
Home > Paranormal > Bubbles > Page 9
Bubbles Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  Her eyes flew open, her legs spread, and her mouth formed an O.

  I curled my fingers, found her magic spot, and had her screaming through an orgasm in under five minutes. My cock throbbed and hurt, but it wasn’t time so I ignored it. Even my wolf was on board with waiting until we had her in a bed and could be super careful. I stood with her still in my arms, turned the water off, and walked her out of the shower.

  “Need to put product on my hair and put it in a towel.” Her voice sounded half-drunk, but I stood her in front of my vanity so she could do whatever she needed. I wiped her body down, then mine, and watched as she towel dried her hair, rubbed something through it, and then wrapped a towel around her head.

  Her gaze met mine in the mirror. “I need clothes before we eat.”

  I shook my head. “You can wear one of my shirts. No panties.”

  “You’ve already given me two firsts.”

  I had no idea what she was talking about. She turned around and stepped closer to me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

  “I’ve never woke up beside someone before, well, besides my sister, but, you know what I mean, right? I’ve never slept all night with a man. Also, I’ve never been given an orgasm in the shower.” She chuckled. “No one’s ever carried me around like you do, either, so I guess that’s three things.”

  I don’t usually enjoy teaching people about sex, but I found I was looking forward to giving my little Half-pint more first experiences.

  I pulled a folded shirt from my stack and put it on over her toweled head. It said:

  * * *





  * * *

  I hadn’t realized which it was. It was literally just the next on the stack, but she looked cute in it. The damned thing came below her knees. She looked like a kid, but she was all woman.

  I put on a pair of cut-off sweats and led her to the kitchen.

  She put plates and flatware on the table while I pulled everything from the oven. She also got herself a beer, and two for me, as well as butter and sour cream, the coleslaw, and the container of barbecue sauce. I only had to sit down and eat once I’d moved the food over. We made a good team.

  “You’ve asked me a lot of personal questions. Can I ask some?”

  I’d have told any other woman to fuck off, but not my Half-pint. “Ask away. No guarantees I’ll answer.”

  “How old were you when you… your first time.”

  “Nine, with one of my mom’s friends.” She looked shocked, and I shrugged. “I was big for my age.” I smelled her indignation and anger, and I tried to keep from sighing. “She didn’t take advantage of me, so don’t even go down that road. We lived in a duplex, and she lived in the other half. My mom was a waitress and was never home at night. I stayed over there a lot, and Jackie was…” I shook my head. “She was a junkie. I took advantage of her — not the other way around, despite our age difference.”


  I wasn’t sure what she was asking so I didn’t know what to answer. She tried again. “Your mom was a waitress? Does that mean she isn’t anymore?”

  I shook my head. “She was killed when I was fourteen. Texas and Sparkie were foster parents, and they ended up with me.” Which wasn’t an accident. The Atlanta Master Vampire makes sure supernatural foster kids make it to supernatural foster parents. “Texas works in the Atlanta MC’s restaurant, and I waited tables for extra money when I moved in with them.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom. What happened?”

  “Drive by shooting. Wrong place at the wrong time. It was a long time ago.” I didn’t want to talk about my mom and needed to change the subject. I never tell anyone how I got my name, but figured it was time to tell her. “Bud’s the president in Atlanta, and his daughter was little when I went to live with Texas and Sparkie. Everyone called me Bubba back then, but she decided to call me Bubbles, and it stuck.” I shook my head. “Bash is married to Bud’s daughter. When you meet Angelica, you can tell her you know she gave me my name.”

  Her phone buzzed and she looked at it. “My work schedule. Looks like I’m working every day next week, four until close. I’ll just have enough time to grab something to eat and do some homework in between, but the extra hours will be nice for my bank account.”

  “What time do they close?”

  “Eight during the week and ten on the weekend this week, but it varies. Sometimes they handle appointments up until midnight on the weekends, when we’re backed up on clients waiting. We’ve done it a few times during the week, but not often.”

  “Okay, I’ll move my lunch so I can pick you up from school, eat with you, and take you to work. I can go back to the shop so I don’t get behind. I’m kind of my own boss, within reason. I mean, Bash is technically the manager, but as long as I make the deadlines I basically give myself, it’s all good.”

  If I was going to be her transportation, I needed a code word in case a brother had to come get her. “If the MC should send me on a job — a club job — then someone else might have to pick you up. If that happens, I’ll try to text you to let you know, but I may not be able to. If someone tells you they’re coming to pick you up for me, they’ll call me Adam, not Bubbles. Okay? I’ll try to make it be someone you know, and the odds are good it might be Horse, but it depends on the circumstances.”

  She swallowed her bite and took a drink, thinking. “Okay. I’m glad you think about this kind of thing ahead of time.”

  “You’ll be able to do your homework okay? Working that much?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t really have much of a life right now. It’s one of the reasons I try to go for a walk or hike on Sunday. I work and go to school, and there isn’t time for much else.”

  “How much longer will you be in school?”

  “You need four semesters — fall, spring summer, fall. I’ll finish next Christmas.”

  The closer we were to the end of our meal, the more nervous she was. Not scared, thank goodness, but on edge. She’d have jumped out of her skin if I’d said boo.

  I put the lids on everything we hadn’t eaten, put it in the fridge, and turned to see her loading our plates into the dishwasher. Within a few minutes, the kitchen was clean and she was fidgety as fuck.

  I moved in to kiss her, but she pushed me back. “You’ll wear a condom?”

  Fuck. She didn’t know I was a werewolf. I hate the damned things. “Yeah, I’ll wear a condom. Are you on birth control?”

  “I don’t…” She looked up, met my gaze. “I don’t do this.”

  “Okay, Half-pint. I’ll wear a condom. I’ll take care of you.”

  She pulled away, turned, and walked towards the back of the house. “I need to use the bathroom first.”

  I chuckled, got another beer for me and an ice water for her, took them to my room, and then positioned myself across the hallway from the bathroom she went in, so I could ambush her with a kiss the instant she opened the door.



  * * *

  I keep a little packet of baby wipes in my makeup kit, and I pulled one out to clean up with after I peed. Bubbles had moved my hair stuff into his bathroom for our shower earlier, but everything else was still in this one, thank goodness.

  I pulled my hair from the towel and put it in a messy bun. It was damp, but not dripping, so it would have to do. Thankfully, I had a ponytail holder in my makeup kit for the bun.

  I stepped out and he was there. Towering over me. In my space. Before I could acclimate, his lips were on mine and the hallway spun around us.

  I wouldn’t say I’ve been kissed a lot, but plenty. I mean, I thought I knew what it meant for someone to take control and kiss me, but I’d been wrong. So fucking wrong.

  His lips controlled mine. I opened to him without even realizing, and then our tongues danced — they fucking danced, like a damned Tango on one of those reality dance shows.

p; I don’t even remember him taking me to bed or pulling his shirt off me. My next unhazy memory is of his tongue in my pussy, his lips sealed around it, and nothing else existing.

  And then there were orgasms, but they weren’t like anything I’d experienced before. I’d been on the kiddie rides, and now I was on the mega roller coaster, and I hadn’t even known what I was missing. And it wasn’t just one massive release — he kept giving them to me, bang-bang-bang, one after another. I couldn’t get enough air in my lungs, the room swirled, sounds were distorted, and the only thing that mattered was his lips, his tongue, his hands.

  But then he turned into a damned tease. I’d be right on the edge, my heart racing, my body primed and ready to slip over the threshold into bliss, and he’d back off or slow down, and the oncoming train faded into the distance. Over and over, he took me to the edge with his fingers and mouth until I was crazy with need, and only when I thought I’d go mad from the need for a release, for more of whatever he wanted to give me, did he raise over me and let me watch him roll a condom on.

  He pressed the head in and I gasped. I was already sore from his fingers, but I understood he’d put so many inside me to get me stretched enough to take him.

  His huge hands wrapped around my hips, and he met my gaze. “Put your hands on mine. If it’s too much, say my name — say Adam and I’ll stop.”

  I nodded, he pulled out until he was barely inside… and shoved in. Hard, but it was perfect. Like barbecue potato chips that burn your mouth but you can’t stop eating them, the stretch was too much and yet I wanted him to stretch me more.

  His eyes held my gaze, and never have I been so aware of having someone inside me. He wasn’t just screwing me, he was claiming me — making me his in a way no one had before, and we both knew it. He pushed in, pulled out, pushed back in, over and over, a little deeper each time but he couldn’t have put much of himself in because he wasn’t hurting me deep inside.

  I wanted more.

  My hips thrust up when he came back in, and he gave a small nod. “That’s it, Half-pint. You feel so damned good. Ready for more?”

  “Fuck, yes, please.”

  In mere moments, I floated above reality once again and he took me over the top into a screaming orgasm, and he was still fucking me when the room came back into focus.

  “Damn.” I didn’t know what else to say. No one had ever rocked my world like Bubbles.

  His one-sided grin told me he was rather proud of himself, but he pulled out and said, “Hands and knees, Half-pint.”

  I rolled over and went to all fours, and he said, “Good girl. Stretch your hands up towards the headboard, so your chest is on the bed, and spread your knees a little more. That’s it. Perfect. This is called knees-and-chest.”

  “Will there be a test?”

  He swatted my bottom hard enough it stung, but it was a good sting, and my moan was a little embarrassing.

  “We’re gonna have so much fun. Love the way you lose yourself in sex.”

  I sucked air in when he pressed back inside me, and then breathed out and tried to push towards him, but I couldn’t in this position. He held me motionless, which would’ve ordinarily freaked me out, but with Bubbles, it was perfect because he knew exactly what he was doing and I only needed to be still and enjoy.

  And I loved how vocal he was — I didn’t have to wonder if it was good for him because he moaned, grunted, growled, and even roared a few times. Meanwhile, I rode my bliss up and down hills and mountains. He knew when I needed a short breather, and then when I wanted more, and more, and more.

  I have no idea how many times I came, or even if all of the releases were actual orgasms. Some were tiny, others were huge, some were good, others were fucking spectacular, but nothing about my first time with Bubbles was bad. Nothing.

  Somehow, he knew when my insides were too sore and it wasn’t a good pain anymore, and he pulled out, turned me over, ripped the condom off, and beat off for twenty seconds before coming on my belly.

  No one had ever come on me before. Both men had always came in the condom, and I was a little grossed out, and then a little mortified when he rubbed it into me, but then he said, “Needed to mark you — to make you mine. You can shower tomorrow, but I hope you’ll sleep with me like this, so you smell like me all night long.”

  If that wasn’t just the most romantic thing ever, I didn’t know what was. I grabbed his shoulders, pulled us to each other, and kissed him with as much force and gusto as I could manage — I knew it wouldn’t compare to the way he could kiss me, but I wanted to show him how much he meant to me, how special this night had been, and how much I fucking wanted to belong to him.

  He let me kiss him until I pulled back, and he put his hand to the back of my head and touched our foreheads to each other. “Feel the same way, Half-pint.”

  I fell asleep in his arms, and awakened to my alarm at seven the next morning. I hit snooze and rolled over to go back to sleep, but he poked me in the ribs. “Alarm means get up. Doesn’t mean roll over.”

  “Sure it does.”

  He swatted my butt. “Up.”

  I pulled the blanket over my head. “No.”

  He yanked both the blanket and sheet off me, pulled me over his lap, and his hand hit my butt hard. I screamed, but it was cut short because his hand hit me again. And again. It was too fast for me to handle, too much, too hard. I scrabbled to try to get away but he held me with one hand and spanked with the other, and I was helpless to do anything except scream and try to breathe.

  His hand is huge, and he spanks damned hard. It hurt just as much as his belt had — what had made me think his hand would be better? I kicked, screamed, and desperately tried to escape, but he held me firm and kept spanking. I yelled and screamed, and tears filled my eyes.

  It felt like he hit me fifty times, but he told me later it was only a dozen, and that he planned to add six to that number if we had to do it again.

  When he finished, he stood me beside the bed.

  “You won’t be late to class again. Not on my watch. Shower. Now.”

  I rubbed my bottom. “You can’t do that.”

  He lifted a brow. “Keep it up and you’ll get the belt. We’ll discuss rules over breakfast, but there are going to be consequences for being late, or for making choices that will make you late.”

  He let me shower and get ready without bugging me, and he handed me a bottled coffee when I came out of the bathroom. He also showed me a black bandanna, turned me so I could watch in the mirror, twirled my hair into a twist behind me, folded it up the top of my head, and expertly tied the bandanna to hold it all in. “When you take the helmet off and then the bandanna, it should go back to the way you had it fixed. Otherwise, it’ll be a mess when you get there.”

  “I look like a biker chick.”

  He laughed. “Pretty sure that’s what you are, Half-pint.”

  A week ago, I’d have been horrified, but with Bubbles standing behind me, I was right where I wanted to be. Even though I could still feel his hot handprints on my bottom.

  I followed him to the kitchen, and he had breakfast ready and waiting. I sat in my seat. “You’ll take me to class, pick me up, we get something to eat, and you’ll take me to work — right?”

  He nodded. “We’ll go to the RTMC’s restaurant for dinner, and you can use the office to do homework when we finish. How sore are you from last night?”

  I looked down, embarrassed. My insides were fucking raw, but I didn’t want to admit it. “I’m okay.”

  He sighed, and I realized he’d probably seen that as a lie. “I’m sore, but I’m okay. It’s fine. I don’t regret a thing about last night.” We still needed to talk about this morning, though.


  How the fuck did he know there was a but?

  “Why did you, umm…” Shit, how the hell was I supposed to ask? I was mortified, but I needed to know. “Why did you finish like that?”

  He leaned around the table, lif
ted me, and brought me into his lap. No fucking way was he that strong, but he did it as if I were a five-pound doll.

  “You’re short, I’m not. If I go all the way inside you, I’ll be up in your chest cavity. Not your fault, not my fault — it’s just the way things are. There are some work-arounds, but you aren’t ready for them yet.”

  “So, you’ll never be able to…” I died a little inside. If I could never satisfy him, there was no way we’d work.

  “I loved last night.” He cupped my cheek in his always-warm palm and tipped my head until I was looking at him. “There are work-arounds. It isn’t a big deal. One month of getting used to me, and we’ll start talking about the kinky alternatives, okay? Trust me?”

  I was trusting him to keep me safe, could I trust him in this? I wasn’t sure.

  “Where are we? I mean, we’ve only known each other a couple of days, and I have no right to ask for anything from you, but…” I stopped and tried again. “I haven’t been with anyone else in a long time, so promising not to see other people isn’t a big deal for me, but I have a feeling you screw around a lot.”

  “I do, but I’m willing to give this some time, to see what happens.”

  “So, you’re saying we’re, like, officially a thing?”

  He laughed. “Yeah. You’re mine, and I’ll make that clear when I introduce you at the restaurant this afternoon. You good with meeting more of my friends, and possibly more ol’ladies?”

  “I need more makeup.”

  Okay, it might seem a shallow thing to say, but Gen had made me feel so damned insignificant, and I wasn’t going to feel that way around her again. I have to wear black scrubs to school, but I had a cute little outfit to change into for work, and it’d be fine to meet his friends. We all have our talents, and one of mine is the ability to look completely different with makeup.


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