Etienne: Romance with BITE (League of Guardians Book 2)

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Etienne: Romance with BITE (League of Guardians Book 2) Page 7

by V. A. Dold

  “A vampire would never bite the woman he was interested in unless she gave him permission. It’s a matter of honor for them.” There was a pause. “Willa?”


  “Give him the chance to explain things. If he is what I think he is, you’re his soulmate.”

  “He mentioned something about that.”

  “Then give him a chance. My friend Carolyn accepted her vampire and has never been happier. Believe it or not, Etienne is the man… err vampire of your dreams.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, sweetie, I am. Now go on. Get off the phone and talk to the man.”

  “All right. But if I don’t call you back in the next thirty minutes call out the National Guard and rescue me.”

  Karen busted out laughing. “The National Guard? Really?”

  “Of course. He’s a really big vampire. I’m sure it would take more than a couple of cops. Anyway, I guess I better go and get this over with. But don’t forget, thirty minutes and not a second longer.”

  “Got it. Bye, Willa.”

  Willa tucked the phone away and took a breath.

  “Willa?” Etienne asked cautiously.

  “All right. Let’s talk.”

  “I think it would be better to give you a little time to digest what you have learned. Let’s go back to my original dinner plan. I will explain more then.”

  Willa stayed put and chewed her lip.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m just not anxious to go home.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

  She lowered her gaze and toed at a small rock. “A man was skulking around my apartment. He scared me so much, I ran from my place and came over here.”

  An angry growl jerked her head up.

  “I am following you home. When we get there, you will stay in your car until I check both inside and out.”

  “Um. Okay.” She walked to her car and waited for Etienne to move aside. Instead of giving way, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

  “The thought of you in danger scares me to death, kisba,” he growled, his lips brushing hers with each syllable. After a long minute, he loosened his hold and opened her car door. “I will be right behind you. Don’t forget, stay in your car.”

  “Got it. Stay in the car,” she said still shaky from his kiss. “And don’t begin to think I missed the fact that you called me another strange name. It had better be complimentary.”

  “It absolutely was. Kisba is a less formal endearment like babe or baby.”

  “Kish ba,” she sounded out the word. “It’s kind of pretty.”

  The drive home was a mere fifteen miles, yet it took almost a half hour with traffic. She parked behind Etienne’s classic Chevy and waited as he instructed. He moved quickly to her driver’s side door and waited for her to lower the window.

  “I will be back in a minute or two. If you see anything suspicious or I do not return in three minutes, leave. Go back to my house and tell the men what has happened.”

  “You’re scaring me. If you think it’s that dangerous, you should call your men before you check it out.”

  “Few things in this world can harm me, cher. My instructions are merely a precaution. Do not worry. I will return.”

  Shaken by his words, she watched as he disappeared around the side of her building.

  Etienne paused just past the corner of the house. He stretched out his senses and felt for residual energy. There it was, in the shadows of the edge of the yard. He hissed a challenge at the man who was no longer there. From that location, the intruder had a clear visual of Willa’s windows and patio door.

  He inspected the base of the tree and found flattened grass where the bastard had lingered for a time. From where he stood, he looked at his muierimei’s apartment. Anger exploded in his mind and soul.

  Her door was ajar. He rushed to her patio and silently slipped inside. A scent hung faintly in the air. He inhaled it deeply into his lungs and studied it. He didn’t recognize it, but he would know it if he came upon it again.

  Systematically, he searched each room. The intruder was gone, but a sinister gift had been left behind. Etienne sniffed the item and examined the fading energy of the man who had handled it. Something about the energy nagged at the back of his mind. But like a wisp of smoke that swirled away when a hand passed through it, he couldn’t grasp the memory.

  He left the item undisturbed and resumed his inspection of the outside of her building. He didn’t expect to find the man hidden on the opposite side of the house, but he had to be thorough.

  Willa entered all but the last digit for the phone number of Etie’s house and stared at her front door with her thumb hovering over the final digit. She was about to lower her thumb and scream for help when he reappeared around the opposite side. She huffed out the breath she’d been holding and canceled the call.

  As soon as he stopped beside her door, she lowered the window again.

  “The man is no longer here. But I found footprints that led to each of your windows, and your patio door was ajar. I entered your apartment and searched it for intruders. He was already gone.”

  Relieved beyond measure, she unlocked her car door and leapt into Etie’s arms.

  Chapter Six

  “Shh, shadíma. The man is gone.”

  He pressed his lips to her hair as she buried her face against his chest. It was going be a while before her body relaxed.

  “Willa. Willa, look at me please.”

  Reluctantly she raised her head.

  “I have called my men. They are on their way to install bars on your windows and a security system. I would prefer that you stay with me at the mansion, but I am certain you would balk at the suggestion. In lieu of that, I will make you as safe as possible here.”

  She frowned at him. “The landlord won’t like that. It took months to find this place. I can’t chance being evicted, Etie.”

  “If he or she has a problem with the additions, I will take care of it. I will buy the damn house if need be. Nothing is more important than your safety.”

  Her brows rose. “Buy the house? Are you nuts? I doubt the owner will just up and sell it to you.”

  “You would be surprised how convincing I can be. If I want this house, I will have it. For now, the enhanced security will suffice.”

  Willa shook her head and pulled from his arms. “We should wait inside. If we canoodle out here where all the world can see, the neighbors will fog up their windows watching the show.”

  Etienne tucked her under his arm. “Hm. Canoodle. I like that idea. Lead the way, my lady. But I must warn you, someone was in your apartment.”

  Willa stiffened and then panicked. “Shadow! If that bastard hurt my cat, I’ll rip his balls off.”

  She expected her apartment to be trashed. Drawers dumped out, furniture overturned, but she saw none of that. She turned to Etie, perplexed. “Everything looks normal to me. Why do you think he was in here?”

  “I can sense the remnants of a male presence that was here only minutes before we arrived. Also, he left a gift on your kitchen counter.”

  Willa called for Shadow and only after he squeezed from under her bed frightened but unharmed did she investigate the kitchen. “What on earth?” A single long-stem black rose lay in the center of the granite island.

  He tapped the counter next to the bloom without actually making contact. “What do you make of this?”

  Willa closed her eyes and held her palm a hairsbreadth from the flower. Very slowly, she moved her palm from the petals to the cut end of the stem. “The energy clinging to the stem where he touched it is very dark. I think it’s a threat of some kind.”

  “I do as well. The energy is familiar and yet not.”

  “I was afraid of that. So, what do we do with the flower?”

  “My men are bringing a couple of witches with them. They will remove the rose and cleanse the surface it has touched. For all we know, it is spe
lled to curse you.”

  “Great. Now I’m really freaked out. Are you sure the added security will keep this guy out?”

  “Your patio door will be repaired, and a second decorative security door will be installed outside of it. Then the witches will spell your apartment to protect it against intruders. No one will be able to enter without your permission.”

  “That’s a relief. Shadow doesn’t do well with change. If I had to pack up and leave, he would have a nervous breakdown. As long as you can assure my safety, I prefer to stay here.”

  “I thought that would be your choice. Thus, the new security measures. Otherwise, I would simply whisk you away to my home.”

  “My hero,” she joked in a shaky voice. With an unknown threat hanging over her head, all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball on her sofa.

  He took her hand, and she allowed him to pull her from the kitchen. “Come. Sit with me. I will hold you until the men arrive.”

  Willa cuddled against him on the couch, absorbing his warmth and strength. To her utter shock, Shadow crawled into Etie’s lap and sprawled his chubby body across his legs. “Unbelievable.”

  Etie scratched the fickle feline behind his ears. “What?”

  “Shadow hates everyone except me. I’ve never seen him behave like a normal cat.”

  “Cats are very intuitive animals. He can sense and smell that I am not a threat to either him or his human.”

  “If that was all it was, he would let my friends pet him. That ornery beast hisses at them and hides until they leave.”

  Etie grinned and kissed her neck. “Then, perhaps, it is my incredible charm.”

  Willa giggled and wriggled as he tickled her with his lips. “Whatever you say, Romeo.”

  Before their kisses could turn to something more intimate, a loud knock sounded.

  “That will be my people. If you do not mind, I will let them in and tell them what needs to be done.”

  “Be my guest.”

  Three handsome men and two uniquely dressed women filed into her small space, filling it to capacity. Her adorable apartment had never felt so small.

  Etie took her hand and introduced each in turn. “Willa, this is my second, Darius. And these two are my newest family members, Nick, and Derick. Like me, they are vampires.” The men each nodded and said hello.

  They smiled and seemed friendly enough, but she inched closer to Etie anyway. “Hello.”

  “These lovely ladies are witches. Carolyn and Jacquelyn, this is Willa.” The women were more demonstrative. Before she knew what was happening, they each hugged her.

  Carolyn stepped back and smiled at her sweetly as Darius wrapped an arm around her. “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Willa. Karen has told us all about you.”

  “Oh! You are that Carolyn. I have so many questions for you.”

  Jacquelyn scowled and elbowed Nick when he tried to put his arm around her shoulders. “Back off. I’m still mad at you.” Then she looked back at Willa and smiled. “I’m Carolyn’s cousin. I’ve heard all about you as well. Karen says you have gifts. You should join our little coven. There is safety in numbers, you know.”

  “Maybe. I don’t practice witchcraft so I haven’t given it much thought,” Willa hedged.

  Etienne stepped in, saving her from a very uncomfortable conversation. “Darius, the intruder was a vampire. A truck will arrive in a few minutes with the supplies I ordered. There should be silver-coated security grates for each door and window. Every possible entry must be secured. I want the work completed before I return at seven.”

  Darius examined the patio door and then walked her tiny apartment counting windows. “As long as everything fits properly, we can have the job done in a couple hours.”

  “Excellent. Did you bring protective gloves?”

  Darius nodded. “I have them in the truck.”

  “Good.” Then Etienne addressed the women. “There is a black rose in the kitchen. It may be spelled or cursed. Handle it with extreme caution. Once it is disposed of, I would appreciate it if you would magically cleanse the apartment and place protection spells to prevent intruders.”

  Jacquelyn walked to the kitchen and examined the rose without touching it. “This will be easy enough.”

  “Perfect. You all know what to do. I have a few things that require my attention, so I must return to the mansion. I am leaving Willa in your care. I am sure I do not have to tell you the gravity of that responsibility.”

  Darius clapped Etienne on the back. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to your muierimei.”

  “Thank you.” Etienne pulled Willa onto the front porch and took her face in his hands. “Be safe, Willa. I will pick you up at seven as planned. If anything frightens you, call me. I will come immediately.”

  “I will. But with all these people here, that guy isn’t going to come near me.”

  He grinned and winked at her. “That was my plan.”

  “Before you go, I have a question.”

  “What is it? You can ask me anything.”

  “Why did you order everything coated in silver? That seems a bit extravagant for a rental property.”

  “The silver will repel a vampire. He cannot touch it without gloves. Any exposed skin that comes into contact with it will be badly burned.”

  “Silver, huh? I thought that was only a thing with werewolves.”

  “Do not believe the dribble spewing from Hollywood movies. Ninety-five percent of it is wrong.”

  “That isn’t hard to believe. I’m going to watch Carolyn and Jacquelyn do their thing. Who knows, I might decide to explore this witch thing.”

  “Have fun and be careful. I will be back in a few hours.”

  “I will. See you at seven.”

  He kissed her until her head swam and then he was gone.

  Etienne stood before his wardrobe barefoot, wearing only a silk robe as he rejected one suit after another. Every one, a designer masterpiece, yet none were right for his date with Willa. A soft knock on his door pulled his concentration from his wardrobe. “Enter.”

  Darius opened the way for his beloved Carolyn, giving Etienne an assessing once over. “We have come to offer assistance.”

  Etienne’s brows rose. “What gave you the impression that I was in need?”

  Darius looked pointedly at the robe. “Obviously, you have this in hand. Perhaps we were mistaken?”

  Carolyn covered her mouth with her hand, the muffled snorts coming from behind her palm sounded suspiciously like a stifled laugh.

  Etienne scowled at his suits a final time and sighed. “Fine. I admit that I could use a little advice. But what are you doing here? You are supposed to be at Willa’s.”

  “Nick was finishing up the patio door when we left. Everything will be secure before you pick her up.”

  “Perfect. Thank you for doing that. Now, what do you suggest I wear?”

  Carolyn waved her hand at the row upon row of black suits. “If you show up in one of those, Willa will think you’re taking her to a funeral. How about khaki slacks and a polo shirt? Or jeans. What do you have for jeans?”

  Etienne felt every drop of blood drain from his face. “I do not own any.”

  Darius’s and Carolyn’s mouths fell open as if choreographed. “You have got to be kidding,” she gasped.

  Etienne hung his head in defeat. “Not in the least.”

  Carolyn looked at Darius’s jeans and then Etienne’s legs and hips. “I think you are close to Darius’s size. Babe, why don’t you go get a couple pairs for him to try?”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll be right back.”

  “Bring a couple shirts, too,” she called out as he headed down the hall.

  A few minutes later, Etienne closed his door on his best friends and tried on jeans for the first time in his life. Surprisingly, they fit. Even more shocking was the fact that he liked the way they looked and felt. The royal blue polo shirt with black micro stripes, collar, and trim, looked great as well. “
All right. You can come back in.”

  “Holy hotness,” Carolyn exclaimed. “You look amazing.”

  Darius nodded emphatically. “Yeah. Willa is going to be all over you tonight.”

  He turned this way and that in front of his full-length mirror. “Do you really think so?”

  Darius crossed his arms over his chest, grinning. “Absolutely. And tomorrow, we’ll take you to my favorite shop so you can buy some of your own.”

  Etienne smiled brightly at them. “Thank you. Both of you. You saved what I hope will be one of the most important nights of my life.”

  “Anytime. Heck, most of the time, Carolyn picks out my clothes for me. My personal style leaves something to be desired. At least, that’s what I’m told.”

  Carolyn giggled and shook her head. “Most men need a little help. Knock her dead, Etienne. Have a great night. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Tomorrow. We have a hot date, too,” Darius said as he pushed Carolyn out the door.

  Alone again, Etienne took another long look at himself. It was amazing how clothing could change a person’s appearance. He couldn’t remember the last time he worried over the way he looked.

  For over a century, he hadn’t given much thought to the changing styles or trends. He had an excellent tailor. Suits looked good on him and presented minimal challenge when choosing what to wear. Besides, he had only interacted with women when his physical needs demanded he scratch an itch. Which had been few and far between. He would take a lover for an hour or two, then immediately returned to his celibate lifestyle. It had worked well for him.

  He liked humans, but due to the way they reacted to his vampire magnetism, he kept them at arm’s length. Willa broke all of his rules regarding humans. Thank goodness she was a witch with gifts. She was just different enough to withstand his allure if she chose. Hopefully, she wouldn’t choose to do so very often.

  He couldn’t dally any longer. It was time to collect his muierimei for dinner and a very long, very painful discussion. He paused for a moment to say a short prayer that all would go well.

  Willa ran a finger over the scrolls and swirls of the silver-plated gate securing her patio door. “Oh my goodness. I didn’t expect the bars and gates to be so ornate and beautiful.”


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