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2Promises Page 2

by Phil Armstrong

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  Chapter 2: The Spirit Warrior and the Gieging Teachings

  In the spiritual domain there is no need for energy and no physical matter. This domain does not resemble our world. There are no buildings, no trees, and no physical structures. Subra is a Spirit Warrior, a unique soul, hand selected for a specific purpose. Subra had been studying under the expert tutelage of Master Xu. Master Xu was a presence unlike others; he was a spirit guide of the highest level. When a person’s life expires their physical body is discarded and left behind in the physical domain. Their soul is released from the body and returns to the spiritual domain. The soul assimilates back into the universe. In the spiritual domain unique souls are selected carefully and taught to become individuals. The souls will assist other souls return from the physical domain. They help with the transition from self, back to the whole of the universe. Subra had been selected for a very important task; he was paired with Master Xu. Master Xu was the most trusted and influential teacher in the spiritual domain. Master Xu had trained Subra in the ancient art of Gieging (guy-jing).

  Gieging is a mental discipline. Gieging will produce outstanding results if practiced with intensity. The universe can be manipulated using Gieging. A small amount of Universe can separate from the collective conscious. This small amount will then be transformed into an entity with self like qualities. It can be taught to behave in an individualistic way. With continued Gieging training this new entity can enter the physical domain. The entity can form individual thought patterns and develop its own energy signature.

  A successful Gieging is achieved almost every one hundred linear earth years. The entity can separate from the collective spiritual domain. It can enter the physical domain of existence. The entity will possess the skills to retrieve precious cargo and quickly return to the spiritual domain. The entity and cargo will then be absorbed back into the collective universe. This is a very difficult and unique skill to perfect. Of the billions of souls in the universe only a few can ever reach this level of sophistication. Only one will be selected as a Spirit Warrior. Master Xu was a tough teacher. He pushed his students and quickly narrowed his selection to two candidates. Badra was a talented student, but Master Xu began to pay less attention to him.

  Badra demanded to talk with Master Xu. Would he be selected as the Spirit Warrior? Master Xu was honest with Badra. Badra did not appreciate the blunt message delivered. Master Xu explained that Badra was obsessed with crossing over into the physical domain. He had asked countless questions about taking a physical form. Master Xu had suspicions about Badra’s motives to return to the physical domain. Badra would not be selected.

  Subra had shown great promise and a passion to learn. Master Xu had dedicated his recent efforts to develop Subra as a Spirit Warrior. Subra had started to show signs of individualism, and ability to harness, use, and release energy. In Master Xu’s opinion Subra was the one. Subra was a Spirit Warrior. After an intense instructional lecture Master Xu signaled to the whole universe. Subra had completed his instruction. Master Xu was a brilliantly gifted teacher, but he did not have the natural talent of Subra. When Subra trained as an individual he felt scared and excited. Subra could feel energy flowing through him. He could sense doubt, fear, and emotions that self-based energy sources could feel. Sending a Spirit Warrior into the physical domain is a dangerous mission. He is trained to survive anything that may go wrong; sometimes that is not good enough.

  Once the Spirit Warrior crosses into the physical domain he cannot transform into a physical being. He is sent to locate and retrieve a specific cargo of energy. The cargo is brought back and shared by all. Danger occurs when a Spirit Warrior is unable to find his way back from the physical domain. Historical teachings talk of an energy portal. The portal can transport souls from the physical domain to the spiritual domain. A trapped Spirit Warrior would need to find the energy portal quickly. When the portal is used it will close instantly. Another portal will open in a different physical location.

  The location of the new portal is never known, but a fleeting vision is provided to the soul traveling through the portal. The last soul to use a portal was Damascus. He reported seeing the vision of a shell. This was the clue to the location of the new portal. The legend of Damascus, and the image of the shell, is important in the education of any new Spirit Warrior. The amount of linear time allowed in the physical domain is unknown. When a Spirit Warrior becomes trapped finding the location of the new portal is critically important. Master Xu had previously mentioned a Spirit Warrior whose label was Corom.Corom was Master Xu’s most talented student. When he was ready he accepted a dangerous mission willingly. Corom managed to summon a vast quantity of energy. He broke free from the collective universe and passed into the physical domain.

  Corom has not returned to the spiritual domain. Master Xu fears the energy that Corom gathered is not enough to sustain him or help in his return. What happens when a Spirit Warrior stays too long in the physical world? Corom has not returned to deliver his cargo or tell his story. Master Xu has assumed that Corom’s soul has died, similar to a physical body expiring.

  In the physical realm there have always been individuals of great intellect. Throughout history humans have had great thoughts. Many of these thoughts were spoken aloud. The spoken thought travels as a sound wave. Some thoughts are preserved by the written word. These thoughts are transmitted as streams of energy into the connected physical domain. Where do they go? Eventually thoughts are trapped within a cosmic energy net. After approximately one hundred linear earth years the energy net becomes full. It is the Spirit Warrior’s mission to cross the domain divide. He must quickly retrieve the cargo of thoughts. He will transport them back into the spiritual domain to be shared, accessed, and appreciated. Emptying the cosmic net is the most dangerous and skillful mission. The moment had come where Subra knew he had to fulfill his mission. He had trained hard for this and was ready. Master Xu had declared him ready and he did not intend to fail. Subra started to concentrate; he could feel heat forming.

  “That’s the start of the process,” thought Subra. Subra was starting to channel energy into the spiritual domain. He was becoming an individual. He could feel the process happening and was starting to formulate thoughts. “Keep going. It’s working,” he thought. Energy was starting to gather, and it felt like warm water flowing through him. He could sense a separation from the universe. “I have to follow through and continue as trained,” thought Subra. He concentrated and started to use the energy. He could feel a gradual separation occurring. He could sense fear and doubt. A strong feeling of being alone washed over him. The separation from the collective universe had started. Subra was starting to feel heavy. He had turned back at this point when practicing with Master Xu. He knew exactly what he needed to do to continue. He started to feel the anxiety. “This is further than I have ever gone; can I go through with this?” Subra was overwhelmed with fear and self-doubt. Voices screamed for him to stop and return to the collective universe. He felt disconnected and alone. Subra was panic stricken; he had never felt so isolated. Could he continue? One of the voices was calm and sounded different from the rest.

  “Apply the training, and remember Master Xu said this would happen. Move forward and focus on the projection technique. Gather more energy. Only listen to the affirmative thoughts and collect more energy.”

  Subra felt calm. He used the technique taught by Master Xu to harness the energy. It was flowing toward him easily now; he felt full. He knew it was time to move forward. He was now on his own. He was an individual. “This is it. I’m ready. I need to project into the next domain,” thought Subra. A rush of blue light filled his consciousness, and any trace of self-doubt was slowly being eradicated. Subra was now an energized entity in the wrong domain. He felt a surge of energy as a strong blue light pulled him forward. He started to resist, “I have to be one with the blue light. Stop fighting it and somehow focus on becoming the blue light,” thought Subra.
The blue light continued to swirl around Subra. Subra used a powerful technique that Master Xu had described to him. He had repeated this technique back to Master Xu hundreds of times but was forbidden to practice it. The technique was an ancient secret and only taught to those advanced in the art of Gieging. Subra focused and applied the technique. He visualized the blue light gathering into a ball that enveloped him. He visualized the light streaming forward carrying him into the next domain. Subra immediately had a feeling of immense fear a paralyzing feeling that he clearly did not like. He felt weightless in this domain. He knew he had left the spiritual domain and entered the physical domain. Subra could see wondrous things. He was surrounded by black with small blinding points of bright light.

  Subra could feel himself feeding on these energy sources. He was absorbing the light to fuel his thoughts. In front of him lay a magnificent spectacle. It was a large blue orb like mass. It shone and reflected light. It was a huge source of energy. It had swirls of white and colors of green and blue. You could see distant crackles of pure white energy in dark spots on the orb. Subra resonated with a specific frequency; a technique Master Xu had taught him. The space behind him drew his attention. The space contained a gaseous cloud like entity. It was not solid like the object in front of him. A cloud of blue and purple gas sent out a strong repeating frequency. It resonated perfectly with the vibration Subra had sent out.

  “That’s it,” thought Subra. “I’ve found the cosmic net; my cargo!” The final part of the process was the most difficult and the most dangerous. Subra knew this would deplete him of most of his energy. He needed flawless execution. Master Xu had taught him how to resonate in harmony with the cosmic net. The net had a cargo too precious to lose. It contained insightful quotes from the greatest minds. The net contained knowledge that could be stored and shared with the collective universe. “I need to resonate at the same frequency as the cosmic net to attract it to me,” thought Subra. “If I can mimic its frequency then I can tow it back into the spiritual domain.” Subra started to oscillate at various frequencies. “I’m not making the right connection. I’m not resonating,” thought Subra. “Master Xu warned me about the panic, the insecurities, and the doubt. Control it! Think about the outcome not the noise around it. Focus on the outcome and feel it.”

  The feeling was instant. A thread of blue and purple light shot out at Subra filling him with information. It flowed quickly into his very being. Subra had found the frequency match, and he was harvesting the content of the net. Subra felt utter euphoria. He was feeling the wisdom held within the net. Subra was overwhelmed; he could feel the passion, the love, the pain, the jealousy, and the emotions contained within the quotes. He felt an immense feeling of pride. This was a new experience for Subra, and he enjoyed these new feelings. He knew the net had been emptied. Subra had secured his cargo it was time to move into the final stage of his mission. Subra needed to tow his cargo back into the spiritual domain. He did not see the shaft of burning white energy shooting skywards from the orb. It was so vibrant that it blasted its way up through space. Anything in its path was robbed of energy instantly. Subra struggled to remain focused. He did not know what was happening but he knew instantly that something was not right. He was in trouble. Regaining his focus he realized quickly that he could not absorb energy. He had somehow been damaged.

  “What now? What do I do?” questioned Subra in a heightened state of agitation. “I need to get to an energy source.” Subra felt a sensation new to him. It struck fear into his whole being. “I’m falling, I’m falling, this is what falling feels like, oh no,” thought Subra. Master Xu had explained the idea of falling. It was hard to grasp and Subra had not understood the descriptions. He knew it was serious; if he fell he would be in grave danger. Subra knew what he had to do. He was falling towards the orb still towing his cargo. He needed to do something quickly. He needed to remember the lecture and follow Master Xu’s instructions.

  “Find a strong, purple colored, energy source, emanating from the orb. Make sure you head towards the purple energy source. The energy source will lead you to an Indigo Child. Resonate at the purple frequency. This will attract you to purple energy sources on the orb. Indigo Children are receptive to your energy. You have to find the nearest source and head for it. Find an Indigo Child.” The orb was getting bigger. The shaft of hot white light pulsed back towards the orb and quickly faded from view. Subra continued to fall; he scanned the orb frantically looking for purple light. “Resonate, resonate,” he thought. Subra continued to send out purple energy waves. He could not see purple light through the white wispy strands that covered the orb. Subra was getting weak. The fear response was starting to cloud his judgment and his ability to focus on his task. From beyond the wispy mist he could finally see a bright purple dot. It was small but it was bright and strong. “That’s it. That has to be the purple energy I need,” thought Subra. Subra did not resist the fall. He felt calm as the purple light became stronger. He was heading for the energy, and he continued to focus on resonating at the same frequency. During his fall he kept his cargo with him. Subra passed through the wispy vapors surrounding the orb. He could see the energy of the purple light.

  It shone brightly like a beacon guiding a distressed ship. Subra did not let the fear overwhelm him; he felt calm as he guided his precious cargo toward the purple light. Subra was soon entering a warm envelope of welcoming energy. It was a soft landing. He had entered an energy source with his cargo intact and managed to survive a fall through a hostile environment. Subra could feel another energy source. All the energies were resonating at the exact frequency. They were in harmony and coexisting. Subra had access to a range of feelings that came flooding into his consciousness. That is when he realized what had just transpired. Subra had entered a physical being inhabited by a soul. A single spirit was living inside this physical being. The clash of energies had rendered the physical body immobile and Subra felt remorse. The body and soul had been disconnected due to the shock the body had suffered. This disconnect was the body’s defense response. Subra had to find a way to communicate with the resident spirit. He needed to reestablish the connection between the body and the soul. Subra had to heal this Indigo Child

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  Chapter 3: The Sly Fox

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” said Nurse Jones in a sarcastic yet friendly manner. “Didn’t know you were working this shift tonight.”

  Nurse Edwards smoothed the covers on the bed and looked up sharply. “Hey, good to see you Annie, I’m just finishing up. Have to go and get our Kevin from my Mum’s, and then off home to rustle up a spectacular frozen dinner for Kevin and hubby.”

  “What’s the story with this one then?” asked Nurse Jones.

  “Not sure,” said Nurse Edwards as she moved to the door. “They thought at first she was a boozy slag. They found her on the street floor collapsed outside of a pub. I guess they thought she’d keeled over from having a skin full. Toxicology didn’t find any alcohol in her and she looked almost singed. Now the theory is that this poor love might have been zapped by lightning.”

  “Really,” said Nurse Jones waiting for the punch line of the joke.

  “She’s lucky to be alive. I guess some old codger staggering out of the pub found her and called for help. They had her in an ambulance and over here sharp. They could tell it was serious and couldn’t smell alcohol on her breath. Keep an eye on her. The drip instructions are on the sheet, and they don’t look like the others, so read ‘em carefully, okay, Annie?” Nurse Edwards waited for the response.


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