Starstorm (Starstorm Saga)

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Starstorm (Starstorm Saga) Page 14

by Bennett, Billy

  One of his officers entered the cockpit.

  “Brigadier, your translator.” Kondor had nearly forgotten. The human language had at last been totally deciphered and translation chips were being issued so they could communicate with them. Kondor took the chip and pressed it to his neck. It stuck painlessly. He heard the familiar screeching sound as his auditory nerves were tapped by the electrical device. It died away quickly and he turned his full attention to the moon.

  On the bridge of the Krusha, Akdon was surveying the many damage reports from the various sections of the ship. He was deep in conversation with the chief engineer when his communications officer interrupted him.


  “What is it?” asked Akdon.

  “We are receiving a transmission from the moon’s surface!”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  A moment later, Akdon heard a voice speaking the human language which he did not understand.

  “Run it through the translator!” Akdon waited patiently and moments later he heard the message in his own language.

  “Titan Colony surrenders. Repeat Titan Colony surrenders.”

  “Well,” said Akdon.

  “What do you make of this Kaydan?”

  “They may very well mean it, Commander. With the orbital base destroyed and the Earth fleet driven off, they are defenseless.”

  “It may be a trick.”

  “True, but what would they have to gain besides their assured destruction? Besides it would be very useful to capture as much of their technology as possible so we can know better what we are up against. We also need to capture some more specimens, especially if we plan on utilizing these humans in the Tortalus project.”

  “You have a very good point, Kaydan.” Akdon thought for a moment. “Put me through to Brigadier Kondor.” he ordered. A moment later Kondor’s image appeared on his massive view screen. “Brigadier, the human colony has signaled its willingness to surrender.”

  “Do you believe them?” asked Kondor.

  “Not entirely, but Sub Commander Kaydan has pointed out the benefits of taking them alive. Here is what you are to do. You will do a fly by over the colony and demonstrate the effectiveness of your weapons. Then you will begin to drop off your troops as per standard procedure. Then take possession of the colony. If they resist crush them.”

  April had never been so worried in her life. She did not know if Jack was alive or dead.

  “Captain, is there any news on Jack—I mean Lieutenant Thunder?”

  The Captain wore a face of sorrow. He bore the grief for the near one thousand souls lost in the last battle.

  “No Commander. Communications are damaged.” Doran thought he understood her worry. After all he was quite fond of both Jack Thunder and Trey Knight. Of all the Star Swords that had left the Saratoga, only twenty three had returned. There was no sign of Trey and as yet no word on Jack’s condition. Still, a few Star Swords had managed to catch up to the Saratoga. None had been Trey. If he didn‘t show up soon, they’d outdistance him.

  “What about Lt Commander Knight?” The Captain simply shook his head.

  “Captain we‘ve got short range communications back,” said a crewman.

  “We still can’t raise the Essex or the Exeter but we’ve got a shuttle and a few of our straggling Star Swords coming in. One of them is Lieutenant Commander Knight!” “Captain, request permission to leave the bridge.”

  April immediately went down to the forward Star Sword hangar to greet Trey. It was a real struggle for her to keep from showing just how worried she was that Jack might not be alright.

  Upon seeing Trey, she immediately inquired about Jack.

  “I don‘t know. He stopped transmitting moments before I dropped him off on the Essex.” said Trey.

  “Communications are down for the moment with the Essex,” she said. “But the Essex did survive so he should be okay.” No sooner had she said this than a voice said:

  “Someone looking for me?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was Jack.

  “I just got off the shuttle.”

  April had never been so relieved in her life and Trey was also very glad to see his friend alive and well. Jack looked different. For one thing, he did not look to be as shaken up as he had after the first two battles. Nor did he anymore possess the, sad, hollow eyes of a man that had lost everything or that didn’t care whether he lived or died. He had a look of confidence and purpose.

  “Boy, have I got a story to tell you, Jack. You’ll never guess what I saw!”

  “I have one to tell you too and I promise you won’t believe it!”

  “Well let’s get out of this hangar. You can tell your war stories in the rec-room and get a little relaxation,” said April. Men!, thought April. They just fought a battle in which they were lucky to escape with their lives and the first thing they have to do is go discus it like the after part of a moon-ball game.

  They got to the rec center and got some drinks. They started talking and were amazed to realize that they were talking about the same thing.

  “That was you?” asked Trey.

  Jack could not help but smile a little.

  “Dangling from that alien ship was like having a tiger by the tail.”

  “I almost decided to take a shot at it. I probably could have got him without hitting you but I did not want to take a chance.”

  “Well I’m sure glad you didn’t.”

  Jack then explained about the alien ship inside of the Essex’s shuttle hangar and about its pilot.

  “What did it look like?” asked April.

  “Well it was inside a space suit, so its features were hidden. But its body was shaped and configured just like ours. It had arms, legs, and a head.”

  “So they’re a lot like us then?” asked Trey.

  April found all of this incredible. Then she remembered that Jack and Trey had no idea the enemy had finally made contact.

  “They’re more like us than you two can imagine,” said April. “I think you two should know that during the battle the enemy actually sent us a message in English demanding our surrender.”

  Both Jack and Trey looked very amazed.

  “Did they say why they were doing this or what they want from us?” asked Trey.

  “They call themselves Zidians and apparently they want to add us to their empire.”

  “You’re right they are just like us. They’re just as violent, warlike, and arrogant,” said Trey.

  “You’d think a race as advanced as they are would be more peaceful,” said Jack.

  “I don’t know,” replied Trey. “Most of the greatest technological advancements have been brought about by war.” He looked at the ship around them. “I hate to admit it, but if it wasn’t for the Pirate Wars we wouldn’t have the Saratoga or Star Swords.”

  The five Zidian assault barges came down out of the clouds. They streaked at full speed above the Titan landscape straight for the bio-domes of the colony.

  “Brigadier, we are approaching the target zone.”

  “Very well.”

  “Shall I set you and the soldiers down now, sir?”

  “No. First I want to demonstrate to these humans the fire power at our disposal. I don’t want them getting any ideas. Fire your laser cannons at that ridge, just beyond the colony.” The pilot complied and promptly blasted the ridge away with the assault barges main laser cannons.

  “Good, now set her down just in front of the colony.” Kondor then left the cockpit sealing the door behind him.

  He was then in the troop compartment with his men. There were fifty of them all together. Each soldier was wearing the same type of menacing black space suit as their commander. They dawned their helmets and Kondor moved to the very rear of the barge were there was a large ramp style door. He would be the first one out of the door. He was always the first one out.

  They heard the whine of the engines as the large assault barge slowed to a hover and then set
itself down on the Titan terrain in front of the main bio dome. There was a rush of air as the ramp-door lowered to the ground. Kondor rushed down it carrying his disruptor rifle and was followed by his fifty soldiers. As soon as the last soldier was off, the assault barge took back off, it’s ramp closing as it climbed up into the air. The next barge landed just as quickly and let off its fifty soldiers. Each remaining barge did this in turn until all five had made their drop offs and there were 250 Zidian soldiers on the ground, and ready to enter the colony.

  While the troops prepared to enter the colony, the assault barges circled above, standing by at any time to give air support. Now Kondor was tasked with getting into the colony. It would be so easy just to blast his way inside the bio-dome, but that would cause it to decompress as well as expose the inside of the bio dome to the extreme cold and un-breathable atmosphere of Titan. Kondor had been given instructions to take them alive if possible. He decided to use a small portable force field projector, but he was unsure if that would work. The interference of the human sun had rendered the force fields of the fleet useless. He hoped, however, that here on Titan’s surface a force field would be just strong enough to hold back Titan’s atmospheric pressure.

  He directed the set up of the projector while other troops set up an explosive charge on the wall of the colony. Kondor’s plan was to use the charge to blow a large opening in the wall of the colony. He would then use the projector to seal it with a force field. The field itself would be passive. It would be programmed to allow he and his troops to pass through without exposing the interior of the colony to the hazardous environment outside. However, if Kondor was wrong then the colony would be exposed to the moon’s unforgiving atmosphere and temperature. If that happened, then most of the humans inside would die before he and his men could seal it. He really did not care one way or the other, but Commander Akdon wanted them alive and it was his duty to try. So far the enemy had shown no hostility. The human colonists had supposedly broadcast their surrender. Kondor was skeptical but would know for sure soon enough. Finally everything was set and in place.

  Ever since returning to Titan colony, Sam Grayson like all the remaining colonists were on edge. He couldn’t believe that the colony’s leaders had surrendered, but then what choice had they had? With the Space Force gone, they were defenseless. The only alternative would have been total annihilation. They knew the aliens—the Zidians had been able to understand their surrender message. Whether or not they were going to accept it, was another matter.

  The streets of the colony were filled with people. They watched through the huge transparent dome that was over them as five Zidian assault barges flew past. When one of them opened fire on the ridge outside the colony, people started to panic. They felt for sure they were next. The security officers, however, were able to calm down the large crowd of people.

  Sam was on a platform that allowed him to look out over the Titan landscape. Behind him, the small circular city was spread out. Outside, he and some of the colonists watched as the Zidians were dropped off outside the colony. The seven foot tall figures were clad in black armored space suits that struck terror into the colonists. Sam watched as the Zidian soldiers started setting up equipment outside of the colony’s perimeter. As scared as he was, Sam could not help but be somewhat curious about what they were planning to do.

  Suddenly, there was a large explosion in the wall of the colony. Sam felt for sure that they would all die. With the biosphere breached, it was only a matter of minutes before the air would become totally un-breathable and the temperature so low as to keep nitrogen in a liquid state. But as the roar of the explosion died down, Sam noticed that there was no sound of a rapid change in pressure and the temperature and air were as yet fine.

  “Brigadier! The Force field is holding!” Kondor surveyed the entry he had made in the colony. It was a gaping hole roughly ten meters wide. A pale green translucent wall of energy shimmered over the opening.

  “The moons atmosphere is reflecting part of the interference but not enough. This barrier won’t last long!”

  “How long?”

  “An hour at most.”

  Kondor signaled his assault barge. “Put me through to the Krusha.” A moment later he was speaking with Akdon. “Commander, we have breached the colony and have a containment field in place, however, it won’t last long. We are going in to secure the humans. Request transports.”

  “Very well,” replied Akdon.

  Kondor and his troops then began to step through the force field into the colony.

  When the first few Zidians stepped through the force field into the colony Sam Grayson did not know what to expect, nor did the rest of the colony’s remaining population. The Zidian soldiers poured through the hole brandishing their weapons. All wore solid black space suits and carried sleek rifles. One of them, however, stood out. He stood nearly a head taller than the others. His shimming black armor was embroidered with fierce looking markings. He pulled out a hand scanner and analyzed the environment. He then undid the seal around his neck and pulled of his helmet. There was an audible gasp at his appearance. His skin was rough and a very dark brown. His forehead was high. He had a beak like mouth. His right eye was like a large black marble. In the place where his left eye should have been, was a cybernetic implant which glowed red. He towered over the tallest of the humans. He walked to the forefront of the invaders and bellowed at the humans.

  “Who’s in charge?”

  Hesitantly Governor Isabella Hawk stepped forward. “I....I am.”

  The Zidian pointed his disruptor rifle at her and pulled the trigger. A bright blue blast lanced out from it and hit her in the chest. It cut straight through her and she fell to her knees. She tried in vain to gasp for breath but the laser blast had damaged vital organs. She doubled over dead. There were screams of panic from the colonists but the Zidians menacingly brandished their weapons and regained order. Kondor lowered the glowing rifle muzzle and ordered his troops to take charge of the terrified colonists.

  The Zidians began to group them together. No one knew what fate awaited them. After several minutes three large transports roared overhead and set down outside the colony. The Zidians hastily erected three corridors. Each one ran from a transport to the hole in the colony through the force field. The Zidians then began to march the humans through the force field and up the tunnels to the transports. Sam found himself herded along with all the others to whatever doom awaited them.

  Squad leader Brel awoke to find himself in the Krusha’s medical ward. The fleet had received his suit’s automated distress call and retrieved him. He was out of his space suit and comfortably in bed. His head, however, still ached.

  “Ah so you are awake,” said the Zidian doctor. “State your rank and name.”

  “Squad Leader, Brel.”

  The doctor took a few more scans. “Good. You may leave. Go to your chambers and get rest.” Brel got out of the bed and dressed in a casual uniform. He then headed out the doors and into the long corridor that ran the whole length of the ship. He was not in very high spirits. In fact he almost wished he had died.

  He believed his future in the Zidian military to be finished. The Zidian fleet rewarded success, but it never forgot failure or forgave it. He had lost his entire squad of ships to a group of primitives. Of course he knew deep down it was not his fault. There was nothing he could have done differently. But his superiors would not see it that way. He certainly didn’t expect Akdon would. No sooner had this thought crossed his mind, then he almost collided with Akdon himself. Akdon and Kaydan were on their way to the lab.

  “Ah Squad Leader Brel. I was pleased to hear you had survived,” said Kaydan

  “Thank you, Sub Commander.”

  “We shall speak later,” said Akdon in a stern voice.

  “Yes, Commander.” Brel then went on to his chambers, dreading what he thought lay ahead of him.

  Red had once again found himself attached to the gravity table. The
alien had not punished him for his escape attempt...yet. There were two armed guards with him in the laboratory. Finally, the two double doors opened and Akdon and Kaydan walked in. Red’s eyes shot over to the area of the floor where he had killed the Zidian scientist. The body had been removed, but there was still a lot of blood that had not yet been cleaned up. Red felt for sure they were going to kill him, but not before they had tortured him for a very long time.

  Red listened intently as Akdon and Kaydan started talking.

  At least now I can understand them!

  “The neural re-sequencer has been prepared.”

  “You may proceed,” said Akdon.

  Kaydan began to attach leads to Red’s head. Red remembered what had happened the last time he had done that and didn’t care to go through it again.

  “No, don’t!” yelled Red. Kaydan ignored him. Akdon stared at Red studying him. Red stared back into those cold black eyes. As soon as Kaydan had finished with the leads, he went over to the console and activated them.

  A gripping force took hold of Red and his entire body tensed as tight as possible. His head was being pounded, his mind pierced by the power of the Zidian computer as his thoughts were shuffled and manipulated. He had a gaze of shock stuck on his face.

  “It will only take a few moments, Commander.”


  “So what of the Humans Kondor brought up from the colony? Are there any among them more suited for Tortalus than this one?” asked Kaydan.

  “We are going through them now...” replied Akdon, “...however I believe this one will serve our purposes. I have studied our scanner recordings of the first battle to see just how good a pilot Styler is. His performance was quite impressive. He was, however, very aggressive and often made decisions without much thought.”


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