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2Promises Page 15

by Phil Armstrong

  She slid her finger into the hole created and pushed it along the seam of the envelope. She glanced down at her fox tattoo. The fox was staring directly at Beth with his body positioned side on and his tail tucked between his haunches. Beth loved the design of the tattoo. She told the tattoo artist that she wanted a small fox and he came back with this design. It was uncertain if this was a product of his fertile imagination, or if he lifted it from some piece of artwork. She knew instantly that she liked it. Some people get bored of their tattoos and then wish they had never gone through with it. Beth liked her fox more with each passing day. She reached into the envelope and extracted the folded letter. Beth unfolded the paper and she could feel her heart rate starting to race.

  “Inhale,” she told herself. Beth opened the letter and began to read it aloud.

  * * * * *

  My Dear Beth,

  I never doubted you for an instance! Congratulations and a big, thank you. You’ve made me feel complete. To know that Rose was living with the impression that her Father simply didn’t care was simply unbearable. I know in my heart you’ve stretched your comfort zone on this journey. I hope you take something positive away from India and that it’s provided you with some personal growth. It’s a complex place full of pain, suffering, decency, honor, and pride. The wonderful people in India are open hearted and kind. I know Sanjeev will do anything to assist you. I could go on about how grateful I am that you delivered my note but words cannot adequately express my gratitude. I feel heavy in my heart for one reason. I haven’t been entirely honest with you. I have always told people that I was a simple Baker. I managed to string a few stores together and make some money to retire on. This is a fanciful tale that has allowed me to live a normal life. Beth, I have always enjoyed helping people. It was ironic that when my time came near I was the one in desperate need of help. I was most grateful that you willingly offered that help! I have tried to live my life as a simple man and I knew that I would never marry or date another woman. Aklina was my one true love and there could be no other. My bakeries provided a decent income and I invested wisely. I started by buying land in India. When I was advised to sell it provided me with a handsome return. I took the profits, and on the advice of a dear friend, invested in high tech startup companies such as Infosys, Wipro and Tata. When the year 2000 came, and the technology boom reached its heady heights, these companies returned large. I cashed in at the right time and invested in real estate in London, New York, Paris, Toronto and Tokyo. I bought properties that generate income streams. Renters pay their rent and I get to see my building investments rise in value. I’m sorry, this is a long, boring, investment story. I’m avoiding the truth. Beth, I’m a little wealthier than my allotment appearance might suggest. The note you’ve graciously delivered to Rose outlines just how wealthy she has now become. I’m sure the shock is setting in and she will be checking the references I provided. Given a note like this, I would assume it’s a hoax too! I know that you’ve benefitted from your journey to India but you had to have guts to do this. I’ve contacted the Bradford and Bingley building society. Your rented cottage on Sun Street is now bought and registered in your name. You may want to visit the building society branch on North Street, in Keighley. Talk with Mr. Davis; he’s the manager and has the paperwork ready for you to sign upon your return. A Mr. Wilks from the Blue Phoenix Group will advise you more when you return. Mr. Davis has been instructed to contact Mr. Wilks so that the three of you can talk. Beth, Mr. Wilks is on your side. He is paid to give you good advice and has never steered me wrong. Beth, remember how good it felt to help someone in dire need? This is a life lesson that hopefully you will not forget. You have a fire inside and it burns bright. You have a special glow that I can’t quite place. I know you’ll help others and I know you like to help others. Trust me that will come back to you many times over. I will leave this world a happy man. I challenge you to make your life fabulous. You should do all the things you can to help others. I know that people will seek your help Beth, choose wisely and provide it freely. When you talk with Mr. Wilks he will explain to you the operational aspects of the “Generosity Account,” specifically the source of the deposits into this account. I have professionals manage my real estate assets and investment portfolio. I just decide what to do with the returns. I would like you to run this part for me now Beth. Mr. Wilks will make sure that you are fully briefed on how it works. It’s simple really. We have great people managing the investments and all you have to do is decide which worthy cause should get the rewards. There’s a little more to it than that but I’m sure a “sly fox” like you will pick up the reins quickly. First, I ask you to help and then I burden you with a great responsibility. I know you can do this. Rose will get wealth beyond her imagination, I will see to that. I didn’t want to burden her with running an organization primarily based in England. I couldn’t think of a better person to leave this responsibility with. India was a prerequisite for this, when you see the opulence of the palaces and the contrast of the slums you know that this world caters to all. Some people just need a helping hand at the right time in their lives and they will go on to do incredible things. You now have the power to help people Beth, use it wisely. The “Generosity Account” will pay for your expenses and flights. I hope you feel excited by this opportunity. It’s natural to feel skeptical and a little overwhelmed. Once you get comfortable and realize how this works you’ll be excited. A quick chat with Mr. Wilks and you’ll be set to change the world. Beth, you’re my little fox. I know you’ll make me proud and I’m confident that you’ll learn quickly and grow this business. Thank you for giving me the chance to be a better Father to Rose.I will always remember your act of kindness and hope you enjoy a lifetime of giving.

  Fondest regards,

  Anwar Patel

  * * * * *

  As Beth’s eyes welled up with tears a thought suddenly popped into her mind, “One must be poor to know the luxury of giving: George Eliot.”

  “Thank you Subra,” said Beth softly. “Subra, I have one for you,” said Beth, “The price of greatness is responsibility: Sir Winston Churchill.”

  Beth could feel the weight of the letter sinking in. She was delighted that she now owned her little cottage but at what price? She was now going to head a charitable organization. She had no idea how big it was or what was entailed. She knew very little but there seemed to be an expectation to grow it. Beth wondered how she would choose worthy causes? How would she know if the investment professionals were doing a good job? She felt way out of her league.

  “I just started to feel that my promise had been met and you load me up with this!” said Beth looking at Anwar’s signature on the letter. “Right,” Beth said, “I have to ask myself what am I grateful for?”

  This tip was given to her by a counselor at one of the many childcare facilities that Beth cycled through. She rattled off a dozen things quickly and immediately felt better.

  “I can do this, focus on what I want,” thought Beth. Beth reorganized her backpack and got her fresh clothes ready for the long journey in the morning. As she packed she looked down at her fox tattoo. “Well, it’s you and me fox. Looks like we both have to be sly to deal with these investment types. I hope we can live up to this challenge. For now we have to stay focused and solve this portal problem first. We need to help Subra get home.” The fox did not respond but Beth needed to talk with someone. She had always thought of her fox as a he. Beth retrieved Lord Ganesha from the carpet and placed him with her clothes. She was startled by the shrill tone of the ringing phone.

  “Hello,” answered Beth.

  “Sorry to disturb you Miss, it’s the front desk. Due to your early morning checkout time we’ve taken the liberty to put you through advanced check out. You don’t need to stop by the front desk unless you use the mini bar, Internet, or the phone tonight. Have a safe flight, and we’ll slip a copy of the final bill under your door tonight. Have a safe trip Miss Martindale and thank you for stayi
ng at The Astor Hotel.”

  “Great, thank you,” said Beth hanging up the phone. It was evening and Beth felt the need to sleep before her early start. She repacked her backpack and carefully placed Anwar’s letter inside. Beth set the alarm clock and settled in for a chat with Subra. She was looking forward to having this exchange. It was not long before Beth fell asleep.

  “I told you I would find Rose and how about that Kaigara? Japanese for Shell!” thought Beth. No answer. “Come on Subra stop tinkering,” thought Beth. No answer. “Subra this isn’t funny, I need to chat with you.”

  Subra might not be able to comprehend linear time but Beth could. After a while the unconscious mind has to wander when you sleep. Beth was floating in a stream of clear blue water. She was surrounded by beautiful white roses and could smell incense. Little foxes were playing on the banks of the river darting between marble lions. Beth felt something, just strong enough to register in her mind. She focused on the force it was Subra. Beth dialed him in like finding the right frequency on a radio. She had not needed to do this before. Perhaps he had been roaming around fixing her energy flows?

  “Well, good of you to show up mate,” said Beth sarcastically.

  “I’ve been busy,” said Subra faintly.

  “I told you I would find Rose,” thought Beth in a proud way, “now I want to find the portal. Kaigara is Japanese for Shell, who would have thought that?”

  “It’s a great lead. Congratulations on finding Rose I’m happy for you. A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind,” said Subra sounding a little stronger.

  “I feel good but again I’m stepping into the unknown with the new task, the Generosity Account.”

  “What’s money? A person is a success if you get up in the morning and go to bed at night and in between you do what you want to do.”

  “Hmmm, you modified that a little,” thought Beth.

  “True but Bob Dylan won’t mind,” responded Subra.

  “Looks like we’re going to Toronto, I don’t know much about Canada. I know they have Maple Syrup and snow, but hopefully not this time of year?” Beth blurted trying to fill some dead time.

  “A lot of people like snow, I find it an unnecessary freezing of water,” replied Subra.

  “It’s very hot in Toronto this time of year you’ll be fine.”

  “I have a brutal travel day planned tomorrow, I’m just going to grin and bear it,” thought Beth making small talk.

  “Although the world is full of suffering, it’s also full of the overcoming of it,” replied Subra. “The watch was a bold gesture Beth, Sanjeev has helped considerably. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

  “Aesop: from The Lion and the Mouse,” offered Beth.

  “Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses,” Subra tested again.

  “Confucius, (551BC to 479BC),” answered Beth.

  “You’re getting good at this; it won’t be long before you have waking access to this knowledge.”

  Just as he finished his thought, Beth felt a sharp pang. It was not pain. It was the same uneasy feeling she had experienced last time she had chatted with Subra. What was it? Subra could not be mad at Beth for she had found Rose and secured a great lead on the portal. What was it? It was so frustrating because Beth had never experienced anything like this before. She could not identify this strange feeling. As the night wore on it was soon time to wake and begin a long day of traveling. Subra asked Beth to do something he normally did as a matter of course. Beth was asked to focus her energies on waking up so she could start her day. She was used to a Subra induced surge of energy pulsing her brain and waking her instantly. She followed Subra’s instructions without questioning and managed to wake herself. She turned on the lights and made her way to the bathroom. It was still dark outside and the birds were quiet. As she moved towards the bathroom she spotted an envelope poking out from beneath the room door.

  “My hotel bill,” she thought, “better grab that.”

  Beth picked up the envelope and pushed it into her backpack. She turned and entered the bathroom. Beth showered and stood naked in front of the mirror. She was about to brush her hair when her thoughts strayed to the trip ahead. She grabbed an elastic band and produced a ponytail in short order. She dressed quickly and did a final check of the room. Beth took Lord Ganesha and tucked him securely into her backpack. She checked each drawer, the safe, and the desk for her belongings. A final check of her money, her contact details, the hotel bill, her letters and she was on her way. Beth threw the strap of her backpack over her shoulder. She grabbed the shiny gift-wrapped box and headed for the door.

  “Come on fox we better run.” Beth closed the door and glanced back at room number 323.

  “Good morning Miss,” said Sanjeev as Beth stepped off the elevator. Beth offered Sanjeev an exceptionally warm smile this morning. It was the same smile she had used with Timmy Haggerty when she was 14 years old. Beth was very impressed with this fit boy. She had just discovered that girls had power over boys. She was about to experiment with how good it felt to tease. Timmy looked at Beth for a fleeting moment. He must have thought she was a gorgon, hair of snakes and fish scale skin. He took one look at his potential seducer, turned and walked away with Karen Whitehead. That concluded Beth’s experimentation in wielding her feminine powers over the opposite sex. Beth’s smile this morning came from a warm place, a place of gratitude. It was met with an equally respectful smile from Sanjeev. He grabbed Beth’s backpack as usual and walked to the taxi. Beth kept the package close to her and nodded respectfully at the young man behind the reception. Beth entered the taxi and as usual Sanjeev held the door open.

  “Thank you Sanjeev,” said Beth.

  “My pleasure,” responded Sanjeev.

  “Before we go to the airport I have a little something for you. It’s a token of my appreciation for all that you’ve done for me during this visit.” Beth pushed the package onto the armrest between the two front seats. Sanjeev looked at the package and then looked at Beth.

  “Miss, I can’t.”

  “It would offend me if you didn’t.” Beth held Sanjeev’s look within her piercing green eyes.

  “You know I would’ve done anything I could for you and Mr. Anwar,” said Sanjeev honestly.

  “I know that. Now please open it before we start our drive,” instructed Beth. Sanjeev cautiously lifted the small package and again looked at Beth for reassurance. “Go ahead,” said Beth in an impatient tone.

  Sanjeev opened the wrapping. He looked like a little girl delicately unfolding a flower. After a couple of attempts he managed to take the paper off. He looked at the design on the box, “Citizen” it said. He removed the cardboard cover and held the hard plastic case. Shaped like an oyster he popped the top open revealing a beautiful shiny new watch. Ved had done well. It was the exact watch featured in the poster; gold and silver metal strap; black and gold face; silver bevel and a crystal case. The watch glistened in the exterior lights of the hotel. The second hand was moving on reserve power. On the dashboard it looked as if Lord Ganesha was smiling. Beth felt warm inside. Sanjeev just stared at the watch in amazement.

  “Do you like it?” asked Beth.

  “It’s spectacular Miss,” said Sanjeev. “That’s the first time I’ve ever used that word,” he said grinning wildly.

  “Well, it’s of no use in your hand, try it on,” said Beth.

  Sanjeev placed the watch on the armrest and fumbled with his plastic watchstrap. He placed his old watch in his shirt pocket and reached for his new Eco-Drive watch. He slipped his left hand through his watch and snapped the metal clasp closed. It fit great.

  “You never need a battery with this watch it’s powered by sunlight and you get plenty of that around here. I want you to remember Anwar when you look at your watch. You have to promise me that you’ll keep your eyes on the road though,” laughed Beth.

  “Miss it’s beautiful, thank you so much,” laughed Sanjeev.
  Beth got to say what she had always wanted, “My pleasure.”


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