Lost Boys Academy (Book Two: Distraction)

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Lost Boys Academy (Book Two: Distraction) Page 1

by Aaron Ferrara

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Coming Soon

  Lost Boys


  Book 2: Distraction



  Copyright 2015, AARON FERRARA

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is this book or electronic version to be reproduced without the written consent of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, situations, names and events are produced from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, alive or deceased is purely coincidental. Please be warned that this book contains graphic language, and some graphic situations.


  For Jonathan Ferrara.

  For without his encouragement and passion for writing, I would have never picked up a pen—or keyboard.

  Special thanks to Sam Blackburn.

  Editor extraordinaire.

  Chapter One



  Books landed in scattered piles across the floor as Jake’s backside collided into a tall, wooden bookcase. Rough, masculine hands shackled his wrists, rendering him powerless. He bit his bottom lip with pleasure as his arms became pinned up against the hard oak. The physical part of him—normally a hard, youthful physique—was now numb from the adrenaline. He felt no pain from the thrusting advances of the overpowering, stronger man. Excitement coursed through him, causing all of the hairs on his body to stand on end as any and all inhibitions he held onto melted away.

  He couldn’t believe this day had come. Jake was finally going to win the bet he had made with Jimmy at the beginning of the semester—a bet that had been taunting him the moment it was sealed. He was used to guys bending over backwards for him, both figuratively and literally. Mr. Pierce, however, was not an easy feat for the wide-eyed brunette in a teal tank top. Jake had tried everything to get him to crack, but he was reformed, and not even his chiseled, upper body and big, brown eyes could break Mr. Pierce’s three year sobriety from sexual contact with other men. Only, today was different. Jake Parker was going to be the guy who penetrated his thick walls of abstinence. Today was the day he was going to have sex with the head teacher of The Lost Boys Academy.

  The expression on Mr. Pierce’s face was animalistic. His scruffy beard appeared as though it hadn’t been shaved in days. His eyebrows furrowed, lips curled into an earnest snarl. Jake could feel tension growing between the two of them just by his gaze. Those wild, chestnut eyes said it all. Mr. Pierce had never looked so raw, so unkempt, so… hot!

  Mr. Pierce released his grip, leaving Jake to stumble forward momentarily. Before he had a chance to catch himself, Jake felt the large, burly hands of his teacher wrap around his toned waist. In an instant, his backside was slammed onto the hardwood surface of his desk. Mr Pierce leaned in, slowly pressing his face into Jake’s, locking their lips together.

  Jake was not used to being on this side of the coin. He was the one who picked up guys while he was out shopping with friends, at a party held up in the Hollywood Hills, or even (if the mood struck) at work. There was always an extra on set that was willing to please the star of one of the top rated shows on television. But the way Mr. Pierce was being so forceful…it was nice not being the one in control for once.

  Mr. Pierce continued to become more aggressive. He asserted himself up against Jake as they leaned back. Further they went until Jake’s back was level with the hard surface of the desk.

  Mr. Pierce yielded from Jake’s puffy, bottom lip and slid his tongue downward. He breathed gently onto Jake’s neck as he made his way further down to his smooth chest.

  Jake could feel his warm exhalations whispering along his neck…his collarbone…his chest. He shuddered. He had to bite his lip to steady the vibration of his flesh. The hot stream of breath moving against his body became unbearable to handle. He closed his eyes in ecstasy, wrapping his legs around Mr. Pierce’s hips like a vice grip. With his muscular thighs and strong arms, he propped himself up onto his elbows so he could get a good look at him. He swept his own messy, damp hair out of his face. The suspense was far too great now. His particularly vivid imagination was no longer enough to satisfy his thriving curiosity.

  Jake had waited much too long to see what Mr. Pierce was packing. He tried multiple times to provoke his teacher to notice him staring at his bulge. It was a hard thing to miss as he flaunted it during class, knowingly or not, swinging back and forth in those tan slacks. He would play out scenarios in his head from time to time, how he would justify his behavior in case he ever got caught gawking. However, this was the Lost Boys Academy. There was no surprise that Jake was gay and in need of rehabilitation. Who could punish him for having a casual lapse of judgement?

  But the day had finally arrived. At last he would be able to claim what he had been waiting for. Mr. Pierce cracked, and after three years of no sex, he was no longer going to be able to call himself an abstinent man.

  Jake yanked at Mr. Pierce’s belt like a puppy with a rope. He fidgeted with the buckle until it clanked open. Slowly and purposefully, he pulled the zipper down, gripping the waistband of his skin-tight briefs.

  The elastic snapped against Mr. Pierce’s hip as he took a step back, liberating himself from Jake’s hold. He shot Jake a seductive grin and squinted his eyes, working his hands down his front.

  Jake smiled back. His heart hammered inside his chest. He remained frozen with his legs spread on the desk, eagerly awaiting what was to come. He gazed up at Mr. Pierce with his forehead wrinkled in suspense.

  Mr. Pierce placed one hand on his hip. With his free hand, he gripped the waistband of his underwear. He tugged down from the front, slowly exposing his member inch by inch. A thud struck the desk. Jake marveled at the gift that was presented right before his very eyes: a reveal that proved to be well worth the wait.

  Jake gasped awake.

  His mouth was dry and his heart was still flying a mile a minute from the racy dream. Judging from the heavy light pouring in through the single window of the dorm room he currently called home, he figured that he must be late for class. Just as he was about to pry himself out from a warm bed, he noticed his roommate across the room, still wrapped in the comfort of his own sheets. Jimmy was never late for anything—ever. After a brief moment, Jake put two and two together and realized it was Saturday. In other words, it was their only day of freedom away from the confinements of a classroom.

  There was no chance of drifting back into slumber, so he stayed in bed with his hands casually folded behind his head, staring up at the ceiling.

  He was so fucking bored!

  Days in the Academy were beginning to feel like months. Every second that ticked by on one of the annoying wall clocks taunted him. He covered his in an attempt to drown out the irritating tick-tock, tick-tock.

  And then, he noticed something that he could not ignore no matter how hard he tried. The thin, green bed sheet was beginning to rise, pitching a tent around his crotch. This sudden notion was no doubt from the all too pleasant dream from the night before, leaking into the morning.

  He had to do something about it. He had been pent up for so long that he was actually starting to have dreams again; the kind of dreams in which his subconscious hadn't needed to resort to since freshman year. Why would he have the need to? He got more action than a keg at a frat party. Sexual contact was obviously forbidden at the Lost Boys Academy, and this was no doubt the longest month and a half of his entire nineteen

  He dragged his hands down his face in frustration as the growing problem continued to prod him. He rolled sideways and his eyes fell on Jimmy, who yawned as he kicked the covers off of himself, sound asleep. He couldn’t deny that his red-headed roommate was cute. He had a mellow, down-to-earth demeanor that could be somewhat sexy and sultry at times. But he wasn't exactly sure how Jimmy felt about him. He could almost always tell if a guy was into him. They would become nervous and stumble over their words; but not Jimmy. In the beginning, when they first arrived, he could tell Jimmy was on his jock. He read the signals and playfully flirted back. But as the weeks passed, Jake felt as though he was growing distant. They never got a chance to hook up, and Jake wasn’t all too sure he was ready to cross that line—just yet anyway.

  Then a thought popped into his head. It wasn't the first time the idea formulated in his head, but this time he was desperate to play it out. It was against the rules to hook up with another guy at the academy, but there weren't any rules against helping yourself out...

  Jake closed his eyes and drifted his hand over his bare chest. He dragged it down until he reached his waist, slipping his fingers under the cotton sheet. The thrill of the act alone was enough to take the tent from average to deluxe. Slowly, he moved further south, biting his bottom lip to mask his anticipation of release as he made his way towards the prize.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  A startled Jake jumped in place, quickly flipping over and squishing his member between his legs. He clenched his eyes shut tight.

  Mr. Pierce strolled into the room cautiously, as if he were making his way through a minefield. “Hey, guys…just doing morning checks."

  Jake pretended to wake up. "I'm here,” he uttered through a forced yawn.

  "You know by now that I need to see your face, Jake."

  Jake sighed to himself and began to twist his head as far as it would allow him in an attempt to avoid flipping back over. His eyes trailed and, like a magnet, couldn't help but to stop on Mr. Pierce's crotch. He wondered to himself how accurate his dream was. He then felt himself grow even more excited, and quickly buried his face back into the pillow.

  Mr. Pierce accepted the fact that he could only see half of Jake's face and moved on. "Jimmy, you awake?"

  Jimmy rolled around, bundled tightly in his comforter. The look on his face said that he was not yet nearly awake, but could pass for it.

  “Thanks, guys." Mr. Pierce made his way for the door, then whirled back around to the boys before heading out, "Oh, I forgot one more thing. We've got a small ‘field trip’ today. Dress casual and I'll see you both in a half an hour in the lobby." He slipped out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him.

  The boys exchanged silent glances from across the room. Jimmy sighed and whipped back to face the wall, covering himself again with the heavy comforter.

  Jake peeked under the sheets to see if he was still in full salute, raising an eyebrow with a curious look on his face. He decided to shrug it off and forced himself out of bed, tucking himself as he made his way for Jimmy.

  "You're not still mad, are you?" Jake asked as he took Jimmy’s shoulder and rocked him back and forth a few times.

  “Not now, Jake.”

  “I didn’t mean to get you all mad at me,” Jake protested innocently. “I just don’t like being judged.”

  Jimmy then threw the covers off of himself and turned to face Jake. “I wasn’t judging you, Jake. You said some stupid things.”

  Jake folded his arms, “Oh, yeah? Like what?”

  “Like the shit about Mason. I was just trying to look out for him, and you acted like I wanted to fuck him or something.”

  Jake didn’t know what to say. Jimmy was right. He really did start thinking there were deeper feelings forming between Mason and Jimmy. He just couldn’t help poking at the two. He didn’t feel he should be punished for it though. After all, they were roommates. How long could he keep just to himself? Jake decided it was in both of their own best interests that he give in to this one and apologize.

  “I dunno what I was thinking.” Jake admitted, taking a seat on Jimmy’s bed. “I guess I’m just really, fucking bored. When I saw you and Mason getting all chummy, maybe I just got jealous.”

  “Yeah, right,” Jimmy huffed.

  “It’s true. I thought I was going to lose a friend.”

  “So, you think we’re friends?” Jimmy smiled, mocking him.

  “Shut up,” Jake laughed as he lightly punched Jimmy on the arm.

  Jimmy kicked him in the back playfully, and they started to rough each other up.

  “So, we’re cool?” Jake raised his eyebrows in anticipation.


  “And we’re not gonna let that skank Catholic get between us?” Jake joked.

  Another laugh burst from Jimmy. “Yeah, ‘course not.”


  Jake dog-piled onto him with a hug. Jimmy’s shorts were thin, and he could feel that he was getting a little too excited. In quick defense, Jimmy pushed him off and flipped back over.

  “You should go get ready,” Jimmy suggested.

  Jake smirked as he went for the hallway. He shot a glance back at Jimmy once more before he shook his head, walking out of the room with a wide grin.

  When Jake returned to the room, fresh from a shower, he noticed Jimmy hunched over his bed.

  “What ya up to?” Jake prodded.

  Jimmy jumped in the air, startled, “Nothing!”

  “You’re writing in that thing again,” Jake accused, pointing to the little notebook poking out from beneath Jimmy’s pillow. “I hope you have nice things to say about me.”

  “It’s not a diary, Jake.”

  “Then, what is it?”

  “Nothing,” Jimmy averted his gaze from Jake and began to grab his things for the day. “Where do you think we’re going?

  "Who cares, as long as we get out of this place for awhile. I'm bored out of my mind."

  “Yeah, same here."

  Jimmy shoved the notebook into his back pocket and zipped up his black hoodie. Together, they left their dorm and started down the hallway.

  Jake continued,” At least you have your writing. I don't have anything to pass the time."

  "What about running?"

  “Sure, it helps with the pent-up frustration sometimes. But I just miss sex." Jake turned to Jimmy as they stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Don't you?"

  “Yeah," Jimmy answered as he started down the stairs quickly.

  Jake followed, skipping a step or two in attempt to catch up. He knew Jimmy wasn’t comfortable talking about his sex life, but he also knew he wasn’t a prude. “I just wish we could have like, one slip up, ya know? Just one ‘mistake’, without consequences."

  “Ha," Jimmy laughed nervously. "Aren't you saving that free pass for Mr. Pierce?"

  "Well...yeah." Jake stopped at the foot of the steps, looking up as he thought to himself. "But who knows what's going to happen when I finally fuck his brains out? What I'm thinking is more short term. Like, just a casual fling to clear my mind for now."

  Jimmy stopped at the foot of the stairs on the first floor dormitory to meet Jake’s gaze. He stood planted as Jake advanced toward him.

  "Just until I can get to Mr. Pierce, and win that bet,” said Jake.

  Jimmy gulped the visible lump in his throat. "Aren't you afraid of getting caught? That's not just a strike or a warning, you know."

  "Yeah, I know." Jake finally reached Jimmy, standing mere inches away, locking gazes. "But we're guys. We gotta get off."

  Jake couldn’t be more clear. He was growing more frustrated by the second. He was almost positive Jimmy would let him pounce on him if he got the chance. But he didn’t want to risk it. Or did he…?

  "So..." Jake leaned in closer.

  Jimmy awkwardly adjusted the strap of his backpack and ran his hand through his hair. "We should see if the other guys are ready. It’s almost time to go." H
e motioned for Jake to follow him down the hall.

  “Right," Jake nodded. He summoned every fiber in his body to keep from exhaling a long, exasperated sigh. He followed Jimmy half-heartedly, but suddenly stopped when he passed room 201. It was a long shot, but he had to take a chance. “Hey, let's pick up Mason.”

  "Oh, yeah. Alright,” Jimmy stopped and turned back.

  "Knock, knock." Jake announced, cracking open the door to Mason’s dorm without actually knocking.

  Mason was hunched over a plain, little desk next to his bed, his face buried in a thick book.

  "Hello?" Jake obnoxiously reached his hand out in front of Mason and waved.

  “Hi, Jake,” Mason responded as he hesitantly tore his eyes from the book. "Sorry, I don't want to lose my place." He carefully closed the book with the bookmark poking out from the top of the pages.

  Jake reached for the bookmark to get a closer look of the quote written out on the bookmark, "What's that say?"

  Mason smirked, outwardly glad to finally be able to contribute something of his own.

  "It means that you cannot be alone because God would never allow you to be."

  "What about when you're actually alone?" Jake challenged.

  "Well, God is always around us." Mason pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "He sees everything. Hence, you're never alone,” he smiled reassuringly.

  Jake hopped up onto the desk, knocking over a few pencils and pieces of paper with his rear. He leaned forward, resting on the palms of his hands. "Alright, you got my attention, Mace. What do you mean, he sees everything?"

  Jimmy stepped fully into the room as if ready to intervene if needed. It didn’t take a genius to know that with Jake, this conversation could take a wrong turn in a matter of seconds.

  "It's like when you're an actor (like yourself), and you're on a stage for everyone to see. God is your audience, and he's always there to cheer you on."

  "What about the bad stuff though?" Jake crossed his arms, puffing out his chest.


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