A Beast For The Eyes: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 2)

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A Beast For The Eyes: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 2) Page 2

by Jada Turner

  “What? No! I have no idea what you are talking about! That is the face from my vision.”

  “I don’t buy this psychic crap for a second! Tell me who told you. You think you can get away with fooling with people because you are attractive?” He grabbed her arms and almost shook her.

  “I don’t lie! Attractive? You said I was plain just yesterday.” She shouted at him. Maybe not the best tactic on an angry werewolf this close to the full moon.

  “You want men to notice you. You want me to notice you. Is this what you want?” He grabbed her by waist and pulled her close, his lips descended on hers. She struggled against him. But he tightened his grip and kissed her more forcefully. His tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Her heart started beating faster with desire. She was practically panting now. Her breasts were pushed against his hard chest and she felt them get tender with desire as they rubbed against him. His kiss deepened and became more forceful. She felt her underwear get wet. She had never been in this situation before, he was so strong, she couldn't get away. Whatever he decided to do to her he would. She had to submit to him, she had no choice. Shifters’ libido shot up leading to the full moon and Thorne had lost control of his beast, lust had taken over.

  He growled as he slid his hand under her dress and into her underwear. He felt her wetness and groaned. He shoved a finger into her hole and she gasped. He slid the finger out and slid back with two fingers. Then three. He pumped his fingers a few times. She felt herself getting even wetter. She stopped struggling and he moved his mouth down her neck. Her skin was hot from arousal. His pushed the wide neck of her dress down to her waist. With one flick of his finger, the front clasp of her bra opened, exposing her breasts. He slid his tongue down from her neck to her nipple and teased it with the tip of tongue. She moaned involuntarily. He sucked on her nipple while his fingers rubbed at her clit. She felt the tingle start in her sex that would build into an orgasm. Her knees got weak. He took his mouth of her breasts and pushed her back against a nearby wall. He went down on his knees and ducked under her dress. He pushed her legs apart and his tongue found her lips. He began to lick and suck with skill. He tongue now teased her clit. She felt the orgasm build and she longed for a release.

  “Oh please.” She whispered.

  He pulled his head up, “You want me to make you cum?”

  “Yes.” She begged. “Please.”

  He moved his head back down and began furiously working with his tongue driving her into a frenzy. She was on the brink of ecstasy when he sucked on her clit causing her orgasm to explode through out her body. She cried out, her legs gave way and she slid to the floor.

  As the sexual haze fog cleared she felt the shame creep in. She quickly pulled on her bra and adjusted her clothes.

  Thorne looked pained. “I’m sorry, I-I can’t seem to control myself around you. I didn’t come to Ravenswood to get entangled in anything. I am close to the Gentleman Bandit and my priority is to catch him and then I am going back to the city.”

  “Excuse me? Did I ask you for anything? You just barged into my house! You accused me of lying and being involved in some sort of conspiracy, and you think I want to be entangled with you?!”

  Thorne look embarrassed. “You’re right. I can’t seem to act appropriately around you. I should explain to you. I believe the Gentleman Bandit is a man named Reginald Covington.”

  “Covington, as in the Covingtons? One of the richest families around? They own banks! Why would he need steal anything? “

  “He doesn’t need to, I think he wants to. He gets off on the thrill. But the rest of precinct thinks I’m crazy. When I saw that sketch, which is the spitting image of Reginald Covington, I guess I flew off the handle.”

  “I swear to God that I saw that man in a vision when I touched the lighter. But the initials on the lighter were E.L. not R.C. Why do you think it’s Reginald?”

  “Reginald was engaged to an heiress named Ellen Lessings a few years ago, something happened and the engagement ended. I think the lighter is a token of hers.”

  “But his family owns banks, why would he rob them?”

  “That’s just it, none of the Covington Banks have been robbed!”

  “How did you put this together? It seems a little out of left field.”

  “I-I have these dreams and sometimes they come true. I dreamed I saw Reginald robbing a bank. The other cops would never let me live it down if they thought I had ‘crazy dreams’. I guess I tried to hide by being a skeptic. But I believe you, Callie. But I need more hard evidence that proves my theory. Dreams and visions aren’t going to cut it.”

  “I understand that. But I did what I could! I’m not a cop.”

  “We found a Bishop Hotel in one of the towns where The Bandit struck. We had cops canvass everyone in the hotel and several employees placed him at the hotel at the same dates as the robbery. It’s still circumstantial but we are getting closer and I think he is hiding out in Ravenswood.”

  “I wish you luck, I do. But I don’t really think I can help you anymore, unless you have another object. And it’s getting late.” Callie looked pointedly at her clock.

  “Right, I’m sorry about my behaviour, Callie. I’m under a lot of pressure. But it’s no excuse to take it out on you. Maybe I can take you to dinner to make up for it.” He smiled a charming smile that made Callie’s heart leap. But she didn’t want to be involved with this man, no matter how exciting he was. She wanted the real love of her soulmate. And she knew he was coming soon.

  “You just told me you didn’t want to get entangled!”

  “Entangled, no. But you do help me let off steam.” He winked at her. “And I think you can help my case. It’s just dinner. I’ll be good I promise.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Things get a little too hot around you.” She pushed him to the door.

  “I thought you liked that about me?”

  “I like nothing about you.” Callie pushed him out the door and shut it in his face.

  “Oh, there’s definitely something you like about me.” He called through the door.

  Oh, the nerve of that man!

  Chapter Three

  Callie woke up the next day still unnerved by Thorne Michaels. She spent all day in her green house trying to forget about last night. She harvested some pineapple mint, which she would turn into a whipped foot cream.

  But he kept invading her thoughts, well certain parts of him invaded her thoughts. She hadn’t been with a man for a long time. Now that she had let one in, she couldn’t get him out.

  She checked her phone hoping maybe he would message her. Then she scolded herself for caring. She was the one who threw him out of her house in the first place! But still, he clearly just wanted to fool around with her. She had carefully made her life routine, waiting for the true love that would complete her. And now Thorne Michaels had blown through town and stirred everything up. But she had to focus on what really mattered. Her one true love.

  She whipped up a fresh batch of foot cream and headed downstairs to open her shop. She was busy stocking the shelves when she heard the door chime, signalling a customer. She looked up and almost gasped. Her eyes went wide with surprise. It was him! Reginald Covington, the Gentleman Bandit in the flesh! So much for her routine life.

  “Can I help you?” She managed to squeak out.

  Reginald smiled a very charming smile, lighting up his already handsome features. “Well I am looking for something to make this poor mug I have better looking.” His eyes twinkled. “What do you use? It’s certainly working.” He leaned against her counter casually.

  Callie couldn’t help blushing. The Bandit was flirting with her!

  “Well, I think I have just what you need.” She said, trying to sound sultry.

  “I’ll bet you do.” He said as his eyes raked over her body.

  “I haven’t seen you before, new in town?” Callie wanted to pump him for information, but stil
l seem like she was innocently flirting.

  “Yes, I was only planning on a short visit, but just now I decided to extend my stay. Is everyone in town charming like you, Miss?”

  “There is no one in town like me. Call me Callie.”

  “Well, Callie, I am Reginald and I must see you again. Dinner? My place?” He gave her a look that she was sure melted most woman’s panties.

  “I might be able to fit you in. Where are you staying?” She felt a rush of adrenaline. Hopefully he was mistaking her nervousness for attraction. She didn’t want any of his alarm bells to go off. She was so close to getting more clues for Thorne.

  “A friend of mine owns the cottage at the end Whitebear Road. Shall we say 8 o’clock?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  He sauntered out of the store and Callie almost collapsed. Wait until Thorne heard about this!

  Chapter Four

  Thorne wasn’t as excited as she thought he would be. Actually, he was extremely angry that she had put herself in a dangerous position. She had rushed down the police station to tell him. He dragged her into an interrogation room and proceeded to yell at her. The carefree Thorne from the other night was gone, and the angry wolf was back.

  “What were you thinking? He is a dangerous criminal! Also you could have said one wrong word and jeopardized the whole investigation! Right now, he has no idea we suspect him! If he catches on, he will run!”

  “He came into my shop! I didn’t seek him out! And now I have access to his home, that’s the biggest break you’ve had in the case!” She yelled back. “Maybe I will get an impression that helps or he could even spill some important information! You know it’s true!”

  “I won’t put you in danger.” His voice softened this time as he realized she was right.

  “He is not a murderer, he has never hurt anyone! I am going to his house tonight whether you agree or not!”

  “Alright, alright! But you have to wear a wire and I will be outside the whole time.”

  The heat in the room was palatable. Every time she was in a room with Thorne her body gave off sparks of electricity. He made her feel like no other man in the world. She wanted him to ravage her this very second. She could tell Thorne was having trouble controlling his beast. His eyes held the look of a wolf circling its prey.

  “Your ass looks delectable in that skirt. If we weren’t in the station I would bend you over that table right now.” He was practically panting. “Go now, before I can’t help myself. I will be at your house at 6 to prepare.”

  Callie felt heat rise up in her body at his words. She obeyed him and quickly left the interrogation room.

  At home she bathed and slowly got ready for her ‘date’. She decided on a skintight off-the shoulder red dress. She washed and blow dried her hair until it was silky smooth. Next she applied bright red lipstick to her full lips. She looked in the mirror and was pleased with the overall effect.

  At six sharp, Thorne buzzed at her door. His mouth practically fell open when he saw her.

  “You like?” She teased him.

  He didn’t take the bait. “I have grave concerns about this.”

  “We went over this!” Callie cried.

  “Fine, here.” He handed her a necklace with a large shiny jewel pendant.

  “What’s this?” Why was he giving her jewelry?

  “It’s the wire. Put it on and I will be able to hear everything you say through my earpiece. I will be right outside in the van the whole time. If you need me to come get you, say ‘The moon looks bright tonight.’ Understand?”

  She nodded and put on the necklace. Thorne insisted on driving her. He let her off at the end of the block so Reginald wouldn’t suspect anything. Soon she was knocking on Reginald’s door. He answered, dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Am I overdressed?” She teased.

  “Yes, take your dress off immediately.” He joked back with a twinkle in his eye. He gestured for her to come in. What he considered a ‘cottage’ was actually two stories and five bedrooms. The downstairs was one large open concept room. Over to the right, was an enormous fireplace with a roaring fire, complete with a bear skin rug. A large leather couch sat beside the rug.

  “I thought we could have wine by the fire.” He gestured for her to sit down while he opened the wine.

  “May I use your washroom?” She wanted a chance to do some snooping.

  “Down the hall and to the left.”

  She entered the bathroom and scanned it for anything she might be able to get an impression from. Personal items worked best, anything with sentimental value. She spotted platinum cufflinks on the edge of the sink. Those might work! She picked them up and concentrated. A picture of a large diamond necklace flashed in front of her. Damn! That was all she could get. She hurried out the door before he started to wonder what she was doing.

  When she came in the living room she found Reginald sprawled out on the couch with two glasses of wine. He patted the couch beside him. She sighed and sat down. She guessed that women rarely turned him down.

  “I find you extremely intriguing.” He said as she took the glass of wine he offered.

  “I find you intriguing.” She cooed. “What brings you to town? Are you going to stay awhile?”

  “I might be convinced.” He stared at her like he was on death row and she was his last meal. It was going to be nearly impossible to get anything out of him. He clearly was interested in bedding her, not chitchatting.

  “Are you here for business or pleasure?” She tried again.

  “Well, originally business, but right now, pleasure.” He brushed her hair off her shoulder exposing her neck. He leaned in and began gently kissing her shoulder moving slowly up her neck. She tensed.

  “Don’t be nervous,” he whispered, “I’ll be very gentle.” He took her wine glass out of her hand and placed it on the floor. He touched her cheek with his hand and kissed her. He was skilled with his lips and soon she found herself returning his kiss. She felt none the uncontrollable passion she felt with Thorne, but it felt good just the same. Thorne! She remembered he was listening at this very moment. Maybe he was even watching, the cottage had large curtain less windows. What must he be thinking?

  Reginald began massaging he breasts gently with the hands of a very experienced lover. She moaned involuntarily. Reginald certainly knew what he doing. She kissed him with more passion, imagining Thorne watching from outside.

  At that moment her phone began ringing.

  “Ignore it.” Reginald whispered. His hands had found her raised nipples and they were working their magic on them.

  “Mmmmm.” She replied back.

  Her phone rang again. Reginald was slowly moving his lips down her neck, gently brushing them against her skin. She was busy wondering what his lips could do to her breasts when her phone rang a third time.

  “I guess I should get that.” She pulled herself away from Reginald and he groaned in protest.

  She picked up the phone and said, “Hello?” She was greeted by the sound of Thorne’s voice.

  “Get out now.” He hissed into the phone and hung up. Her stomach dropped.

  “Oh really, that’s awful, I’ll be right there.” She said into dead air. She clicked off her phone. “I’m so sorry Reginald. We will have to do this another time. I have an emergency.”

  “We definitely will.” He remarked with one eyebrow raised.

  “Well, you know where to find me!” She called as she ran out the door. She ran down the block to the spot where Thorne had dropped her off. The van pulled up shortly after.

  “Get in.” Thorne’s jaw was clenched with anger. Callie climbed in the van. She was waiting for Thorne to go off on her but he just sat there. He drove to her apartment in complete silence. She had never seen him so mad he couldn't speak. She had really messed things up. Not only did she not get any information but she had made out with the suspect
. She suspected that wasn’t how professional police handled cases.

  He parked the van behind her apartment and refused to say a word to Callie. She quietly slid out the van and shut the door. She walked up the stairs to her apartment and was surprised when Thorne followed her. As soon as they were in her apartment he grabbed Callie and pushed her roughly into her bedroom.

  “Strip.” He commanded. His eyes reflected only the wolf inside.

  Callie did as she was told and pulled off her dress slowly. She kicked off her shoes.

  “All of it.”

  Callie undid the clasp of her bra and dropped it to the ground. She wiggled out of her panties and kicked them away. She stood naked and vulnerable before Thorne.

  He took of his clothes and he stood before her, naked and with a giant erection.

  “I am going to take you now, Callie. I am going to claim you tonight.” He picked her up easily and tossed her on the bed. Callie sucked in a breath. Every time he barked out a command, her juices slid down to her vagina. She was breathing heavily, waiting for what he would do next. He climbed on top of her. She felt heat in her cunt. He pushed her legs apart. He slid a finger inside her

  “Oh God, You are so wet.” He groaned.

  He pulled her arms over her head roughly and pinned them there.

  “I don’t want to see you with another man again. I am going to fuck that guy out of you.” He was still angry, she could see it in his eyes. “Say it!” He commanded.

  “There is only you. Only you know how to fuck me!” She cried, yearning for him.

  He groaned. He could wait no longer. He took his cock and shoved it into her, hard. She cried out again. He moved inside her, slowly pumping his hips. All rational thought left her brain, she wanted only this. Him inside her. She felt the heat inside her cunt rise up. He pounded harder and the heat expanded in her body. He pounded her hard and fast and her breasts bounced in rhythm to his. He moved in and out roughly and she wanted to beg him for release. Everything in her body was wound up with lust. She surrendered to him completely.


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