Saving Sadie

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Saving Sadie Page 11

by Honor James

  “That was a shot,” he confirmed. He was tense, his entire back firm under her hand. “Cutter just took a shot at someone that tried to shoot him. He missed because the individual apparently tripped. He’s not happy,” he added. For a few minutes he was silent before letting out a string of annoyed, frustrated-sounding curses. “Whoever it was got away. Cutter lost him when he went into a neighbor’s yard.”

  “Great.” She felt the tenseness in Keagan and leaned her forehead to his back. “How far away is Bryce?” She would feel better when both of the men she loved were close to her again. “And why isn’t Markham out there? I thought that he was the sniper of your group?” Not that Cutter was a bad shot, but Markham wouldn’t have missed. Right? She questioned herself.

  “Markham’s on his downtime,” he said. “Even a sniper needs to sleep from time to time. Plus, people frown on a guy toting around a gun as big as what he prefers to use. They also tend to call the cops. Not something we need to draw this individual out. Cutter’s coming back to the house. He thinks he winged whoever it is, so he’s going to go over the yard and see if there’s any evidence left behind. Harker will be home later, he was at the office working with Timmons to dig deeper into your dad’s life, his associates, and anything we could. I’ll call him, but he really does need to be there doing this, sweetheart. No one is getting to you, not now, not ever. You know that, right?”

  “Of course I know that. You would never, ever allow anyone to hurt me. But wait, you said you are digging into dad’s life? Why? Yes, he’s a complete asshole for keeping us apart, but why would you be digging into his life? I thought that the stalker was after me, so he had to be from my life, right?” She was more than a little confused by this all. She was struggling to keep herself from wigging out with someone shooting at her home again so she latched onto the wording that Keagan had used.

  “This person is after you, but who knows when or where the interest started. It could have been anywhere. We’re also digging into the institute you were at, looking through anyone that worked there, and ripping their lives apart. We’re leaving no stone unturned on this, Sadie. It’s your life, our future we’re talking about, sweetheart. No way in hell am I going to assume something that could end up getting you hurt. That is not acceptable to me.”

  She flushed when she thought about the facility that she had been in and nodded. She was ashamed that they would know in photocolor detail just how desperate she was to give up living and felt shame for that reason. She took a deep breath and licked her lips. “I—” She didn’t know what to say, at all. She closed her eyes and hugged Keagan tighter. “Just remember that I love you. With what you find out. Just remember that, okay?”

  He turned to face her, leaning in with a hand braced to the wall, the gun nowhere in sight. “I know you do, Sadie. It was a low point in your life, I get that,” he whispered. “I also do not blame you for any of it. That lies squarely on your father’s shoulders, and always will. You were hurting, and we weren’t here to help you get through it, so of course you struggled. We’re here now, and we both expect you to lean on us when you need to from here on out. As we’ll lean on you when it’s needed.”

  She nodded and looked up at him. “I will. I will likely lean on you a great deal.” She moved her hand up to cup his cheek and she took a deep breath. “He took so much from us, and just thinking that he may have taken more breaks my heart. I don’t know if I will be able to ever look at him again if he had anything to do with the loss of our babies.” She just hoped she would be able to keep Bryce and Keagan from killing the man. Not because of the loss of her father, but because she didn’t want the men she loved to go to jail.

  “I know,” he whispered. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he drew back. “Come on, let’s get something to drink, and then we can sit down. We’ll start on the files and see what we can get through before Harker gets home. I will call him, let him know that we had a breach, but everything is fine. Which means he should be skidding to a stop out front about fifteen minutes after I hang up the phone.”

  “Oh, can you have him stop for food? I don’t think that we have much to cook.” Groceries seemed to go like lightning in the house with all the guys and women that stopped by. “Or maybe we can send the guys a grocery list and they can shop for us?”

  “I’ll have him stop. It might let us have a bit of time to work then. Why don’t you start a list while I grab the files? We’ll work on them on the kitchen table so we can spread out a bit.” He paused to look at her, his gaze intent on her. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked softly.

  “Sounds good.” She watched him and, taking a deep breath, shook her head. “I’m happy you are here with me. If you weren’t with me I think that I would be falling apart without question. I’m staying together only because I have you to lean on and I’m more grateful for that than you can possibly know.”

  “I think I get it,” he said softly. Brushing another kiss to her lips, he drew back. “Go make your list, and I’ll meet you in there in a couple minutes. And put the coffee on too, please, if you don’t mind. It should be ready to go,” he told her.

  She gave him a nod and nervously looked toward the doors. “And you are sure that it’s clear? That it’s okay?” She hated to be so nervous, especially in her own home, but she was. She was worried that whoever had shot at the house was still out there and waiting for her.

  “The house is secure, Sadie. I’ll be in the living room, and then I’ll be right behind you in the kitchen. Won’t take me more than a minute or two to grab the files.” Smiling at her, he stepped back carefully, and then did his quick little hop toward the living room. “Get your cute little ass in gear, babe.”

  “Okay.” She smiled at him and moved after, ensuring that he was able to get back to his other crutch. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the kitchen, pulled out a notepad and pen, and got started making the list of things that they needed.

  He came in behind her two minutes later, a stack of stuff under his arm that he dumped onto the table. Keagan looked to her, then the coffeemaker, then her, and shook his head. “Really? I know you hate the stuff, sweetheart. But we all live off it, and I have a feeling Cutter’s going to need a cup by the time he’s done out there.” Going around her, he started the coffeemaker, turned it off, and tried again. When nothing happened, he huffed out a breath, turned it back off, and then turned and leaned back against the counter.

  “We don’t have any more coffee,” she said when he began to look in the cabinets for more. “That’s the first on my list,” she assured him with a grin, shortly followed by tea, of course. “I can make us some tea.” She waited for the face that he gave every time she asked if he wanted tea.

  His nose wrinkled, his face scrunched up, and he shook his head as if he’d just smelled something nasty. “No thank you. No matter how much I love and adore you, no way will you ever convert me, Sadie.” He shot a longing look at the coffeepot, which was doing absolutely nothing, and sighed long and deep.

  “Sorry, honey. Maybe when Bryce shows up he will bring you coffee from the local coffee shop as well?” She felt so bad for her poor Keagan, the look on his face was mutinous and slightly comical. “I wish that I would have set extra coffee back for you, love. I’ve asked for four packs of it, and we will put two of them in the freezer.” She thought it would be okay to freeze at least.

  He let out an even more mournful-sounding sigh. “It’s fine,” he said. “I’ll survive. Even if I only did get only one cup today. We really need to stop feeding all of them over here. They keep stealing our fucking coffee. It’s downright unacceptable.”

  That had her grinning. “I don’t mind. I just never have had to purchase coffee for so many people. I’ve learned my lesson and you won’t be without coffee again. Promise. Even if I have to start to purchase ten packs of it and freeze half of it, we will do it.” They did love their coffee, all of the men did. “So whatever works, right?”

  “I say we just cut al
l the others off,” he told her. Shaking his head, he came back to her side and leaned in. He must have been reading the list since he said, “Add peanut butter. Michael ate the last of it, out of the jar no less, when he was here the other day. Which sucks when I get a craving for toast and peanut butter.”

  “Right, oh, and Nutella as well. I think that Markham ate the last of it the last time that he was here as well.” She loved Nutella toast. “Goodness, you know that Bryce is going to be pissy that we are sending him such a long list.” Especially since the house had been shot at and he would be doing everything possible to get there to her. “Maybe I should just order this and have it delivered?”

  “Hell no, there’s no reason for him to rush back. You’re safe, I’m safe, and even Cutter is safe,” he said with a shrug. “He couldn’t do anything here even if he raced back. This will force him to slow his ass down. Though, maybe we should call it in and have him pay and pick it up instead. It’ll slow him down, but he’ll still be able to get here at a decent rate for his peace of mind.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” She reached for the phone on the counter and tapped her pen to the paper. “Is there anything else that you want to add to the list?” She would ensure that the bill was placed on her tab. It would be easier all around, and that way Bryce didn’t have to spend his money either. “Oh, I need more shampoo as well.” She gave Keagan a look and grinned. “Seems someone really loves washing my hair.” Not that she was complaining at all. She loved it, too.

  “It makes me feel mildly useful. You’re cooking, cleaning, and more or less taking care of me, Sadie. Gotta do something to keep from going crazy with my lazy ass self. Though I should lay off the carbohydrates, I’m starting to get fat.” He pulled up his shirt and looked down at his perfectly defined abs. Then he stuck his gut out, which wasn’t all that impressive given the man likely had less than four percent body fat. “Look at this, I’m totally going to pot sitting around on my butt all day.”

  She looked at him and had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. “Well I’ve told you that I’m more than willing to help you work out.” She patted his belly and grinned up at him. “Although you look amazing to me. You are still ripped like crazy, and the only reason you have a gut right now is because you are forcing your belly out. Admit it. You just wanted me to touch you.”

  “Damn straight I want you touching me,” he said with a grin. He let the shirt drop and sighed. “I am bored, though. This inactivity is not cool. I can’t believe I still have months of this to put up with. Hell, how you’re not ready to kill me yet I’ll never know.”

  “Typically because you make me scream with lots of pleasure.” She was teasing him, mostly. “I have a full basement that we can get some equipment in. Right now all that’s down there is the hot tub and the endless pool.” The pool was amazing to her. It wasn’t a typical pool, but one that had a water piece that made it seem as if you were swimming even when staying in the same place.

  “Might be an idea, though the pool sounds like something useful for me to start working the leg,” he said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to go overboard, though, we have a full gym at the office, but a few things would be good. I’ll talk to Harker about it later, see what he can get easily, and what he might want to have around. You sure you’re okay with this? I mean we’ve pretty much taken over your life, your house, your damn food budget. I hate to feel like we’re intruding so much, even though I love being here, and being with you. I don’t want you regretting this at any point down the line.”

  She moved to him and put her hands on his face. Looking him in the eyes, she said, “I need you both to be a permanent part of my life. I’ve needed both of you in my life for years. So don’t even go there. I couldn’t regret a moment in time with you or having you both with me. Do whatever is needed so that you can both fully move in. If you want to, that is. I want you to.” She had three full walk-n closets in her bedroom for a reason, because of them. “I need you both so much more than I can possibly ever tell you.”

  His gaze locked with hers, and held for long moments. Finally he nodded and let out a soft breath. “Is it bad to say we’re already moved in?” he asked with a crooked grin. “We’ve been living out of our bags for years, we have always traveled light, and basically what Harker brought over the other night is everything we own. We’ll have to get some more stuff eventually, but we’re already here, babe.”

  “Good. There is nothing bad to say at all about that. I’m happy that you are both here for good.” She let out a breath of relief and stroked a finger over his cheek. “I’m keeping both of you. From now on there is no driving us apart. If there are questions, we will ask each other, right? There is no more someone stepping between us. Right?”

  “Very right,” he said with a nod. Reaching up, he cupped her cheek and held her for his slow kiss. “Finish up the list and call it in. Then we need to go through everything before I call and break things to Harker. I’d like to get a ways through it before I have to make that call. He’s going to flip the proverbial wig when he hears this,” he muttered.

  “Good point.” She took a deep breath and then looked to the files that he had on the table. “He’s going to be angry if we keep from calling him and telling him about the attack. You know that as well as I do.” She spoke quietly and honestly. She was just trying to keep from having to look at those files and hated herself for her cowardice.

  “What attack?” he asked. “You were never in danger, the house was never breached, and we’re both perfectly safe. As far as we know it was some dumb-ass punk out there who thought he was all that until someone started to shoot back with some serious accuracy. Which is what I’m going with when he gets here and is beyond pissed at me.”

  That had her giggling and she shook her head. “Okay. Okay. I will leave it to you to tell him whatever it is that you want to tell him. I trust you.” She pulled back and looked at the files. “Let me call in the order, and then I will come have a seat with you. They will have it ready when he gets there, promise.”

  “We’ll call him in about twenty minutes,” he said. Moving to the table, he sat down on the bench seat, his legs stretched out under the table. “Crap. Babe, can you grab me a juice? I meant to get it before sitting, but some gorgeously sexy female-type person distracted me.”

  “Well as long as I’m that gorgeously sexy female.” She saw the look on his face and winked. Going to the fridge, she asked, “Apple or orange?” When he told her, she brought it and water to the table with her. “Now then.” She settled down at his side, the notepad and pen with her. “Where do we start?”

  “We’re going to start at the beginning,” he said. He pulled a file off the pile and handed it to her. “This is the time period from when we deployed, to your accident, and everything that happened in between. Read through it, and make any comments, or whatever thoughts pop into your head as you read through. I need to know of anything that’s missing, places you may have gone we didn’t find, or anyone you met at the few events you attended with your father during the time.”

  She nodded and, with shaky hands, opened the first file. She made rapid notes here and there. When she got to the accident she had to bite back a sob of pain. The car had been on the front page of the paper, something she hadn’t realized. “God, this still hurts so much.” She could practically feel the flames licking around her body. She frowned then and cocked her head to the side. “This is wrong,” she said as she read over the files. “It states here that I was found inside of the vehicle but I wasn’t. I got out of the vehicle. I crawled in the snow. When the car burst into flames, I should have been far enough away but I wasn’t. I was hit in the back by a flying piece of debris.” She looked to him and asked, “Why would the police reports reflect that I was found inside of the car when I know for damn sure I wasn’t?”

  He was shaking his head as he took the report from her. He flipped to the next page and showed her the picture. It showed her inside th
e vehicle, and a fire extinguisher in the snow on its side, next to her outflung hand. “According to this, a passerby stopped when he saw the explosion. He was able to use snow and the extinguisher he had in his car, that he’d just purchased, to put out the flames enough to attempt to get you out. The cops arrived shortly after, as well as a reporter that had been doing a ride along. The reporter got the first shots of the scene before the EMTs, and firefighters got you free.”

  Keagan picked up another file and flipped it open. “All the reports the cops on scene wrote report they found you in the vehicle. But not one of them has the name of the so-called passerby. I think someone stuck you back in to help cover up what wasn’t actually an accident.”

  She was shaking slightly. “Because I still have the scars on my back where the debris hit me,” she whispered quietly and let her fingers trace over the notepad. “I was out. I had pulled off my clothes. In the image you can see my coat off to the side here.” Which was far from the car. “Why? Why would they have done that? Did they want me dead or did they just want to send a message? If so, to who?”

  “I don’t know, Sadie. But this is information we can work with,” he told her. Reaching out, he took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together and squeezing. “Tell me what you remember of the accident. You were driving along, slower than normal,” he prompted softly.

  “Yes. I was taking additional care with everything that I was doing because I was protecting our children. I even stopped painting so much so that I didn’t inhale fumes that might cause birth defects. Everything that I did I was doing for them.” She was stroking her thumb over his as he held her hand. “I had just gotten the vehicle and the sensors went off on the tires. I was on the phone with AAA to have someone start on their way to me.” She had forgotten that part, how odd. “And then—” She frowned and tried to force herself to see the past. “Crap, it’s gone. There is something there but I don’t know what.” She was missing something. It was a black void between her call to AAA and her waking upside down in the ravine.


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