Lost Boys Academy (Book Two: Distraction)

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Lost Boys Academy (Book Two: Distraction) Page 4

by Aaron Ferrara

  "I knew it. He's such a conniving-" Kyle stopped as his eyes landed on Jake, who was holding up a t-shirt to Alex as he grazed his hips with his fingers. "I can't take it, Jimmy. I'm an emotional wreck. I need your help!"

  Jimmy was more confused than ever. He didn't know what kind of vibe he was giving off for people to keep seeking out his help all the time. Maybe it was the journalist in him that made people so apt to opening up. It also helped that he was a great listener, and easily approachable. People seemed to trust Jimmy whole-heartedly when they met him, and he wasn't one to take advantage of it.

  "Maybe you should talk to Alex. Make up with him? I'm sure he's just as devastated as you are."

  "Maybe, but he won't listen to me right now." Kyle was still glued to the scene in the shop. A longing sorrow was clear in his eyes. "I'm afraid he's gonna do something stupid, like hook up with Jake. And then I'll never be able to forgive him."

  "What do you want me to do?" Jimmy offered reluctantly.

  Kyle finally broke away from the display and turned to Jimmy, "Just talk to Alex for me? Or stop Jake, I don't care which one. I just need someone I can trust to get in between them and keep them apart until we can make up. Jake is tactless. You share a dorm with him. I know that you know what he is capable of, and I can't compete with that."

  Jimmy focused deep into Kyle's eyes again. He could tell he was genuinely terrified of what Jake could do to their relationship.

  "Please." Kyle pleaded through Jimmy's silence.

  Jimmy thought long and hard about the situation. On one hand, Kyle had barely ever spoken to him. He was always so cold and distant, so why should he be so quick to help him out? On the flip side, Jake could screw up everything easily, including the story he was trying to build. If he got caught doing something with Alex, and Kyle found out about it, he would surely be expelled on the spot.

  Jimmy figured the lesser of two evils was to help Kyle out this once, so he apprehensively agreed. "Alright, I'll try to figure something out."

  Kyle clapped his hands together, overjoyed. Then he embraced Jimmy with a tight hug. "Oh, thank you so much, Jimmy! You won't regret this!"

  To Jimmy's surprise, Kyle was warmer than he thought the ice queen to be. He didn't freeze to death.

  Kyle flashed a big, relieved grin to Jimmy before disappearing into the shop. Jimmy stood, planted in front of the entrance as he squinted inside. Jake was lifting Alex's shirt, seemingly to get a better look at the size that was printed on the tag. Alex blushed, covering his stomach with his hands. Jimmy rolled his eyes and quickly made his way through the glass doors.

  "Oops, the tag is at the top of your shirt." Jake proclaimed, raising the shirt by the bottom until it practically popped over Alex's head. "Just a little bit higher…”

  "Jake, can I show you something?" Jimmy interrupted.

  "Sure, just a minute, Jimmy boy," Jake stalled, focusing on Alex's flat stomach, up to his chest.

  "I meant now." Jimmy demanded sternly.

  Jake raised an eyebrow and glanced sideways at Jimmy, "I'm in the middle of helping out my friend, Alex, here." He smirked, which almost seemed to mock Jimmy as he leered. Jake paid no attention as he continued, “Hey, Jimmy, did you know Alex is an artist? Like, a really good one?"

  Jimmy peeked at Alex, who nodded coyly from behind his shirt. "Yeah, you already mentioned that on the ride here."

  Mr. Pierce emerged from the backroom of the store with Mason on his tail. Jake took notice and dropped Alex's shirt down without hesitation.

  “Hey, boys, I need a couple of volunteers."

  "I'll volunteer!" Mason shot his hand up into the air like a referee calling a foul.

  "Great, we need one more." Mr. Pierce looked at Jimmy intently.

  Jimmy watched a store associate return from the backroom with a paper tape measure draped around his shoulders. He was around their age and built like a college wrestler. His body wasn't the only immaculate thing about him though. It was his chiseled face that caught Jimmy's attention, with big blue eyes and dark, brown hair, slicked back. He wore all black clothing, showcasing the tattoos that trickled down his arms. The associate snaked through the maze of clothing racks with a bad-ass swagger. Yep, he would do just fine.

  "Jake, you said you would help, right?" Jimmy coaxed.

  "What, I did-" Jake twisted around to face Jimmy, but spotted the tattooed salesman instead. "Yeah, I'll help." His signature smirk lifted to one side as he pushed past hanging shirts and pants until he was face to face with the hunky salesman. "I'm Jake, here to...assist."

  "Eric," the salesman smiled back, stretching the tape measure out in front of him. "I'm gonna measure you for size."

  Jake followed Eric into the backroom, vanishing behind the black curtain at the back of the store. The look on Mr. Pierce's face was priceless as he darted after the boys with Mason on his coattail once again.

  "The three of you, try on some of the shorts they have displayed!" Mr. Pierce shouted back before he, too, disappeared.

  Jimmy caught Kyle in the corner of his eye, nodding to him as he fingered through the selection of light-colored shorts on the nearest rack.

  He nodded back and turned to Alex, who stared at the black curtain with a forlorn look on his face.

  “Hey, Alex."

  "Hey." Alex uttered, without breaking eye contact with the curtain.

  "Sorry to hear about you and Kyle."

  Apparently, that was enough for Alex to ultimately face Jimmy. He had a near identical expression as the one Kyle bore at the mere mention of the subject.

  "He told you?" Alex whimpered.

  "I kinda figured from the car ride."

  "Oh...yeah." Alex dropped his head to the floor.

  "So, what happened, if you don't mind me asking? You guys were like, the golden couple."

  "I dunno. I think we've been together way too long or something."

  "I admired that." Jimmy interjected abruptly. "Not to sound too sappy or anything, but you guys kinda showed me that there's hope."

  "Really?" Alex looked up at Jimmy again.

  “Really," Jimmy replied. "I know we're all kinda stuck here and all, but I was hoping after I left this place, I could find someone I would want to be around twenty-four seven. Or even better, who would want to be around me."

  Alex snickered. "You're a cool dude, Jimmy. I'm sure you'll find someone the second you get outta here."

  Jimmy smiled back. “So, why don't you guys make up?"

  "I dunno," Alex said flatly, looking back down towards the carpeted floor. "I'm not sure if he even wants me back. I fucked up…big time.”

  "Everybody fucks up, but if you show remorse for what you've done, it means you care. I'm sure he feels the same way about himself. Actually, something tells me he feels exactly the same way."

  Alex peered across the room to Kyle, who smiled back, innocently.

  "Come on," Jimmy grabbed his arm and led him across the floor. He brushed past Kyle, who hadn't stopped watching them, and snatched the pair of shorts he was clutching. He marched Alex through the aisles, waving the shorts like a flag for Kyle to follow. Without hesitation, Kyle bound after them until they reached the back wall.

  Jimmy stood between the pair like a referee, holding the shorts between them. "Now, you guys are going to work this out, right here, right now."

  Kyle and Alex nodded to Jimmy, apprehensive, then they both turned to face each other with uncomfortable looks on their faces.

  "I haven't seen you two apart, not even for one meal. The only way you're both going to make it out of this hell alive is with each other. And that's fine, but you have to make up. And the best way, is through those doors." Jimmy pointed to the sign above his head on the wall behind him.

  "I don't understand." Kyle confessed.

  "Look, I know it's hard to do anything, erm...couple-y with Mr. Pierce lurking around. So, I'm going to help you out here. And, hey, remember that we're off school grounds, so you technically wouldn't be b
reaking any rules.

  "You mean-" Kyle began, then peered up to the sign.

  “Exactly," Jimmy answered. "I'll make sure nobody disturbs you while you're trying on those shorts, and you two work on fixing your relationship."

  "It's been awhile. A long while,” Alex admitted.

  "I dunno,” Kyle bit his lip. "What if we get caught?"

  "I won't let that happen." Jimmy assured, reassuring Kyle with wide eyes. "I promise."

  Kyle turned to Alex. "You're right. It has been awhile. I miss you so much."

  "I miss you, too!" Alex exclaimed.

  Jimmy could feel the burger he ate from earlier lurch in his stomach. Yes, he was a hopeless romantic. He would be the first to admit it, but these two needed to get in on, bad.

  "Go on, while they're still in the back!" Jimmy ushered the boys into the back hall and squeezed them into one of the tight, square fitting rooms.

  "Ready to try on these hideous khaki's?" Kyle smiled to Alex from inside the cramped cube.

  "I wouldn't wanna do it with anybody else." Alex replied, gleaming back as he gazed longingly into his partner's eyes.

  Jimmy slammed the door shut, rolling his eyes with an amused expression on his face. He hurried across the hall and made his way back to the other side of the store and through the curtain.

  There Jake stood like the statue of David on a small platform. The only thing that separated him from complete nudity was a pair of tight, blue trunks, hugging his waist and thighs.

  Mr. Pierce sat on a stool with one arm across his crossed legs, the other massaged his temples as he faced the floor. Mason posted up next to him, his eyes glued on the show.

  “Oh, hey, Jimmy," Jake smirked devilishly. “Eric, here, was just measuring me for a fitting." He held his arms out at full length. Eric reached around from behind his waist, wrapping the thin tape around his perfect frame.

  "You could be next." Eric winked.

  Jimmy smiled awkwardly, then took a seat next to Mason and folded his arms. "So, what is the fitting for?"

  "Can I tell him?" Mason rocked forward eagerly at the edge of his seat.

  "Sure," Mr. Pierce answered bleakly from behind his hand.

  "We're getting uniforms!" Mason blurted. "Cool huh?"

  "Uniforms?" Jimmy repeated with a wrinkled forehead.

  "That's right," Mr. Pierce took over. "It's about time we make things more official around here."

  That's what we need, another façade. Jimmy thought to himself. It was bad enough he had to pretend that he was changing, but the uniforms would add another layer to Jimmy's growing distaste for the Academy. Mason seemed on board, but he wondered how Jake felt about the new regulation. Jimmy looked at Jake, who had accidentally knocked the tape measure from Eric's grasp and bent over in front of him to retrieve it. That's when he knew he had already answered his own question.

  "You'll look great," Mr. Pierce continued, noticing the hesitant expression on Jimmy's face, "And they'll be ready just in time for when your parents arrive."

  "Our parents?" That was enough for Jake to join the conversation from his new position on all fours.

  Mr. Pierce nodded. "Yes, your parents will be coming for the next lesson. We'll be holding a group therapy session, students and parents alike."

  Jimmy failed to see the need to have parents involved, and judging by Jake and Mason’s faces, they agreed.

  "Don't you think it's a little soon for that?" Jake expressed, returning to an upright position with his hands folded across his broad chest.

  "I think now is the perfect time to bring them in." Mr. Pierce assured. "It will give them the opportunity to see what we're all about, and to answer any questions before we make the bulk of our progress."

  Clearly, Mr. Pierce had struck a cord with Mason and Jake. Their faces said it all. They failed to see the need for their parent's involvement at this point. The anticipation of hearing the guilt of their ways, the shame, the questioning eyes and awkward conversations of explaining one's sexuality with their parents; These were all things Jimmy knew they were feeling—things he himself felt before he felt comfortable around his own father.

  Jimmy, however, was looking forward to seeing his dad. This was a chance to catch him up on all of the happenings so far, and the story he was building. Although, he couldn't help but feel guilt rise again as he glanced from each of the guys. He wondered if he had it in him to go through with it all. One thing he was for certain—his father's arrival would be a key factor in how he would continue on.

  Chapter Four


  Jimmy slid the knot of his tie up until it was nice and tight. No matter how much he fidgeted with it in the mirror, it seemed to be a little off every time. After a few more attempts, he decided to abandon the goal of getting it perfect. He folded his collar down, sealing the noose-like blue ring around his neck.

  He stood in front of the mirror, staring blankly at his reflection. Despite the awful fit of the white, button-down shirt, navy blue tie and matching shorts, at least he was having a decent hair day. His usual mess of red hair was combed, and slanted to the side, giving a nice. Jimmy smiled, thinking to himself that today could be a nice day. However, the grin began faded as he noticed the empty bed of his roommate.

  Jimmy saw that he was gone from the moment he woke up. His bed was unmade—no surprise there, but the most peculiar thing was that his running shoes still hung from the wire hook above the door. Jake's mornings were usually comprised of one of two activities: He would be on a run or some other form of exercise to perfect his body, or he would be coming back from a shower, without a stitch of clothing.

  Since there were no wet towels thrown on the floor or underwear hanging from the bedside, Jimmy came to the conclusion that Jake was probably off somewhere up to no good.

  Jimmy tore away from the floor-length mirror and retrieved the shorts laid neatly on his bed. He finished dressing and went to the top drawer of his dresser, taking his first pin into the palm of his hand. The sunlight reflected across the gold pin as he held it out loosely in his palm. He wondered if he even deserved it. After all, everything up until this point had been a lie.

  His father didn't harbor any resentment towards his open homosexuality. Jimmy had great friends back home, who accepted him for who he was. He had all the support in the world, But nagging guilt clouded his thoughts.

  Jimmy brought the pin bearing two embracing hands up to his shirt and hesitated, letting it hover over the breast pocket of his blazer. Mason's words echoed in his head. Why did Mason feel the need to thank him? Thank him for what, lying to him? Jimmy began to realize this whole scheme was not going to be as easy to execute as he thought. Mason misinterpreted what he had said the other day. He didn't want him to change who he was. Jimmy thought he was a great guy. However, if he revealed his plans, Mason would never forgive him.

  Distracted by his lingering thoughts, Jimmy poked the pin through his blazer and instantly felt a sharp prick.

  "Ouch!" He shouted, bringing his finger to eye level, getting a look at the damage. The puncture was just strong enough to draw blood. Jimmy ticked the buttons of his shirt open until he reached the wound, wiping the few drops of blood away He sighed, facing the mirror once again. He knew he had to have another talk with Mason, but now wasn't the time.

  A few minutes later, Jimmy exited his dorm. He nudged the door closed with his foot as he shrugged his blazer on and adjusted it by the silver trim. He sauntered across the hall, passing Kyle and Alex's dorm. When he heard laughter from the other side of the door, he retraced his steps and knocked.

  "Come in!" Kyle's voice projected from behind the door.

  Jimmy cautiously turned the knob and entered the room. The scene before him was not a familiar one. The happy couple stood a few inches apart from each other as Kyle worked on Alex's tie. They each had the same big grin across their face, recovering from an inside joke Jimmy had clearly missed.

  "Not trying to be a downer," Jimmy be
gan, "but if I were Mr. Pierce, I would be handing you guys a citation right now." Jimmy warned.

  "Sorry, you're right." Kyle admitted. “But we just can't keep our hands off each other lately. It's all thanks to you, Jimmy! Thank you!”

  Jimmy didn't know how to respond at first. He didn't think Kyle even knew the phrase 'thank you.' He then realized his silence and coughed up, "You're welcome."

  Jimmy tried to hide the look on his face—a look that suggested he was about to hurl. Their relationship was disgustingly cutesy.

  "Have you guys seen Jake?" Jimmy tried to change the subject.

  Kyle's smile disappeared, leaving a more familiar, sour expression. Obviously some things could not be forgotten, and one of them was Jake Parker.

  “No, we haven’t.” Alex finally spoke up for his boyfriend.

  Jimmy nodded. "Alright, see ya guys downstairs." He left the room and trotted down the stairs, two steps at a time. Then it hit him. There was one place he didn't check yet—the one place that he should have checked first.

  He hopped off the last step, practically jogging until he reached Mason's dorm room. He knocked sharply, three times in a row. No answer whatsoever. A panicked Jimmy turned the knob slowly. The door clicked open, but just as he pushed it open, he was halted by a voice from behind.

  "He's not in at the moment."

  Jimmy whipped around to face Mr. Pierce. He was dressed more formal than usual in a dark, charcoal blazer and matching black dress shirt and slacks. Jimmy's eyes moved liked magnets to his shoes, which for the first time were not sneakers, but shiny, black loafers. He shot back up to see Mr. Pierce with a grin on his face, showing off his handsome, pearly smile.

  "The outfit suits you well, Jimmy. Blue is your color."

  "Thanks." Jimmy glanced timidly sideways.

  "If you're looking for Mason, he's gone." Mr. Pierce announced.

  "What do you mean, gone?" Jimmy demanded in an alarmed tone.


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