Freedom to Trust [Freedom, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Freedom to Trust [Freedom, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Nikki took the call. “Hey.”


  Nikki glanced to the entryway to make certain Mark hadn’t stealthily appeared. “Well, he’s here.” She detailed what they’d done. “He seems to be having a hard time figuring out what’s really going on, but I got an idea while we were at the mall.”


  “Tomorrow. I’m going to take him to the pound to find a dog.” When had she made up her mind about that? Maybe when she’d seen the smile on his face.

  For the next five minutes, Dani warned her about how much time the dog could take. “You’ll have to walk him a lot. What if you’re on a stakeout?” Most of the time the two of them worked together. Going solo wasn’t safe.

  “Mark will have to promise to take care of the dog.”

  “He’ll promise all right, but then I bet he’ll forget.”

  Nikki smiled. “Aren’t you the little cynic?”

  Dani laughed. “Just you wait.”

  Footsteps came down the hall. “I gotta go.” She disconnected and faced Mark. “All set?” He slid onto a chair at the kitchen table. She inhaled. He looked so perfect sitting there. “I hope you like chicken.”

  “It’s okay.”

  That was better than a no. “Tomorrow, I thought we’d take a drive to the pound to see if we might find you a dog.” He sat up straighter. “Would you like that?”

  He looked her right in the eyes. “You mean it?”

  “If you promise to take care of him.”

  “I will. I’ll walk him and feed him and everything. Can we go now?”

  She laughed. “Tomorrow is soon enough.”

  Nikki knew she’d made the right decision.

  Chapter Two

  After Nikki made Mark’s bed the next afternoon, she stepped to his window to watch him and Jackpot play in the back yard.

  As soon as they’d finished breakfast, they’d headed out to search for the perfect dog. When Mark had spotted the two-year-old black lab at the pound, he’d immediately fallen in love. Once they’d collected Jackpot, they’d gone to the pet store and purchased food, a leash, a doggie bed, and tons of toys. She’d never seen Mark happier.

  She smiled as she watched the two romp in the snow. Jackpot did seem to love to fetch the ball and Mark didn’t seem tired of throwing it. Getting Mark a dog had been a great decision. Now a doggie door was a must.

  Her cell rang and she rushed to the kitchen to answer it. It was Dani again. “Hey.”

  “How’s it going? Did you get a dog?”

  “Yes.” She detailed the whole series of events. “He’s outside playing now and seems really happy.”

  “That’s awesome. I just received a call from Sussman.”

  He was the private investigator who contracted their services. They’d only opened their firm a few months ago, and they needed every job they could get. So far, Sussman had been their main client. “I’m guessing he has something for us?”

  “Yes. He wants us to watch the owners of the Mountain High Casino in Black Hawk.”

  That was where Mark grew up. Nikki pulled up a kitchen chair and sat. “Did he give any reason?” Sussman was notorious for telling them the name of the mark but providing no pertinent details.

  “Surprisingly, yes. Apparently, Harper Anderson and his cousin Connor Gillespie, who own the casino, might be involved in human trafficking.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She’d worked with the worst of the worst in Denver and understood all too well that anyone dealing in human trafficking was at the bottom of her scum list. “Do we know anything about these two on a more personal level? Like, do they have any habits that might help us get close?”

  “I’ve asked Holly to find out what she can.”

  Holly was amazing. She’d find something. “Excellent.”

  “Sussman said he’d e-mail me the photos shortly. Are you able to take a drive down there?”

  “Now?” Her mind whirled. Black Hawk was a half-hour drive, and she had an evening planned with Mark to watch movies.

  “If you need to stay with Mark, I can go alone.”

  That wouldn’t be a good idea. Had Dani been alone when that man shot Mark’s mom, he might have killed Dani, too.

  “No. I’ll go. Just give me a few minutes to see if Mrs. Cunningham is free to watch him.”

  “Let me know. We’ll meet at the office.”

  She disconnected. Nikki didn’t know why she was upset. From the beginning she knew getting called out at all hours would happen. Not only was she responsible for Mark, she wanted to spend time with him. He’d been left on his own so many times that she hated to dump him on her neighbor so soon.

  She dialed her seventy-three-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Cunningham and explained the situation. Her husband died two years ago and she said she’d love to have the company. Mark, however, might not be as excited, as her neighbor didn’t have Wi-Fi. Maybe Mark could work on his programs while she watched her TV. Once Nikki enrolled him in school, he could spend his time studying. At least Mrs. Cunningham always claimed to like dogs.

  “I’ll be happy to watch him. Just send him over any time.”

  “I owe you, Mrs. Cunningham.”

  “Call me Clara.”

  The woman did seem to like having friends. “Thanks, Clara.”

  Nikki stepped to the kitchen door and pulled it open. “Hey, Mark? Time to come in. I’ve been called into work.”

  His shoulders slumped, but he didn’t complain.

  He clapped his hands. “Come on, Jackpot.”

  The dog rushed inside, getting snow and dirt all over the floor. Great. “Wipe your feet!” She wanted to instill good habits in Mark. “Next time, you’ll need to dry his paws first.”


  She didn’t need the dog running around the house getting everything dirty. “Come here, Jackpot.” With a bit of coaxing, she reined in the dog and managed to clean his feet, then explained where Mark would be staying for the evening. “Mrs. Cunningham said you can bring Jackpot with you, but you’ll have to make sure he doesn’t track in a mess.”


  “Go get ready then.”

  He trotted off and Nikki went in to change. Since this was their first reconnaissance trip, they’d just scope out the casino and possibly the men’s home. She’d try to figure out where she might put some listening devices, as using audio equipment was her specialty. She usually planted the device in a room then monitored the activity nearby. In a casino, it would be trickier. Then Holly, who was a genius at eliminating unwanted background noise, would clean up the sound. Between her sound and Dani’s photos, the three of them could compile rather complete information on a person.

  To blend in with the Black Hawk casino tourist crowd, she chose a pair of black skinny jeans, a low-cut long sleeve top, and boots. At her height, she would have liked to wear something with a heel, but if she ever had to hightail it out of there, she’d sprain an ankle if she wore something high. So, flat heels it was.

  “Ready, Mark?” He came out with his ever-present backpack and the dog. “Where’s your coat?”

  “It’s just next door.”

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be. You might need to walk him.”

  He shuffled back into his room and returned with his coat. “Why can’t Mrs. Cunningham come here?” he mumbled.

  That would make things easier. “We’ll ask her next time.”

  After she walked Mark over and gave him a hug good-bye, which wasn’t exactly reciprocated, she slipped into her car and headed to Buford Ave, then turned right onto SR 134. Ten minutes later she pulled in front of their office and parked on Madison.

  The town was dead at three in the afternoon, but it would liven up come dinnertime. She went inside and found Dani, who’d dressed appropriately for the casino, too.


  Her co-owner looked up from her computer screen. “Yay. Take a look at the photos of the men.” She tapped the screen. �
��The one with the light brown hair who looks like he’s Mr. Uber Military Man is Harper Anderson. The guy on the right with the black hair is his cousin Connor Gillespie.”

  She studied them. The photo was taken in a casino. “Judging from the size of the people around them, these guys are giants.”

  Dani looked up and smiled. “What? Not your type?”

  “No. I’m good with six feet take or give an inch, but anything taller makes my neck hurt if I kiss them.”

  Her friend laughed. “Come on.”

  “You remembered their home address, right?”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “My gear’s in the car. I’ll drive.”

  They exited out the back of the building. Dani had parked in the alley next to the Dumpster—make that the nice and smelly Dumpster. Nikki lifted her arms. “I feel strange not carrying any equipment.”

  “We’re here to observe. We need to get a feel for their movements before shoving a camera in their face or a bug up their butt.”


  If only Sussman had known which women the men had targeted to sell, their job would have been easy. Too bad there wouldn’t be a big van in back of the casino with twenty scared women inside. “You have your small camera?” The large format one would attract too much attention.

  “Relax.” Dani smiled. “My favorite role is playing tourist.” She glanced over at her. “We’ll say we’re from Denver and have never been to a casino. Hence all the pictures. Maybe we’ll say it’s my birthday and you’re treating me to this weekend of fun.”

  She chuckled. “Then I’m limiting you to one drink. Buying all the stuff for Mark, not to mention the dog, tapped me out.”

  She smiled. “I hear ya.”

  They always liked to have a story before they went anywhere. Everyone always bought the birthday story. More than once, she’d had to pretend to be drunk and stagger around while Dani took her picture to presumably put on Facebook. If her big camera might arouse suspicion, she went with her camera phone. No one asked questions then.

  On the nineteen-mile drive to Black Hawk, they talked about Dani’s true loves, Brady and Lucas. Those two men were definitely hunks, and she’d never seen her friend so happy.

  “Have you set the wedding date?”

  “Not yet, but we will soon.” Dani grinned.

  Nikki was totally thrilled for her, but cupid wasn’t going to be shooting his arrow in her direction any time soon. Men were never thrilled to find a woman who could shoot a gun and slap cuffs on a man in a matter of seconds. She always figured they feared she’d try that trick in the bedroom. Hell, if any man let her get the drop on them in bed, he wasn’t for her anyway.

  Before she knew it, they’d arrived at the casino. It was still early in the day, so finding a place to park was easy. Good thing they located a spot near the front because it had started to snow again and she hated walking in the wet stuff in her good boots.

  “This weather sucks. If I ruin another pair of shoes, I’m charging the company.”

  Dani grinned. “I’d like to see you submit a receipt. My money’s on Holly that she won’t pay you.”

  “I know, but I like to dream.”

  Dani chuckled. When they stepped inside the High Mountain Casino, Dani leaned close. “I have to say these men have taste.”

  It did look high end. The posts were covered in stone and the high ceilings were coffered. A long wooden bar with a massive mirror behind it sat on one end. Surrounding the gambling tables in the middle were rows of slot machines.

  “I think I liked the Golden Nugget better,” Nikki said. That was where Mark’s mom had worked.

  She shook her head. “I can’t imagine being a kid and getting exposed to all this.”

  “Yeah.” That was what worried her. What kind of influence had the dealers and bargirls been on Mark?

  So as not to look like there were on duty, they each bought twenty dollars worth of quarters for the slot machines.

  As they headed toward the bar to grab a drink, Dani nudged her. “Hey. Aren’t those Ashley’s twin brothers? What were their names?”

  These two drop dead gorgeous man had come into the High View Bar and Grill in Freedom a few times when she and the girls were sipping on their mojitos during happy hour. “Zane and Garth.”

  Dani tilted her head and raised her brows. “You remembered their names?”

  You bet. She shrugged to pretend indifference. “They’re hot. What can I say?”

  Dani nudged her. “Okay, Ms. Smarty Pants. Which is which?”

  “Garth is the one with the darker hair.”

  “In this light it’s hard to tell the difference since they wear their hair short.”

  It wasn’t hard for her. Should she talk about the differences in their muscular frame, how they each moved in a unique, but incredibly fluid manner, or the fact their self-confidence made them hot in a distinctive way? She decided to go with a visual clue. “Zane has a sexy scar on his chin, and his shoulders are broader than Garth’s, but that makes sense since he’s a bit shorter.”

  Dani slipped onto a barstool. “You’ve been studying them, I see.”

  “I have indeed.” She could have lied, but Dani would have known.

  Other than when Ashley had introduced her to her brothers, they’d not spoken, though she hadn’t missed their sexy gazes.

  “Do you prefer one over the other?”

  Nikki slid next to her. “I’m going your route. I want both. Can you imagine—” She waved a hand. “Never mind. Of course you can.” It was fun to pretend, though. No doubt when Zane and Garth found out she was a single mom, they’d take their interested looks someplace else.

  The bartender came over and she ordered a chardonnay while Dani asked for a Merlot. They were experts at sipping their drinks for hours, as Nikki needed to remain sober. As soon the bartender returned, she wanted to ask about the owners. Before she had the chance, someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  Her heart jumped and her hand went straight to her hip. Damn. She wasn’t carrying. She inhaled to slow her heart then turned around. Oh, my God. Inches from her face were the most beautiful green eyes she’d ever seen up close, and they belonged to the most strikingly masculine man. “Zane Milosino. What a surprise.” Right behind him stood his brother. She inhaled to calm her pulse.

  “What are you two lovely ladies doing down in Black Hawk? You into the slots?” Zane nodded to the cup of coins next to her on the bar.

  She smiled. Telling them it was Dani’s birthday might backfire if Ashley came to her real birthday bash. “Just blowing off steam. You?”


  Part of Nikki wanted them to leave so she could do her job. However, the other ninety-nine percent wanted them to stay. Something about the fact that they were macho search-and-rescue forest rangers appealed to her. She found it downright sexy they were heroes who were willing to sacrifice their lives for others.

  The bartender brought them their wine and she paid her tab.

  “How about we watch you ladies play? Maybe we can bring you good luck.”

  Dani stood. “Sure.”

  What was her partner up to? They’d come here to investigate the owners. “Do you guys come here often?” Lame, Nikki. That sounds like a pick-up line. She couldn’t do her job if they tagged along.

  “When we’re not on duty and have nothing to do, we’ll stop by,” Garth said.

  That meant they might know which machines were loose. “Got any favorite slots?” Winning for a change wouldn’t hurt. Money was draining out of the company faster than they could replace it.

  Garth shook his head. “I’m the worst picker. Once I sat at this machine for an hour, and the moment I moved to another machine, this little old lady takes my seat and bam. She wins like twenty bucks on the quarter slots.”

  Zane nudged him. “Even if you’d pulled the lever the next time, you might not have won.”

  Nikki had done some investigation on how the slots worked and Zane was r
ight. It was totally random. She also knew that unless she played the higher priced slots, she was likely to be donating her twenty dollars to the casino coffers.

  Since they couldn’t exactly ask the men to leave or say they were here as investigators, she just might be pulling the lever or pressing the button for quite some time. They knew the risks of their job. Times like this, they’d chalk it up to bad timing.

  “Let’s hope you two bring me luck.” She smiled. “Garth, how about you pick the machine for me?”


  “Sure. Why not?”

  She hadn’t come to win. Now that these two had shown up, she might as well make the most of it. Garth walked to the closest slot machines, which were the five-dollar machines.

  Nikki waved her cup. “Got quarters.” Maybe he hadn’t looked in her cup.

  “Over here.” Zane waved.

  He acted like he knew the place well. There were three machines in a row that sat empty. She figured Dani might want to wander around and take pictures. That worked for her. “This looks good.” She liked the single row kind. Video poker she never understood, nor did she want to learn. Having an addictive type of personally and being in a casino could cause her some serious issues. Knowing her, she’d want to play and play until she mastered the game, and she couldn’t afford to lose her money, especially now that she had a child to support.

  Dani tapped her shoulder. “I really love the iron sculpture on the wall. I’m going to take a picture of it.” She waved her camera.

  That was her way of saying she wanted to scope out the rest of the place and look for their marks. “Have fun.” Nikki dropped a quarter in the slot. Her money either went to the payout chamber or the house chamber. It didn’t matter what she did next. Garth had picked a machine with a lever. She pulled it and got a cherry, a lemon, and an apple. “Aw.”

  “Gotta warm the machine up,” Zane said.

  She laughed. She placed another coin in the slot and pulled the lever again. This time two of the fruit matched.

  “Ahh. So close, sugar,” Garth said.


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