Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance) Page 11

by Ciara Cole

  “We’re going to the party together. Case closed,” he growled and surprised Tia by leaning in and planting a warm kiss on her cheek. Like seriously? Did he just make her panties crumple into a fiery gum drop of desire with that sexily chaste smooch? How could it be so easy for him to make her as giddy as a school girl with a crush? It was grossly unfair.

  Dragging in a breath, Tia said, “Johnathan, the way things look now, if we show up together, people are going to connect the dots.”

  “Good. I’m more than ready to make it official.”

  Tia couldn’t lie—her heart jumped a few bounds in pleasure. Then she frowned. “Make what official, exactly? That you’re the one responsible for this?” She pointed at her baby bump, and damn if she didn’t catch that wolfish look of possessiveness on his face.

  “The pregnancy is a big part of what we share,” he said. “But you’re lying to yourself if you think there’re nothing else between us. I’m not ashamed to let everyone know how I feel about you.”

  “What about how I feel?” Tia groaned in dismay. She wasn’t ready to publicize anything and start up a whirlwind of drama that just might end up in heartache. If the world found out about her and Johnathan, it would just add another stress level to her already jumbled nerves.

  “I’m not trying to make any problems for you,” he said as if reading through her thoughts. “I’ve done my best to give you space and enough time to decide what you want. But I’m through with waiting, Tia. I’m never going to turn my back on the dreams I want us to share.”

  “And what if I say no? What if I decide to leave right now and never come back just to get away from you? From this?” she asked, pointing at them both.

  Johnathan’s eyes blazed. “There’s nowhere in the world I wouldn’t go to find you. Nowhere in the world you could hide from me.”

  Is he for real? His voice, dark and velvety, emanated a dangerous authority that both chafed and thrilled her. She looked into his beautiful face, now stone-cold with anger, and she guessed he was furious at just the thought of her depriving him of his babies. He probably considered them his property, like he considered her. And like every other possession, they could easily be discarded when he tired of the obligations that came with them. Or could Tia dare to believe he was changed for good? Was Johnathan truly ready?

  “What is it, Tia? Just what is holding you back?” Johnathan asked, taking gentle hold of her shoulders with eyes intent on her troubled face.

  “Johnathan, for starters, the disparities in our backgrounds are nothing to be ignored,” she burst out. “I’m just an employee, and you . . . your family not only owns the company but is one of the most prestigious in the country. What do you think will happen when it comes out that—”

  “Money or background doesn’t matter to me. It never has,” he gritted, looking once again hurt and angry. “Why don’t you come up with a better excuse? You just can’t stand to give me a chance even when I’ve done nothing but prove my sincerity.”

  He let out a harsh breath and slowly let his hands fall from her shoulders. Speaking with more calm, he said, “I cherished our friendship and how I could be myself with you. I’ve never been that way with a woman before, yet with you, I never had to question anything. Just like I choose not to question what my heart wants in this moment. To be with you.”

  Tia stared into his eyes and realized she’d never seen him this peeled raw, all condescension or drollness stripped away. Before she could form a reply from her constricted throat, he gave a half-smile and to her surprise, said lightly, “I’ll let you get back to work.”

  What? Tia couldn’t believe he could just stride off with such calm after rocking her foundations with the way he’d laid himself bare. He was making this harder and harder for her. This time, it was her asking herself if she was ready—ready to face up to the fact that she wanted all of this to be real as much as Johnathan seemed to.

  Could she keep fighting it or could she take the first step in grasping her future at last?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tia felt like a princess as she walked down the stairway to where Johnathan waited at the base.

  "You look wonderful," he worded thickly when she reached him.

  "Thanks," she said, her cheeks warm with a soft blush. "You look dashing yourself."

  "Had to make the extra effort. Tonight's special," he said with a slight wink.

  Tia wasn't sure what to make of that. She was still in awe from the way things turned out in the past few days. Who'd have thought Theo would pick his Malibu beach mansion for the closing party?

  He'd had the guests flown to the location on private jets. On arrival at the exquisite venue, they'd retired to their rooms to prepare for the night's festivities. Tia had spent a luxurious half-hour in her massive bathtub which overlooked the rolling waves of the Pacific.

  Now Johnathan led Tia outside to the elegantly decorated lawn where dinner was to be held. The arena was well lit and filled with vibrantly attired guests in the topmost formal couture.

  Tia was so entranced by all the opulence around that it took moments to realize that Johnathan had their fingers intertwined as they arrived at the party.

  She looked up at him in surprise, but all he had for her was that half-smile and a look of purpose. She let out a shaky sigh. He did warn her he'd be making things official, and if they walked in hand-in-hand, then he'd have his wish. Everyone would know there was something between them.

  Tia thought she'd be ready for it, but suddenly, it almost became too overwhelming. The crowd, chatter, and attention seemed magnified tenfold.

  "I think I need to head back up to my room," managed Tia almost breathlessly.

  "You'll be okay," said Johnathan, clasping her hand tighter.

  She opened her mouth to protest. Was he really doing this? And if so, was it for the right reasons?

  "If you keep stalling, I'll just make out with you right here, in front of everyone," Johnathan warned with a feigned scowl. Yet Tia had a weird feeling he could just do it.

  "Next time, I won't let you get your way so easily, Mr. Fox," she said under her breath while pasting on a bright smile.

  "Promises, promises," teased the infernal man, tucking her hand up against his body as they headed right into the thick of the gathering. Despite herself, Tia decided she was looking forward to how the evening would unfold.


  Anyone could tell the night's celebrations were planned to be big and extravagant. The lights, music, and layout showed that Theo hadn't spared much expense in terms of maximum enjoyment.

  The event started with a cocktail reception with drinks served at the outdoor bar before everyone made for their dinner tables, arranged to encircle the stage with its live band. There was free-flowing champagne to go with the elaborately delicious five-course dinner. The troops invited, along with their significant others, were evidently enjoying every bit of the lavish pampering. It was definitely going to be rowdy later on, Tia knew.

  Not that she'd ever been to a closing party before, but like she'd told Hank, she'd heard stories. Here in his private home, Theo could throw as lavish an evening as he wished since there was no press or outsiders present to offer undue scrutiny.

  What Tia hadn't expected was that commendations were announced during the opening speech. Theo rose to address the rapt crowd, bringing up a few anecdotes about the company's year so far. Tia was distracted for a moment until the sound of her name had her attention whipping back to Theo.

  “As you all know, this party is to celebrate one of our biggest years on record,” said Theo in the most jovial tone Tia had ever heard him use. “I decided to personally host this party, seeing how certain teams outperformed this last quarter. Namely, Tia’s and Johnathan’s.”

  Feeling the added attention at the mention of her name, Tia reached for her glass of water and took a gulp while concealing her slight agitation. Beneath the table, she felt the warmth of Johnathan’s fingers which had hardly st
rayed from holding hers all evening. She felt glad for the support even as she refrained from looking his way. It almost felt like everything they did was being observed by everyone else at the party.

  “Before the project, neither Johnathan nor Tia had any experience undertaking an M&A,” continued Theo reflectively. “But I slowly realized that in a way, that helped them utilize a flexible approach. More seasoned types would have focused more on supposed models, forgetting that every situation is unique. Tia and Johnathan seemed to understand that not only are companies different, but risks are different too. What matters is having a good system with a holistic overview, and they achieved that, ensuring that both organizations gained a viable vision for the new entity being integrated.”

  Theo smiled widely as he raised his glass to Tia, saying, “Tia, you impacted the deal immensely. It couldn’t have happened without you. That’s why you deserve this commendation.”

  The gathering burst into applause, and Tia was awash with both pleasure and surprise. She hadn’t expected this at all, and the sense of achievement was immense. To be acknowledged in the presence of your peers and by your superiors gave a truly elated feeling. She felt a squeeze on her fingers and couldn’t help this time from looking at Johnathan, who gave a slight nod and a smile of encouragement. Her answering smile was filled with warmth and pleasure, knowing that Johnathan had ensured she got the due credit for the successful contract when others would have seized it for themselves.

  “Also,” Theo went on, “I can’t do without commending my brother, Johnathan, as well. He has more than proven he’s the right person to take up heading Fox Company New York as I move to the new London office next month. You can say that tonight has been a well of surprise celebrations. Now let’s get back to enjoying it!”

  Theo ended his speech to more applause and gasps as everyone took in the news of Johnathan heading the company in Theo’s place. Congratulations soon poured in from other coworkers who came to shake both Tia’s and Johnathan’s hands. Tia’s commendation definitely gave her elevated status, and of course, the fact that Johnathan would be their new boss was no mean feat either.

  The night soon gave in to the partying spirit as the live band took over with tune after tune that got the guests on their feet. The decorations looked all the more festive in the summery night now that the music made the atmosphere come alive. Some guests had changed into swimsuits to enjoy the party from the beach while some were happy to head up a short flight of steps to the outdoor floor plan, where from the open deck, they could dance and view the surf and stars.

  Tia would have been happy to just chill and enjoy the sights, feeling a warm glow from watching everyone have fun. From behind, she felt Johnathan’s arm slip around her waist, and she turned to him with an arched brow. “And just what have you been up to?”

  His cocky smirk gave her the urge to kiss him while at the same time growl at him. Why did he look so much like the Cheshire cat with the proverbial mouse?

  “I was gone barely a few minutes and you miss me already,” he teased, swooping to steal a peck on her cheek.

  Tia gasped in outrage and looked around, but thankfully, everyone else was too busy having fun.

  “They’re all much too preoccupied to worry about us,” Johnathan said, accurately reading Tia in a way that had her sending him a glare, which only had his grin widening. What was it about his smile that made her world feel warmer, brighter? Tia’s heart constricted, and she had those conflicting emotions again of being intensely happy and yet sad. Her heart felt so ready for love that even her sensible mind was losing its own battle of wills.

  “In which case, we can make our little getaway,” Johnathan added, and Tia snapped out of her reverie at his mysterious sounding words. Now what?

  Without waiting for Tia’s reply, he took her hand in his and led her away to a path cutting through the gardens.

  “What’s going on, Johnathan? You aren’t kidnapping me again, are you?” she only half-joked, bringing up that first time they’d met and he’d stolen her away on his boat.

  “Actually, it’s completely different from that, my darling.”

  He continued to guide them through the maze-like footpath, using one arm to push back some beautiful, low-hanging foliage. Tia was thrown somewhat by the endearment and the strange way it made her heart palpitate.

  Finally, she regained her senses and asked with deep confusion, “What exactly are we talking about here?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Tia let out a nettled breath. “I don’t like surprises!”

  She heard Jonathan’s chuckle from in front of her as he squeezed her hands lightly, pulling her along with him. The grace and affection in his gentle grip had Tia befuddled yet again.

  “I guarantee you’ll like this one,” murmured Johnathan.

  Tia felt her body lose its stiffness, and she slowly gave way to curiosity instead of alarm. Just how sure was Johnathan about this?

  The next moment, they broke out of the coverage of overhead foliage to a tree-lined lake. The branches were lit with fairy lights, and even more brightness winked from the lake, which was covered in colorful floating lotus water lanterns.


  “Johnathan?” she breathed in response, her eyes riveted on the beautiful scene ahead for a moment before glancing to her side to give Johnathan a swift smile of beaming warmth.

  Without another word, she moved quickly forward to the side of the lake for a closer view. At least hundreds of the floating flower-shaped lanterns lit up the slow-moving water and filled it with golden liquid luminescence.

  Tia had never seen anything so magically serene, and she reached out on her knees to brush the flowers embedded with softly glowing tealight candles as they floated by.

  It was such a grand display and yet felt so pure and beautiful. In the distance, the dim, colorful lights felt just as comforting even as they floated away into the night shadows of the lake.

  Feeling Johnathan’s presence come behind her, Tia straightened while his gentle hand on her arm also guided her to her feet. She turned to him with a wide smile. “You were right. It’s a wonderful surprise.”

  In response, he took both of her hands in a warm clasp and made her stand facing him. “It also symbolizes how you make me feel,” he said. “Ever since we met, you not only made me become a better person, but you opened my eyes and heart to let a world of light in.”

  Tia stared into his intense gaze, drinking in every word as it dove right to her innermost being.

  “You’re warm and gentle,” Johnathan continued thickly, kissing her knuckles now pressed up to his lips. “When you sleep, the picture of innocence washes over the delicate lines of your face, and infinitely, I feel safe just being there with you. Every day, I find that each angle, each piece of you grows more beautiful than before and always steals away my breath.”

  Tia was smiling like a goon, her cheeks warm and her spirits bubbly. Never would she have termed herself a ‘bubbly’ type, but just then, her stomach was swarming with pleasure bubbles that made her want to lunge forward and kiss Johnathan. He gave an answering smile as if also enraptured with the same bubbles of joy he was creating.

  “When my father died, I went through grief that felt beyond relief. I used to travel to keep away from home while inside my heart, I sensed the chasm only growing wider and wider. I never knew what I was looking for until I met you.”

  Almost too choked to speak, Tia could only manage a soft, breathy, “Johnathan . . .”

  Johnathan cupped her face, now almost crumpling with unshed tears, in his gentle palms. “There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think of ways to spend more time with you,” he worded thickly. “Where adventures to foreign lands once made me feel alive, I finally found someone so intoxicating that she makes me see a world of possibilities just looking into her eyes. I love you, Tia.”

  She gasped in shock, her heart pushing against her ribs and all but asking to be le
t out and held in the hands of the one chosen to claim it—Johnathan.

  “You . . . love me?” she panted almost incredulously.

  His grin of delight was infectious, melting through the lacy barriers of her inner thighs and bringing forth a telling wash of creamy heat.

  “I love you, from the simplest form of the word to the most entangled and messy emotions,” Johnathan said. “Nothing’s perfect, but somehow, you make that feel okay. Because it wouldn’t be a fun tale to share if it were all smooth sailing from the get go.”

  He let Tia have a few more seconds to take it all in, the radiance of her pleasure adding even more glow to her skin. Something caught her attention from the corner of her vision, and she suddenly turned again to view the lake. Her mouth fell open at the sight now greeting them.

  Floating into view from the night shadowed lake was a raft even more brightly decorated with more beautiful lights and adorned with a mass of flowers so breathtaking it had Tia’s mouth hanging open. As the raft drifted straight to them, Tia could finally make out the words spelled out in interwoven lights and flowers atop the raft . . . WILL YOU MARRY ME?

  Oh. What? Tia turned her stupefied face back to the smiling Johnathan.

  He gave a firm nod as if in answer to her unspoken question. “Tia, I choose you,” he told her softly. “Each morning, I want to wake up, roll over, and choose you again and again. And tonight, I want to commit to that. I don’t want to call you my girlfriend or baby mama or whatever. I want to call you my wife.”

  Tia gasped and watched as Johnathan reached in his pocket, his hand finding the velvet box, finding Tia’s insecurities, worries, and pain and pushing them strongly away as he pulled out the box.

  “Johnathan, are you . . .? Are you . . .?”

  Tia couldn’t even form a sentence under the fairy-lit trees and surrounded by the floating rainbow lights and flowered raft.

  Johnathan got down on one knee, smiling yet tense with control. “Tia, would you do me the absolute honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?”


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