Luna Captured: Book 2 of the Luna Rising Series

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Luna Captured: Book 2 of the Luna Rising Series Page 5

by Sara Snow

  I said nothing, and he made a sound and turned away while shaking his head. I swallowed hard. Everything he had said was true, and of course, I've thought about those things. But like I'd said, we just needed time to know what we're dealing with. Maybe he's right, I'm not ready to be an alpha. One thing is for sure, I am not ready now, nor will I ever be ready to be the man that kills his mate.

  "It'll kill her. You know rejecting her might kill her, don't you? But hey, you don't care. Tell me, Axel, what choice does she have in all of this? If you don't want her, fine, that's great news. But just leave us alone then. Don't preach to me about what I should want, or what's good for my pack. My people are different from yours, and always have been."

  He crossed his hands over his chest. “Goddess, do you even hear yourself?” He shook his head and looked down at the crushed cigarettes on the ground. “You know what, you’re not my problem. Olcan will handle it. Ruby is just a means to an end for my pack to return to these lands.”

  My head tilted to the side. This man was talking about me not being a true alpha when he was putting my pack, his pack, and an innocent girl’s life at risk, all for some land?

  “That’s what this is about? Land? Are you serious, Axel? You can take your pack anywhere, anywhere, and you’ve brought the Council here because of greed?”

  He spun around to face me, his eyes blazing with anger. “Greed? This is my land! My pack’s land! We deserve to live here! You have no idea how hard it is to relocate or even find suitable land to hide werewolves. My people have made their lives here. They live comfortably enough among the humans, but we have to live somewhere with trees, thick trees so we can be comfortable. So we don't have to fear shifting and being caught."

  This time I stepped forward, my face inches away from his. I wasn’t going to be challenged or disrespected on my land. His pack left ours years ago, the decisions made by people in the past were none of my business. Not right now.

  “For years our packs have come to an agreement and have lived peacefully away from each other. Now you want to start a war over this, and you’ve included the Council that you think is only going to stick to one matter and not dig deeper into our lives. So that’s it, you wanna use Ruby to give the Council a reason to say we are a weak pack, that we don’t deserve this land? What about your pack, Axel? Do you think the Council doesn’t know about your wild pack members that had attacked those humans?” I shook my head. This man was delusional. “You’ve fucked yourself, Axel, and your people, too. The Council might hate humans like you do, but they don’t tolerate dumb shit like that.”

  His face twisted, and I realized I had hit a nerve. Of course, he didn't know that bit of information had gotten out. My lips curved into a sinister smile.

  “The wolves that did that were taken care of.” He said slowly.

  “Do you think the Council will care? They’ll just say you don’t have a strong enough hold on your people for that to have ever happened to begin with. All you do is spew hatred for humans, so of course, your pack members will act wrongfully because of the bullshit you fed them. Where the fuck is your father? If I’m not ready to be alpha, then neither are you. Where is your father? You’re not alpha yet, and a true alpha doesn’t resort to trickery or go as far as to abduct another’s mate.”

  “She’s not only your mate, but she’s also mine as well, remember?”

  My gums began to ache as my need to rip his throat out grew stronger. This man didn't even know what he wanted. One minute he claimed she wasn’t his mate and then the next minute he claimed she was. Ruby didn't deserve that, and he did not deserve her.

  "She is, but she'll never choose you! She'll never choose you!" I looked him up and down, my face twisted with disgust. "You'll always be a savage, no matter what land you and your pack live on." I flicked my finger under my nose as his cigarette breath became unbearable. For werewolves, every sense is heightened. I have no idea how or why he smokes those things. “Where is Alpha Sirhan? He knows this isn’t how wolves act. This isn’t the way we handle things. Humans behave like this. They go behind each other’s backs, so their wars never end. But wolves are better. We work things out civilly to keep the peace.”

  I stepped back and made a sound, one to show my repulsion, while he continued to stare at me, his lips in a thin line. I knew that, even in the current situation, his father, Alpha Sirhan, would never condone an action such as abducting someone’s mate. It was an unthinkable act of hostility and aggression.

  "You act like you know everything. You stand there and judge me as if you're better than me. What kind of alpha has Sirhan raised? You're acting more human than wolf. You're a fucking disappointment!"

  I saw his fist coming, but he had moved so quickly I hadn’t had the time to dodge it. His fist connected with my jaw, sending me staggering backward, but I caught my balance quickly. My hand shifted and swiped at his chest, cutting through his shirt and chest.

  He howled in pain and dove for me, his shirt ripping off his body as he began to shift when Olcan appeared before him. Olcan slapped Axel across the face, sending him flying backward.

  I stared in shock at Olcan’s strength, while Axel skidded to a stop on the ground. He had backhanded Axel as easily as if he were swatting a fly.

  He turned to face me; his eyes black. “You two are both disappointments.” His voice was low, his expression neutral, but his words were dripping with rage. “I had hoped we could all stay under the same roof for one night. I wanted to see what hold that girl has on you both, on two promising alphas. Look at you!" He looked over his shoulder at Axel, who had finally gotten onto his feet, his chest already healing. “You were both ready to fight each other, to kill each other, for a human. You both failed my test miserably. Whom would she fight for either of you?"

  “Olcan, I…”

  “Silence!” He yelled at me as my father appeared outside as well. He pointed a stern finger at me. “I’ve had enough of your attitude. Do not speak unless spoken to, wolf! Know your place!”

  I turned to look at my dad, and the weariness in his eyes had me swallowing what response I was about to give Olcan. I don’t care about Olcan or Axel, but disappointing my father was the last thing I wanted to do. I’m his one and only son. His only heir to carry on the Blackwood name. I was making a fool of myself and of our pack.

  Natalie had warned us that this would happen, that the Council would watch us closely to see what effect Ruby has on us. This wasn't Ruby's fault. This was Axel's fault and my own. Frankly, it was more his fault than mine. He was the one who invited the Council.

  “Do you want to know what I’ve seen so far?” Olcan said to no one in particular as he walked away, his hand on his chin. “I see two men who aren’t ready to be alphas.”

  “Olcan, this isn’t…” Axel began to say but clamped his mouth shut as Olcan growled at him.

  Olcan pointed a finger at Axel and then at me. "Neither of you is ready. You’re both too emotional. Despite what issues are between your fathers, have they ever behaved like this? Sure, this is a little different, because you both have the same mate. But do you really?” I frowned at him, and he shrugged. “Is she really mated to you both? I would have liked a good night’s sleep, but I guess that won’t be happening.” He turned to my father. “Wake her up. We’re having the trial tonight.”



  I watched Xavier make his way outside and knew disaster was about to strike. I remained by the window on the second floor, his and Axel’s conversation floating up to me on the cool wind.

  I listened as their conversation grew more heated and knew this was what Olcan wanted. Xavier had been ready to rip Axel to shreds today when he had arrived with Ruby, and Olcan had left Ruby under Axel’s care for the sole purpose of seeing how Xavier would react. Would he remain cool and collected, or act on his instincts to be with his mate and not have another man touching her.

  Of course, Axel wasn’t just another man, and that would b
other Xavier even more.

  It was a setup. I knew I was right to think so as soon as Axel punched Xavier and Olcan made his appearance to lecture them both. I had expected Xavier to throw the first punch, but I had been wrong. However, I was just as curious as Xavier was about Axel's father. Axel was here alone when his father's presence as alpha was needed as well.

  That was strange, but really none of my concern.

  “She’s a lucky girl,” I heard Reika say behind me.

  “How so?” I asked, and she appeared by the window to stare down at the men.

  “She has two alphas fighting over her. A Council member making an appearance in person that we all know is dangerous for him and a powerful Enchanted as a friend.” She looked over at me. “I’d say she’s a lucky girl.”

  I turned to stare at her, and she gave me a teasing smile. “I’d say she’s a girl that didn’t pick any of this and wants it to end like everyone else.”

  "Well," she looked away, "I'll see for myself if that's true. Apparently sooner rather than later."

  I looked back down at the men, and my ears perked up as Olcan announced that he’d be conducting the trial tonight. I sighed and swallowed hard.

  “What will you do to her?”

  Reika moved her hair behind her ears as she turned her back to the window. “A mind link. From what I’ve been told, you tried and learned nothing. For an Enchanted so strong, how was that possible?”

  I wasn’t about to answer that. “And if it doesn’t work for you either, what then?”

  She shrugged. “Olcan will decide. Take comfort in knowing that he actually likes Ruby.”

  I turned my back to the window as well. “Does he? Why? I’d think he’d despise her. She’s creating chaos- although indirectly of course.”

  “Of course.” She drawled before looking over at me. “Olcan has yet to find his mate and is quite the man whore. He thinks she’s beautiful, but he's also very intrigued by this entire thing." She turned to face me, a new fire within her eyes. "Imagine what will happen if this gets out? A human mated to a wolf." She smiled. “There is no known record of hybrids. We have no idea what a child between a human and a wolf would be like. Axel thinks it will weaken a wolf’s bloodline.”

  “Don’t you think so?”

  She inhaled deeply and turned around to look up at the night sky. “What I think doesn’t matter.” She murmured before looking down at me. “What I think, Natalie, is that if this isn’t some kind of witch’s trick, what Olcan has planned is going to really piss our goddess off.”

  “And what does he have planned?” I asked her, my eyes piercing into her, but she began walking away.

  “Let’s just say there might be a spike in hybrid children if they prove to be strong. That's if the human mothers can even handle the pregnancy. That, I will never stand for.”

  Chapter Seven


  I had pretended to be sleeping when Axel called me. He could probably tell I wasn’t sleeping, and so he only called me twice before giving up and leaving the room. I plopped over onto my back the moment the door closed and sighed with relief. I was finally alone.

  Immediately after eating dinner (proper food might I add, and not just scraps like Axel had been feeding me), I had climbed into bed. Axel had given me the bed to myself while he slept on the couch in the room. Maybe there s a working heart inside his chest after all.

  I had expected him to tell me to sleep on the floor.

  No matter how comfortable the bed was, the hours ticked by, and I still couldn’t drift off to sleep. I was too anxious and too scared of what was going to happen when the sun rose again.

  Olcan, that’s the name of the bald man I had met when I had arrived. He definitely gave me the creeps, and not just because of his strange eyes. It was the way he looked at me. I felt like he had been trying to see inside me, and I didn’t like it. The Enchanted with him, however, she might actually be able to see inside my mind, the way Natalie had tried. Would she be able to break through whatever wall was there? Natalie hadn't been able to, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to know what was there. What had I placed under such a secure lock and key that not even I could remember?

  Xavier’s face flashed in my mind, and I called out to the image as it slipped away. His face reappeared, and I sank further into the bed. A heavy sadness rested in my heart. It had felt like the air had been sucked out of my chest when I had seen him. He had looked tired and weary until Axel had held onto me and pulled me back. Then he had changed into an animal, ready to rip anyone who stood between us to shreds.

  He would do that for me, and a smile curved the corner of my lips. I wished I could get out of bed and go find him right now, but with Olcan and his Enchanted around, I didn't want to do anything to give them more reason to dislike me.

  I got out of bed to get a glass of water from the bathroom, my feet pattering on the cold tile. I stared at myself in the mirror, dark circles under my eyes, and my sadness grew worse. Why had Xavier looked away like that earlier? He looked as if he had just given up and left me to Axel. I felt like a piece of meat being thrown around for everyone to take a bite.

  In a few hours, Olcan would be taking his bite. I splashed water onto my face to try and wash away the horrible images being created in my mind. No, Xavier won’t let that man kill me. I have to believe that.

  I made my way back into the room to lay across the bed towards the open window. Resting my chin in the palm of my hand, I tried to remember the voice of the man that had visited me before Axel. If he wasn’t one of Axel’s men, who was he?

  His dislike for me had been clear, but I suppose I can only add him to the growing list of people that want me gone. According to him, wolves never thought they could be mated to humans. Now I felt like agreeing. Look at the stress that has been dished out to me for something that neither I nor the wolves have any control over. Yet still, I'm being treated as if this is all on me. You’d think I had stolen something from them, spilled their secrets, or had committed murder.

  I was sick of the back and forth. One minute I felt like this life might not be so bad, and then right as I became comfortable enough to give this all a chance, the rug was pulled right out from under me yet again.

  I pressed my face into the sheet and screamed as loud as I could. I didn’t care if anyone could hear. I liked Xavier so much, but being with him, or the thought of being with him, was only causing heartache. I knew without a doubt if anything was to happen to him, Natalie, Mathieu, or the pack in general because of me, I’d never recover. If I had to choose between Xavier's pack and Axel's, Xavier deserved to be left alone, and he should be applauded for saving a life, especially since that life belonged to his mate. That's not how this world works, however.

  No good deed goes unpunished. That saying isn’t just for humans. It works that way for werewolves as well.

  I sighed and turned onto my side; my knees pulled up to my chest. Whatever happens, happens. I just hope no one dies, including myself.

  Two knocks came at the door, and my heart skipped two beats simultaneously with the knocks. I fisted my blouse at my chest as a sick feeling began to spread through my body. I climbed off the bed and made my way to the door, praying that beyond it stood Xavier. I flipped the switch to turn the lights on before ruffling my hair and pinching my cheeks for some color I knew I was lacking. However, when I swung the door open, my shoulders immediately dropped with disappointment.

  “Well, you don’t have to look that disappointed,” Natalie said as she entered the room, her white hair blowing behind her like a curtain.

  I closed the door and returned to bed. "I'm not."

  "Oh, you and I both know who you wanted it to be standing outside the door. Don't front, Ruby." She sat on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t think you’d be awake.”

  “I can’t sleep. Not when I know tomorrow Olcan might order someone to kill me.”

  “That won’t happen.”

  I plopped dow
n onto the bed and covered my face with my hands. "Still, I don't think anything good is going to come from that trial tomorrow. Well, today, when the sun is up. What time is it anyway?"

  Natalie didn’t respond and I peeked at her through my fingers. “It’s two in the morning,” she finally replied. She then got up off the bed, and I propped myself up on my elbows. “What did Axel do to you?”

  I made a face. “I was in a dungeon for days before he dragged me to the basement of his house, where he finally had the decency to feed me scraps of food and give me some water. Something weird happened while I was in the dungeon, though. I was alone most of the time, except for a man that visited at one point. I couldn’t see his face and didn’t recognize his voice, but he knew about me and my mate-bond to Axel and Xavier. When I questioned Axel about it, he said no one else was allowed to see me at that time. I’m not sure what to make of that. ”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she looked away. “No one else knows about this. Well, no one else should, unless someone’s lips got a little loose.”

  “Do you think it’s the Council?”

  She shook her head and walked away, her fingers combing her hair backward. “No. Since Olcan came himself, this is serious to him. He doesn’t want this getting out just yet.”

  “Yeah, so no one will know when I’m killed. A girl that no one knows can’t be missed.” Nathalie walked back over to the bed and sat down. She sighed heavily as she stared at me, and I frowned. Why did she suddenly look so gloomy? "What’s wrong?”

  “Axel and Xavier got into it just now. They had to be parted by Olcan.

  That can’t be good.

  “Why were they fighting?”

  She pinned me with a stare. “Do you really have to ask that?”

  I smiled a little because I knew I didn't. I, however, found it hard to believe that Axel was fighting over me. Surely he was pissed about something else.


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