The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) Page 22

by Cilla Lee

  “What are you here for?”

  “I need to talk to Preacher, is he inside” Magic looks at me.

  “Yeah darlin’ in his office.”

  “Ok,” I say giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “Widow” Magic says, and I look at him.


  “You good” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Yes, Magic I'm fine.”

  “Ok,” he says as I make my way into the clubhouse, some of the guys are sitting around Boogie Hawk and worm are sitting playing pool. “Widow!” Hawk yells, and I make my way over to them “here you gotta taste this,” he hands me a shot glass, but I give it back.

  “Nah I'll pass.”

  “Why not?” he asks me.

  “Because it's ten in the morning.”

  “I've seen you drink earlier than that before,” he says, and I look at all three of them.

  “All right, what's going on?”

  “You tell us,” he says

  “What?” I ask seeing Justin walk in, in his new Prospect jacket. When he sees me, he walks the other way (that little shit). “FREEZE!” I yell at him, and he turns back to me, I walk right up to him, “What did you do?” I ask a panicked look on his face

  “Nothin',” he says, shifting on one foot then the other.

  “FLY” I yell, and he gives me the evil eye but doesn’t say anything.

  “You got somethin’ to tell us Widow,” Hawk says, but I don't turn around, I just stare down my walking dead little brother.

  “No,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Not what we heard” I slowly turn around and face him still holding my brother

  “And what have you heard Hawk,” I ask, and he smiles.

  “Heard you're knocked up” I take a deep breath.

  “How'd you hear that,” I ask him knowing it was Justin

  “A little fly told me” I turn to my brother grabbing his Prospect Cut and slam him up against the wall hard.

  “What the fuck Justin?” I ask Justin

  “It fell out of the trash bin when I was emptying it” I punch him in the stomach.

  “WIDOW!” is yelled, and I turn around to face my father.


  “Leave him be” I step away from him and go to Preacher's office door and knock.

  “Come,” he says, and I walk in.

  “Hey, boss, I need to talk to you.”

  “Sit,” he says, and I sit in the chair facing his desk, and he sits back. “What's up Widow?” I sit forward looking him in the eye.

  “I'm pregnant,” I say, and he just stares at me.

  “And,” he says

  “I just thought you should know.”

  “What do you want Widow, you want to leave the club?” I look up

  “Fuck no!”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “I don't know.”

  “How far along are you.”

  “Three and a half months.”

  “And the father,” I bite my lip.

  “He's not an issue,” he laughs, and I look up at him.

  “So, when Scythe finds out you're pregnant with his kid, you think that's not gonna be an issue.”

  “I don't know,” I say honestly.

  “Are you gonna tell him” I shake my head

  “I wasn't planning on it.”


  “Why? You heard what he said to me, Preacher.”

  “I did.”

  “Then why in the fuck would I tell him I'm pregnant.”

  “If you’re sure than I'm fine with it, but just make sure, do you still want to do jobs” I look at him and nod.

  “Just until I'm too fat,” he laughs.

  “Widow I think you're makin’ a mistake, not tellin’ Scythe but it's your life, here I got a job you and Asphalt take it” he hands me a folder.

  “Thanks, boss.”

  Chapter Forty-Three


  I watch as all the women fuss over the triplets, Lilly holding little Primrose Niya holdin’ one of the boys and Lena holdin’ the other. Sinner and Saint playin’ pool watchin’ the women, I smile will I be like that when I'm a dad, Colt comes over little Logan standin’ with his dad. I can defiantly see this kid becomin’ a Soldier when he grows up “Hey brother, Hey little man.”

  “Hey,” they both say makin’ me smile.

  “This place is turnin’ into a creche,” I tell him makin’ him smile, and he looks down at his son.

  “Yeah with those three and soon to be Lilly and Stryker” I look over at Stryker as he sits next to Lilly smilin’ at the baby in her arms.

  “Fuck! When did they find out?”

  “Last week.”

  “And the fucker hasn't said anythin’.”

  “He was goin’ to, but life happens.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Theirs a loud noise outside and Stryker stands up fast headin' towards the door, the honkin’ of a horn has me jumpin’ up, and Cookie runs out with me. A car pulls into the compound, and I see Stryker pullin’ someone out “Fuck Asphalt!” I run to him seein' Widow get out covered in blood on the phone holdin’ Asphalts stomach

  “YES! DOC I FUCKING AM!” she yells as Stryker and Cookie help carry him inside.

  “CLEAR THE ROOM!” Razor yells and all the woman get up carryin’ the kids outside. We carry Asphalt into the Doctor's room we had during the fights and lay him on the table, Widow opens draws one after the other.

  “TAKE HIS SHIRT OFF!” she yells as Stryker rips it off and the bullet wound is bleedin’ heavily

  “Yes,” she says, “ok, I got it,” she fills a syringe with fluid and injects it into Asphalts leg. “Ok,” she says, “help me move him, I need to see if there’s an exit wound” Stryker and Cookie help move him to his side and Widow checks his back. “No Doc no exit wound... ok, ok,” she says and searches the draws again “Lay him back,” she wipes the blood away and sticks her finger in “No!... yes! ... no!” she says into the phone all the boys watchin’ her, she sticks in a medical pair of pliers and moves it around. “Got it,” she says listenin’ to instructions on the phone and slowly pulls the bullet out, she stops and watches for somethin’. “No Doc no more bleeding…. Ok,” she goes back to the draws and pulls out a needle and thread “Tell me how to stitch it Doc” she follows more instructions and proceeds to stitch Asphalt wound, I watch her work and my heart jumps (she's here). I watch her the whole time as she cleans him up covers his wound, and then proceeds to put a needle into his arm for fluids. She hangs up the phone sittin' down on the seat lookin’ at Asphalt.

  “What happened?” Stryker asks her

  “We were on a job, and the fucking bitch pulled a gun and shot him,” she says, and I frown at her.

  “Who was it?”

  “Just some fuckin’ junkie who owed money to a guy.”

  “Where is she?” I ask, and she looks up at me, her expression cold.

  “I shot the bitch in the head and got Asphalt here.”

  “You ok?” I ask her, and she looks at me no emotions at all.

  “I'm fine Doc's on the way.”

  “You need anythin’, a drink” Cookie offers her, but she just shakes her head.

  “I'll wait for Doc.”

  “Alright, darlin’ call if you need anythin',” Razor says, and she nods, we all leave the two alone.

  I watch the door for hours waitin’ for her to come out the second the others got here they all went into the room Sniper runnin’ straight in almost knockin’ the door down, Doc followed than Boogie and one of the Prospects. The door opens, and Boogie and the Prospect come back out and leave.

  “Why do you think they left?” I look at the door

  “Probably to get rid of the woman's body,” I say and Cookie nods.

  “Fuck man that was pretty intense, Widow did good though.”

  “Yeah,” I say as the door opens again and Doc comes out, and he and Razor talk than Doc goes back in. The door
stays closed, but I sit and wait.

  “Hey Scythe you want some company,” Bliss says rubbin’ her tits on my chest, she grabs my hands puttin' them on her ass rubbin' her pussy on me. The door opens, and Widow walks out, starin' at Bliss, and I. Bliss turns in my arms, and I watch as Sniper pulls her down the hall towards the bedrooms, I push Bliss away from me and go to follow Widow, but Stryker grabs my arm stoppin’ me.

  “Just leave it, Brother, she needs time” I nod grabbin’ a bottle and sittin’ at the pools tables watchin’ the guys play pool. I watch the hallway the whole night wantin’ for her to come out, but only Sniper does, grabbin’ her food and then goin’ back to the room. Niya lent her some clothes cause hers were covered in blood, every time she comes here she's covered in blood.

  “You still want her,” Cookie asks me, but I don't take my eyes off of the hall.


  “You think she'll take you back.”

  “Don't know.”

  “Brother, are you sure” I take a big swig of the bottle.

  “I'm sure.”


  Widow Maker

  The day plays over and over in my head the fucking junkie bitch pulling a gun to shoot me, but Asphalt stood in front of me, she would have killed my baby. I look down covering my stomach with my hands and stare up at the ceiling, the flash of the gunfire flashes over and over, and it's like slow motion. Asphalt hitting the ground and me raising my gun shooting the bitch right between the eyes, and before she hits the ground, I'm dragging Asphalt to the car driving here as fast as I could. Doc giving me instructions over the phone on how to stop the bleeding, how to check everything and how to take the bullet out. When Doc got here, he said it was far enough down that it wouldn't have hit anything major, but Asphalt's to stay on his back for the next week until we can move him back home. I plan on staying to look after him; he did save my life after all one good deed deserves another. “You ok baby girl?” dad asks, I nod in the dark a tear running down my cheek

  “I'm good,” I say, rubbing my belly.


  “Don't dad, I'm fine, and so is the baby ok” I knew when dad came barrelling into the room, he was scared, I'd never once in my life seen him so affected than he was today. I hear him get up and feel him sit on the side of the bed and turn the light on

  “Ava, I could have lost you today and my grandchild” I look at him.

  “Dad, I'm fine, and it's not like I haven't been shot or stabbed before” dad winces at my words, I reach up and rub his arm.

  “Where fine daddy,” he looks down at my belly

  “I know that you think that, but losing a baby darlin’ that is soul crushing for anyone and the thought of you losing this baby kills me” I sit up hugging him.

  “I'm fine ok, and I promise no more jobs until the babies born,” he pulls back looking at me.

  “Promise,” he says, and I nod my head.

  “Promise,” I tell him, and he pulls me to him hugging me tightly

  “Is there anythin’ I can get you, you thirsty hungry.”

  “No, I'm fine lie down and get some sleep,” I tell him and he moves to the fold away bed, laying down, within minutes I can hear him snoring, and it makes me smile.


  The next morning, I get up, and my stomach rumbles and I smile, placing my hand on my stomach “I hear you little one” I say standing up too fast and falling back down shaking my head, I slowly get up this time and have a quick shower. Niya gave me a few things to wear, so I’m happy I have a choice, and that they're not any of the whores’ clothes. As I make it into the kitchen Bliss and Summer are sitting at the table, I ignore them heading to the fridge. I lift out various things, but the smell of the Chinese takeout has me wrenching, and I run to the sink and throw up.

  “Eww, gross Widow!” Bliss says, but I throw up again (fuck I'm so sick of this morning sickness) it zaps all of my energy, and I lay my head on the cool sink trying not to collapse. I wash my mouth out than the sick disinfecting it, the two whores just watching me and I turn towards them

  “What the fuck are you two looking at?” they don't say anything, just get up and leave, I sit down at the table leaning my head on the cool surface when I hear footsteps

  “You ok Widow?” Cuff asks me, and I lift my head.

  “There’s nothing to eat.”

  “Yeah, the Old Ladies need to do some shoppin’, you wanna join me, I'm on my way to work theirs a new cafe on the corner. Lilly says their breakfasts are really good.”

  “Yeah, let me just check on Asphalt.”

  “Ok, I'll see outside in five” I head into the room where Asphalt is, and he's still out cold and a panic sets in (why isn't he awake did I do something wrong)

  “I gave him somethin’ to keep him asleep” Doc tells me, and I let out a breath.

  “Is he ok, I didn't make it worse did I” Doc shakes his head.

  “No darlin’ the wounds good he just lost a lot of blood, it takes a lot longer to recover that's all.”

  “So, he's good,” I ask worried that I fucked something up.

  “Yes, he's good, how are you feelin’.”

  “I'm sick, hungry and I felt really dizzy this morning.”

  “Are you taking the prenatal vitamins.”


  “Widow you need them you’re into your second trimester now the baby needs them!” he pulls out a notepad and writing something on it, and he handing it to me.

  “Go to the pharmacy and get these, your baby needs them” I nod.

  “Ok, Doc, I'm going to the cafe you want anything.”

  “No, I'm good Razor already sent the Prospect out for stuff.”

  “Ok, I'll go and get these after breakfast.”

  “Good girl,” he says kissing me on the cheek.

  “Doc you seen dad.”

  “Yeah, he's outside.”

  “Ok, I'll be back soon.”

  As I get outside dad is sitting with Cookie and Scythe, and my heart leaps into my mouth, and I feel like throwing up again “Hey dad, can I use your bike” the three of them look up at me, but I ignore Scythe

  “What for?”

  “I'm going to the cafe with Cuff” Scythe looks behind me, his face expression ready to kill

  “Darlin’,” my dad says, looking at my stomach, and I just stare at him

  “I'm fine can I have your keys.”

  “Why don't you let me take you?”


  “Widow!” I can feel bile rise up, and I run to the fence throwing up again, dad pulling my hair back as nothing comes up and I hunker down on my haunches trying to settle my dizziness

  “Darlin’ you ok?” dad asks, and I nod

  “All good dad.”

  “Come on let me ride with you to the cafe” I give up trying, my stomach revolting over and over and the dizziness making it worse but I agree standing up slowly.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  My mind is racin’ a hundred miles an hour (she's pregnant, I just know it, but whose is it mine or Magic's) I watch as Sniper holds back her hair, she, dry reaches over and over “You think it's shock?” Cookie asks, but I just shake my head.

  “No, I don't,” I stand up walkin' up behind Sniper, Widow still on the ground, she stays down for a bit and slowly gets up Sniper helpin’ her.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask, but neither of them turn towards me

  “Nothin’, she hasn't been feelin’ well, that's all.”

  “Really! How long has that been happenin’?” I ask.

  “Not long,” Sniper says, Widow still not sayin’ a word as he walks her towards his bike.

  “I would guess you’re what, three months if it's mine less if it's Magic's” she turns towards me fast, but her movement has her stoppin’ than she falls to the floor, Sniper just catchin’ her in time. I run at them, but Sniper yells.

  “GET DOC!” I run inside almost knockin’ Gunner over.


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