Star Raiders and the Lost Expidition

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Star Raiders and the Lost Expidition Page 7

by M. Shaunessy

  Tygla frowned and said softly, “I’m sorry father. I had to go and find help.”

  King Rymu looked at the two human pilots and their ship wondering what kind of help Tygla got. He did not like strangers escorting his daughter throughout the galaxy without him knowing.

  She looked at her new friends and said, “Oh, I’m rudely sorry father, let me introduce you two. Mike, Justin. This is my father, King Rymu.”

  “Hi,” Mike replied holding out his hand for a handshake.

  King Rymu shook his hand in good gesture as he did the same to Justin. Tygla’s father was an older version Xman, but he was a bit shorter and had a grown a furry mane around his chin. Mike thought that he did not look like a king at all, just some father.

  Tygla continued, “Father this is Mike Tippin and Justin Jobbs. They’re my, uh, new private guards.”

  “Say what?!” Justin exclaimed not believing what she said as Mike calmed him down with a hand gesture.

  Tygla concluded, “They’ll be staying here for a couple of days, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Well,” he pondered looking at them. He did not know why Tygla had picked them to be private guards, but he was sure that she had her reasons. And even now they desperately needed more guards and soldiers he made his decision, “All right, but let me inform you this, it’s been rough for us all, most of the common rooms have been severely damaged, so you’ll be staying in the main castle,” he proclaimed.

  Tygla said happily, “Oh, thank you daddy,” she kissed him on the cheek, but her father tried to smile, but he was too disappointed in Tygla’s actions.

  “But I want to talk to you young lady. Alone”

  Tygla sighed and replied grimly, “Yes father.”

  King Rymu, Tygla and the guards left the launch pad through the door. Mike and Justin got their things and followed them.

  Inside it was something that Mike and Justin had never seen in their lives before. Even though that the Empire had destroyed most of the city, the palace seemed that it was never touched. Mike inquired about that and Rymu explained that they had a shield generator turned on round their home. Tygla said after the battle she snuck away in a public transport ship and arrived at Cian. They walked down the hall and Mike noticed all the fancy paintings around. He then saw Tygla’s painting and she told him that it was painted during her coronation when she was eighteen. He then knew that he could never be good for her. Justin was right she was way out of her league.

  She escorted the two to their room and Tygla told them that she was going to her room to clean herself up and would see them later. They both entered and saw the room. Justin never thought that he would see the day that he would be sleeping in a luxurious room such as the one Tygla pick out. It was big, so big in fact; you could put the Condor in the room. It had a full size bathroom, entertainment center, and more. Justin and Mike was very impressed and started to unpack. A half an hour later, once Mike and Justin finished unpacking, there was a tone at the door. Mike went over and opened it and their stood Tygla in her proper royal gown. She was in a white long silk dress with a v-neck line in front. Her hair was done and braided she glimmered in the sun like a white diamond.

  “Wow, your beautiful,” Mike remarked astonishingly. “Just like a true princess.”

  Tygla blushed entering the room, “Why thank you Mike.”

  “OK,” Justin said sitting on his bed, “Why did you lie to your dad back on the pad?”

  “If my father ever found out that you were bounty hunters, he’d kill me,” Tygla replied, “He doesn’t like the idea of ruffians living in the castle. Besides, you promised me.”

  “Yes we did,” Mike commented, “But one clear thing, we’re not bounty hunters, we’re adventures. So what’s the plan for getting your brother?”

  “Well, we have to access the control room, when no one’s around, so we have to do this after hours. Therefore, I convinced my father that you‘d be my special guest for dinner tonight. After dinner, we'll all meet in the control room. I am sure no one will be there at that hour. We’ll then plan for his rescue,” Tygla informed.

  Justin said, “I thought we were you private guards?”

  “You are,” she replied, “But for now, you’re my guests, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay,” said Justin, “We’ll play it your way for now.”

  “Good,” she said, “Dinner’s at six. And don’t be late.”

  “Anything else my love, I mean Tygla?” Mike asked quickly correcting himself.

  Tygla replied and she thought he said ‘her love’, but ignored it, “Yes, I hope you have something better to wear than what you have on now. When we have guests for dinner, it’s kind of formal.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Mike, “We won’t embarrass you.”

  “I hope not,” she said flirting to Mike as she left the room.

  “You’re getting too cute for her, Mike,” Justin warned.

  “I think she likes me,” Mike replied dreamily as he leaned against the door.

  “Get real,” Justin ended, “Say, do we even have formalwear?”

  Later that night in the dining room, everybody entered. Mike and Justin had to borrow a couple of suits, as they were handsomely dressed, with their black tuxedos and jacket. King Rymu however was in his royal purple king’s attire complete with robe. Mike noticed that the room had to be large enough for the long banquet to fit in. He saw more paintings on the wall. Some he recognized from his old earth history book. They must be replicas he thought.

  “I’m sorry for all the mess that’s around here, but some of my servants had to seek safe refuge from the last battle we had with the Xatu,” remarked Rymu.

  Everybody sat down expect Tygla. She picked up her glass and said, “I like to propose a toast,” then everybody picked up his or her glasses and Tygla continued, “To my brother, I hope he is here, with us, in spirit. And I also wish he will return home safely.”

  “A beautiful speech Tygla,” commented Mike as she sat down next to him.

  “Can we have the first course?” The King asked.

  One of the servants who decided to stay came in with a cart. On top of the cart sat a silver tray with a dome lid. The servant removed the top and the delicious smell filled the room. Another servant entered caring two bowls. One of them was salad, and the other was some mixed vegetables. He placed it on the table and began serving the others.

  Mike sniffed the savory odor and asked, “What is it?”

  The king turned towards Mike and replied, “It’s a unique old Earth delicatessen you might like, Beef Wellington.”

  “Beef Wellington?” Mike questioned.

  The king replied, “What? You thought it was some erotic Felinis dish?” He laughed and continued, “Eat up.”

  The Felinis servants served the divine dish and everybody enjoyed it. Mike could not help think what Tygla said in her toast. He wanted to help her, but he also wanted to get some advice.

  “Your majesty,” Mike started as Rymu looked to him after sipping his wine, “I know that your son has been kidnapped and I want to help in any way to get him back for you.”

  “That is a very considerate of you,” replied Rymu “But I’m afraid you cannot help. I don’t have enough soldiers to guard the castle let alone for a rescue mission. I’m sure you understand. Besides, I need someone to guard my only daughter. That is why she chose you, right?”

  Mike was distraught and agreed with him, “Right, but if we had enough people to spare, I’m sure you would find a way.” Tylga looked at Mike and did not like where this was leading. “So speaking hypothetically, any idea how we’d spring him out, if we had too?”

  “My boy, you do not know the Empire’s ships as we do. It’s impossible to break in their defenses and ‘spring’ my son out,” the King announced.

  Mike could not believe his ears, “So you’re gonna just leave him there for the Empire’s doing?”

  “I don’t like it more than you do Mr. Tippin, but it is t
he best safest way to ensure my people’s freedom. Now can we change the subject?”

  “Our people’s freedom?” Tygla inquired, “What are you talking about?”

  Rymu frowned a bit, afraid to tell her what he had done knowingly that it would upset her.

  “I had to act like a king Tygla, to ensure our people’s lives and freedom. One day when you are queen, you will know what I am talking about.”

  “You traded Xman for your people’s freedom, didn’t you?” Mike said as Rymu nodded slowly.

  Tygla did not believe what she was hearing.

  “How could you do that?!” Tygla said in disbelief as tears start to form in her eyes.

  “It was a decision I did not want to make, but it was for best interest to our home. You must understand this Tygla,” Rymu replied.

  “I-I hate you,” Tygla said softly, got up and ordered her private guards moodily, “Mike, Justin. I like to be escorted to my room, now.”

  Mike and Justin both got up. Mike noticed that Tygla’s mood has changed and he did not like it. He then thought he probably went overboard asking her father about Xman’s imprisonment.

  “That beef Wellington was delicious your highness,” said Mike trying to make Tygla’s mood better.

  Justin added, “Yeah, the dinner was great.”

  Then they followed the princess out the door and into the hall. She then turned towards and snapped at Mike with an unpleasing look on her face. She did not like the way Mike was wondering about her brother. She was so mad at her father she took it on her new friends.

  “Look, I know that you’re upset,” Mike said calmly.

  “Upset?!” Tygla snapped, “You have any Idea what you did back there?”

  “Do what?” He replied.

  Tygla said arrogantly, “Offered my father your assistance. I told you he wouldn’t help, didn’t I?” Mike was then speechless as she continued down the corridor feeling so mad at him right now. Mike realized that he screwed up and wanted to apologize to her somehow. Once they gotten to Tygla’s room she suddenly snapped at them again, “And if you ever talk to my father like that again, I’ll, I’ll, I don’t know what I’ll do, just…Arrrg!” She then stormed into her room and closed the door.

  “Nice going Casanova,” remarked Justin.

  Mike replied, “What did I say?” He sighed awfully and continued, “I better go talk to her.”

  Justin nodded, “Good idea, I’ll give Digan a call to see if he got another job, just in case this one doesn’t work out.”

  Mike nodded back as Justin when to their room. Mike wanted to find out what he did to upset her. Maybe he can apologize and make her feel better. He pushed a button next to the door and a soft tone rang.

  “Go away,” she cried. She did not want anything to do with Mike anymore. He then realized how much he upset her. Then the door slid open as Mike walked in. He saw her lying on her luxurious lace canopy bed crying in her pink satin pillow. Her room was the same size of Mike’s, but it has a sense of feminine décor only a princess had. “I told you to go away,” she said sobbingly.

  Mike said gently, “Listen Tygla, I’m sorry what I said to your father at dinner,” Tygla looked up at him in a confused face. He saw her tears and frowned, “I just wanted him to know what we were doing, so he won’t worry.”

  “Worry?! Michael, he practically sent my brother to his death,” Tygla replied unhappily. “He doesn’t care about us anymore. All he cares about is his kingdom and his people. I don’t know who he is anymore.”

  Mike sat next to her and said, “Hey, he’s a father, at least that’s what I saw on the landing pad. He’s also a leader. I bet it was hard for him to decide between the two. Just like my dad did when we got separated. They love us, so don’t say he doesn’t care for you, because he does.”

  She just looked at him then hugged him tightly as she cried some more. Mike rubber her back trying to calm her down. She then sniffed her nose trying to stop as she realized he was right, “I suppose you are right. Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’m just mad at my father for what he did, trading my brother’s freedom for my planet. But, I-I suppose it was wise for him. I-I just love him so, you must understand that.”

  What they did not know was King Rymu stopped outside her door. He frowned, knowing this hurt her so. If he had the manpower, he would go after the Xatu that kidnapped his son.

  “I know you do,” he said trying to comfort her, “But uh you know, I just realized something,” Mike continued, “We’ve never done a rescue mission before I don’t think.”

  “What?!” Exclaimed Tygla as he looked to him sniffling.

  Mike wiped her tears away from her soft face, “Well we’re treasure hunters. Not rescuers.”

  “That’s why you tried to get advice from my father. So why did you take the job?” She asked looking sternly in his eyes.

  “We’re desperate for money and back on Cian you seem desperate for anybody to help you. Therefore, I rather figured we’d help each other out. Hey, it’s first time for anything.”

  Smiled a bit and said calmly, “I suppose.” Her expression changed to sadness as she gazed down to the bed sheet, “But what the use now, for all I know, he could be...dead by now.”

  “Don’t say that,” Mike said lifting her chin, “You got to have hope.”

  She nodded to him looking into his blue eyes.

  “You know you’re right, my father does love me,” she said as she calmed down, “I’ve just been a selfish cub. Maybe I should apologize to him.”

  Rymu smiled and at that remark, at first he did not know what Mike was until now, a caring person. He was a bit surprised that Tygla lied to him, saying that Mike was a personal guard, but he guessed that she had a good reason. Tygla could not pick out a better guard. He decided to leave them alone and went to bed.

  Tygla paused for a moment, looked at Mike more obsessively than before, and said softly, “You know, the first time I saw you, something inside me said you were the right one, for me.” She then kissed him tenderly on the lips. A spark ignited between them. Tygla never fell in love with a human before, but Mike was somehow different, “Thanks,” she said softly. “And for some reason, you are right about my brother. I could feel that he still out there and alive, and he needs our help. Meet me in the control room in ten minutes,” Tygla said.

  “Aright,” Mike said.

  He was still dazed from the kiss and hesitated for moment before getting up. He wanted to stay longer but he knew she needed her privacy.

  Once he left, Tygla just realized what she did. She kissed a human. The law forbade a Felinis to fall in love with one. Ever since Earth probes discovered and colonized Felinorin, a short civil war broke out when Tygla’s great-great aunt fell in love with a human. Her great-great aunt’s father disapproved and declared war on the humans. Their successors did not like this and banned inter racial relationships, but Tygla did not care. That was from the old days, before the Xatu. Mike was not like the other humans or male Felinis. He was different. He was someone that she could express her feelings to without him turning his head away, uncaring about her. She did not want any snobby royal duke or prince like that. She wanted someone who led an exciting life, like Mike. It was a little stupid at first, but Tygla thought that she was falling for him. Even though her father and brother would be furious if they knew that she loved him, she had to keep this her little secret.

  She then closed her eyes, feeling a bit scared, but she sighed shaking the feeling away. She looked in her mirror admiring her beauty and wondered if he felt the same as she did. She changed in her pink satin pajamas and met Mike and Justin in the Control Room.

  The door opened in the darkened control room. As Tygla hushed them to be quiet, she turned on the lights. Technicians filled the entire room with computers and comport screens.

  “If your father finds out we’re in here, he’ll kill us,” said Justin.

  Tygla replied, “Don’t worry, the electrical security devices w
as damaged in the battle.” She turned on one of the working equipment, an Electric Graph Grid as the two looked around. “Besides, by father wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s gentle as a cub.”

  “Look at all this stuff,” Justin fantasized.

  Tygla had better equipment then they did on the Condor. He saw an Advanced Weapons Console in the corner, a modified shield generator panel next to it. He also saw a Crylon Crystal Generator controller on the other side.

  Tygla replied, “Most of this stuff has been damaged from the battle,” she typed in her password and continued, “Except for this.”

  “Can you get in?” Mike wondered

  “It’s not problem for me,” she replied trying to impress them. Especially Mike, “I have complete access to all the computer networks.”


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