Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance) Page 3

by Ciara Cole

  "I feel dry after all that business talk," said Johnathan, sexy grin in play. "How about returning to the yacht for some coffee?"

  Tia agreed, and they were whisked aboard a lighter craft waiting to take them back to the yacht.


  Was the night a success? Tia would think so. She felt she’d given Johnathan some points to mull over. Could this assignment go down much easier than she thought?

  Tia should have known better than to start patting herself on the back. Just making it here to meet Johnathan Fox had been a big risk, but she felt she’d risen to the challenge over and over again. Little did she expect she had a different kind of challenge in store.

  They were served coffee, and things moved to the screening room with its 3D cinema feature. The environment felt light and harmoniously warm, and Tia got more and more comfortable being around Johnathan. They realized they shared some similar interests in sniper action dramas and movies.

  “Maybe we should pick something more romantic to suit the mood,” said Johnathan drily after half an hour of intense gunfighting.

  “I don’t mean to be coy, but . . . I had no idea romance was a theme for tonight,” Tia said, giving a wary smile while shifting with a little discomfort in her seat, now overly aware of Johnathan sitting much too close beside her on the plush sofa.

  “Well, it should be. We spent most of the night discussing business, and I think our first analysis shows promise. But we can surely take a break now, or shall we further examine my assets?” Johnathan teased huskily. “Though to be honest, I’m more interested in yours.”

  Tia’s breath hitched as he reached out, hooked a finger into her dress strap, and slid it down her arm. Then he whispered in her ear, “We can make this our little secret.”

  The sensation of his breath on her skin made her tingle, and then Tia felt his soft lips right there on her neck. It was impossible not to get turned on as his mouth teased her flesh. Tia stiffened, willing her brain to stop him, but she couldn’t seem to function.

  “Don’t fight your response to me,” he said huskily. “I can read you clear as day.”

  Tia closed her eyes as she flung her head back. Damn him, he made her panties wetter than they’d ever been.

  He nipped gently on her ear next, making her moan. “You like that, Tia? I know plenty of ways to make you feel good.”

  Tia had no doubt he did. After all, he had a lot of practice. In a flash, sanity returned. Quickly, Tia shrugged off his all too tempting touch and sprang to her feet.

  “Johnathan . . . dinner was nice, but . . . I didn’t mean to give the wrong impression. I really can’t do this. No offense.”

  “None taken," he said while leaning back casually in his seat. "I’m simply curious how we can get anything done without resolving what’s between us.”

  “And what, exactly, is that?”

  “The fact that I want you and you want me.”

  Instead of being taken aback, Tia found herself laughing softly. “Johnathan, you aren’t a hearts and flowers kind of man, and I don’t believe in sex for the sake of it. Besides, I can’t jeopardize what we’re trying to build here. I’m talking professionally. This isn’t a game, not to me.”

  There was a spark in his eyes that could have been either lust or disappointment. Tia realized she felt both in that moment when Johnathan didn’t try to persuade her but lifted his hands in surrender.

  “Believe me, I understand. But damn, it was worth a shot,” he said with a crooked, unrepentant smile. He rose to his feet and stood with his hands in his pockets, heaving a deep sigh. “Well, I guess there’s your job, my less than pristine reputation, and just bad timing. All right, Tia. I’m not so insensitive. I’m sure you’d like to retire to bed now. It has been a long day.”

  “Yes, it has,” Tia said, feeling a strange hesitation. She added, “And thank you for giving us the time to go over things. I feel this can only get better so long as we join forces. Have a good night, Johnathan.”

  Tia turned and walked out of the room, feeling Johnathan’s stirring gaze follow her. This overwhelming attraction between them was impossible to ignore, she knew, but hopefully, they could keep it in the background where it belonged. Permanently.

  The next morning, Tia woke up and Johnathan was gone.


  When Tia thought of how she agonized in bed for most of the night, wondering how she could have said no to Johnathan, it was no wonder she was extra mad now. Rising and getting dressed, only to find herself alone on the yacht and being told by the staff that Mr. Fox had gone, was like waking to a nightmare.

  Overnight, the boat had returned to the Fijian island where Johnathan had his rented villa. But of course, he wasn’t there when she got to it either.

  She didn’t have a choice but to call Theo. Understandably, he was amazed she’d let Johnathan slip through her fingers.

  “I told you not to let your guard down,” Theo said in exasperation.

  “I thought I was making progress. Johnathan made me think I was getting through to him,” Tia said, biting hard on her lip to quell her anger at her foolishness.

  “Well, you were wrong, and now he could be headed anywhere—London, Bali, or heck, Melbourne, for all we know.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Well, it’s not over yet. Give me an hour and I’ll see if I can locate his whereabouts. Just be ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

  “Sure,” Tia said, and the call ended with her wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into.

  She toyed with the possibility of calling Theo back and begging off the assignment. But just the image of Johnathan’s triumphant, knowing expression had her clenching her jaw and deciding she could still pull this out of the bag. She’d muster up every reserve she had and see this to the finish. And make Johnathan wish he’d never made a fool of her.


  Johnathan glanced at his watch and frowned. He was all for being fashionably late, but he still didn’t want to miss the start of the movie premiere.

  Tonight’s event was the most extravagant of the year, and Johnathan had arrived in LA for the occasion before checking into the hotel penthouse suite with his date . . . one who’d gone shopping for something to wear to the big night, according to her. She should be back by now, so where the hell was she?

  Finally, there came a knock on the door, and Johnathan heaved a sigh mixed with relief and impatience. That was the problem with it girls and supermodels—they were high-maintenance most of the time and could get on your last nerve. But Karina was one of the most beautiful women in the world, was the face of a string of designer products, and had a billboard with her photo in Times Square. Her looks could get her forgiven for anything, but Johnathan didn’t relish being kept waiting.

  It didn’t occur to him to wonder why she’d be knocking since she had a key, but he walked to the door and opened it unsuspectingly . . . and almost lost all thread of thought when he saw Tia.

  She wore a beautiful, colorful smock with geometric patterns that fit elegantly on her voluptuous frame. Her heels were bright yellow to go with the dress, and the bold hues were eye-catching and trendy. He liked the way she wore her hair this time, framing her oval face in sultry bangs. Her beauty was a feast for the eyes, all glowing honey that stirred heat into his loins.

  Johnathan was quick to recover, even though the sight of Tia looking like a walking fantasy had his dress pants feeling uncomfortably snug in physical response.

  “You found me,” he said on a smirk while she brushed past him and into the suite, not waiting for an invitation. Johnathan’s smile widened.

  “I think you knew I would, since you barely tried to cover your tracks. After all, your social media gave hints as to your plans. Earlier today, you even posted a photo of doing your Tom Ford fitting and hashtagged this upcoming event. Not very subtle, I’ll say—but cunning. Just like when you gave me the slip in Fiji.”

  “Hey, now,” he said, clo
sing the gap between them in easy strides. Then he leaned in to add softly in her ear. “I wasn’t going to make it too easy for you. Theo would have been suspicious if you succeeded too speedily, don’t you think?”

  Tia didn’t bother arguing but gave a saccharine smile. “Let’s not dwell on that, given the celebratory spirit of tonight. Since I’m not one to hold a grudge, I said yes when your brother suggested I escort you to the premiere.”

  “That sounds great, but I happen to already have a date,” murmured Johnathan, and he frowned as he surreptitiously glanced at his watch yet again.

  “You mean Karina?”

  “She’ll be back any moment now from picking her dress for tonight.”

  “Or rather, picking her stash up from her dealer,” Tia said while casually viewing her manicure. Then she gave the puzzled Johnathan a thin smile. “You didn’t know she had a habit, did you? Of course not. To ease your suspense, let me confirm that in no way will Karina be making it as your date for the premiere. She was intercepted just as she was about to purchase some . . . incriminating substances from a certain unsavory character who supplies her whenever she’s in LA. She agreed to discreetly return to New York so long as the incident was kept under wraps.”

  “That brother of mine has a longer reach than I expected. I guess I should be grateful he got me out of the possible scandal.”

  “Imagine how it would look if she toppled over during the event from being stoned,” Tia said breezily. “Or worse, saddled you with paying for her expensive drug habit in the long run.”

  “I knew she might be on some stuff, but nothing narcotic,” Johnathan said on a theatrical sigh.

  “Looks like we’re stuck together,” Tia said, smoothly turning his words on the yacht on him with a breezy smile. “Since you do need a replacement date.”

  “True. It doesn’t look good if I attend without one,” he mused. “I just worry that playing my date will prove worrisome for you. Being so professional and proper.”

  “Oh, it’s well within my duties to attend formal events with clients, not to mention traveling and working nontraditional hours,” Tia informed him sweetly, then added, “Rest assured, I can also party with the best of them. And, as you can see, I came dressed for the occasion. I couldn’t afford to embarrass the Johnathan Fox, most eligible bachelor and playboy.”

  “Trust me, you look ravishing enough for even the most discerning eyes,” he drawled.

  “Such high praise,” noted Tia, regarding him through her thick lashes. “That’s your way, I take it. Endear yourself with charming behavior, then stick a spike in an unwary back. Never again will you find me so easy to deceive.”

  “I just want to have a nice time. No tricks or plots up my sleeve. Let’s simply enjoy ourselves . . . deal?” Johnathan asked with an easy smile.

  Tia’s answering smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but she did place her hand in his offered palm. “Deal.”

  “Although . . . if I’m to be barefacedly honest, now that you’re here, I’d much rather we stayed in," Johnathan said in husky tones as his eyes grew hooded. "This sumptuous suite, and you in that sexy dress . . . I can think of very intimate ways to make it up to you for my earlier misconduct.”

  “I told you, no harm done. You don’t need to make up for anything, and besides, this premiere must be important to you or you wouldn’t have flown all the way to LA for it.”

  Johnathan sighed deeply. “You’re right, of course. The leading male is a close college friend and he gave me a special invite. It’s his first blockbuster in some years, and he’ll want us to celebrate at the after-party, I’m sure.”

  “Then we can’t afford to waste a minute more, can we?” Tia gave him a smile. As he amiably led her out of the suite, Tia mused that yet again, Johnathan was willing to play along when he could easily have refused or even kicked her out of his suite. But then, he wasn’t the type to be that mean, and he still seemed to respect Theo enough to let his big brother get away with these things.

  However, Tia didn’t delude herself that Johnathan was in any way cowed, and she knew he’d get his way one way or another. Could Tia somehow sway him and reach into his finer character enough to get him to trust her?


  Tia had never been to a movie premiere before, but then there were many things she’d never done before she took the assignment Theo set out for her. Tonight, she was going to wing it most of the way, and thankfully, she had a willing guide in the gentlemanly Johnathan.

  Not that he passed up any opportunity to tease her or set her nerves on edge. Tia had felt somewhat giddy when she set foot on the red carpet beside Johnathan and found herself mere feet away from the big stars. Tia had expected to be photographed as she was there with Johnathan, but little did she expect him to pull her tightly against him and suggestively nuzzle her ear just as the paparazzi flashed away.

  “What are you doing?” she quizzed through a tight smile as she half-glared at him when he drew away.

  “Why so scandalized? You’re my date, remember? It’s okay if we get a little cozy.”

  “No, it’s not okay,” she muttered with a warning look. “I’m here in my professional capacity, not to give anyone the wrong impression.”

  He sighed dramatically. “Seriously, you’re no fun. Now please smile and act like you’re really happy to be seen with me.”

  Tia automatically obeyed and turned once again to the flashing cameras. She didn’t stay mad at Johnathan as she was too busy with celeb spotting and finding herself within touching distance of her favorite stars.

  She’d never dreamed the red carpet could be this ridiculously exciting as the big celebs signed autographs and did interviews. Being a guest of the lead cast, Johnathan got some spotlight himself and was photographed with his friend Jasper Blunt, who played the main role—as a superhero, no less.

  The journalists, sponsors, production crew, and PR people mixed in with the friends of the cast, and it was a diverse fusion. If Tia wasn’t here as part of her job, she’d be rubbernecking for celebs as much as she saw a few others do. But all too soon, it was time to move on into the cinema where their allocated seats awaited.

  Tia was impressed to find some fun swag items being presented, comprised of nicely packaged artifacts from the movie. The rest of the evening passed in a blur, the main cast coming on stage to introduce the big-budget movie, then everyone watching it on the big screen with the rest of the star-studded crowd. If Tia thought that was the height of glamor, then she was in for a surprise as later, she was whizzed off with Johnathan to an exclusive after party.

  Tia couldn’t quite believe it. A normal person like her was being allowed to hang out in the presence of Hollywood royalty. Getting to experience the showbiz lifestyle, even if just for one night, was exhilarating.

  Inside the fashionable club housing the party were hordes of waiters offering endless amounts of classy cocktails and finger foods. The theme of the venue matched that of the movie, and entertainment was already underway and had the guests in high spirits. Johnathan and Tia were ushered right to the VIP area, edged by red rope and security guards to undoubtedly divide the celebs from the non-celebs.

  “Ready to party it up?” said Johnathan in her ear as his arm snaked around her waist.

  Tia knew she shouldn’t, but when Johnathan promptly drew her off to the dancefloor, she went along with him. It was crazy, but even surrounded by the most gorgeous and glitzy, Johnathan still managed to be the only one who really had her heart racing.

  Not that she’d ever show it, but being there with him was just as much a rush as being with any of the biggest A-listers.

  He didn’t even have to try to stand out—he just did. Tia knew that her presence beside him drew some curiosity, but there was no doubt that half the women present would trade places with her in a flash. She’d half expected, at certain points, for the paparazzi to act sour and ask who the hell she was. But no one treated her like an outsider at all, and Johnathan de
finitely acted the gentleman by introducing her to notable faces he personally knew. Each time he paid her special attention, such as taking her for a dance, it was all too easy to tune out everything else and shroud herself in the charisma of Johnathan Fox.

  The people-watching, the food, the open bar, and the exciting atmosphere of celebration were their own form of entertainment, making Tia sigh inwardly.

  Johnathan had been viewing her close enough to notice her slight moodiness. He playfully tipped her chin and made her look up at him. “What’s wrong? I thought we were having fun. This crowd too rowdy for you?”

  “On the contrary. I’m having a blast. I'm just thinking of going back to the toil and normalcy of my regular life tomorrow.”

  “With me, every night can be like this.”

  “Not everyone can be a free spirit like you," she teased. "But thanks for the offer.”

  “I’m not joking. Let’s make this happen. We’ll work together, certainly, and I’ll let you get the evaluation Theo needs you to do. On the flip side, we play as much as we want. It’s a win-win.”

  The hooded look in his eyes told Tia just what kind of ‘play’ Johnathan had in mind. “And this would go on for how long? A week, maybe more? Or at most, until you get bored and fling me aside like a bad aftertaste.”

  “You have a very bad opinion of me don’t you?” he said with a narrowed gaze.

  “I guess you’ll have to prove me wrong. All I ask is that you agree to give me three days to make headway with the project I’ve been assigned by Theo. Take a few meetings with me, look at new schemes I’ve designed for you, and then decide if you want to take the appraisal further.”

  “I won’t give you three days,” Johnathan said, and Tia’s heart sank right before he added, “You have one week.”

  Tia felt her lips stretch into a wide beam. “That sounds good.”

  “One catch. What’s in it for me?”

  Now he had her blinking. “This whole campaign is for you, in your interest. Getting to secure, as well as expand, your inheritance isn’t motivation enough?”


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