds of Marcel Duchamp: Desire, Liberation, and the Self in Modern Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995

  Seregny, Scott Joseph. Russian Teachers and Peasant Revolution: the Politics of Education in 1905. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989

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  Stansky, Peter. On or About December 1910: Early Bloomsbury and Its Intimate World. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996

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  Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations

  A., Natalija

  A & P chain stores

  A la recherche du temps perdu

  Abbotsholme school

  Abstract Speed

  Académie française

  Aceh, Sumatra

  Adams, Henry

  Adelheid of Saxony-Altenburg, Duchess, and children


  turbine hall

  Aerenthal, Count


  Agostinelli, Alfred

  Akhmatova, Anna

  Aksakov, Sergei

  Albert, Prince


  Albrecht, Prince of Prussia

  Albrecht the Degenerate/ Proud, Margrave

  Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke Alexis

  Alexander III, Tsar

  Alexandra, Queen

  Alexandra of Saxony-Altenburg

  Alexeev, Adm

  Allain, Marcel

  Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford

  Allgemeiner Automobil Club

  Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence




  Alverstone, Lord

  Ambrecht’s Coca Wine

  ‘American Nervousness’

  Amundsen, Roald

  Andreyev, Leonid

  Anna Karenina

  Annalen der Physik

  Anthroposophical Society

  Apollinaire, Guillaume



  Arensky, Anton



  Arnhold, Eduard

  Arnold, Matthew

  Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes

  art nouveau

  Art of Living Poor, The 31 artists

  Arts and Crafts movement

  Artsybashev, Mikhail


  Asquith, Herbert

  Assiette au beurre

  Astor, Lady

  Atget, Eugène

  atom, research into

  atrocities, colonial

  Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge

  Augspurg, Dr Anita

  Australian aboriginals


  feminism in


  imperial parliament



  ‘sugar barons

  see also Habsburg empire

  authors, science fiction

  Avenel, Georges d’


  Aylesbury, Lord


  Bacon, Francis

  Bad Ischl

  Baden, Prince Max von

  Baden-Powell, Col Robert

  Badley, John Haden

  Bahr, Hermann

  Bakst, Léon

  Bal des solidats à Suresnes

  Balfour, Arthur

  Balla, Giacomo


  Ballets Russes

  Ballin, Albert

  Bally, Louis

  Barbellion, W. N. P.

  Barcelona, Casa dei Bambini

  Barlow, Sir John

  Barlow, Sir Thomas

  Barney, Natalie Clifford

  Barrès, Maurice

  Bartók, Béla


  Basserman, Ernst

  Bateson, William

  battleships, Dreadnought-class

  Baudelaire, Charles


  Beard, George Miller

  Bebel, August

  Beckmann, Max

  Becquerel, Henri

  Bedales school

  Beechams Pills

  Beethoven, Ludwig van

  Behrens, Peter

  Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache

  Belgium see also Leopold II of the Belgians, King

  Bell, Alexander Graham

  Bell, Clive

  Bell, Vanessa

  Bely, Andrei

  Benn, Gottfried

  Benson, Arthur

  Berchtold, Count Leopold

  Berg, Alban

  Bergson, Henri


  Bar Kochba sports club

  Borchardt restaurant

  electric trams

  Foreign Ministry

  gay scene

  imperial court

  Kleines Theater

  Maccabi Union of Jewish

  Sports Clubs





  Berlins drittes Geschlecht

  Bernhardt, Maurice

  Bernhardt, Sarah

  Bertillon, Jacques

  Bettelheim, Bruno

  Beylis, Mendel


  Bieberstein, Baron Marschall

  Bismarck, Prince Otto

  Björnson, Björnstjerne

  Black Hundreds


  Blake, William

  Blavatsky, Helena

  Blériot, Louis

  Bloch, Ivan (Jean)

  Bloomsbury Group

  Blue Angel, The

  Blum, Léon

  Bobrinskii, Count

  Boccioni, Umberto


  Boer War (1899-1902)



  Bohlen und Halbach, Prince

  Bohr, Niels

  Bölsche, Wilhelm

  Bon Marché stores

  Bonar Law, Andrew

  Bonheur de vivre

  Bonnot, Jules

  Booth, Charles

  Borel, Virgil

  Borodin, Alexander

  Boulanger, Gen

  Bourget, Paul

  Boy Scouts

  boys, feminine, in art and literature

  Bradford-upon-Avon, town hall

  Brahms, Johannes

  Braque, Georges


  Britain: art

  death duties




  industrial magnates

  invasion fears

  law of primogeniture

  mill towns




  British army

  British Empire

  British naval policy

  Brooke, Rupert

  Brown, John

  Bruch, Max

  Bruckner, Anton


  Innovation store

  Royal Palace

  Bryusov, Valery

  Buber, Martin

  Büchner, Georg


  Holzer and Fischer store



  Buffalo, Guaranty Building

  Buffon, comte de

  Bülow, Prince Bernhard Fürst von

  Bulygin, Alexander G.

  Bunin, Ivan

  Burke’s Peerage

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice

  Busoni, Ferruccio

  Caillaux, Henriette

  Caillaux, Joseph

  Caillaux, Madame


  Calmette, Gaston

  cameras, advances in

  Campbell-Bannerman, Henry

  Canetti, Elias

  Capek-Chod, Karel-Matej


  Caprivi, Count Leo von

  car races and rallies


  Carnegie, Andrew

  Carneri, Bartholomaeus von

  Carpenter, Edward

  Carrà, Carlo

  Caruso, Enrico

  Casement, Roger

  Cassel, Sir Ernest

  Castellane, Count Boni de

  Castle Lewis

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand

  Century of the Child, The

  Cézanne, Paul

nbsp; Chagall, Marc

  Chamberlain, Austen

  Chamberlain, Houston Stewart

  Chamberlain, Joseph


  Chaplin, Charlie

  Charcot, Etienne

  Charcot, Prof Jean Martin

  Charcuterie méchanique

  Charge of the Light Brigade (1854)

  Charlemagne, Emperor

  Chekhov, Anton

  Chernivtsy (Czernowitz)

  Chernychevsky, Nikolai

  Cherry Orchard

  Chicago, meat industry

  Chicago Evening Post

  Childers, Erskine

  children, methods for raising and teaching

  Choate, Joseph Hodges


  Chto delat?

  Churchill, Jenny

  Churchill, Lord Randolph

  Churchill, Winston


  Circus Victor

  Clark, Christopher

  Claudel, Camille

  Claudel, Paul

  Cleaves, Margaret A.

  Clemenceau, President Georges


  Cocteau, Jean

  Cohen, Henry

  Cohen, Leonora

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle

  Colijn, Lt Hendrikus


  see also atrocities, colonial

  Combes, President Emile

  comic strips

  Comment j’au vu 1900

  Community and Society


  Confusions of Young Törless, The

  Congo Free State


  Conrad, Joseph


  Cook, Thomas

  Co-operative Guild


  Costerman, Paul

  Courts-Mahler, Hedwig

  Coward, Noel

  Cowes Week regatta

  crime, violent, preoccupation with

  Crimean War (1853-56)

  criminology, birth of

  Cronje, Gen Pieter Arnoldus

  Crown jewels


  culture, imperialist

  Curie, Marie ; mother


  Curie, Pierre


  d’Annunzio, Gabriele

  Daalen, Lt-Col van


  Daily Chronicle

  Daily Mail

  Daily Mirror

  Daily Telegraph

  Daimler Benz

  Damala, Artistides

  Darwin, Charles


  Darwin, Maj Leonard

  Das Liebesleben in der Natur

  Das unrettbare Ich

  Das Vaterland

  Davenport, Charles

  Davison, Emily Wilding

  de Chirico, Giorgio

  de Grey, Lord

  de Vere Cole, Horace

  Death in Venice

  Debussy, Claude

  Defferre, Gaston


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