Alien Instinct

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Alien Instinct Page 30

by Tracy Lauren

  I grab her hip with one hand, kneading her flesh. With the other hand I slide my knuckle along her slit. She bucks into me. She wants something inside her, but I am not ready to fuck her just yet. So instead I push my knuckle into her, always careful of my claws. I hear her gasp in delight. She begins to ride my hand and my knuckle goes in and out. Her tight cunt sucks and grips at my hand. I am mesmerized by the way her body moves, by the sound of wet skin on skin.

  “Oh, fuck. Rennek, that feels so good. Do it hard, fast. Please Rennek, please,” she begs. I will not deny her this request. I pump harder and bring my body close behind hers so that I may reach around with my free hand to work her clit. Her knees weaken when I start to tease that precious nub and I have to hold her to keep her from falling over.

  “Just like that, don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she repeats her breathy mantra. I lean forward and sink my teeth into her neck and she lets out a scream of passion before she starts coming. She bucks and I can feel her pussy quiver around my knuckles. I keep pumping into her, letting her ride out her orgasm. Her juices drip down my hand and onto her thighs. When her tremors finally subside, I lick the juices from my hand and spread her ass to lick every last drop from her sweet and waiting cunt. She moans and I notice her weaken again, another orgasm rocks her. I lap at her cunt, giving her pussy long, deep licks.

  Even when the wave of her orgasm is done, I am not yet finished licking her. My mate has other ideas however. She flips around and knocks me to the floor--pounces on me like a fierce predator. I throw my head back and laugh out loud. Straddling me, she pauses. Her hands wash over my chest. Her eyes are wild, shining and full of lust.

  “You’re so hard everywhere, Rennek. You’re like stone.”

  “And you are soft everywhere,” I reach up and caress her breast, giving it a squeeze and running a thumb over her nipple. “Like the petals of a flower.” She gifts me a smile in approval of my words.

  “I want to make you feel good,” she says.

  “It will not be difficult,” I smile. “Everything you do makes me feel good. Gazing upon you makes me feel good.” I tell her, and it is true. Even now, looking up at her with her flame colored mane wild around her face, her lips pink and swollen from our kisses, her eyes heavy lidded--satisfied. And I am satisfied.

  My little human is every inch a goddess and more. She leans down and places a kiss to my lips, but she does not linger there. Instead she begins to make her way lower, kissing every part of me as she moves downward. Those soft lips of hers play at my collar bone, her tongue tracing my throat. Even after her orgasms I can sense she still hungers for me. Her hands alone tell the story--it is as if she must touch every bit of me, every dip and swell of a muscle.

  I transiently think I might go insane and lose myself in the joy of all this stimulation. I throw my head back again and try to ground myself. When she gets to my hips and her hot mouth teases at what is to come next, I begin to growl wildly in an effort to control myself. I hear my mate giggling and I smile through the wildness of it all. This is joy and pleasure at its most primitive, I think to myself.

  Finally, after all the teasing I can take, she wraps her fingers around my thick shaft. Bringing her face close to the head of my cock, she pauses just before placing her mouth on me--looking up at my face. Her eyes are sparkling and mischievous, a smile plays on her lips. I see her pink tongue dart out of her mouth and she gives the tip of my cock a lick. I groan and she smiles wider, but the teasing is done and she sucks the head of my cock into her mouth. Her fingers pump my shaft. Her grip is tight and it makes me imagine what it will be like to slide inside her warmth.

  I reach down and pull some of that red mane out of her face so I may watch her pleasure me. I can feel the precum dripping from my tip and I see that smile spread across her face again. She tastes my seed and she enjoys it. She lets out a moan--my cock still deep in her mouth. The rumbling vibrations bring me one step closer to the edge. With her free hand she explores me, gripping my hip, sliding her fingers over my ribbed abdomen, clutching my thighs. I had never thought these to be erotic places on my body, but given the right circumstance these touches alone could cause me to spill my seed. It is the hunger in them, her need for me is electric--sending pulsing signals through my body. We are connected. My thoughts scatter and the sensations rock my body in waves. I try to will my body to be still, but I cannot control my hips and I begin to thrust into my mate’s hand and mouth. I catch myself, but she moans again and pulls my hip towards her encouragingly. She enjoys this.

  I prop myself up on one elbow so I may watch her more closely. Still holding her hair back, I allow myself to let go--to lose myself in all that she is giving me. Pumping into her mouth, I begin to cum and her moans become more frantic, she pumps and sucks at my cock, hungry for my release. The sensations overcome me--her hot mouth on my cock, sucking at my seed, her moans of pleasure, the drumming within me, harder and faster, harder and faster until finally… I am spent and fall back onto the floor.

  My body was coiled like a snake waiting to strike moments ago and now I am limp with pleasure. My mate licks the last bead of cum from my shaft and then curls her body next to mine. Her arm goes around my chest and her leg drapes over my waist. I can feel the wetness of her cunt against me and smell her arousal in the air. Life with Kate is pure joy. She nuzzles my chest and I bury my nose in her hair and breathe in deeply. I could remain like this forever.

  “Okay big guy,” she says. “Back to work.” She is up before I can protest, but I pull her back down to me. Her naked rear end falls into my lap.

  “You are done with me then?” I laugh, cupping her face and bringing it to my lips for a kiss.

  “You know what they say,” her hands go around my neck and she kisses me back, “no rest for the wicked.”

  “Hmmm, and what we just did was very, very wicked.”

  “Exactly.” She bounces up to her feet and I allow her to go this time--even though I would rather spend the rest of the day finding new ways to pleasure her, but my mate is correct. There is still so much work to do. I want to prepare our space so it is safe and we can sleep easily at night. I want to provide her with some basic luxuries to make her day to day life easier. All that takes much work however, and the days are not long enough to get all I wish done. So, with one last kiss and another slap to her perfectly rounded behind I head out to gather supplies to make a door.

  Chapter 46


  I clean up Rennek’s mess from making the spit, but soon after he is in our room again tossing ten times the supplies to the floor. He lifts his wings up so he can sit comfortably on the floor and begins tearing up a fibery tree trunk to get enough of the threads to weave into a long, thick cord. Looks like I jumped the gun on tidying up.

  I watch him as he works. The muscles on his back move as he rips at the tree. He is the type of man an artist would want to use as a model, I think to myself. It’s easy to admire him. Then, he rips a bunch of tangled mess from the tree and tosses it aside as if I didn’t just sweep in here. Men on any planet, I shrug. At least he’s pretty.

  I pay attention to the spit and the coals as he works, he gives me tips here and there. Soon, the bird is looking tasty and smelling pretty darn good too. Fat and juices drip off the meat and into the drip pan Rennek set up. My mind starts to wonder about spices and seasonings. Luckily, we have the scanner so we can determine if the makeup of local plants are hazardous in any way. It sure would suck to have to use a trial and error method to find out what was and wasn’t edible around here.

  Rennek has about a dozen long, straight branches he gathered from the forest floor. They are all fairly uniform in size and length. Once the cord is done he begins to bind them together--it looks kind of like he is making a raft, but I know when it is done it will be our door.

  I wonder how he is going to attach it to the stone doorframe and if there will be any type of locking mechanism. The door begins to take shape quickly now that t
he cord is done. I admire how agile his fingers are with the braiding. It gives me all sorts of ideas: maybe we can weave some baskets, I wonder if he can braid my hair, and then I have some other, less practical and much more sexy ideas as well. I chuckle to myself.

  As he works he tells me stories about growing up on Javan with his friends, about hunting and learning how to survive. It’s impressive. He laughs about Dax jumping off a tall rock into a pool of water far below that all the older boys were afraid to jump off of and about a time when Bossan got caught in his own trap. I find myself slightly envious of his wild childhood and his closely-knit group of friends. My childhood was spent at home alone. The TV kept me company. There were no adventures. I snort a little at my own melancholy thoughts. Well, I certainly made up for lost time in the adventure department.

  “It sounds like you enjoyed living on Javan. What made you leave there?”

  “It is a place only for learning only, for fledglings. You graduate and move onward. Post internment it is required that one spends a minimum of four yets with the UPC. They station you anywhere males are needed. Could be a back world, could be a large city. I ended up on Thaad, it was very different from Javan. When I was young I enjoyed it, but now I think I would not like it so much. It swarms with people from many distant worlds.”

  “Like the space station?” I ask.

  “Nothing like the space station. I was sorry to take you there, it is no place for a goddess.”

  “Luckily, I’m only human,” I tease. “I don’t know, I kind of liked it. I mean it was gritty, but it was also mind blowing.”

  “It is a poor first look at what this sector of the galaxy has to offer. Thaad is a metropolis. It is a city so large that it is built up into the skies. The richest of people live high up in glass towers--like crystals growing up towards the heavens. In the evenings the setting of the sun illuminates them, breaking up the light like a prism shining down upon everything in the city.”

  “The cultures all blend and the streets smell like the delicacies of a dozen worlds. There are cultural centers, universities, shops selling all sorts of amazing items. But, like any big city, it is crowded and there is much petty crime. It was good for a time, but being here reminds me of life on Javan. I too enjoy the simple pleasures,” he pauses his work and smiles at me. “It is much better to raise fledglings in a place like this. With much fresh air and open space,” he says and I’m sure I blanche at his words. I think he notices my reaction and changes the subject. “Tell me of Earth.”

  “Huh? Oh… Earth.”

  “Do you miss your home?”

  “Hmm, my home? That’s a big fat no. But my planet, yes. There’s a lot of beauty to Earth. There are all kinds of different climates and regions: deserts, mountains, rainforests, beaches. They all have their own unique beauty--not that I ever got to see much of them. I mean, I’ve been on a couple camping trips with my dad when I was real young, but just local stuff. I’ve been to the beach, but only the Southern California ones--none of the really pretty tropical ones. That plus one trip to Vegas covers the extent of my traveling. It’s a little sad that I’ll never get to see any of what Earth has to offer, but then I compare it to this place… hell and even the space station for that matter and I’m okay. I’ve seen more in the past couple weeks than I have in my entire life. I consider myself lucky,” I tell him. He is quiet and thoughtful for a while.

  “We should climb atop the ruins and watch the sunset tonight. There is much to discover here together Kate, we will make it our task to uncover all the beauty Elysia has to offer.”

  “The sunset sounds like a really great place to start,” I agree. I can’t help but feel the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. It almost feels like being on a date with a guy I’m really into. I try to think back to the guys I dated back on Earth. Did I still feel this giddy a few weeks into the relationship? I wonder when this fuzzy, new feeling is going to wear off.

  Once the door is finished Rennek leaves again and returns a while later with another big log and some smaller pieces of wood. I don’t bother cleaning up after him this time because I figure he still has a mess to make.

  The first bird is done cooking by this time and we remove it from the spit and place the waiting bird over the fire. I start to pick at the cooked one a bit and silently wish for plates or bowls or something. Luckily, the meat is delicious and with some seasoning it could easily become my new favorite meal. It’s not chicken, but it is what it is. I look forward to making this again once the others get here. I tear off pieces and feed them to Rennek, telling him about Thanksgiving. He beams at me and licks and nips at my fingers with each bite I serve him.

  Rennek splits the wood using the big knife he keeps on his hip and a large rounded rock. Unfortunately, we don’t have an axe or a saw. The backside of Rennek’s knife is serrated though, which is better than nothing, I guess. He hacks at little pieces that need to be removed. It leaves a rough edge, but doesn’t diminish the overall product.

  I see that with these pieces he is making a frame for our stone doorway. He, rather impressively in my opinion, cuts the wood to just the right size so that it can be pressed it into the doorway. It fits so tightly in the space that he has to hammer it in with the rock. Then, he gets to work whittling, making wooden hinges. I thought braiding the cord took forever, but this whittling business takes the cake. After much of the day is done he hammers the final pieces together and hangs our door.

  “Tomorrow we will find clay and fill any cracks,” he says opening and closing the door, making sure everything is up to his standards. I notice he has a ton of braided cord left over.

  “Wow, our little home is already starting to take shape,” I beam at him.

  “The simple things,” he says, lacing his large clawed fingers through mine while we admire our new door together.

  The rest of the day is filled with more supply gathering. Rennek collects and prepares a stock pile of wood for the fire: to cook with during the day and to heat our chilly stone room at night. He makes a long list of things we need and sends it over to the ship. I give him my input, suggesting plates and bowls and different things to cook with, towels, supplies to hand wash our clothing, buckets or jugs to hold larger amounts of water, and crates to store things in. We talk about creating a metal arm to go in the fireplace that we can hang a pot on, the synthesizers can easily whip one of those up… if they are functioning that is. If not, we can cannibalize some of the ship to make something work. There are so many things we need, but my mind keeps going to useless things, like a cool area rug. I’m just really excited to make this place homey.

  Rennek is super busy. He knows all the things that need to be done to survive and to make the day run smoothly. I want to help, but I don’t really know what needs to be done and I don’t want to keep interrupting his stuff. So, I try to be as useful as possible. By now I’m familiar with the small water filter Rennek carries for us and I fill all our pouches with fresh drinking water. Rennek disposes of the bones and waste from our Elysian chicken meal and adds spices to the list of things we will ask the others to bring. When we cross paths back in our room I see he has hung some pegs in the spaces between stones on one of our walls. Now we can hang our pack and our clothes up too, instead of just tossing them on the ground--though hanging up clothes mostly just affects me. All Rennek has to hang up is his loincloth.

  Rennek lets me go behind the ruins and collect some more pompayas on my own, but he makes me take the charger with me. It’s sweet that he makes such a stink about my safety, but I assure him I can do such a simple task on my own. On the way back, I come across a dead animal. It’s hard to tell what it was, and I’m not so curious to poke around to find out. Instead I see a cluster of those giant pink cabbage looking flowers and it easily distracts me from the yucky dead thing. I rip one from the stalk it grows on and bring it back with me. I’m curious if it’s edible.

  I ask Rennek to do a scan on it for me. When he does I see a little blue
light appear on the screen--that must be good, I imagine bad would be red or something. It’s unfortunate that the language implant in my head only helps me speak and understand alien language, it doesn’t make me literate in it. My guess is confirmed however. He tells me it safe to eat and when we break it open to inspect its center, we find it is filled with something like seeds or nuts. The scanner tells us this plant is also a wonderful vitamin source and I’m super excited I found something useful. I just hope it tastes good. In all my excitement about this new leafy prospect I forget to mention the dead animal I saw.

  As it gets close to sunset I sweep the room one last time and organize our food, water and firewood. The pack hangs from a hook by the door. I straighten our blankets to make our bed look neat, if not cozy. I mean, the blankets are a thin material so you can only get so cozy lying on a stone floor. I look forward to when the others arrive and bring pillows and mattresses from the ship.

  As I tidy I keep stopping to admire our little space. Even though we don’t have much, every little corner has a little something that makes it looked lived in. It’s wonderfully exciting. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy, I think to myself--taking it all in. I mean, I do wish I had a nice area rug though. But beside that, everything is so absolutely perfectly… it’s a little scary. I’m just not used to everything coming up roses, it almost makes me worry this is the calm before the storm--but I push that useless thought away.


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