Saving Sadie

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Saving Sadie Page 17

by Honor James

  She nodded and held onto Keagan. She jumped when she heard a gunshot hitting the glass, and couldn’t stop her yelp. Her father continued to scream and rant at her, but by this point Keagan put his hands over her ears. She heard another shot and then another, all pinging off of the glass.

  “Son of a bitch, he’s pissed. Bryce, tell me they are close,” Keagan said.

  “Pulling in now,” Bryce said.

  “Thank God,” he muttered. Another shot pinged off the glass. She could hear shouting then, a lot of it, demanding her father put his gun down. Keagan slid his hands off her ears, and down to her back, rubbing gently.

  “I don’t want to see this.” She was a coward and knew it but she couldn’t watch them taking her father away. She knew how bad that sounded, but even with all he had done he was still her father. Monster, but her father.

  “I know,” he said quietly. He gave her a squeeze and brushed a kiss over her forehead. “Let’s go into the reception area. It’s far enough away that you won’t be able to see anything. You can sit down before you fall down.”

  “That sounds good.” She was shaking so much she was sure she would fall. She heard the screams of her father, heard him cursing her up one side and back down the other, but she ignored it. She was only a hair’s breadth from falling down flat on her face in shock, and the feeling of betrayal was riding her so hard that she didn’t think she would ever be the same again.

  “Nice and slow,” he encouraged her. “Hang onto my arm, and we’ll go one step at a time until we get to the chairs. Then you can sit down, put your head between your knees, and take a few nice, easy breaths.”

  She clung to Keagan as he led her to the reception area. She didn’t dare look back because she might have gone to her father’s side if she had. She doubted it, not with the slow-burning rage that was simmering inside of her from the knowledge that he had been the one who had killed her children. “So we have the answers at least as to why our children died.” Her father. He had killed them. She didn’t know how, but she was sure of it. It was more than the accident, she was certain. They had been moving when she had been on fire.

  At the chairs, he hooked a hand under her arm and helped her to sit. “Put your head down, love. Slow your breathing for me,” he said softly. He settled on the coffee table across from her as she bent over slowly. Keagan kept a hand on her shoulder, rubbing his thumb over her throat gently while talking to her.

  “Where’s Bryce?” She thought it was just her and Keagan. “Oh god, he’s not going to get thrown in jail for beating the hell out of that man, is he?” She couldn’t think to call him her father, not when it hurt so much.

  “Hardly,” Bryce said. “I haven’t even unlocked the door yet. And I won’t until the police arrive to take your father away. At which time I’ll need to so Timmons can retrieve the relevant video feed with that rant, and his threats and admission of guilt.”

  “Good.” She reached out for Bryce and, when both men were touching her once more, put her head between her knees. She was overwhelmed. There was no other meaning for the way that she was feeling. “I hate this,” she whispered, with tears filling her once more. “I never wanted to believe he would have had something to do with it but now to learn he had a part in Mom’s death as well? I just don’t know what to think.”

  “I know, Sadie. Fuck, I wish I knew what to say to make it all better,” Keagan said. He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I don’t, though. Know that we’re here for you, and with you for the rest of our days, love. No matter what happens, we’re not leaving you.”

  “That’s all that matters to me. All that matters is that you are both here for me.” She held onto both of them, she had to hold onto them. “I need both of you too much to let you go anytime soon.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Bryce said. She felt him move, and then the brush of his heavier body to her side. “Breathe for us, become calm, and try to relax. Too much stress is not good for you, Sadie, and you’ve had way too fucking much of late.”

  “I’m trying. God, I’m trying.” She saw spots before her eyes and knew that if she didn’t calm herself soon she was going to pass out. She focused on her breathing, breathing in, holding it, breathing out. She did this for several minutes and finally felt a bit calmer. She nodded and sat up, leaning heavily against Keagan when he pulled her close.

  “Good girl,” he said quietly. “You’re okay, Sadie. You’re going to be fine. We’re going to ensure you are, and that you only have happiness in your life from now on. Anyone else pisses in your direction, I’m just going to shoot them. To hell with this being good crap. It’s way too drawn out and annoying.”

  “I’m with you.” She was more than happy to do just that as well. “I think we should increase the security around our home, though. Now that both of you are living with me, too.” They lived just outside of the city and she had a large property, so if they increased security it should be good. She hoped.

  “We’ll upgrade the system, but we don’t need anyone else out there. No way are we going to have people possibly seeing you when we’re together,” Bryce told her. “I’m putting my foot down on that.”

  “Okay, I can live with that. So how much more will we upgrade? I know that you said that the guys already upgraded it when you guys came back into my life.” And she was so glad that they had. She was happy that they had come into her life and loved her like they did.

  “I’m thinking gun turrets, maybe a couple of fifty-caliber would be good,” he said. “Landmines near the fence line, pits with spikes at the bottom, or lions. Lions would be good, definitely deter anyone from ever coming on the property if they fell into one of those.”

  Keagan sighed. “We’ll beef everything up a little more, put in some razor wire on the fence with a charge to it. The birds will avoid it because of the hum, but it’ll be outside the range for most people to detect. We’ll also use a few other, low-tech methods of keeping people out. No,” he said when Bryce opened his mouth. “We are not putting in pits with lions.”

  “I think that sounds like a better plan. No pits with lions because then we would have to feed them and we would run out of people that pissed us off eventually, right? So yes, I think the electric fence would be good. It’s a change that I can live with and get behind.”

  “Why is everyone against me getting a lion?” Bryce asked.

  “Because you’ve always wanted one, and you think it would be an awesome pet especially if you could train it right from the first day. Plus there’s the advantage of telling people you have a pet lion, and showing him off at parties, blah, blah, blah,” Keagan said. “You are not getting a lion. Besides, her area isn’t licensed for wild cats of that nature, sorry.”

  “No, no lions. Besides, what if we one day want to have a baby? A lion would gobble up a baby, and then I would have to kill you and the lion. Nope, no lions,” Sadie said with a grin. “Because I do want a baby one day, so don’t even think about a lion.”

  Both men were staring at her. Bryce slid off the chair arm to sit across from her, right next to Keagan. “Seriously?” he asked her. “You’d want to try again, with us?” He looked stunned, and Keagan didn’t look much better, either. Both had a hopeful light to their eyes, yet they also had varying levels of worry written all over their faces.

  “Of course I would. I love the sound of our children chasing the two of you down. I would love for our home to always be filled with love, laughter, and joy. Wouldn’t the two of you want children?” she asked, a little bit uncertainly now.

  They both seemed to tackle her, hugging her tightly as they dropped kisses on her face wherever they could reach her. “Of course we want kids,” Bryce told her. “We were more worried about you and your health, mainly.”

  Easing back, Keagan was nodding. “It’s hard on a woman’s body in the best of circumstances. You’ve been through hell and back, Sadie. Did the doctors ever warn you about anything should you become pregnant again?”

sp; “Just that I would likely have to be bedridden. I’m scarred, and if my stomach wouldn’t swell properly I might have to deliver early, but it shouldn’t be an issue. Really. I’ve done everything that they said to do but never thought I would have a chance to have a child.” Which was true. With the men seemingly out of her life forever, she had never thought she would have another child.

  “Well, whatever needs to be done, we’ll see to it,” Bryce said. He turned his head when there was a loud knocking sound. “I suppose I should let them in, especially since it appears the police have arrived.”

  “Good point.” Sadie took a deep breath and pulled back. “Whatever needs to happen, we will ensure that it happens. I want forever with both of you, and nothing less will do at all. I need you both in my life far too much.”

  Giving her hand a squeeze, Bryce went to let the others into the building.

  “I think we should go home and get started on the little tykes,” Keagan told her. “Bryce and I aren’t getting any younger, after all. Especially Bryce, he’s just so damn old. I’m sure he’ll appreciate enjoying the little ones before he has to join them in wearing diapers all the time.”

  “I heard that,” Bryce called out.

  Sadie just laughed. “Keagan, you are in no condition to be a father at this time. I think we should get you walking and running before we even think of starting on babies, don’t you?” She rubbed her hand over his thigh and the brace he still wore. “I hate that you are hurt, too.”

  He captured her hand, grinning at her as he lifted it to press a kiss to her palm. “The important parts are still in working order,” he pointed out. “Besides, I’ll be mobile again soon enough. The first appointment with the doc was encouraging. The exercises he gave me are going well, and while they are exhausting at this stage, it’s definitely helping me prep for what’s to come.”

  “I know that you will. This makes me happy, too, that you will be able to walk without crutches before long.” She hated that he still hurt at night as he did. “Once you start working on your therapy, you should be able to build up more muscle and that will hopefully help the spasms that you are having, too.” She looked up as people entered the room and took a deep breath. No more time for small talk. Now was time for police statements and more. Lovely.

  Keagan moved to sit on the arm of her chair, keeping hold of her hand. He tucked his crutches to the side and gave her fingers a squeeze. “I’m right here,” he whispered. “Deep, slow breaths. You can do this, babe.”

  She just nodded. With Keagan and Bryce in her corner, she knew she could. Once Bryce was on her other side, she began to listen to the police as they spoke, her mind just in shambles at what she was being told.

  According to the police, they had a cold case with her mother’s name on it. With what they’d learned, and with the video proof as well, they knew they had her father on the charge of murder. Depending on whether he proved to be sane, something a court-assigned psychiatrist would have to determine, they would know how they’d be proceeding with their case. They would also have to await the determination on his state of mind to charge him with the attempt on her life, and the deaths of the twins.

  Once they had finished with the police, Sadie was exhausted. She just wanted to go home, and she told Bryce and Keagan just that. God love them, they did just that. They pushed the officers into letting them go and pulled her out of there. Once they were home they took care of her, showering with her and then tucking her into bed where she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The last three months had been hard for her. Between Keagan’s physical therapy, dealing with the press and police in relation to her father, and generally trying to get their lives on track, it had been stressful.

  Her father had been evaluated by no less than three court-appointed psychiatrists to determine if he was mentally sound and able to stand trial for his crimes. All three had concluded he was of sound mind, relatively speaking, and wouldn’t get away with a plea of insanity. His first appearance in court was slotted in another two months. At which time the judge would hear any potential pleas, or if her father wanted to go with a jury. From there, the wheels of justice would turn at their slow but steady rate. Which, according to the police officers she’d gotten to know way too well over the last months, could put his trial date somewhere around the year mark from his arrest.

  Lifting her hand from the canvas when she felt a presence in the room with her, she turned to find Keagan standing in the doorway. The big bulky brace was gone, and he had a smaller, slimmer model that ensured his knee didn’t give on him at inopportune times during his walking. Which he was doing, walking, that was. Running was still a couple of months off, but he was walking along pretty well, and was dedicated to working out in their new home gym. Something else they’d actually gotten around to doing two months past. They had quite the sweet setup, even she was willing to admit to that much, and she did take advantage of a few pieces of equipment down in the basement from time to time as well.

  “Dinner’s ready,” he told her. “The others have arrived, too, so we’re just waiting on you, sweetheart. You ready to come down from some of Harker’s world famous, stolen straight from his grandmother, spaghetti sauce?”

  Sadie grinned and nodded. “You bet that I am.” She put her brush in its cup and rose from her stool. “I just need to get cleaned up so that I don’t smell like paint and turpentine.” She had more than once been told that she reeked, mostly by Piper, who was big-as-a-house pregnant right now and any scent at all made her puke or eat. Poor woman.

  “Give me ten and I will be down? Unless you want to help me?” she offered to him with a saucy grin.

  “Damn, that’s a tempting offer,” he said. Grinning, he walked toward her, the limp barely noticeable any more, and stopped when they were toe to toe. “I’d take you up on it, but we both know it would be longer than ten minutes, which means that Bryce would come to find us, and then we’d never get down there. Our guests would eat all the food and leave when they realized we weren’t going to join them. Besides, I know you’re starving, so how about you go and grab a quick shower for now. Once everyone leaves we’ll have a bath together before bed.”

  “Good point.” She laughed and put her hand on his chest. “How do you know that I’m starving?” she asked and moved her hand up his chest and wrapped it around his neck to pull him closer. “Are you just taking care of me like you always do?” He was always making sure that she was eating, that she didn’t skip meals as she typically did before Bryce and Keagan moved back into her life.

  “Because I know you. That and the fact I heard your stomach growling from the hallway,” he teased. Laughing, he leaned in to kiss her, his hands on her waist to draw her in closer. “Go and shower, love. I’ll make sure you have a nice big plate of pasta and sauce. Don’t be too long, though, the garlic toast gets a little chewy if you let it sit too long.”

  “Mmm, thank you. I will be down soon. Promise.” She kissed him again, simply because she could. “Now go and save me food, please.” Not that Bryce wouldn’t. They would both make sure she had plenty to eat and knew it. “Seven minutes, promise.” It wouldn’t take her long to shower and change, at all.

  When she went past him he touched her arm lightly. “Love you, Sadie Green,” he said with a smile. Something else both men did, a lot. Little touches, telling her they loved her, making her understand they would always love her and be there for her. She was actually starting to get used to them dropped the words on her at a moment’s notice. The next moment he smacked her ass. “Get a move on, I’m starving, too, so I can only imagine how your poor belly is surviving without sustenance.” Giving her a wink, he headed for the stairs while she went to their room to shower and change.

  Ten minutes later Sadie was walking down the stairs, braiding her still-wet hair as she walked toward the dining room. Once there she took her seat between Bryce and Keagan. She looked over to Bryce and winked at him, and
then she squeezed Keagan’s hand. “Hi guys,” she said to everyone that was there. “Piper, how are you feeling?”

  “Hungry,” the pregnant woman said and pulled the pie her way. “For sweets. I swear that this kid is going to come out as a sugar sack.”

  Sadie just snickered. She could tell that the woman was teasing, the laughter in her eyes and grin on her lips telling as much.

  “Well, attempt to get him to eat something healthy, too, would you, love?” Cutter asked with a grin. “We both know he’ll be sweet enough, and only because of who he has for his mother.”

  “She’s going to be a meanie just like her daddy,” Piper said with a smirk. “Although if it were a he then he would be sweet just like me.” She then leaned over and kissed Cutter.

  “Wait, I’m confused,” Sadie said with a frown. “I thought that you knew what you were having.”

  “I do. I just haven’t told Aeron yet. I’m still trying to decide if I should tell him or not. With how he reacted when I told him I was pregnant and all.”

  Sadie vaguely recalled the guys telling her. Cutter had just been stabbed on a job or something and was in the hospital and when Piper told him he passed out on her.

  “I’d just been stabbed, for the love of God! I was recovering from blood loss, and you didn’t exactly give me any clues as to what bomb you were dropping on me. I didn’t faint, either, I’ll have you know. Even the doctors said it was a drop in blood pressure due to the shock of the amazingly great news you’d just shared,” Cutter said.

  “Isn’t that the definition of fainting?” Yoshi asked.

  “Shut up, Yosh,” Cutter muttered.

  Michael snickered and lifted his phone. “Let’s Google it and see. For clarity’s sake, of course,” he told the table. “Huh, according to the little medical site I just found—”


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