Levi's Legend: A SEALs of Honor World Novel (Heroes for Hire Book 1)

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Levi's Legend: A SEALs of Honor World Novel (Heroes for Hire Book 1) Page 16

by Dale Mayer

  And then, incapable of doing anything but following his instincts, he snuck back to his room. Reaching out to open the door—he froze. Instead of turning the knob, he leaned forward and placed his ear against the door.


  Ice and a man, but not one he recognized.

  Anger ripped through his gut. The intruder they were looking for had somehow evaded their best search efforts and had already been inside his bedroom when he’d left Ice alone? And then he remembered the big window and the escape ladder that came down from the roof. The intruder must have been on the roof, then, when they went up, he came down to the room. Goddammit, why hadn’t he considered that?

  He stared at the double doors and realized he needed several of his men to cover all angles here. If he wanted to be certain Ice got out of this alive, this asshole mustn’t. He stepped back several feet and contacted his men. Within seconds the team was mobilized.

  Standing ready outside his bedroom, he waited for the signal.

  Chapter 18

  Of course this had to happen when she was already tired and her energy was at the lowest.

  “Don’t say a word.”

  Slowly Ice nodded, and the gun lowered away from her head. If he wanted quiet, she’d stay quiet. All she wanted was to go to bed, to lie down. But this asshole could take that as an invitation, and he’d likely shoot as soon as she moved. How long before anybody would notice?

  Levi had assumed she’d gone to bed. Everyone else would respect that—nobody would come and check on her. She mentally screamed for Levi to return. And, though they were very close, she didn’t think he would be hearing whispers like that anytime soon.

  If anybody might actually hear her, it would be Merk or his brother, who had strong instincts that bordered on the supernatural. Only Terkel certainly hadn’t phoned today at all to let them know that things would go south.

  She considered how to let the others know she was in trouble. There was an intercom in this room, but she hadn’t actually pressed the button for anybody to hear her, and it was a good six feet away. She wasn’t able to walk over and hit the button and scream for help. Something like that was asking for a bullet.

  Rodriguez spoke on his cell phone. But his gaze never wavered—neither did his gun.

  She shifted toward the intercom.

  Instantly he raised his weapon and barked, “Stay there.”

  She stilled; he lowered the gun to the level of her kneecaps, and she froze. That’s the last thing she wanted, but it would be effective; she wouldn’t be walking anywhere if he shot her leg.

  He continued to talk in rapid Spanish. She caught a few odd words but not enough to get the full meaning.

  As she stood close to the door, she considered making a break for it. If she could just get outside … any bullets he fired would likely hit the door, not her.

  Outside were two stairwells, one up, the other down. She could also try to make it to her room, but that wouldn’t do anything other than pin her in a room across the hall. No gain to be had there.

  She thought she heard footsteps outside and tried to hold her breath to hear better, but it was too hard with her heart slamming against her rib cage, blocking out any sounds she might otherwise pick up in the hallway.

  Ice glanced around the room and realized she wasn’t familiar enough with Levi’s room to even know the size and depth of it should she make a run for it. She might reach the bathroom; it would provide a few weapons but not likely enough.

  As her gaze swept the windows, she caught sight of something on the side of the big corner window. Rhodes. She almost gasped in surprise. Her gaze quickly zinged back to Rodriguez and was thankful his eyes were fixed on the wall, not her face, as he spoke rapidly into the phone, angrier by the minute.

  And that was perfect. She didn’t know what the plan was, but she wanted to be ready. Somehow they knew she wasn’t alone. That’s when she also realized the curtain fluttered beside Rhodes. This was also how Rodriguez made it in. Likely, when they went to the roof, he came down the outside access and jumped in here. Whether he knew it was the master bedroom or not, it was good luck on his part and terrible on hers.

  Now she needed the men to do whatever it was they were planning. Except they needed to know what Rodriguez was up to and with whom first. So once again it was all about timing.

  “How many men are here?” Rodriguez asked. “I want to know exactly how many I have to kill.”

  She shrugged. “We just got a carload of guys a couple days ago, so maybe two dozen.”

  His face clenched. “You’re lying. I haven’t seen anywhere near that kind a number.”

  “It’s a big place,” she said quietly. “I can’t give you a head count because I don’t know.”

  She hoped he would be the same as every other power-hungry, inflated-ego male and consider her useless because she was female. But she didn’t look that way, geared up as she was. Then again she wore a sling, so who knew?

  He waved his hand, the gun moving as he dismissed her comments. “Of course you have no idea. But you should at least give me a better number than that.”

  She shrugged. “Like I said, I think there’s close to two dozen now, maybe twenty-three.” She lowered her eyes and added, “or twenty-four.”

  He snorted.

  Perfect. As far as he was concerned, she was too stupid to count. Good. That gave her a hell of an advantage. All she needed now was an opportunity.

  She realized, from the fragments of his conversation, he had men waiting to attack. Probably not very far away.

  Rhodes also spoke Spanish so he would understand what was coming.

  If she could only get Rodriguez to talk. “It’ll take more than a few men to take this place out,” she said calmly. “They’re all military trained—top of their field …”

  He laughed, but it was a coarse, rough one. “Top of their field? And yet I got in here so easily …” He smirked at her. “They’re nothing but wannabe soldiers. If they were that good, they’d still be in the military. Instead they’re just here playing at it.” Then he turned idly and said, “In fact, some of them are no longer in any shape to even play.”

  On that she couldn’t even begin to keep quiet. “And whose fault is that?” she cried. “You betrayed them.”

  “Of course I did. I got a better deal so I took it. That’s all there is to it. They shouldn’t be upset about that. That’s just the way life is when you’re arms-dealing.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t believe that. Any one of those kind of men would shoot you in the back if you turn on a deal.”

  “Exactly,” he said with a hard grin. “That’s what I did.”

  “Except you’re still walking around free and clear, and the men you betrayed were all injured.”

  His face muffled with rage as he roared, “And they should’ve died. They’ve done nothing but piss me off ever since. They’re killing my people, and they were damn good men. They had no right to keep coming after me. It’s over. They should’ve just walked away, been grateful they had their lives.”

  She scrutinized him, like he was some kind of beetle to crush under her foot. Was that really what he thought? That after he won whatever small war he’d waged, they should walk away and never think about him again? Apparently that was exactly how he felt. Allowing this cockroach to keep killing other people at a whim was not something the team would let happen. In the meantime she needed to keep Rodriguez distracted.

  “And yet you’re not in the military anymore, are you?”

  He straightened, and this time his voice was cocky and arrogant. “Of course I am. The military is where real men are.”

  “Then what are you doing here with a cell of terrorists?”

  “It’s not a cell of terrorists. We’re training warriors. More men for the arms race.”

  Not saying more, he shook his head, as if it was all just way too complicated for her to understand. “Small towns close to the border,” he said, “are
a great way to find people and make runs back and forth. Training the men and using them in jobs over here makes sense. It just happens to be my bad luck—or not—that you moved into town. A coincidence, or maybe a godsend. I can put you out of your misery now.”

  “Misery?” she asked in surprise. “Is that what you call it? We came here to build a life. We find out the closest town is infested with terrorists. That’s not shitty luck—it’s much worse than that.”

  “It is shitty—for you.” He grinned.

  The missing spaces and discoloration in his teeth from years of tobacco use made her want to puke.

  She didn’t know how long it would be, but she sure hoped her men were ready to take out this asshole, unless they were waiting for Rodriguez’s team to arrive and get them all at once. She didn’t want to be locked up in here alone with him any longer than she had to, but he obviously thought he was safe and wasn’t showing any signs of leaving any time soon.

  “You look like you’re ready to pass out. Go sit over there and be quiet.” Once again he waved the Luger, motioning for her to move to one of the big chairs in the sitting area.

  She was almost relieved to get off her feet and rest her arm, but she worried she’d be out of sight of Rhodes so he’d have a hard time keeping track of where she was. Still she made her way to the chair as he ordered and sat down carefully. She rearranged her sling to take the weight off her arm, then relaxed back into the chair and watched Rodriguez in front of her. “What’s the plan? How many men are you bringing to take down Levi and his crew?”

  “Not many. Won’t take very many. We might just blow the whole place to shit and hang around to see if anybody crawls out and shoot them.”

  Her heart froze at that. She’d not be very happy to see this gorgeous place blown to hell. It might be one of the most effective ways but it would attract a lot of attention. “It’s a compound. Even if you did manage to flatten it, no guarantee you’d get everybody.”

  He nodded. “But I’ve got snipers hitting the hillsides as we speak to take the men out one by one and then come in and do a clean out.” He shrugged. “It should be easy. Not to worry. It’ll be all over soon.”

  “Soon?” she mocked. The more information she could get him to spit out, the more Rhodes would be hearing and relating to the others, she hoped.

  “That’s the trouble with you guys. Totally undisciplined. You’ve lost whatever military training you had, and that was even a mockery of what real men go through,” he snapped. “My men will be here within ten minutes. Guaranteed.”

  Inside she smiled. That gave her unit an ETA, and, by now, they should be well and truly set up to deal with the approaching threat.

  “Then your men must be close,” she coaxed. “I thought everybody in this little town was taken out the other day.”

  He laughed. “What do you know? We own that entire block of stores—not just the two. Typical. You think small. That’s why you don’t look farther than that,” he said. “But we’ve been planning this for a long time.”

  “You have?” she asked in disbelief. “I thought you were a new recruit system. It’s not like they’re your men. You’re one of theirs, aren’t you?” That remark just seemed to enrage him.

  He spat out Spanish, rippling over her head as he stormed toward her. She held up an arm, sinking back on the chair, but she’d take the hit to keep him talking.

  Finally he calmed down enough that he stepped back. “Don’t you ever insult me like that again.”

  Instantly she nodded and added, “I won’t. I’m sorry.”

  Mollified he said, “You will pay for that. I’ll make you watch as we kill everyone, then we’ll deal with you.”

  Inside she had no doubt exactly what kind of form that threat would take. She just had to keep him calm enough to give Levi time to get here. Rhodes would shoot Rodriguez if he tried anything, but Levi and his team would want the rest of Rodriguez’s men too. Just how long would this take?


  Levi checked his watch. Two minutes and counting. He had two recovering men handling the control room, and everybody else was all hands on deck. They understood Rodriguez’s men were coming and snipers were in the hills.

  Thank God, Ice had remained cool and collected and was getting the information they needed. But goddamn him for leaving her alone. That Rodriguez was even now in his bedroom, possibly hurting Ice, was enough to make Levi red with anger, but he didn’t dare show weakness. Too many men were counting on him.

  The last thing he would do was let this asshole ruin his life any more than he already had. Burn Levi’s compound to the ground? No way. Neither would Rodriguez get a chance to hurt any more of his men. This asshole was going to die now.

  Logan’s voice came quietly in his ear. “One vehicle approaching on the corner. Parking in the ditch, four men disbanding.”

  Levi nodded. “Understood.” Four men. Good. He was afraid they’d be facing a dozen.

  “A second vehicle approaching.”

  “Copy that.” He waited to get the numbers. His men could handle the four easily. But depending on how many more were arriving, well, that changed the game.

  Levi stood in the hallway, tense, but ready to go in and rescue Ice as soon as he got the word everyone else was in position. They wanted to take them all out, not just Rodriguez. If they didn’t end this now, it would be something they’d have to deal with over and over again.

  It would never be finished.

  Just then a young female voice called out, “Ice, are you there? Where is everyone?”

  Levi turned to see Sienna, obviously confused and wondering what was going on, standing in the hallway, hands on her hips, the open elevator door behind her. Levi swore softly. He’d sent Dave out to help against the incoming men. He hadn’t considered Sienna might wake up. Now he could use him here—in a big way.

  When she saw Levi, she smiled and rushed toward him. “Am I glad to see you.” She motioned toward the elevator. “I can’t find anybody else. Is Ice here?”

  He held a finger up to his lips and motioned toward Ice’s old room. He opened the door soundlessly and dragged her inside. “We have a situation.” And he quickly explained what was going on.

  She gasped in horror. Her eyes were huge, but he saw no signs of panic. “What can I do to help?”

  “Stay here and out of sight. We can’t have you being used as a weapon too. It’s one thing he has Ice, but you’re an innocent civilian in all this. We need to keep you out of it.”

  Sienna glared at him. “I figured some shady stuff was going on these last few days, but I wasn’t sure what to do. I really like it here, but it was just too odd. This actually makes sense now. And in that case”—she crossed her arms—“I want to help.”

  Levi noted the determination in her gaze as she stared back and the complete lack of fear in her face. “Do you know where the control room is?” he asked.

  She considered for a moment. “Second floor, first left-hand door off the stairway.”

  He nodded. “I want you to slip down there and, if the guys have any errands for you to run, then you do that. Both the men in the control room are injured. I don’t know if Stone’s in there with them or not.”

  “Stone, he’s the big guy?” She slipped her hands through her long hair and twisted and locked it into a bun at the back of her head without a clip.

  He didn’t understand how she did that, but he really liked the efficient ease of movement she used to get the job done. “Exactly. He’s the one missing a leg.”

  She’d been about to walk toward the front door of the bedroom when she turned and looked at him. “He’s missing a leg?”

  He watched her face and almost smiled. That was a really good sign. She hadn’t even noticed. “Yes.”

  With the door open, he let her slip out and race to the elevator. He wished he could go with her, but no way was he leaving his bedroom door. He could only hope nobody else was inside the place, and Sienna would be safe that far aw

  As soon as the elevator doors closed, he said to Logan, “Sienna is on her way down to you.”

  “Good,” Logan responded. “Harrison decided he was healthy enough to go out and fight. Can’t say I’m impressed with being stuck here all alone. Could use the extra set of eyes.”

  “Okay, let me know she arrived safely.”

  “Will do,” Logan said cheerfully. Levi almost smiled. Add a pretty woman to the mix and every man’s spirits rose.

  Levi walked down to the end of the hallway, close to twenty feet past his bedroom door, and peered out into the night. He saw a flash of fire from the left-hand side. “Logan, you see that?”

  “Yes. We’re being fired upon, and we’re returning it,” Logan said, his voice hard. “Sienna is here. She’s sitting down, picking up the monitors with me.”

  “As soon as you hear it’s all clear, let me know. Rhodes, what is the status quo inside my bedroom?”

  Levi got no answer. He frowned. There could be several reasons for that and realized most likely it was the fact that Rhodes couldn’t answer without being heard inside the bedroom. As he walked back to the door, he tapped his comm twice and then twice again. This time he received a double tap response in return.

  “Good. Rhodes, I’m going in … three … two … one.”

  And crouching low, he burst into his bedroom …

  Chapter 19

  Ice thought she was ready. She’d tried to be ready. But she couldn’t help the low cry of surprise when the door burst open. Rodriguez spun and fired. But even as he aimed at Levi, his footsteps moved toward her.

  Gunshots rang out from both sides of the room.

  Rodriguez grabbed for her, but she spun out of the chair and hid behind it. She watched as his body danced in midair, blood spouting from his chest before collapsing—dead on the ground.

  She slowly straightened and stepped from behind the chair.

  Levi quickly snatched her up in his arms and crushed her against his chest. She cried out as her arm was jarred. But in truth, it was nothing compared to the relief swarming through her. Rhodes had crawled in through the window and stood over Rodriguez. He pulled off the full face mask so they could confirm his identity.


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