Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Ciara Cole

  Tia exhaled deeply then faced him with reluctance. “Did I have a choice? Shouldn’t the question be why, exactly, you’re here?”

  “It’s just as you heard. I’m here to do what I need to do.” He gave a casual shrug, and then when she gave him a distrustful glare, he added, “Look, I knew you’d probably lose your job because of me. I didn’t want that on my conscience. Just why did you give up on the assignment and leave LA like that?”

  “Because it was obviously impossible,” she said plainly. “Just like this one is. You aren’t going to stick to it any more than you can stick to anything to do with the real world. But guess what? I’ll play your little game until you’re bored and jump on the quickest jet back to some exotic new playground.”

  Johnathan’s face turned cold, as did his voice when he spoke. “You just worry about handling your end of the task. And stop thinking you know what I’m capable of or not. No one’s infallible, Tia, least of all, you.”

  “That’s right, I’m not,” she said stiffly. “After all, I was foolish enough to make the mistake of falling into bed with you. But if you came here out of some mistaken sense of obligation—or worse, to maybe continue where we left off that night—just forget it. Because it’s never happening again.”

  “And that’s fine with me. But you’ll be in for a surprise when things don’t go exactly how you envisaged. I’d just love to see your face when that happens.”

  “We’ll have to wait and find out, won’t we?” Tia asked sweetly, then with a smart turn of her heels, she made for the door and left the office.


  Tia barely made it to her office and into the nearest chair before her shaking legs gave out. To think that just an hour ago, she’d come to terms with the possibility of being unemployed. Then Johnathan appeared, and it sent her reeling back to the night they shared together.

  When she thought of when she’d called it a mistake to have slept with him, she felt a prick of remorse. It must have pricked his manly pride, seeing how he’d reacted. Tia had left him in the bedroom that morning filled with no regret of what happened between them, though determined not to let it happen a second time.

  That was partly why she’d had to leave. Because staying would make it too tempting to keep him at a distance, and besides, there was no guarantee that Johnathan would keep to any kind of business arrangement with her.

  And yet, here he was, in New York and taking up a role in Fox Company. Just what was he really up to?

  She couldn’t deny she felt ecstatic about keeping her job. It was a huge deal getting to become a personal consultant, but the fact remained that her position was far from cemented in the business.

  Her life just got tougher now that Johnathan seemed set to be a fixture—though if fate were kind, not a permanent one. She simply had to hang in there as long as possible and just maybe, she’d make it out unscathed. Because there was just so much more at stake for her than Johnathan, and she knew that more than anyone.


  Tia arrived at her apartment a little after seven pm, dumping her laptop and slipping off her heels before padding into the kitchen. First, she grabbed a glass of wine to settle her nerves after another hectic day. The schedule and workload had grown more grueling since she’d paired up with Johnathan as per Theo’s requirements.

  Work was the last thing she wanted to think of right then, or any of the pressure involved with being so close to Johnathan for the past many days. So, she focused on cooking a quick, wholesome stir-fry dinner. As always, cooking helped compose her and uplifted her spirits.

  Soon, the atmosphere was filled with a welcome fragrance of food and her mouth watered. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had a bite today—if she even had.

  She was forking some delicious food in her mouth, seated there at her elegant kitchen table, when her phone rang.

  When she saw the caller ID, she sighed.

  “Hey, Babe. How’s it going?” asked the familiar male voice once she answered.

  “I’m good, thanks. How are things with you?”

  It was Jesse, her ex-boyfriend and now, somewhat suspect best friend with benefits. He’d insisted they stay pals, and in the past, she’d regrettably weakened enough to have sex with him a few times. She’d been in need of emotional contact even though she knew she wasn’t in love with Jesse, nor he with her. But neither of them were seeing anybody new, and it had just seemed . . .convenient.

  But that was months ago, and he was hardly ever in town thanks to his business pursuits. That was one of the reasons they’d broken up. They just couldn’t keep a steady relationship when both of them were always so busy or out of town. It hadn’t been worth the hassle, and Tia had never regretted the split. She did wonder, though, if it was wise to keep Jesse thinking he could just bounce in and out of her life as it suited him.

  He rambled on about his latest project, and Tia only half listened as she finished with her meal and set the dish aside to enjoy the rest of her wine. Her mind wandered as she compared her ex, Jesse, to Johnathan. Both men were extremely handsome, with Jesse being black, successful, and outgoing. He’d had everything she thought she wanted in a man, but she just hadn’t felt the compulsion to reorder her life to suit his. Maybe Tia was as overly independent as her mother said she was.

  “You could at least congratulate me,” she heard him admonish playfully, and she snapped back to the present.

  “Oh, sorry, I missed that. Congratulate you over what?”

  “You know, my new promotion. It means I have to stay on in Boston though, but the pay’s too good to miss. Maybe you can come over this weekend and we could celebrate,” he suggested thickly.

  “I’m really happy for you with the promotion and all, but I can’t be making any trips right now. I just got a big assignment on my hands too, and each day, it’s some new project to take on,” she said. “And besides, I don’t think we should go on with our past . . . arrangement.”

  She knew he’d get what she meant. They’d never spelled it out, but it had been sort of taken for granted that if either of them needed to, they’d hook up. It just seemed better than trying to meet someone new just for a casual night. At least for Tia, she didn’t favor such behavior, and as such, it had suited her to have the odd bang with her ex.

  Somehow, it just seemed so tawdry now. She wondered why she’d been selling herself short all this time.

  “That’s . . . regrettable,” said Jesse with a sigh. “Well, I guess I’ll see you when I see you. I mean, we can still do that, right? Just hang out or at least call each other to see how things are going? I really do care about you, Tia, and it’s a shame we couldn’t work out.”

  “I know,” she said. “But I think it’s best that we make a clean break. And this time for real.”

  Minutes later, Tia ended the call, feeling unburdened as if from a great weight. She wondered if finding her perfect match was really in store for her. She always felt like something was missing in her life, something that even a promising career couldn’t satisfy.

  Her mind flew to Johnathan and the kinetic charge from their first meeting. Nothing had changed, and she was still much too aware of everything about him. Recently, they’d taken on a project involving a new tech start-up, which required them to develop a business plan to enable it to raise funds. It was their first major portfolio, making it clear that Theo didn’t want Johnathan slacking for even a moment.

  Tia would have to give it to Johnathan. Not only did he act highly professional, but he showed surprising work ethic. He had Tia set up a cracking team, and they’d already started making good headway. Johnathan was patient and seemed interested to soak in information, but this was only the first week. Tia wasn’t betting money on Johnathan really being there for the long distance.

  If only she could really believe he had the right intentions. But she simply had to look his way when she felt his gaze, and she would catch that strange gleam in his eye which he’d quickly mask. The
n he’d be back to his cool business-like self, but Tia knew it was just a façade. Johnathan had a game plan, and it just might include bringing Tia to complete submission, with her giving in to his smoldering desires once again.

  That wasn’t a risk she was about to take. Nobody, especially Theo, must suspect that Tia and Johnathan had been lovers, even if for just one night. That would set off a whole lot of complications she couldn’t imagine facing, or worse, cost her the job of her dreams.

  But just how long was she willing to cope in such a volatile situation?

  Chapter Seven

  The whole team was in a celebratory mood now that the first major project was completed. Johnathan even broke out some champagne and thanked the others. “It’s a pleasure to announce the project came in not just on time, but under budget as well. You guys did great.”

  “You were marvelous as well, Mr. Fox,” said the blonde, pretty Julia, who came up to where Johnathan stood holding his drink. “In such a short span, you’ve achieved so much, and it already feels like you’ve been here ages and not just a month.”

  Tia rolled her eyes and shook her head from the corner where she stood. Julia, like most of the female members of the company, swarmed around Johnathan like bees every chance they got. The Fox office had up to a hundred employees, and ninety percent were men. This left some ten or so administrators, assistants, and secretaries, and surprise, all were female, most of whom were extremely good looking females. Granted, Julia was the prettiest of the secretaries and one of the best workers, but she was getting annoying the way she’d been all up on Johnathan since she made the team.

  Tia told herself she wasn’t jealous and that Johnathan could sample his fill of the obviously willing female administrative staff. Tia, as the only female financial consultant working for the company, found it somewhat fortuitous because it meant the womanizing men in the office had enough to distract them from attempting to go out with her.

  But Tia was caught off guard when at that moment, Julia suggested they all go out to celebrate.

  “We didn’t event throw a welcome party for you,” she said to Johnathan on a pout. “We always do that for new employees, but you know, you appeared so suddenly and then we had this big new project. How about we make this a double celebration?”

  The other guys were vocal in their agreement, and Tia felt a slight headache throbbing in her temple. It was commonplace at the office to have after-work hangs, and yes, the odd celebratory party on a Friday night with the work crew. But . . .

  “I know just the place!” said Hank, at which Tia groaned because she knew just what tastes he had when it came to entertainment. Loud, loud, loud. He’d probably pick some divey, post-collegiate karaoke hangout on the Upper East Side—just like last time. Tia vaguely remembered the Irish pub-like décor and frat-centric crowd. But then, the staff were friendly and the songbook was extensive. Not that Tia particularly liked having to embarrass herself in public by singing—and on stage, no less.

  She was quick to make her excuses, saying she had to finish up some of the outstanding terms in the contract for the company.

  “Aw, Tia, it’ll be fun. Don’t worry, this place is way better than our last hangout. It’s in K-town, with private booths and lots of sushi, curries, and ramen. Come on, you love ramen!” Hank cajoled. “We could get the VIP package, which has champagne, unlimited premium drinks, and appetizer platters—”

  “You’re making it sound more and more appealing,” Tia said while mentally, she realized the thought of a raucous night of food, drinks, and amateur music made her stomach churn. She wondered if she was coming down with some kind of bug.

  “But I’ll have to beg off. These VAT regulations and government licenses need polishing.”

  The others groaned and said they could just be finished Monday since those were just minor issues.

  “You guys know how OCD I can get until I see to every specific detail,” Tia said apologetically. Finally, the others were grabbing their coats to head out. Then to Tia’s surprise, Johnathan opted to stay and help her with the outstanding work. This brought another round of groans, especially since he was meant to be the guest of honor, so to speak.

  “You guys go on. Have as much fun as you can on me,” he said and whipped out his card, which he gave to Hank. “Get anything you want, and if anyone gets home less than blasted, I’ll be offended.”

  Their former groans gave way to ecstatic whoops, and in no time, the room emptied of employees. Tia shook her head with a wry smile. She wasn’t normally a spoilsport and would have been happy to join them, but she did feel slightly off and also wanted to finish the contract terms.

  She just hadn’t expected Johnathan to pass up a night of fun with an adoring crowd. It felt somewhat weird now that they were alone this late, though it wasn’t the first time. There was just something different about tonight and the mellow feeling from a successful project.

  “You sure know how to win them over. Well, more than you already have,” murmured Tia as she settled back behind her computer.

  Johnathan shrugged, taking the desk opposite. “They’ve been more than great—especially with my being a newbie and asking questions all the time.”

  Tia couldn’t help but scoff. “You can cut out the false modesty. You finished top of the class at Harvard and you’ve given the team and me a few insights that we’d never even grasped before.”

  “I have my shining moments,” he said with a mild shrug.

  Tia paused in her typing on the keyboard and viewed him squarely. “Just how long do you think you can keep up with this? I just can’t believe you’ve truly settled into the whole idea of actually making this work.”

  “Is it that you can’t believe it, or that you’re just scared to?” Johnathan asked. Rising from his chair, he strode to her desk and leaned over her shoulder from behind. “I think that’s what it is. You’re scared.”

  “Now why on earth would I be scared?” Tia huffed and went on tapping at her keyboard while pretending as if Johnathan’s proximity bothered her not the slightest.

  “You tell me. Ever since that one night in LA where you made your getaway, you’ve managed to barricade yourself in those thick glass walls of yours and convinced yourself you can keep things simple.”

  “I don’t see what’s complicated about any of this. In fact, I can spell it out clearly. You’re still here only because it’s still pretty tame enough to keep you diverted. But the moment you hit a real challenge, you’ll be gone. I can bet on it. This job is like trying out some new, hip hotspot, and as long as it’s fun, you’ll hang around just for kicks. But I haven’t the faintest conviction in your stickability, and you’re only going to disappoint Theo all over again.”

  Tia turned away from him angrily to face her computer once again. She knew she shouldn’t have let off steam like that, and she realized she must be more fatigued than she thought. Or else, why would she be losing her cool for no good reason? Johnathan's presence taunted her all the time, even without him saying anything, and yet, she seemed pushed to the wall already.

  “Are you really talking about Theo here, or yourself?” Johnathan asked, merely a whisper in her ear. His words made her freeze, and she wondered for a crazy moment if they were true. Was she really talking about the job? Or was it her she was worried Johnathan would let down?

  Maybe in her heart, she already began to depend on him without meaning to. How could he read through her so easily?

  They hadn’t even had any kind of personal interaction in the one month he’d been here.

  At least, if one didn’t count all those moments of crackling awareness that colored the air any time they were alone or even with just being in the same room while other people were present.

  “Stop making this all about me,” she huffed.

  Johnathan merely chuckled and then pointed out something on the screen. “You need to tweak that compliance section. You missed a few clauses.”

  Tia frowned at the
portion he indicated and in a few moments discovered he was right. Sighing aloud with impatience at herself, she made the necessary correction. Thankfully, Johnathan straightened and returned to his desk, though Tia felt less than relieved. What would be a relief was if Johnathan simply did a disappearing act—from the company and even New York—and everything in her life could go right back to normal.

  To her surprise, Johnathan didn’t pursue their conversation and instead, had them focus on the task until it was completed. It was 10:30 pm when they finished.

  Checking her watch, Tia smirked. “Hank and the rest must be having themselves a rowdy sing-along by now. I can just see their ridiculous antics—Carol stripping and Alfredo doing his crazy air guitar routine.”

  “At least they’d have had some great food,” said Johnathan, his hand on his stomach with a glum look that made Tia feel guilty.

  “I guess you must be hungry,” she said hesitantly.

  “That’s what happens when you have a slave driver for a team leader,” he muttered with a pointed look at Tia as he shrugged on his coat.

  “I just didn’t expect to stay this long, and besides, you really shouldn’t have volunteered.” Tia fumbled into hers and was surprised when Johnathan came behind and helped her into it properly without a second thought. It was such a casual gesture yet somehow intimate, and it had his hands on her body for a few moments as he straightened it with the same natural manner.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” he asked. “You’ve been working just as long and with barely a break all day. I noticed.”

  The fact that he had noticed made her blush. But then she made to give a hasty, offhand reply about going home and making some ramen or whatever. However, she had no clue why she said what she ended up saying.

  “I guess I am.” And as if on cue, her stomach gave a somewhat unladylike rumble. To cover her embarrassment, she hurried on, “It was sort of nice of you to stay back and help me with concluding the last-minute stuff. And, of course, you missed out on your welcome party.”


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