
Home > Paranormal > Bubbles > Page 33
Bubbles Page 33

by Candace Blevins

  I wanted to take her to the North Carolina mountains, but it’d be more than a day trip and I couldn’t until I got my damned end-of-parole notification. The Georgia website said I was a free man, but Zeke advised me to wait until I had the piece of paper. Frustrating, but the end was in sight and I needed to chill.

  I watched Lexi and Gen drive away, and looked at the clock. Lexi would let me know when she got there, and I knew she’d be safe with Bethany’s men around. Tonight was the party for Drake employees and their spouses, and Bethany was considered a spouse — Lexi was going to do her hair for the party, which meant I had a few hours to myself.

  Problem was, I preferred having my Half-pint around.

  I played video games and was about to fix something to eat when my phone alarmed to let me know I had a message on the encrypted app.

  The message said to get to the clubhouse for an emergency meeting. I responded I was on my way, and then checked the temperature. Twenty-six. Damn. I slid a hoody on over my shirt and jeans, grabbed my truck keys, locked up, and left.

  Lexi and Gen were going to get their toenails done together once they got Bethany taken care of, so I didn’t expect her back for a while.

  Brothers park in the garage when we’re in cages, so LEO can’t easily peek in and see who’s present. The lot should’ve been mostly empty. It wasn’t full, but there were still more cars than expected.

  However, nothing hit my radar until I stepped inside and smelled so many people. The door closed behind me and I only saw a handful of ol’ladies, but I smelled everyone.

  And then my heart completely stopped beating when people popped up from behind sofas and screamed, “Surprise!”

  I pushed my wolf down and assured him we were okay. Duke made it to me first and handed me an envelope. The room was silent while I opened it and read.

  I read it twice, and then double-checked the header. I looked at the envelope again. It was real, and I was fucking free. No more check-ins. No more searching me just because they fucking could.

  I was officially out of the system.

  I looked up and saw people handing things out from behind the bar. Within minutes, birds were hanging all over the damned place, and a huge Jailbird Joey cake was in the center of the room.

  My Atlanta brothers had thrown me a huge welcome home party when I got out, and now my new chapter was telling me how happy they were I’d passed the final step. The finish line.

  A whole era of my life was finally over. Well, not completely. I couldn’t vote, or legally own weapons, or travel outside the country, but… whatever. The cops couldn’t hassle me anymore just because.

  Well, they could, but I had recourse now.

  My heart stopped beating again when Lexi walked to me in a little… fuck, I didn’t know what kind of costume it was. I Dream of Genie? Or maybe a belly dancer? She was barely covered on top and bottom with actual fabric, but then there was this filmy, floaty fabric as pants and an open blousy kinda thing. I had no idea what it was, but it was sexy as fuck, and she didn’t walk to me — she glided.

  She stopped in front of me and motioned me down to her. I put my head down, and she pulled it so her mouth was at my ear.

  “Since this is the only pussy you’re gettin’ tonight, I figured I’d decorate it.”

  I put my mouth to her ear. “Your pussy’s the only one I want, but let’s not forget that oh-so-fine ass.”

  I prefer whiskey to tequila, and a cheer went up when Gonzo upturned a bottle of Jack and ran it over five rows of shot glasses someone had already set up. I put Lexi on my hip, walked around the bar, and started downing them. The entire clubhouse counted as I tossed them back, but after the first twenty or thirty, I didn’t really hear them.

  They’d put fifty out, and I did every last one of them. They filled them three times and I managed every shot, but waved Gonzo away when he went to refill them again.

  The tradition is to fuck your ol’lady from there. No one sees her, but they’d see me. I looked at her, still on my hip, and knew that wasn’t for her.

  I turned my back to the bar, walked her into the kitchen, closed the door behind us, and settled her on the large prep table.

  And then looked at the costume. I didn’t want to take it off, but I’d have to if I wanted to fuck her. I wasn’t just buzzed, I was fucking drunk.

  She lifted her legs and pulled the damned panty-things on her ass apart. I heard Velcro, and felt of the two sides.

  “Fuck me.”

  “No,” she laughed. “You’re supposed to fuck me.”

  I didn’t need any more reminding. I wasn’t too drunk to get my own pants unfastened.


  * * *

  Even drunk, he knew what I needed. I was mentally prepared for him to do me in the bar area — I’d even worn the outfit to try to make it look like I was okay with it, if it happened.

  And even though everyone out there knew what we were doing, and would probably hear every bit of it, bringing me to the kitchen was perfect.

  I’d wanted to show how much I belong to him. The idea of doing it in the bar had appealed for that reason, but I’d have still been embarrassed. This, however, was the best of both worlds.

  Bubbles stuck a finger in me, pulled it out, stuck it in his mouth, and then aimed his dick and sank into me without further ado. No foreplay, no prep, which meant it was a lot to take all at once, but I spread my legs and took him into me.

  The instant he was a few inches in, he went fatter, and fatter, and fatter. I wasn’t wearing a plug in my ass, so I had a little more room inside than usual, but he’d never gone so thick so fast before.

  I totally forgot about the fact there was a huge party going on fifteen feet away, on the other side of a wall.

  “Not so fast! Fuck, it’s too much! I can’t!”

  “Yeah, Half-pint, you can, and you will.” He completely stopped moving, still huge inside me.

  “Look. At. Me.”

  I met his gaze and my body stilled. My insides heated even more. My clit throbbed in time to my racing heart.

  “All or nothing, sweetheart. What do you want?”

  “All. I want it all.”

  “Don’t look away.”

  I’d had a few shots before he arrived, but just enough for the courage needed to slink my way to him in that outfit, in front of everyone.

  I’d learned to take his cock sober, but it was still easier drunk and I was barely buzzed.

  But it didn’t matter. This was Bubbles, and even drunk, he knew how to take care of me. Still, I’m pretty sure he’d never gone so fat inside me, and when he started moving in earnest, the friction was more intense than I could ever remember, but it was perfect. Pain and pleasure until I wasn’t sure which was which, and eventually didn’t care. I screamed, shouted my love for him, and begged when I needed to come — but I didn’t ask him to back off or slow down again.

  I wanted it all.

  I’m told he fucked me at least an hour, and that I had an orgasm every five or ten minutes, maybe more. All I know is that I was a happy camper when we left the kitchen, I was back on Bubbles’ hip, and he took a bow with a big flourish of his arm when everyone clapped.

  When the clapping died down, I looked at Gen. “Tequila. Lots and lots of tequila.”

  More laughter, and just like that, I had a shot glass, some limes, a salt shaker, and a full bottle of tequila.



  * * *

  We had all kinds of data on what the cartel was up to, but Abbott had asked us to hold off on doing anything.

  Jiminy’s never pinged as anything but human to me, but we’d recently been assured he’s about a sixteenth demon, with connections in the Hell realm.

  Add to this, when we reconned the El Atroz clubhouse in Henagar, we’d smelled Celrau.

  My house has a safe room in the basement, and I made sure it was well stocked with food, water, guns, and ammo.

  The entire club seemed to be
waiting for the next shoe to drop. We were in a holding pattern. Every last one of us wanted to take them out, but we were doing as Aaron and Abbott asked and holding back. The assumption was that they’d hit Celrau in other places while we took out El Atroz, and it was a good plan, but waiting stung. Still, we planned to blow up a few buildings when we took them out, so having carnage in other places might take some of the heat off us.

  Meanwhile, Duke and Brain ordered twice-a-week fight practice for everyone — brothers, ol’ladies, and friends of the club.

  Lexi isn’t the best fighter, but she’s scrappy and good at taking people by surprise. Still, I worried about her.

  So, when Razor let me know Lexi wasn’t in class ten minutes after it started, I tried to call her. My heart sank into my feet when she didn’t answer her phone. I’m not scared of much, but I was terrified in that moment.

  I called the control room and McGyver answered.

  “Lexi isn’t in class and isn’t answering her phone.”

  Five seconds of silence, and, “It isn’t showing up. Must be turned off. Hang on, lemme see if we have something on her car.”

  Twenty seconds later. “She’s on the move. Two miles from Razor.” Ten more seconds of silence. “Based on the turn she just made, I’d say she’s headed to him.”

  Lexi and I had been round and round about her learning to be punctual. In short, she sucks at it. It’s one of my biggest demands on her, and I don’t think I’m being unreasonable. This class was scheduled at this time specifically to fit into her schedule. Gen, Gabby, Tippy, Destiny, and even a few of the sweetbutts & workin’ girls were taking it, and I was willing to bet they’d all been on time.

  I washed my hands, changed into a clean shirt, and got a text from Razor saying she’d shown up.

  Fifteen fucking minutes late.

  I grabbed my phone and texted him.

  You mind me interrupting your class to make a point?

  If it’ll keep her from being late in the future, be my guest.

  It took me five minutes to drive there and park, and class was underway when I walked in. Lexi looked at me and her scent gave off even more fear than her wide eyes, but I didn’t give a shit. She should be scared after being fifteen minutes late.

  I’d give her a chance to explain herself first, though.

  “Why were you late?”

  She looked at the floor. “I stopped by Etta’s to see her new car and I lost track of time.”

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  More fear. “I forgot my charging cord, so I couldn’t plug it into my car. It’s dead.”

  The main studio has huge picture windows so people from the street can see inside, but we’d determined it was a security risk to leave them as they were, so we’d put stuff on them to make them cloudy. You could see movement inside, but not who was moving, or exactly what they were doing. I started to take her in the back for this, to keep from disrupting class even more, but this wasn’t going to take much longer, and the lesson would be so much better if her friends saw it.

  I met Razor’s gaze. “Stand with Tippy, please.”

  He gave me a lopsided smile, obviously looking forward to whatever I was about to do. He went to Tippy and whispered in her ear, “He loves her. This is about correction, not punishment.” No one heard him but Tippy, Gabby, and me. Everyone else taking the class was human.

  Meanwhile, I stalked to my Half-pint, yanked her yoga pants and panties down to her knees, dropped to the floor on my knees, and pulled her down over my lap. It was wolf-fast, but I was careful not to hurt her.


  I looked to Razor. “Fifteen minutes late?”

  “Fourteen, but it took her another three to change clothes and make it to the floor.”

  I nodded, and then popped her ass hard seventeen times. She was screaming after the fourth, but only because I spanked so fast it took her that much time to process the pain and react. The entire spanking took far less than a minute.

  She was frantic when I finished, but I’d locked her hands to the small of her back with my left hand and she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “One for each minute you were late. Now, let’s talk about your phone. What’s your number one rule?”

  “Don’t do something stupid that could get me hurt.”

  She barely got it out between the sobs, but she managed.

  “And the second?”

  “Unless I’m in class or working, I answer the phone when you call, and I respond to your texts right away.”

  “I was scared, Lexi. You were late, and you didn’t answer your phone.”

  Her sobs grew even more intense. “I’m sorry!”

  Not yet, she wasn’t. I started spanking again, and counted to fifty this time. She was a mess when I finished, but I wasn’t in the mood to coddle her — we’d been through this too many times. I stood her up and made sure she had her balance.

  “Pull your pants up and finish class. If Razor tells me your heart wasn’t in it, you’ll be spanked after class. I’m taking your phone to work with me so I can charge it for you. Stop by there and pick it up before you go to work — and to get your next spanking if you aren’t a model fucking student for the next thirty damned minutes.” I stood and looked down at her. “You’ll get another seventeen from the belt tonight when you get home. You are going to learn to be on time or you won’t sit comfortably ever again.”

  I was most of the way to the door when I remembered Tippy. I dropped my shoulders, took a breath, and turned to her. “You okay?”

  Her eyes were huge and her arms crossed. However, I smelled alarm and concern, but no fear. “Yes, but thanks for checking in with me. You were scared for her.”

  “I was fuckin’ terrified, and I’m not in the habit of feelin’ fear.”

  Razor gave me a nod. He had this. I turned and left.


  * * *

  I was mortified. He’d spanked me like a child in front of my friends, and now my bottom was on fire and I couldn’t stop crying.

  How in the hell was I supposed to concentrate?

  Razor went to the front of the room and started working through moves we’d been working on for weeks. Block, block, punch, rotate, elbow, run. Block, block, punch, rotate, elbow, run. We’d do it a few feet from a wall, facing it, and spin and run to the other wall to do it again. And again. He told us we were building muscle memory so we’d do this in a crisis without even thinking about it.

  And we’d been doing it long enough, it centered me. I stopped thinking about my humiliation and firecracker-hot bottom and focused on the movements.

  Later, when he taught us something new, he didn’t make me go to the front and do it like he usually does.

  When class was over, he asked me to go to the office with him. He stood behind the desk, leaned over it, braced on his fists.

  “I’d have torn Matty up over that, too. I’d probably take it a step farther and give the instructor permission to belt him in front of the class for being late in the future.”

  I crossed my arms and stared at the floor. No way would Bubbles do that. I hoped.

  “I’ve texted him to let him know you did well in class once we started, but this is me telling you that you disrupt class when you aren’t already dressed and ready to start on time. Bubbles isn’t the only one upset with you. I’ve talked to him about your schedule over the next week, and you don’t have anything planned for early Saturday. I expect you here at six o’clock sharp Saturday morning to wet mop and then dry the floors. We have video surveillance, and I’ll ask Brain to send me the video showing your arrival, your activities while you’re here, and then your exit. The first class is at eight, and you’ll be expected to complete your work by then. The supplies you’ll need will be out and ready for you.”

  I glared at him. “So, I’m being punished twice?!”

  He shrugged. “Most parents have a rule that if you get in trouble at school, you’ll be in trouble when you
get home, too. Consider it the same. This isn’t the first time you disrupted my class by being late, but you had us worried about you today.”

  I stared at my feet and tried not to cry, and he touched my chin and pressed up.

  “We worry because we care. Get going, so you can pick up your phone, eat, and get to work. I’ll let him know I detained you a few minutes and you’re on your way.”

  Bubbles was waiting for me in the parking lot, and I pulled up to him and rolled down my window. With any luck, he’d hand it to me and I’d be on my way.

  I should’ve known better.

  “If you’d had your phone, I’d have texted you I’d meet you at the restaurant.” He walked around my car, tried to open the door, and glared at me when he realized it was locked. I hit the switch and he got in.

  “Don’t even,” I told him. “If it’d been unlocked you’d have bitched about me not being fucking safe.”

  He laughed. “Point, but you should’ve unlocked it once you realized I was getting in.”

  “Why did you get in?”

  “We’re eating at the restaurant.”

  I crossed my arms and kept my foot on the brake. “No. Everyone will know you spanked me by now. If you want to eat with me, fine, but not there.”

  He sighed. “Yes, there. Hit it head-on or it’ll just be harder later. I’m with you to make it easier.”

  “I’m pissed at you.”

  “I’m aware, but you knew the consequences.”

  “I didn’t know you’d do it in front of people!”

  He looked sad. “Yeah, Lex, you did.”

  Okay, so yeah, it was technically in our agreement that if I got in trouble in front of the club he could spank me in front of them if it was a repeat offense, and/or if it was something I’d done against the club or a member – but I never thought it would actually happen!

  “Razor says I have to mop the floors Saturday morning before the sun even comes up.”


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