Saving Sadie

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Saving Sadie Page 9

by Honor James

  “I agree.” It was so easy to smile for him. All he had to do was ask and she found herself wanting to do that immediately, even after all of these years. “Back in like twenty seconds.” She got out of the bed and went to the dresser to grab her lotion. Once she got back into bed, she settled onto the side of the bed and said, “Let me do you first and then I will work on me, deal?”

  He began to snicker as he nodded, covering his mouth as it turned into chuckles. At her look, he waved his hand. “Sorry, my mind went right into the gutter. I can’t help it, though, it’s all your fault actually. Sitting there looking so damn good and naked, I seem to turn into a teenage boy in the mental area.”

  “Well I thought that I did just do you in that way,” she teased and rolled the small tub in her hands to slightly warm the rub. “That’s okay, though, I will forgive you for going all teenage male on me.” She shifted so that she was at the bottom of his leg and looked up at him. “My poor Keagan. I wish I had been there for you,” she whispered and set the tub on the bed beside his good leg and scooped some out. “I’m going to start with your foot and work up, is that okay with you?”

  “The past is the past, and we can’t live our lives thinking about the what ifs, Sadie. We can wish all we want, and I have a lot of wishes I would have liked granted in regards to you, but that won’t let us move ahead. Yes, we can have our regrets, it’s part of life, but we can’t let them rule us.” Keagan stuffed another pillow under his head, and watched her. “Be gentle. I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s super sensitive. And avoid the large scar on my thigh as much as you can for now. I have some medicated stuff that I’m only allowed to put on there. Apparently it has some sort of something in it to keep the flesh pliable, but I can’t put anything else on it unless doctor approved.”

  “That’s what this is. It’s for scarring and for the times when my scars open. The skin still does that from time to time,” she said with a shrug and began to work the rub into his skin, taking as much care as she took when she first began to take care of her own scars and recalling how much it hurt.

  “You have a very gentle touch,” he said after a time. “So, sweetheart, what all have you been up to these last years? I seem to recall you, or someone else maybe, saying something about paintings. Maybe. Hell, I can’t recall,” he muttered.

  “Yes. That’s how I bought this place.” The acreage that went with the house as well. She had bought it all. “I had sold several pieces before I found out I was pregnant and as soon as I knew I knew I needed a home. I bought this place so that they would have a nice large yard, protected and secure.” She sighed and shrugged. “I’ve painted you and Bryce hundreds of times only to pour turpentine over it to redo the canvas. Bad, I know.”

  When she looked up, he was staring at her with his mouth open. “Seriously?” he asked. At her nod, he frowned. “Well, hell. Not entirely sure how I should take that. No, don’t explain, Sadie. I get it, I really do, but I’m still not sure what to make of it all.”

  “I couldn’t get the two of you out of my mind. Even as early as this week I was doing it.” Short days before she had, actually. “It didn’t mean that I didn’t still care for you. I cared a great deal for you, both of you,” she said as she rubbed the medicated cream into his leg.

  “But it was too painful of a reminder to keep around,” he said softly. He smiled when she glanced at him. “I told you I got it,” he murmured. Sighing, he pushed up to a sitting position and tipped her chin up to accept his light kiss. “Hopefully, if you feel the need to paint us from here on out, you don’t obliterate us in the next moment.”

  “From here out there is no more obliterating the two of you. I’m keeping you both, in every single way I possibly can, from now until I no longer breathe and beyond.” She moved up his leg and grabbed more of the rub. “Tell me if I hurt you?” she asked because she was getting to what looked to be a painful part of his leg.

  Nodding, he leaned back on his hands. She could feel his gaze still on her, but kept her concentration on where he was. Suddenly, he burst out laughing, and she stilled. “Sorry,” he said before giving a small cough. “I’m a little ticklish there currently. Something I truly hope dissipates as the sensitivity dies down.”

  “Sorry, babe,” she said and shrugged. “At least you have feeling. Some of the places on my body I still don’t have feeling at all. Like my lower back, I don’t have any feeling at all where the third and fourth degree burns were.” She had nearly died from the burns, let alone the accident.

  Catching her wrists gently, he squeezed lightly. “Hey, look at me, Sadie.” When she lifted her head, her gaze meeting his, he smiled. “You’re here, you’re alive, and you’re going to have a wonderful life. I guarantee that,” he said. “There are plenty of other places on the body that you can still feel, and we’ll relearn everything about you. In time you won’t even notice the sensation that isn’t there because you’ll have so much more all over the rest of you.”

  “I hope so.” She leaned in and kissed him and then wiped her hands on the towel she had used to dry off on. “No, I know so,” she said when she turned back around. “Now, where is the medicated rub you need for your still really raw looking-wound? I want to make sure that this is all done with before Bryce returns so that we can get you into the next contraption without having to worry about waiting for this to all dry and whatnot.”

  “Yeah, I’ve got a little tube. It should be in my…” He trailed off, looking around the room. Then an uh-oh expression came over his face. “It should be in my jacket, which is downstairs right by the front door where Cutter hung it up.”

  “Don’t worry. I will go and get it.” She leaned down and kissed him. “I will be back in like three minutes. I will come back with a couple of bottles of water as well, that way you don’t have to worry about getting a drink in the middle of the night.” She walked toward her closet and pulled out a robe. Putting it on and belting it, she looked back at him once more and winked. “Back soon.”

  Chapter Ten

  As she reached the front hallway, the outer door opened, and in walked Bryce. He smiled when he saw her, and then his eyebrows went up and his grin got bigger. “Didn’t expect you to greet me at the door, sweetheart. But I have to say I like the fashion statement you have going.”

  Sadie turned and gave him a show, opening the robe for him and then closing it before the thought hit her that she was scarred. “Sorry.” She blushed and walked to him. “I came down to get the stuff for Keagan’s leg.” She put her hand on Bryce’s chest and leaned up on her toes. “I missed you. Happy you are back.” Which was the truth. She had missed him greatly.

  He was frowning at her. “Why are you sorry, Sadie?” he asked. Catching her hand, he tugged her in closer to him, and slid his arms around her. “Sweetheart, talk to me, please? I need to know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  “Flashing you before you even get fully into the door.” Sadie looked up at him and nodded. “You haven’t seen all of me and I know that. I want you to, though. I want to know that you love me and accept me, just like I know you will.” She knew that, deep down, but there was still that part of her that dealt with people jerking from her and from the looks she got for such a long time after the accident.

  “Sadie, you can flash me any time you like. Unless there are other guys around, don’t need that shit going down. I’d have to beat them all for even looking your way let alone getting an eyeful of your assets.” Lowering his head, he brushed a kiss to her lips. “I have always loved you, sweetheart. And I always will.”

  “That’s a very good thing.” She wrapped her arms up and around Bryce’s neck and pulled him closer. “Because I love you as well. I will always love you.” She nodded and pulled back. “Now then, Keagan is upstairs in bed nice and relaxed. He’s had a bath and a bit more.” She laughed. “So I hope you brought his pain meds so that we can ply him with those to help with the pain that I know he’s in. I see it in his eyes and h
is stubborn ass worries me with how he just wants to tough his way through it.”

  “I did bring his meds, and his vitamins, and a few other odds and sods. Well, more than a few. These days the guy isn’t packing so lightly,” he said with a chuckle. Pressing another kiss to her lips, he drew back. “Here, his meds are in there as well as the stuff for the wounds, and the wrap for his leg. Or as I like to call it, his leg condom. Trust me, you’ll get it the instant you pull it out. I’m going to grab our clothing bags, and I will be up in a few minutes. Which should give you enough time to put the salve on his leg and let it dry the necessary ten minutes before you roll the condom on his leg.”

  She couldn’t wait to see this thing, then. She took the bag from him and heaved it over her shoulder. “I put my rub on his leg as well, it should be good and numb for the most part for him. That’s one of the best parts of that stuff. It helps to numb things down. Now, hurry up so that you can get naked with me, too? Oh, and did you get condoms, I hope?” Because she wanted to be with him, desperately.

  “They’re in that bag, too,” he said with a smirk. “I got a few extra in case gimp along is up for a challenge. Though, from the look on your face, and how you’re avoiding my eyes, you already took care of him. Good on you, sweetheart. Now, skedaddle upstairs. I’ll be up in fifteen. I’m still hungry,” he muttered the last mostly to himself.

  “Well hurry because I’m horny,” she blurted. “Seriously, it’s been a very freaking long time since I’ve been with anyone.” The last time she was with him, actually, he was the last man to have sex with her. “So I’m in need.” Which was the honest truth. “Fifteen minutes and I’m going to be up in the bed either getting pleasure from you or from my own hand.” Which she frowned about. “Which I really don’t want to.”

  “What am I, a lump of coal?” came drifting down the stairway.

  She and Bryce shared a look and broke out into snickers at the same time. “Gotta love the man’s super acute hearing,” he muttered. “It was thrashed for a while after the explosion, but it came right back with a vengeance. Heaven help us all,” Bryce said, rolling his eyes. “Go, entertain him for fifteen, I’ll be up right on time.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Sadie gave Bryce a longing look and then turned to race up the stairs. “I’m here. Miss me?” she asked Keagan when she pulled his medicine out first and then the cream for his scar tissue. “Pill. I insist,” she grumbled and after reading the bottle shook two into her palm and passed them to him, followed with a bottle of water. “Take the pills and I will put the cream on your scar. Then I will roll the condom,” she said with air quotes, “Onto your leg. Okay?”

  “Ha, ha,” he muttered with a sneer. “Everyone’s a friggin’ comedian about the stocking.” He took one of the pills and downed it, outright refusing the second one with a mutinous look on his face. Even going so far as to press his lips together tightly and shake his head.

  “You are worse than a baby sometimes.” Not really, he was stubborn but she loved him for it. “Okay. One, but if you hurt during the night I’m making you take the other one. Even if I have to grind it down and force it down your throat.” She kissed him again, just because she could. “Now, lie back and let me finish taking care of you, mister.”

  Huffing out a breath, he even stuck his tongue out at her, but grinned as he eased back. “Ugh, I hate being laid up. The last time nearly drove me insane. The plus side was I nearly drove every one of the guys insane, too, which was a huge plus. I think it was the show tunes I was singing at the top of my lungs that got to them the most.”

  “Well now you have me to keep you company when you want it. You can sing show tunes to me all that you want because if I remember correctly you have a very lovely voice.” He had a smooth and husky voice, a crooner’s voice, and it made her wet every time he sang.

  He was blushing when she took a peek at him. “Thanks,” he mumbled. Poor guy looked uncomfortable with the compliment. “They weren’t nearly as appreciative, though. It might have been the fact I’d gotten my hands on a couple of helium balloons, and was putting them to good use.”

  “Oh lordy, I can totally see you doing that, too.” She snorted. “Well your voice also makes me wet,” she said as she rubbed the cream into his scarred area. “You sing to me and I become wet. I get horny and in need. I’ve always wanted to jump you the second that you began to sing, but I didn’t because I wanted to hear even more of your singing.”

  “Seriously?” he asked her. He didn’t sound like he actually believed her. “Why the hell didn’t you ever tell me that, woman? Fucking hell, I can do two things at once you know. Well, most days. Not lately. But that’s a different story all together. When I’m fully functional, and properly motivated, I can do two things at once.”

  “That’s a damn good thing. And I figured that me cornering you every single time that you were in the shower or anytime you started to sing in the yard would have told you everything, right? Because I did. I wanted you every single second of the day.” Which was the truth. She wanted to simply be with them. Period. She wanted to just be in their company and enjoy them being close to her. Their chats and their touches. It didn’t have to be sex, it had to be just them. Period.

  “Huh, okay, good point. Now that you mention that, it suddenly all becomes clear. Damn it, woman, I’m a guy. We’re mostly oblivious to the obvious shit. Unless it’s shooting at us, and then we tend to clue in pretty quick. You should have told me,” he said quietly. Then he started to hum, a grin on his face.

  Sadie looked up at him from where she was putting the cream on his leg and laughed. “Honey, I’m drenched from the blow job I gave you earlier and you are only making it worse. Do you want more?” Oh, god, she hoped so. Jesus, she wanted to take him into her mouth again. She was seriously screwed, or hoped she would be soon at least. “And now you know, so you can use that knowledge however you wish to use it.”

  “I swear to only use it for purely evil intentions of getting you naked,” he told her. Then he crooked his finger at her. “You have ten minutes to wait before the stocking can go on. I think you should come up this way and let me taste your sweet honey.”

  “Yeah?” She felt her thighs get wetter and licked her lips. Pulling off her robe, she moved to the bed and asked, “And how would you want me?” When he motioned for her to straddle his face she moaned. “Jesus, you are going to kill me.” And what a fucking way to go, too! She moved so that she was closer to him. “Now, do you want me to be able to reach your cock and suck it while you are making me come over and over again?” She didn’t know if he wanted her to face the headboard or his feet. She was good either way.

  “This is all about you, Sadie. So face the headboard, hands on top, and hold on tight.” He grinned at her and held out his hands to help her get into position. “Come on, sweetheart. Find a comfortable position and let me have that sweet, hot little pussy of yours.”

  Sadie moved and put her hands onto the headboard and moved so that she could straddle his head. The moment his hands clasped her hips, she felt his mouth on her pussy and let out a sigh of pure pleasure. “Holy christ.” His tongue was teasing her and toying with her in the best of ways.

  “Damn, you taste even better than I remember,” he said. With a low growl, he nipped at her inner thigh, his tongue darting out to soothe away the small ache. Throwing her a wink, he pulled her down on his face, lapping at her slit again and again, flicking his tongue to her clit, or thrusting it deep into her sheath.

  “God, I’ve missed your mouth.” Keagan was talented with his mouth and she loved it when he would tease her like he did. Her hands clenched the headboard and her hips began to sway and move on his face as he worked his mouth over her pussy to make her scream.

  He began to hum one of her favorite songs, the vibrations adding to the insanity he was creating. Sucking on her clit, he scraped his teeth lightly to the bud and bit gently. Moving one hand, he pushed a finger into her pussy, giving her something more t
o ride.

  Sadie rocked harder and harder on him when he slipped his finger into her body. She sobbed as she rode his face and fingers. “Fucking hell. Keagan.” She sobbed and moved one hand to the top of his head, pushing her fingers into his short hair and holding his head to her pussy as he hummed through one of her still-favorite songs.

  He thrust another finger into her pussy and bit onto her clit with more force. Tugging on the tight nub, he flicked it with the end of his tongue. Then he sucked hard on the bud, never letting up on the pressure, and twisted his fingers.

  Sadie was sobbing. She moved on Keagan’s face in a dance that she had thought she had long ago forgotten. She moved in pure pleasure, loving every single moment of his teasing and wanting more. “Keagan. God, baby, I’m so close.” She shuddered, every inch of her being wanting more.

  She swore she could feel him smiling against her pussy. Right before he moved his other hand and pressed a finger to her anus. Easing inside, he wiggled it back and forth, changing what he was humming to something with more bass to it.

  The pressure from both of his fingers was enough to send her over. It had been so long since she had done anything at all like this and she had a short fuse because of it. She was screaming as she came in a rush over his face.

  He withdrew his fingers from her pussy, and lapped at her as she came. Over and over his tongue swept along her slit. Eventually he caught her weight and helped her to ease down to the bed next to him. Keagan was grinning at her, licking his lips slowly, and looked pretty satisfied with himself.

  Sadie finally caught her breath and curled up against him. “God, that was amazing,” she said quietly. “I have missed that so much. I’ve missed you so much.” Which was the god’s honest truth. “You have the best tongue. Between you and Bryce, the two of you have always made me come over and over again.” They were both very, very talented with their mouths.


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