Freedom to Trust [Freedom, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Freedom to Trust [Freedom, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I could have driven.”

  He shrugged. “I like to drive. Besides, I know the way.”

  She’d checked out the location on the map. While the school wasn’t far, it required them to drive on several different roads. If he drove, they wouldn’t get lost.

  Garth shoved the key in the ignition. “So Mark. What grade are you in?”

  “Sixth, sort of.”

  Garth started the engine and glanced in the rearview mirror. “What does that mean?”

  “I was mostly home schooled, and I moved through the lessons pretty fast.”

  He looked over at her. “I can ask Tracey about testing him, but maybe we should put him in seventh for the rest of the year and see how he likes it.”

  She’d thought the same thing. It was nice to have him be on the same page. “I agree.” She turned around in her seat. “What do you think?” It was his education and Mark should have a say. She remembered when she turned thirteen her father announced he was sending her to a private school for girls. She balked, but he said he’d already paid and she’d be going. While she got a great education, she would have appreciated being asked.

  He shrugged. “I might struggle in Spanish. I’m only at the first level.”

  “We’ll let them know.”

  The trip took fifteen minutes to get to Richard C. Clark Middle School. The outside was brick and contained four different buildings. “You know where we’re supposed to go?” She had no idea.

  He smiled and her damned pussy lit up like a Christmas tree. This was so not good.

  “Just stick with me, sugar.” Garth parked and cut the engine.

  She chuckled and piled out. Mark walked between them, his gaze mostly aimed toward the ground. Her heart ached for him, but what choice did she have? He had to go to school.

  Inside, Garth greeted the receptionist by name. “Tracey here? She should be expecting us.”

  The older woman nodded. “You know the way.”

  Garth placed a hand on Mark’s back. “Let’s get you settled.”

  Garth knocked and entered a small, cluttered office. A nameplate that read, Tracey Bauer, sat on the edge of the desk. The woman stood and held out her hand. “You must be Mark.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Nikki liked how well-mannered he was.

  “I’m Ms. Bauer. I help new students get settled.” She motioned to the three chairs in front of her desk. “Have a seat.”

  Being on this side of the table felt odd. She wasn’t a parent and had to think back to being his age. As hard as she tried, she never recalled her parents visiting her school. Hmm. Maybe it was just as well that they sent her off to a boarding school.

  “Garth tells me you do real well in math and science.”

  Nikki should have asked Garth what he’d told his cousin.

  “I do okay.”

  “Good. I’ve made up a tentative schedule for you.” She’d made three copies and handed them out.

  The subjects looked okay to her, but she didn’t know what a sixth or seventh grader took for classes.

  Garth tapped the page. “There is no way Mark can have Mrs. Colman.”

  Tracey leaned back. “Why not?”

  “Are you kidding me? She was my teacher and she was a ball buster back then.” He looked over at Mark. “Sorry.”

  He grinned. “I’ve heard worse.”

  Nikki chuckled. Given he’d practically lived at a casino she bet he had seen the seamier side of life.

  “Garth, Mrs. Colman won’t let anyone give him grief.”

  He worked his mouth. It was almost as if this was a huge decision. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled.”

  He slipped his hand in his pocket, extracted a five-dollar bill and handed it to Mark. “You’ll need lunch money.”

  Mark’s shoulders straightened. “Thanks, Garth.”

  He grinned and Nikki swore there was love in his eyes. Garth really seemed to get off on this parenting thing or was it a way to convince her he’d be a good catch? Stop looking for the bad in everyone.

  He turned back to his cousin. “I thought you said there was a robotics class.”

  “There is. Part of the science class is devoted to robotics.”


  Tracey stood. “I’ve collected the books you’ll need, Mark.” She nodded to the tall stack on the side table.

  Mark pushed back his chair and opened his backpack. Nikki was glad he had his notebook and pencils already, assuming kids even used them these days. Mark stuffed the books in the bag and slung the pack over his shoulder.

  “I’ll show you to your first class. It’s Algebra.”

  His eyes lit up and she knew he might be okay.

  Chapter Nine

  For the next four days, while Nikki and Dani did their job, Mark spent his afternoons and part of the evenings with Holly. She’d pick him up from school and bring him to the office. While both seemed happy with the arrangement, Holly didn’t need to be spending all those extra hours babysitting.

  Nikki had discussed with Garth and Zane what their thoughts were on letting Mark stay with Mrs. Cunningham again. Clara had apologized a million times about letting him out her sight, but Nikki had told her it had nothing to do with her. Both men had agreed that since Mark had been determined to leave, it could have happened to her just as easily.

  Nikki finally called Clara. “Next week, I’ll have Mark come over after school. Will that be okay?” She held her breath.

  “Of course, dear.”

  “Great. Holly, my partner, has been showing him all sorts of cool programming tricks, but she needs time to do her job.”

  “I look forward to seeing him. Make sure he brings Jackpot.”

  Nikki smiled. “I will.”

  Not that she wished loneliness on anyone, but having a neighbor who was eager to take an eleven-year-old boy did work well for her.

  On Friday, Clara called to tell her she’d been invited out to dinner and couldn’t watch Mark. Holly, too, had made plans with Garth and Zane’s sister, Ashley. Hiring a neighborhood girl to come over would cost a fortune. That left her men. When she mentioned she needed to go back to Black Hawk again for her job, without having to ask, Zane suggested Mark stay with him.

  “Garth is on duty, so I’d love the company.”

  That worked out perfectly. Both men knew she and Dani were surveillance experts, but they didn’t know anything about who they were watching. Breaking confidentiality wouldn’t be smart.

  “I really appreciate this.”

  “No problem.”

  Even though Mark had bonded really well with the men, what would happen when they decided they were no longer willing to spend their valuable time with an eleven-year-old? She believed the loss would devastate Mark. If she’d known both men for years, she’d have been better able to figure them out.

  In the end, she dropped Mark off at their ranch. She couldn’t see much of the surrounding area as it was dark, but she bet the view of the mountains was wonderful. When she rang the bell, Zane answered. She’d told him of her tight schedule, and instead of delaying her by asking her in, he showed Mark in.

  “Thank you.” She smiled, and wished now she’d had the time to get a little taste of him.

  “The pleasure’s all mine, babe.” He winked, wrapped an arm around Mark’s shoulder, and closed the door.

  Nikki rushed home and found her partner already in the drive. Nikki knocked on Dani’s window. “I need to get my stuff. Be right back.”

  She’d left her gear by the door and only needed a moment to grab it. She climbed in back of Dani’s car so she could organize her equipment. Tonight they were going to wait outside of the casino instead of watching the owners inside. All week, they’d been moving from one slot machine to another but had seen nothing of interest. It made sense these men would be doing their dealings over the phone rather than in person. Dani had used her cellphone camera to shoot them with diff
erent customers, but Holly hadn’t been able to identify any of the customers as known dealers of flesh.

  Nikki leaned over the seat. “Remember when we saw Conner hand the irate customer cash?”


  “Do you think he was giving him more than five or ten dollar bills?”

  Dani looked in the rearview mirror. “You think Conner was paying that guy off for the women?”

  It sounded farfetched. “It’s possible.”

  “Too bad I didn’t think to take that customer’s picture.”

  They were both rather far away at the time. “We’ll get them.”

  When they arrived in Black Hawk, they drove down the alley behind the row of casinos. Trucks of all kinds were parked back there, but they didn’t spot anyone shoving women in the back of a van or truck.

  “What do you think?” Dani asked. “You want to park behind the casino and try to blend in or go in on foot?”

  “On foot. I don’t like being exposed, but the car’s too obvious.” One plus was that she could plant her equipment close to the back of the Mountain High Casino while she stationed herself in a different spot.

  “I agree. There are tons of places where we can shoot from.”

  “Too bad we can’t get roof access.”

  “Wouldn’t that be nice?”

  Dani parked in a front lot. Nikki still carried her gun, but she had yet to use her weapon on any job and hoped to keep it that way. At some point, she wanted to broach the topic of Dani learning to shoot, too.

  They both secured their headsets so they could communicate if they weren’t near each other. Walking around with a camera wasn’t as strange as carrying a large case full of equipment, so she was anxious to set up her gear.

  “I’ll go first,” Dani said, “and let you know if it’s clear.”


  As soon as they exited the car, the wind cut through her jacket. She hoped they wouldn’t have to wait all night for someone to show up or it might her take days to thaw. They had a thermos of hot coffee in the car in case they needed fortification. A quick stop in the casino for a bathroom break was also part of the plan. Nikki scanned the parking lot for anyone suspicious, but most of the people walking into the casino looked like regular tourists. It was the best kind of disguise if the person wanted to blend in.

  “All clear,” Dani said through the headset.

  As casually as she could, Nikki picked up her case and headed toward the alley. One look showed her Dani was right. No one was there. Nikki kept alert as she searched for a good spot to hide the microphone. They’d driven back here in the daylight, but there were different vehicles now. The Dumpster, however, was in the same spot. Perfect.

  It only took her a few minutes to set up everything and aim the mike in the right direction. “Ready.”

  “Follow me,” Dani said.

  They’d already discussed staying toward the end of the alley for an easier escape route. The truck Dani had chosen to hide behind had been there each of the last four days, and hopefully, the owner wasn’t planning on moving it anytime soon.

  They settled in for the long haul. Nikki fished out her wool cap and pulled it down over her ears. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. This allowed her to listen better. She was quite good at differentiating sounds that came in over the mike. If she kept her eyes open she became too distracted.

  The sound of tires on the gravel road didn’t make her sit up, but once the truck stopped and Dani nudged her, she shot to attention, her heart racing.

  Dani said nothing as she eased to the end of truck and aimed her camera. A second vehicle arrived. Doors opened. Voices sounded. That really had Nikki’s pulse pounded. Phrases like, “Get the girls in back,” “Wire the money,” “Conner and Harper,” and other totally incriminating phrases rang through her microphone.

  Holy shit. This was it. There were moans, scuffling feet, and metal squeaking. Nikki didn’t peek, as that would increase the chance of having their hiding spot compromised. Dani was on her knees shooting away. If her own heart was pounding, she could only imagine what was happening to Dani’s.

  In less than five minutes, the exchange was complete and the car and truck drove away. They waited a few minutes until they were certain neither would return. When she believed it was safe, she stood. “I’ll get the mikes. You head to the car.”

  “I’ll stay and watch your back.”

  She didn’t have time to argue. Nikki nodded and raced down the alley to retrieve her gear. The dismantling took all of three minutes. She strode toward the car and assumed Dani would follow. They had this operation down pat.

  Once in the car, Dani left the casino area and parked in front of a restaurant three blocks away, not to eat but to check the photos. Dani never could help herself.

  Nikki sat in the front seat this time and leaned over. “Kind of grainy.”

  “It was dark. I wish Sussman would have let me keep that awesome lens from the last case.”

  “After we got run off the road, I think he feared he’d lose his ten thousand dollar investment.”

  “Whatever.” She closed the back of the camera and turned it off. “I can do something with these.”

  Nikki grabbed the thermos. “Hold on for a sec. I need something hot.”

  She grabbed the hot coffee and poured two cups. They both drank their fill, and the warmth took the chill out of her bones.

  “Much better. Thanks.” Dani started the engine. “I say that was a successful job. I’ll process these tomorrow and send them off to Sussman.”

  “Let’s hope there are more jobs in the pipeline for us.”

  “There should be. We got the evidence he wanted in only a week. His client has to be thrilled.”

  She’d tried to spread the word about their new company, but so far Sussman provided them with most of their employment opportunities. At least he seemed pleased with each of their jobs. “I’m not complaining, but I don’t remember a job going down so smoothly.”

  “I say, be thankful.”

  As soon as Dani turned on 119, Nikki relaxed. Dealing with scum always made her nervous, as they were unpredictable, but now that they were done, she could toss her anxieties away.

  Dani looked over at her. “So what’s on your agenda this weekend?” She turned toward the Milosino ranch to pick up Mark.

  “Garth and Zane invited me and Mark to go horseback riding at their place.”

  “Cool. You’ll be right next to Lucas’s ranch.” She glanced in the mirror, hopefully as a precaution. “I don’t recall you mentioning you rode.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Ooh. Maybe I should wander over to see this first-time event.”

  The last thing she needed was to have her best friend witness her demise. “Don’t you dare.”

  “I bet Mark will love it.”

  “I’m hoping. That’s the only reason I accepted.”

  Dani glanced over at her. “Is it?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I know you. You would never have slept with a man, let alone two, after knowing them for such a short period of time, unless you were highly attracted to them.”

  She blew out a breath. “There’s something about them that feels so right.”

  Dani chuckled. “I know the feeling. As soon as I saw Brady again, I knew we were meant to be. Having Lucas come along was like the proverbial icing on the cake.”

  “You had a crush on Brady in high school, so it wasn’t a big stretch. I’ve never met either of these two men before.”

  Dan shook her head. “Lucas has known both men since he arrived in Freedom seven years ago. He says they are completely on the up and up. Don’t discount the fact that they really like Mark, too.”

  “I know.” That was a big bonus.

  “But the real question is how do they make you feel in bed?”

  Best friend or not, she wasn’t sure she could share something so intimate with her. “Go
od. And let’s leave it at that.”

  Dani grinned. “Have they tried to tie you up and spank you?”

  “Oh, God no.” She could almost feel the duct tape around her wrists and over her mouth. The raping bastard had tied the blindfold so tight, her eyes hurt. She shivered and pushed the nightmare away. “You know I’m not into that BDSM shit. It’s good for you, maybe, but I couldn’t stand it if I couldn’t move. I’d freak.”

  “Not if you trust them.”

  Trust. She wasn’t sure she knew the definition. “We’ll see.”

  * * * *

  “Come on, Mark. Garth and Zane are expecting us.”

  She hung up the last of her outfits she’d tried on as she didn’t want to have a repeat performance of the men walking into her messy room. The scraping of paws on the hardwood floor told her the duo was ready, and she stepped into the hallway.

  She’d worn comfortable jeans, older boots, and a hot new top she hoped the men would like. It shouldn’t matter all that much what she wore as she’d be wearing a jacket, gloves, and a hat when riding, but she’d feel better knowing she’d tried to look good. Maybe after they rode the men would ask them in, and she could show off the low-cut, tight top that emphasized her breasts. Not only did she want to tease the men a little, she hoped they’d invite her in as she was quite curious what their home looked like. She doubted forest rangers made that much. However, Holly mentioned that Ashley told her their parents were quite well off.

  “Let’s go, kiddo.”

  “You sure we can’t take Jackpot?” Mark asked.

  “He might get cold waiting outside for you. If he saw a squirrel, he might run off and get lost again.”

  He looked down at the dog and petted his head. “When you get older, maybe I can take you over to Garth and Zane’s.”

  The dog barked, almost as if he understood.

  “He’ll be fine.” This week she’d hired someone to put in a doggie door out to the fenced backyard. “He has food and water, and Jackpot can go out when he wants.”

  The ride over to the Milosino ranch was lovely. The day was crystal clear and slightly warmer than usual. With the lack of wind, their riding experience would be quite nice—assuming the horse they had her ride didn’t buck or anything.


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